HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 68- 11th and Kagy Streets Deed ~ I . (,:Om'D -1 .L / '"I_Ii.. {__:l f.j} STATE OF MONTANA, 1ss. f3i:T~Ta~=-0 / I '......i-.:..J~. I I Count]) of_.umm9_~JJ_0.t.i_D_nu..muoou"m_J 11:40 I :1 I :1 Filed for record this.__.f)____day of-.__._m_u__.uM..?,r_c;.rL.uu.______-'9__.9.f). aLm._o'clocqBA'nM, and I Ii Recorded in Book__J_.u._of Deeds on PagengltJ..of the Records of Coun~".uJ!-~Jl.?j:.~-m---m,.,. i / ~ ,,'- %' ,c'-' I State of Af ontana_mnQAm~___L.~___S.lV.Qy,:Jnm_.. Clerq and Recorder BJI x:<!.~~~-:t;Jt-(2- _-__f~e!!1 I i i No. 14 - QUIT CLAIM DEED. $ - - R t: C it 0 f B 0 z ema n .un .usuo.'". co.. .rLr.A, "'1. , II THIS INDENTURE. Made the_mm2m_._mda]) or_J.1~x:.ch__n_ppm._____muin the year of our II Lord one thousand nine hundred andms_ix:t-Y-::-_e.ightn_.m_mumu__mm__betweetLG.Z\L_LA1~rN._____m_. II t . _.. ';;9V.~~.Y..,_ _ 00 ~.. J~gJ. ;i;:tJ ~.'?_J.,. u~.~J?9.;l;'y' ;i"eJ 9n... _ _ QJ.. tJ}~ms. t_9_t~u_ QJooJ1Qn.t"an.a~ m.. _ _ m"__ __". _ n I' II I I: ~ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ~ _ ~~~ ___ _ _ _ _ _r~_r_ _ __~_~___ _ __~__~_~____ ___~ ___~ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _. ~u aw __.... _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _. ______ _ _. ___ _______ _. ____ _~ ~_. _ _~ ~____ ~ ____________ __. ~___..__ __ ___ II ________________00""________"00__________ ___p_____. .___Boo..U__U.oo__oo_uu ooUooB 0000... nB _ _ _ ._uuoouthe part.y.___.__ of the first part i II and _ .~:tt1~_B~~J_r.y_ u OF.. ,B.QZEMl\N.too _1':lQNT1\NA,m.9... P'Q J._i t .ic. ~.l.. S_ubdi ~.is.i.QnmQL _ _. mum 00 m 11 the state of Montana II I I _ _ ~~ ~ _ ___ _ u......,._ r"~"" _ ~ _ _w _ ~~.._ __ __ __ __ _..... *....~ u... _ _.+-. _..~_ w..... _ __._ &... _... _........~ ____ __...... _...... __ __.. ___.. __.. _... ~ ~... _____ __ _..................... __ __ __..... _+- __......... _ _ +..._._..... ......... _~_ _. __ __r.. I m.mmmm.mmm.__m_m"____mm.m__._c.m___.__m__.m_____.__p_mmu.the parL-Ym of the SECOND PART. II I WITNESSETH.. That the said part.__Y___u..of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of i the sum ofmQn!';;mD9.J.l_9..1:m&. uQth_e.r..:v.aluabl.e.-. c.ans.ider aticrDollars, ($.l.. OD. -OVC-m) I i to. __ _____ _ j::l;_____________.____ _____H.. ___0000____0000.00. 0000 _.00 0000 '_00 ___nuu nu..... __,.....,.,...... .00. ___.in hand paid by the s{jid I parLY,.u of the SECOND PART, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; do.~~_ hereb.'\J conVe!i. I I remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said parL-Y--n of the second part. and to.j,._t::_~__m_.mp_ I i heirs, and assigns. all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate. situated in the I __ _ _ _ ___ __..00_ 000000......00 .00." 00.. u. 0000. _nu _ _. _ n 00_ nu_" _00' u..._. _ _. C ountJ} ofu _ 00 _Ga...lla t in__ 00'_ __..00 oo. __. ._._h... _ _....