HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 67- ROW NW corner of SW1/4 S29 T2N R6E Deed .)'~ .. ~ ~ ,~ aODK 155pA(lt41:l~ NO. 't",\.-(&I;I'1' CI..\JM DlIllllD (C"rp.....tl.,n) . sun PUBUSH1N. .... NILUA, ..Nf. This I ndenture, Made the.u.uJH:h_....uday of._..~~~.~~J?~:t;'._.___...._in the :year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and.Jt~.~:t;y~~J~.~~e.u...u..m.m.between ._.lh~_J:;J.J:;y..Jtfmnmmmu .. .B.Q.~~~rt........ _ _" ... 00 nu.:..u.. U ............0......00......'. uuu_u, u. 00""",,'" 'h _ _ _ 'pu _..._. ...00 .0000.00 00 U u. u. nn nu:.u.... muntt:-ipal....".. --. --... - - "'. .-. ...-.-. ..._..u_.._n__...n.nun.."..._. ..un..u .-.. --.." ... - - - -. .,__ -.".". ._.00..... ...,. n. '_0000' ._..00... ....,,~ a/ cOfPorallQn QrganizeJ and existing under the-la~s of theStat~ ofu__Man_t.ana....m_..:..unm.muu..'mou and_ ..."" _Th_e...: rJ,~p].j:'~... _uu 000000 o.uuu n_un. .h:..~_~u_u_. _ _.__ _ _.. U n n... u..n....,. _n..... .___........... .n.... nuhuuoo.uoou .. .. .. .... .. - ~. .. - ~ - . . . . - - ~ .... ~ . . ~ - _ ~ - . _ ~ _ . .... r _ .. .. _ . . _ .. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . .. _ ~ " . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ _ . _ ~.. ~ .. ~ . . _ _ ,. . r _ . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . _ _ . . . _ _ _. _ _ . . & _ _ . . .. 4 . - . - .. ,. . .. . ., '. . .. . . .... ..., .'. -.... ~ . . . . ,. .. . . . - . . . . . -.. ... - .. . ... .. . . -.. . - .. . . . . -. .. -, . .. . ~ . - - ~. . . . . . ., . .. - . .. . . .... - " . - . . . .. . . .. - - .. . . . . - . - .. . - . . . ., "'. . . . - -.... . - - - -. . . + +..- . - _.. _..w. _. ___... __ _..~. ".oO._ ~. ~ ..__..~...... ..~_~.............. _ _~ _~_. ___ ~ __ ~_ __ __.. ___A. _......,......_. _. ~_""'_""~oO ~~.......... ............. ~... ....'!'..... ~ ....... ~. _~_ _ __ _. _ _ __. _ ...____.....................,.......__..... . . . .. .... -.... ~. . ,~ . WITNESSETH: That the said P4rt.Y.....o! the FIRST PART for and in consideration of the sum ".,. of... One.. .and. .0.0 110o.ths.~ ~.~~.'!'-~~.'!'-~_'!'_~~.'!'.!'! .'!'.~ !'!.:"I'.~!'!.~-!'! -'!'-~ !'!-~.!'! .-:..Dollars. ($...1...0.0.--.- ._,. ...) ~~;:::;_~;~-~E~~N-;;-P~R:;.--~~-R~~~;-~;--~;;;~~-~~;;;~~~~~~~~i~:~n:::~~~~::~a~ ~~n release and forevef quUclaim unto the said part..._...Y...of the second part. and to_.....J.t..~___mmmheirs and assigns, the f()llowinR described real e$iate. situated in the........o.H...,o..hmu..oo.....m...H.._..uoo.......... Count:y of..mGalla.tinhmuh............and State of Montana, to~wit: ,.A,. .~tgh.1;:.,:". g.f.:-:W$.Y... _ fg.+... x:q~.t;1.. p.1J;1;''p'g_~.~~. __ "1;:.9.. .R~.. .g~.q ;i&~ t~~L J9_+... P.lJ 1:?JJ&.. hl_~. ~ w.... . _ -J;QX~.Y.~;t;... thJ;9.1,:! g.h...t.h~. ..B9.~emaJ1..C.+.e~.