HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 68- Graf, Eugene& Genevieve Deed . .C , . i "", ',' .. GALLATIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION ...i.... ~Fb~~ ~~ WARRANTY DEED For Value Received EUGENE GRAF, JR. and GENEVIEVE GRAF, husband and wife, of Bozeman, Montana, the grantors , do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto r/J. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, a municipal corporation, Gallatin ~ < County, Montana, G_c3l1a t in E-; the grantee , the following described premises, in ___County, Montana, 00 to wit: IJ;l ~ Z ~ A tract of land in the Southwest quarter of the Northwest >- IJ;l Quarter (S~\ftN1;vt ) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Two I:l::: (2) South, Range Six (6) East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatiu Coun~y, Morifana, and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Southwest Quarter (Swt) of the Northwest Quarter (W'lt) which bears South 89006' East from the \vest one-sixteenth (W 1/16) corner of said Northwest quarter of said Section Nineteen (19), a distance of 1,011.09 feet. Thence continuing South 89006' East, a distance of 219.62 feet; Thence South, a distance of 208.00 feet. Thence North 89006' \-Jest, a distance of 257.03 feet. Thence North 10013'30" East, a distance of 210.75 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1,1378 acres, more or less. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee , its successors heja and assigns forever, And the said Grantors do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee , that they the owner in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances and that they will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Dated : 19 April , 1968 f:"7 ~./LA.-~~V<-TAk~n~ ,- .A~ A7m"',' , : !N8EXED ( --,. .:., ,_.l"",L :,... ~;:;-.:.. -. ,tPL,;TTEtD~ STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Gallatin: On this 19th day of April ,19 68, I hereby certify that this instrument was filed for record at before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally the request of appeared EUGENE GRAF, JR, and GENEVIEVE GMF, husband and wife, 10:00 of Bozeman, Montana, at JfmitU\e'S~X o'clock am., this 19 day of April , , '. '- \ \ \ ~ I : 1 t. I ; I ! J , I f ~ 1965 ,in my office, and duly recorded in Book 1 .."..' \.,. I'. r "'>. k,IJ'OWn t90.me'm'Q.e4~ ~rsonS whose name S are of Deeds at page 731 ;uQs~lbedto ite~tmr,l-tnstrument, and acknowledged to CARL L. S TUCf<:Y :m~ t~tV l' t, fhlh~~ \ . executed the same. n_~ c~;;;'i;'ci~;kn;;;;dR;;;;;,~~_mmm__- " (/' ~. \ ~..,.. By, =Cc~-&'_cZ_--gf'f'4c'f!~puti ' .... ~ ',> ':, ,: ,: " ..... < .: .j:"' ...~ ,/ ;, ,'" -;- '.:' :4r.i,~~q;bii;~~~f~;;;;,. ~.' . , . , R~siding"'at""'a0~em'an ,Montana Fees $ -- , .':'" I"~ January 20 70 Mail to: City of Bozeman My comrrnSSlOn !".~fhres_, . -- ----, 19________, '111'\\ __"'III4-;,:1~..., "','-' ~ ._-,.~ l-I'~/"n 7~~ /'dt-., , r ? ,......"";. .. ~ -,~." ~"'.. -"., ref" 1-< !7" '" "( t" <l Is :5 d /ldd'/i/ '''''7 i! i : PROPERTY PLAT "-........ A ~reot or Land 1n the SW 1/4 of the ~~ I Sec. 19r T2S, R6E M P M I Oa11at n County,'Mo~ta~a · . I . I EAST PARK Sc:ol. ~ , inCh'" 50 tee t . WESTRIDGE '011, 09 to W 1/16 J:!:!L.lL1 S, 19 T2 R6E, S89006'[ 60.2S "'90 . 2 ~D. < ~. "0" cI LOT' /" 0 /~ ;:= ,// - --~ ,...-. - ..---~ - -- --- --- .. /' a ~,,", /' a , // <::fA., ,/ , , a r.:r o :c f't) '1- co ::J o 0 Ncn LOT \l ...U) ... k <::[ cr ~ ---- ---- c9 .. ~e' ----- " N89006W LOT .0 . . ...' - Description ! I A ~rqct of Land in the Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest One- qiwrter (3W 1(4, }f'~ 1/<4) of Section Nineteen (19), T'ownshlp Two (~) Scuth, Rgngo Stx (6 J East, ~ontanQ Princ1pal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, An~ describeJ us follows: reclnnl~e at Q point on the North line of the SouthW~8t one-quarter (3W' 1/4) of the Horthwest one-quarter (NW l/~), which beat's South 89006' Rast from the W~st one-sixteenth (W 1/16) corner of 8aid Northwest OnC- quarter of said Section ~lnetee~ (19), ,9 distance of 1,011.09 foet. Thence continuinG South A9006 , East, a diatanc-e' of 219~62 roet. ."..... Thence South, a distance of .:GOP.OO feet. ~~ence Nort~ P9OO6' We'lIt, 8 distance of 257.03 feet. ~~enc~ North lOO13t30"East, ~ distance of 210.15 feet to the point of beginning, contairiing 1.1378 acres , more or lees. D~lteo 1 .1une 1t, 1067 r ~ ry'I r) , ~ 1s toc~rtlf7 th~t I,Eflrl R. ~~:'f, n registered rrof~sstonal r~ n r: ',\, ,.,'. '! ~, r 1\ ' 1 T,n r' '1 ~~, I r"-' ..,;( 1" \) Fl \,;.., r:-I',le the eurvey ~f the 80QVO Jescr1Led T r', c t , ~~ I" ~ ,"-, '_, ,,1/1 ":C,/" !'cl,Ii\"'r\ wtth ~I.l.rvey \.laps were Bet at all corners as indicated, that the survey wa~ started on June 12, 1967 and completed on that date. " "'.,' .' \ " '),.... .....~ '.' ..... . . . ' . " '..:;" ... . . p...