__000. I and State of Montana. to-wit: u __uuuu_n__. __.____ ___p ___ _____ __pu__..uuu__... 000000. _.__00. .BU.'U___u.______._ _ ___________un I t i ......",. _ __J?~_~ S;X~p_t.t.9.!L_Sl: tt_?L<;J:H~9...E_:.KhJ.b.t.t... _~'.A.'_'__ _'.00_.__ _ __ _ __ __ uw _ ___ _m.. _ mum 00 mm nn... um_....__. ! I I . _ _. __ _'._ _ _.r.' l.g,:t.oog:t.tR.c..b~_duExhib.i.tu -'-'.B::. _ u _ _ _____ _ _....... __.. _ 00.. _ __.... _ 00... _. _ 00__..'__ __H_' _ __ _ _._." u _ _ _ _ _ __ __........ i I ... ~ _~..... __....._.. _________ __ _______ ____ ___.. ftrn.. ______ _______~___~ ___ ______ _ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _.... _ _._ __..... ___. _. _.............. ~ __.... _ _.... _ ~. _ ~~. _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ i . ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ _ ~~ _. _ ~ ___ ________ ____ ____ _ _. __ ___ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _____ _ ___ _~ ~__~~_ _ __ __ r_ _r_ _ _ ~~...___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _. __ _ _.. _. _ _ _ __. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __. _ _ _. _ __ I . _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ ~.._ _ _~_____ ___ _ _ _______ _. _____ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ __ ___________~ ___~~__r..._ ~____ -_ _.._ _ __.~ _ _ _ __ _ _ _. _ __ _ _. _ ____.. __... _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ r _ r _ _ r _. _ _ _ ___ I ! il __ __ __ ~_ _ __. __n _____ ~__ ________ __ __ _ _ ____ _ _ __ _ ______ _ _ ____~___n~_" ft _"_____ ____r..__ -- _ _._ _ __ _. _~_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ __ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _~. _. _ _ __~__ _ _ _ __._ _ _. ___ _ r _ _ _ _ __.... _ ___ I I II . __ __~___ _ ___ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ r __ _ _ _ ___ __ _n_______ _ __- - _ -__" _ - -~ - - -- - - - - - -_" - - r_ -- ___ __ _ _ _ _ _... _ ~ _ _.. _.. ~ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ r_ __ _ _ _ r _ r _~ _" _ ~___ I I I I . _ _ _ .. _ _ _ . _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - r _ _ r _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ ~... _ _...... + _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ __.. .. ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ " together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thcreto beloT/ging, and the reversion I 'I ,; and reversions. remainder and remainders. rents, issues and profit,~ thereof; and also all the estate. right. i :j I , title, intere,~tmmoonmmnnmuumummnmnummmm_propertJJ, possession. claim and demand whatsoever I I as well in law as in equit:y. of the said parLnY..mn of the first part, of, in or to the said premises and I ! I eVer:y part and parcel thereof. .._n.un. "_00_00_"00' ...n__m_... .._...._. n.n.n__...___oo.n________nnnnoo_.n_.n_.. __.