~.. .Re_s.er.y.9.it'...a 1.te.. .19.c.a.t.~g... iJ1,.th~....... ..~~.~.t;.~W~.~~___~P.~.~.r.._.9.f...th~...~_q~.!:;b~~!j.t_..q~...r.t~r....q.f_.S.~~.t;Jpg..Z.9.~__.*~.~.~.h.tP... 2 - .$.9.1J J;:JJ ~.. .R~J).ge. ,.9. - .E#)..~j;:". ..M ..P..M..."...t9....'be... ..us.t:[i.P.. .9.t. . land. o.S, j,~ 1;yu ..(~.Q) ...f~.~J;: in . .Yf.;.4 ~~.. J:. y'~p:g.. .~m.r;1...J?,~ ~gK.. tb.!r..t.Y....{~9J ._.t;~.~J;.,.qg.. ~~c;: h...~l~~... q .f.. ~R:~._. ~QJ~?:w~ng oescribed centerline;. - m ........... - -....... ~..............-.. -..... -......... ........... ..... ........----. -. -------.........-................ ........... ......................... ........... ....- --.... .---.- -. -oO ...................._..._ __. _... .............................41....... ..,..... .Beginning. ..at. ..a...p9.in.t...9n. o.t.he___we.~_t. .1Jo.e.. .9J.. _S.~gJ; ;L9.Uoo.~ 9." _. _ n. _...00... .... mm.. Township 2 South, Range 6 East:,_ MPM_,-__.Rh:i&h__PQ!._nt Js _ .00 m "'30'" fee't... sou!:, J.'i"()"f...t:lie"weS 'e";!t'(ii!'1!:'et' - 'cOrne'r"'O'fh's ater......, -. - 00 moo -.....00. ......... .---- - ~p ~ ..... - mSe.c t.:Lo'G ..29")"". -the-nce. .;J..n....n...e....ter.lyu.c.U..x:ec.tion:.30...fe.etoo" W"'m _. ... ...0.'";-..... . moo mcif~~~ia~s:~~"i~~~2.~~~.~u.~I.S.~~~c~~~i-~4~~~fe~.~f~-~li.e~~J...iii-mnn......m ..'..:.~ -. - -- -.. '8" 'sotltft-easter 1 'Yn d.i1!'ee t:.:i:Oft.. a-loagn ,8-, -cttt:ve no-f. .&.. J:"ad-i-us..... 00 -.. -. ......... 00 00 00.. .. m ""~!u~~;rf;.e.JI~e~tt-~~D.~j-09-~e;.~,5'e;':f.t~l ~~~~g'~a*~fier""- ..h-m,.m...mmnm .. -.. -... to" tilEr .we-st" - -line" 'of,..ths""SW:\: "o'f. -'S aTd" 'Section" -2 9-;"'a""" -......... ,.. h m -.... m. .. 00." ._dis.t.anc..e.. af_ _ .4.5.5- _fee_t._. t"o...the. ..south. .line. _ _Q.f.. the.,o. _ m.......... 00 _.00. _ 00....... _ moo.. NW~ NW~ SW~ of said Section 29; being in all a total . - -...... ifis t'aiic.e" 'oif - 'c en fe'fl'iiie"'crf" l1:SS- 'fe'ec" 'ana' 'C-C51i.-t"it tntng..... -.... .... ........ - 00...... ...00... .1-..63-- -ae-t;e-g..;.. mo-r,e.. .oE'-. -less-....... ..00..'. -.... -........... - 00...........0......00..'........ _. 00_' 00""'" 00" _ 00 00 _.. together with all the tenements, hereditament~ and appurtenances thereunto belonging. and the rever~ siqp.,'(!'fitJ'Nv,ersions. remainder and remainders, rents. issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate. ...",,'\~':: c.:... S'.... I;' , , "~.",./;~ . " .~., ffghtf.IUk:.JH~L'o.""o.'.''''''''h'h_......mhoo_..m..._._propert:y. possesslOn,clatm, and demand whatsoever ":","- ." ,', ~/ ~ . { ~~~Ils r&:tlirrla~._"as ~ equity. of ihe said parLY..of the first part. of. in or to the said premises and ever:y ~ - {part~4nJ'fJarciJ. ih~eof-.- -.. -. 00 nm... "0000 ..._.........00...00 .00.... ..........0.0000 _: 00.00 .._.... "_ n. _. m. _....... .....m.. m _.:00.... \:: \..;;' ':'.,;.T.