HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 68- Smiley, Richard & Margaret Deed r I <1 I. GALLATIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION . WARRANTY DEED For Value Received RICHARD D. SMILEY and ELOISE W. SMILEY, husband and wife, of Bozeman, Montana, and MARGARET SMILEY VALLANCE, of Anaheim, Ca lifornia, the grantors ,do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto THE CITY r.n OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a municipal corporation of the State of ~ Montana, the grantee , the following described premises, in _____Q9J.J~.U:;:Jn___________.County, Montana, E-4 r.n to wit: ~ ~ A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Z ~ Northwest Quarter (SEt NW~) and the Southwest Quarter of the > Northeast Quarter (Swt NEt) of Section 26, Township 1 South, ~ I:l:::i Range 5 East, M.P.M., and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which bears South 89056'~13n Bast a distance of 61.15 feet from the center of said Section 26; thence North 12030'43" West a distance of 346.28 feet; thence North 18047'03" West a distance of 450.78 feet; thence North 06053'53" West a distance of 117.94 feet; thence North 01016'27" East a distance of 118.15 feet; thence North 11003'05" East a distance of 109.79 feet; thence ~:orth 21036' 59" East a distance of 237.21 feet; thence South 89049'25" East a distance of 89.17 feet to the West Quarter corner of the Northeast Quarter (NEt) of said Section 26; thence South 89053'05" East a distance of 1,333.14 feet to the center of the Northeast Quarter (NEt) of said Section 26; thence South 01011'38" West a distance of 1,327.05 feet to the South Quarter corner of t he Northeast Quarter (NEt) of said Section 26; thence North 89056' 13" West a distance of 1,271.38 feet to the point of beginning and containing 43.535 acres, more or less, According to a certificateof Survey, marked Exhibit "A" hereunto attached and by this reference incorporated herein, together with all water rights and ditch rights appurtenant thereto. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee , its successors, lleml and assigns forever, And the said Grantor S do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee , that t hey a re the ownerS in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances and that they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Dated:1ecember.,~,. 1968. ,... , . I / /< < tJr. Z ' ;1 r' ;/ /' ( " / /, ,,/ . I "" ,_', -", " ,/ ,'.' ,. ',i ,,',.., ",' .." ,"',' ,," ,,' '~riA1t5.~t:!Lt;,i , Ity.,.LtM-,- . 'iLOifE<:~:~:-SMItEY'" /n,,: ( i, -'~--. I- t: . ',-:;" f"r;' .. .____._u__ .. ,,,!!:;.:~~:;S[~~,,,,,,~.._1---\ ~~~.4:1/:"'f:""?':1-:~.f~ /1(:,1:. '~//."-' (-j ":",1 f.' '" ,,.....~. Ii) f. ~',I I "~.'.\Tlt:u ;', ARET MILEY V LANCE . . ~:....5.~~" l.../ {, , STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF GALLATIN STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF-;" -, ~ " ~ j.~ On this ) ,~. day of Dec. ,19 68, I hereby certify t.hat this instrument was filed for record at I~,-.""" t."" before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally the request of . appeared RICHARD D. SMILEY and ELOISE W. SMILEY, husband and wife, at ~.l'lm 11 : J.e S o'clock am., this 21 day of ....,' '.::: \,,~ , 1969 ,in my office, and duly recorded in Book h , \ ), '. \ \ I I : ~ ' ;. I II of Deeds at page'j"7 (, known to we'to ?e~the pet&9ns whose name S are ~ ........ \ ,'..- ....., I". , subscri~d4o-.~\1e.wi.1JhiP'.i~;tro,!llent, and acknowledged to r-' /t 1:.." _'~.~'-:..~:,~'~..']" me th~,~";" ,-t'h~y>. /- ':. executed the same. ________________,,___ - ___...._____________n__.____________________________________ _. ___. .___._., _. K / '.:- :.','.,.. ,,~,:;,,/ ".' County Clerk and Recorder B;.~_~.:)(~_ ~\ (:--\~-\:;~::~;:{~m-.-G?-~-u\uCft~..m----uD-;Puty, ~ i' ---i- '7- .c", (.,a.,'C( ;,.j, .-v - .,.--L_.{ V.' ---A---------'"--~:;<....-----"'c"'..'--'--'T-o-...:.:...":--2-----~---m---... ,.. .,-- ,. n_m__ : ~:'. ,- Nqta,l'y':'PulJIic for th~1 State of Montana -;. j'. J "'.~. , Resicli~ 8.(......~ ~.~~ma!1, ,Montana Fees $ ~- M ""'"ex h'e" Jg/J"'" "f .-J (T 191 a Mail to: I)' , "( . 1 1 y com~~SSIā‚¬ln P ~ _m:'.m____ _______""-___'_m_._____, um_. ~:ick Uc") 1'1 ,.... ,," . ,., I".l ,~l{ :':..e\,r8.3 .Vvl..... Ilj II , , I,. ~ ' 1/' 'I , ,~ , . ~ \ ~ 'f 0;::- ' ,,, ,,' .-.--, .~..~"",L,,~-._~__., "^,,.. "'. ~- ..._~-~~~- ~-- '" ,~ . _ .....~ ~ ~ W<<' ~ ~.~.~ - _"~..... <j!_ "" "~_"":lI. ~~""'~_ .... ~ ...~ - i ('~ I . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . ss. . County of ('/?A A/('- E. ) On this ~ t" ...'. day of P(-"c- C/,A eE/?; , 19(2'--', before me, a notary public ~n and for sa~d State, persona ly appeared MJ.1RGARET SMILEY VALLANCE, kq..own".tq me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the ~i\~~.~~~~t'~~ment, and acknowledged to me that she execu t cd t h:\~.<'ft<fRl(t:.:., .,:'.', :: ~) ..:" ,</' -.......~ 'O/".f. .." :. -"e /;',/"'" \";'./:' j t' '".7, /', ({/:~. - . : t -- . " ".1 : . ... "".:e:.z /~', ~, .. ." <;,....<.- ... <:.-. " , ,,'~ \:\~, ~\',~ "~t '::,;' Not~ry P:,blic."fo:~he State, 0(, ~""""'"""-~'N ....;J" C'd~fornl.a Res~d~ng at '~ ./ ^" ._'-:~.-~::,_.'."'.:. ,,- . " ., ~.~-:':':~:':~'7.:J.,~~->:': ,~.. ,.' ~', (". ." , . , ., ,..17 >'."s:l.:~J'/ ,I;>"C':'~?;: R., "~ILLk/\'A""'l.""l. ,L,IC'11ifornia My Co%m~s<'ion (~\ N ,. " . .',' .1":'l"'e~ca--. <: . <: . . ,~'" ~ ~~,. n."']-'J p'Jb ,.... - rOI' ~C~n11" . -, ,. - / : ~"'./ ~,.' "::','~. ~:. ,," - , .'; ./ ex) ires . ~I ~,., ,,) PI"NCIPAL OFFILL: I,. t "~I r Vv' ..., ~I " " Uk/\NGE COUNTY' . ',' l,{_ . ,..IVIfLLlliAI'll, ". ". c_ -,-- /.y CommiSSion tXplfes Nov. 3D, 1:;>1.>) i I ; , ~ t:1 )>- ~ ;9 0 ;;C > ~ i-3 m :::0 0 0 m )>- ~ C b:I Z ~ -f -< ...... <: :=- (tl ~ ""l (0 " 0 ""l p... g. ~ ~ ~ M- 0 .-.. .. Z 0 i-3 "".:l 0 ::tl ~ t:.'!'j (") 0 := d - h~ A.. (."'J ......,/ , , ~ .