________.__. , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances i j i j I I I ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r _ _ _ _" ___ __ ___.. _" _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ r_ _ __ _ _" _ _ ~ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _... _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ ~.. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I ! II ._ _ _ _ _ _ _... .._ _ _ __....._.. ~ _ ~._ _ ____ ___ _ _..... -.,. ...... ...-.. Or _.................. _... +- --..__~_.,._ ~.._.. ~ ..~.. - -.~.. - ~ - ~ ---- - -...... ........._ - - _ _ ___ ___._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ___ _ __ __ _.. _ _ _.. _ __.." __ _ n _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _....... It , unto the said partS-mm of the second parLm._it.s__.m.m_heirs and assigns forever. I !I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parLuy.--.--. of the first part h__a._s__n hereunto seL..it-su a handmnnn___ and seaL___.__..__ the daJJ and ])ear first above written, Ii \', L ,l 1/ I Signed. ,,,'S,pukd"atl'd.l>rp'V,ered in the Presence of I i ';"-- 'I ",J/.'.: '. /"'\,.:0 . ,/ ',.., ! AT;t;Sl\\~"":4:"~"":L'h \c."',I,Z~iL"!1 G.1.~L.LATIN ('QUh1T.Y MQNTilliA (5 ) I _<~_ _cL_ -;i--------nn~-'\:-.1:'i;"nm.nnn; ;_m.mnm... 00 "" .'. m__ . _.: . _ ,./; mu_"" EAL ~ ... / ',',,~~erk \'..... a Polltlcal SubdlvlSIDn of the i 1"-" .' ,,. ,\" ?fJ- ,_ ~"'f~,.,;.-..c-c-.--'n'"n'-::n'.:'ur-~-)~.mu---...nnnnnmum _s_ta_teoo, __?t_~~_u.oom.uu_....._u. (SEAL) J -..i:~~\$i "Te' ~'::\::0IN,;"NA, BY ,/'1-:;:/ . '--<~ -7~:~-. i .. '..' ~ . ,,,QFj1" T.11 } ~hairm n of the Board of ~ounty '. \. ~ f: ".~ \ ....-""'.' 't -.,. ... . ss. .......... l . 0 - . II c.u'iil~'~~~~,.'.nn___nn . commlSS lOne rs. :! ~ f :1 " 'f'Q?t1t1,s:...__.:/f ('y _.._ :,_._daJ) of m J1-_9.n;XLmm oon,"eteen hundred and. __ _R.-J-)'i"t_Y. ::,.E;:_;I;gJ} t._nm_ __nom before.1Jl~.~l~.tj.!.1~,Y.nl.\nQ.e.rS.9.n-mu-.mmmmoom--..nnum.-"...um_m_u.uma Notarl) Public far the , I, "'. . ~ .' ...... ' ... -,,'+~""~:"'+ ' ... I i! State of MOht~na, personallJJ appearedmRalp.hnl\xms-tr.ong-,m.c.h~.i.rmanmQfoo_thenBQg.x:cL.of I I I I i ; ,. .c.auutV...C.omroi.ssioner.s...o.f__Gallatin,. .c.auntY..,..nMoutana _~. _ _a.np.oJ...itical__ __. _. _ ___ I I j /&WlllNXAflJRi'.. u u _S!.J.Q9.-t.Y. .t_$_;i. 9XL 009. t...t. h_~_. .s_t. Ht ~_ __ 9_ f_.l1 Q nt_ ~H,lJA 00 _.. _ _ m . u. 00 moo _ _. _ m u. _. _ m _ __ _ _ _. _ _ _._ I i I II ... ........ .... "(0; '~;~~~d";~"~~ '~~';';;;;;'~f::':: :::::.::::::::.n..~.nn..n..~..::.:n...:......~~~:; .......... .... ...... I I : to ~e'JilK~'ersfJn._m_u whose name..miSmU..__H subscribed to the within instrument, and aclmoD,ledged I I "ih 'I) " h d h i :' ......'w"TTlC' ,.,qt.,~~~~\ emmm. execute t e same, i :1 '.:;= .....~;A ~/ V'{, fVlTN ESS WH I?REOF. I. have hereunto ,et '!'