-Q '~iI...fdf AN I?~_ T~_ H~LD, . all an~_ singulart~e said premises. _ _~ith the appurtenances .'. -:....." ~ ~ __7_"''' ~ J'_"'_:'~"'~'~ ~""".~o_ ~.. _ _. __ ~ _ ~ __ __ __. _. _ _.. _. _.. _. _. _. ____...._..._ ..~.................. _..~ + ~..... +...... r..... _..._ &.. ~ ~ ~......... ~ +....... ~... ':"+ ~... ~ ~. 7 _. __ _. ~_. ~ ~ ~_ _ _........_ o ",' ,\ , - __, . .- \0,' - - ~ . .~.. ~ : : ~ ,. ~..", ", ~...... \. ,,-'.:. . . - . . - . . . . . - . .. - ~ - " - . . . . o. - - .,' . . + . . . & -... - - - - ..... ... .. ...... .. . - -. - - . - . . ~ ~ - ~ .. ... . . . - . . . . & . . - . . -.. .... ~ - ~ - . .. .. . . . - . . . - . - . - - .. . ~ - . . . . . . . . . - . . ~... . ~ . .. ~ r .. . . . _.. ~ ~ _ . , " " . . . . . ~'. . . . . . . . . .... _ . . _ _~'. . . . ; ,. ~. ~.. v . . _ 'L ~ _ _'.;<,,~'':'' ~ ;~~.~ ..,_ ~oy(: .. .. + _ .... . . .. II...... . _ . _ . _ . _ 0 ~ . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . & ~ _ ~ ~ _ _ ~ .. ~ .. _.. _. . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . _ . ..... ... . .. . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ ~ . . . .. .. . . .. _ . _ . . . .. . & ... unto the said pal'~,j;.!.~.,..t1te~_~R;J:,:P.(ffJh.,--,..-Lts.- ..heirs and assigns forever.'" . IN WJX^'..~~JJr~~~l;;~,itl;~ar'tJ} of the first part has caused its corporate name to be sub- scribed and-,'-its:- !"ii:A#~4fi!~f~"t~'1ie"?~fli~eixbJ} its proper officers, thereunto duly authorized, on this 8' - . 'L." ',... ';~.'r.~ . ~~. k)' ' , 6 7 .oo._.oo___h....:..~.[...~~ lol:\H,~.~-._f-~r;;~..-..'..~.....A. D. 19..0...00' t/'; ; l' ... -( ':~It "";"~"'~ ,"1~).; ,.... :. '/ ... , .... : ' \\\ v ,<-' ,:N"" f '.':"~ ~ . erry Qf. ,.OOZEMAN (.. \ '\.. ...' \ I ' ~..... l~. ... " '. ,.' , "i.' n. . - ...... -nn--n.....n.o.noonr~ho.hh_.........u..n...... ~{ p',1~~,."I\d~~""4r.:...'~~-::\~tt.tJ,,. ~ .:..~ ~'J'_r"/r<,"" ~'/~-"""_ ~,' J'--/' . ' ~~ ",' jY'~ ~ 1""'1' " :iI'.. "..... !" ') ..- J..-' ,r.... ,~-- "-,,.,-... r.J-' \ ~ " ';....Z!:~ ,-' " , . - -"'-' ATTEST 0 " ','. . . .. "o..~~'.n"'''o.oo..n....... ~ ~ ti,,~ \ " .' III .000000'00_ ~,. '--,.~~. In-... -J" ..;-......000.00........_..," Ma, yo"!"' ~rhm; , ,,; } ~ ttt r' .~ .__'.'C .~.:' 'y'" T. ..~':; ~ ~ C:-='~r:~o'o- Copy of Resolution autJiorizing sale is attached hereto, being Resolution number 13 , passed the 8th day of November, 1967. ~ ." " . .. ~ ,'II aOOK 155 PAGE414 counl::;:~Q~:~:'~:~~.:~:....:..J... On this..,..._u_...~m.......da:Y of'_'_~''?~~'~~'~'~hm:................__........:inthe :year 19...~.?.. before me ......uoo..muu:::..the.dJ.ndeX'.s.{.gue.d...........h_...u.u...mn..u..u.........mm.......' a Notary Public for the State of M o$ha, 'petsonallj 'appearedu~..~.9.J;l).y.ng...f..L.S.~gJ~y........mu.___.___uuu..u.........'..m......m tnoDm ,to me(gr p~~~~~ tb~n1e on the oath of....uu.,....u..ei.tyuofuBuzemarr............u,..u.....,u...-..) to be the...r~uM.:y.or........u........o...mmm.m..........of thJ~that executed the within instrument and dc/motMedRedto me that such corporation executed the same. .. /. .'. ',' r\".",~tl;lt!t1711" '\'(/~~: ..",1',1 JR. i~"",JN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haVe hereunto set m.l1 hand and affixed my official ,\.~~ ~~ < \I 4 ,.t.," I , ~.~...q ~ ~'I " , " ',.'.~#,.'::";:'",'-\ . ....wbe...."" y.... in 1m. ffflificale . sf .b""" Z / .. ~ .....'.'\'l( .~- 0,"'""/"';'<'. ~ . .::.~:~\~' <JI.i.1"': .'1' . ::; "~ . .' '. i 'Ii '; -I:: ' ~ ,: \:\V~:f~ J. 1 '" ' ',' ... ... N~tary p~bf'ior the State ~f M~~i~~~:"" ".)Io",Sl:"L' ;:", \, ~~lidi,;R pt:~~liI:IDa;Q....MQJ11;ftI\fL"""'''''h...M \l Commission expires....fJ:#:f., p....n......19..l!g.. '!Ii' ....' ~ . ,. ~ ;;~ 'c ~'iI"" ".. Noll Pub ;~;, ~ 1I,' l~"" , " rre for the State of MontaM 'f, ,ll)"l. :,,' HIrI!'lHIIU " Residing lit Bozeman, Mont8na , My CommissIon Expire, A""l",t 17. 19,6c .,~, ',' ; " i ~,.".".,' S;,:;' , ,'~" "0 L. ~ ..., ';-'-'"'.'-'.' . ..j - ..'~ -~.._-,.,- ." ~~~-_. " " , . " , . "." ',' ' , . .. ;, . .. ~. , n " .. . ~ . , . . , . . .... /'..." " , , . .. .-:~0>...^~...~:';:rt~~~:~~~~::o-",~J.l,,~,,!,~--~;,',(.",,~.'-~",",""'" .,....... .,"'J,I...:,,,.. .-.,~Lj,.r ,4 ,,''I"<~.4:-~'!'I!''.\l',l:J~,~"' ,..,.,.._,..L 1.~.lIn1)."'~,w,~,"".,'~I'I"':~:~~,.~~~', ~.,;'. ,.,. - : ~ .. - ~ <:I ['-: c:: "i C) 0 ~ PI ~[ ~ Q;l ..; S t:i -C 0 r--"--. ..: 0\ ::! Q I.., <:I ~ Q) : . - ..... 8 u I.., o . 0 if Q) .! iQ !!&:: ~ . 0 1: I:: I 0 lJ Q, ~ . i .: It)' : 0 0 <: . I iii I' I t ~ 0 . . H "" -.: <>., ,'$ g' ~ 0 s:= " 0 lJJ 1 '. .~ ":.:-.1: : : U"'\: '..-4: 1>-1 : 0 ~ ~ ~ I- 0 ~ ~. 10':1: : : : U"'\: '() -f.': ~ 0 : 0 E 'og ~ ..-l ' , , 'rl ' . ~o {) . 1m <; .: : ' , , " u' , .. ' , ' 'ri' ~ I'r) c. ~ ~:.- : : : : : , .: CJN ._ I.., fS o m: oS : ooA:' : : rl: CIS E-l ~ " ftlO - - ~ rl : : :: CIS: s::=: CI) " a: ~~ -~ N f,il. ri : ~ : l"I : : 0: eo: ' \ I '"'" I C) . I I I . ~Co-I U~ 0' ::c tt., 111: 0 J.l: u ooA:' : :+):. : erl E-t o l"I Q)' ~ 0 ' '~' ~ ' ~ >ti 0 ~ 0:\1 :00::: - : 0::: .0:: ~ : : 0: ... ~ ..... 'I%.. Lt.l . . . ." C'"\. ,::E:. H Q;l ~ l1'5 0 (.) : I.., Q): : c:: ri: : : p:: ~ +) .- H E-.; 0"'-'" '..-l '::S _ ..... 0: 0: ~ -:t: : : <( OJ tJ..4 H ~ 0 tV: rl: Q;l : : ~ 0 , t.) ~ 01 E-t J:Q ~ PI ~ ~: ..: "'l:.I : : 0 H :::> -~ '-t:....' .. V) s '- : : 8 IU : Q;l :r.... 0 p.. ~ " l:ICl'- .j..)--- ." 