~ hand and affixed m~ OffiCi~ I I ! ~:..; ffJ!.t.~-' '~l1. ~ tJ!.~ da]) and JJear lTl thls certl/lcate /1rst~ntt , ~ I I 'I'" '..~ L i 1 -:. I ~':\,I. I ':. : II \.~<..5 g It L,..< / .mm No-i~r:Y Public t ih~J..si~-i~-~i7.J~-~-i~~~:.m I I' /'" .+' I II '",.~~;piJi~::a~~~m?!D.lmMQnt9h~L.""---..Ph--.--uM.Y Commission eX1JireLu.Q~t.,___J.4m____, 19....7_9.. I :1 '..., "", f fl.II",," :1 i I " ~ . ,"^. . . .. . ---, . ,,;o.G'j;:;i L':XHIBIT !I l'~, II Any ana all riqhts to the folla'wins; road r iqht of vJay 6esc]:.ibed as a tract of lo. n (~ sixty 2et"lt widc in the South oDe-half (.'3 ~2) of Scction I~irteen ( 1 '" ) Township Cl'wo (2 ) -'-- .~ SalJ th, '-'~('ij1'J8 I"ive (5 ) .C~2St o:E t:ilC Ilontana j"",.lc t:- j~ (; i. 2. II , :e in:; the count-] coad :c ,ig"l"t 0:2. \vav a ~3 ou-tlincc; ar1C; ~:'~; C~ :-~~ c.,~ ,;.~. ~.:, -; -'. ::~;; "::. in Road Petition i:ilumbeJ: 622 and accepti::xl ';-;~l l:-.":_. "'". ,_~ ()"U rl-t j.' Ll.!.e Commissioners of Gallatin county, Montana in Book 32, paCJcG 5.'n - 5118 and 554 of c~ommiss ioners proceedings o.n(1 further descciljCO as follows, to-wit: i'.tract () :f Ian::} E3 i::ty (C; 0) fee t "\\).-L ~~i C~ 1 tj-, i-,~ t. '/ ! 'V,) \.. u feet each si<~(~ of -the followi~"j(J c~~ c s C ,:.C i"] ',~.; e (~~~ center linE::; 13cqin- nin'] at the ceBt~r of said Section Thirteen (13); thence south 0 06' East along the North-south one- quarter line of said Section 13 a distance of 1335..2 feet to the south\'lC;st corner of the north- west one-quarter of the southeast one-quarter (N,,!1:jE) 1:':\;) of said Sect.iOn 13 marked by an iron pipe with a track spike driven in the top; thence North 89014..6' i:.; along the east-west one ~, ixteenth line of the southeast one-quarter (S E\) of saie:; Section 13 a distance of 2646..55 feet to the East one-sixteenth corner of said Southeast one-quarter (SE~,:r ) of saicJ Section 13. The abovc~ (ic5crj.,i:jcd right of via;' to becornc~ a _~a(ty of the -::Ltv of 13oz\~~Plo,;,-'1, :'.}011tc.J.na street:: s:lrjter~~ , 3. flC~ as Si".'.lCY\ c:i cc:j, C.l. 1': eel to the public use.. ~ : j ~ 7 ... .. ~ .. ....-- .. -.....--.... ~~.&~~'--'--""-""'~'.~ _.~". ... . ~~~,:,::~I:-:;IT 11311 -- l~ ~, r" '> I ,;';' ~j \..--- ~<.... I I - , ( >;-: I I,n-"'? IV , Lo',,'>', ';'. ~ ~"), '" / ! .J .", ,.,L. ) D I nKIP5,P,;..1.'1? g,(/.'::,P6.'^' '.,: ;--.-- -------- ""''']':;'''',1'''.-;)' -.--~' .-.-.-. -'lug:;:"i'.7 1'1 I ,-- H"'5-f ..>0") ',' \ (,,'.... 1.3,:) : l i I\~ )____M_.. _ _ --.- -"..,--- _ __,__1..______ ------ ---- ------~ '--::. - - //Tff ,.;'->';:' ,'" - I S 00" 06 E i /3 "$Z ' - - - - , .. I ' ~ , '" ~ 0 I (.. I 1 , ",\-, '0:':- (' "'" t\J of '.'" 0. I :) '2 , I ~ , ~ Cj " "-1 t! '\ ' \ t)'- ::i ~ "" '-'r, ~-IJ ~.... i IJ) ....,. ~ ~..... ~ \'1 r, " \~ I ..... I' ~,' - ...... -.;; ~'I' I ~\ \;.J ,':~ ~ -, C, " ::::: :,.) .', , \:" \.:.. 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