0....: :\ltl:.s PI ." p:: . "u : tfl:t::c..:V'l co-. . . ,''i_ .. ... ~ .. .. .. .. . - " . . COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1351 -- A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO EXECUTE A BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. ~~HEREAS, the City of Bozeman by and through the City Commission, upon the recommendation and approval of the City }1anager, has here- tofore, to-wit, on the 26yh day of June, 1957, by written memorandwn, entered into an agreement with Murray A. Nash and Effie Nash, for a road right-of-way as hereinafter described, in exchange for a water pipeline easement heretofore conveyed by Murray A. Nash and Effie Nash to the City of Bozeman pursuant to the aforesaid written agreement over and across the!:!:ast Half of the Southeast Quarter C,} c'E'! ) of Section 6, Township 3 South, RDnge 6 East; and, K:i.:> I;;; HHERElJ"S , the easement and right-of-way hereinafter described is not held in trust for a specific public or municipal purpose and it is to the best interest of the City of Bozeman to complete said agreement by the execution and delivery of a bargain and sale deed dedicating to the public for roadway purposes the hereinafter described easement. NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CO~MISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AS FOLLm~S: That the Mayor of the City of Bozeman, Edmund ;::- Sedivy, be, and he hereby is authorized for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman for valuable consideration heretofore received by the City of Bozeman to make, execute and deliver a bargain and sale deed transferring, conveying, granting and dedicating to the use of the public forever for roadway purposes the following described -- eaSffinent and right-of-way, to-wit: A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width lying and being thirty (30) feet on each side of the following .. -, .." , .. ... . .. ~ .. . " - . described centerline: Beginning at a point on the west line of Section 29, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M. which point is 30 feet south of the west quarter corner of said Section 29, thence in an easterly direction 30 feet south of and parallel to the north line of the SW~ of said Section 29, a distance of 455 feet; thence in a southeasterly direction along a curve of a radius of 175 feet a distance of 275 feet; thence in a southerly direction 630 feet east of and parallel to - the west line of the SB\ nf seid Section 29) " distA1!.Ce of 455 feet to the south line of the N(,Pt;NVJ1z;SIJ!::; of said Section 29; being in all a total distance on centerline of 1185 feet and containing 1.63 acres, more or less. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission at its regular meeting held on the 8th day of Novembe r , 1967. ,/ " . ATTEST: ~" (';~~~"''''~'';''''',..r''''' \.~~'''''''/'''''',~''-';::'~,~e~ "',",,,.,:,.,~:,:, ..,...,. . I,., ',.' Ma y or ",/ / ,//1", ,.f" .0/Y~'I,'!>'-/c;+( , . ~ss ~on . - .. { -2-