HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 67- Graf, Eugene & Genevieve Deed. '-. ,'," i . " GALLATIN COUNTY BAR Ass8g~tI01-5.}~'~O,\3 ..' J WARRANTY DEED For Value Received EUGENE GRAF, JR. and GENEVIEVE S. GRAF, husband and wife, of Bozeman, Montana, the grantors J do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the CITY ~ ,... ...', OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation in Gallatin County, ~ Montana, E-4 th tee th:f 11 . d 'bed i' Gallatin C t rI.l e gran , e 0 owmg esen prem ses, m ________mn_________________m_______ oun y, Montana, to wit: ~ A Tract of Land in the East one-half (E 1/2) of the Z Southeast one-quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Eleven (11), ~ Township Two (2) South, Range Five (5) East, Montana ~ Principal Meridian, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, _~__._.-,-.....---.. -Mont.Qn~. """9, A........._oI ~_A19 "'Q) 1-rS t ..oo.;"'-'.';'--~~' .-------- .- Beginning at a point which bears South 89024' West along the North line of said East one-half (E 1/2), a distance of 555.0 feet from the East one-quarter (E 1/4) corner of said Section Eleven (11), and South 1137.33 feet to the point of beginning. Thence West, a distance of 274.0 feet. Thence South, a distance of 888.4 ,feet. Thence North 89054'30" East, a distance of 274~Ofeet. Thence North, a distance of 888.39 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5.5881 acres, more or less. In accordance with the certified plat marked Exhibit A hereunto attached and:PY~ reference incorporated herein. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee , its successors XJe.ia and assigns forever, And the said Grantors do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantees, that they are the ownerS in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances and tj ut L~ \;~ warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Daun: , 1967 .. __________. ___.,___.___"___~. .._n'...... .n'.".~~....... .__~_._~..,"..__......_..___....____ INDEXED,- ~ L1 ~ " ., - " ,-,,' --.' ~, - .----.---'-. -- ,. --PLATTED __-1 - ---.- ~i,9873 -- -r-' ~-----..- ._. -----...-- -,-~,--- STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Gallatin STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Galla tin: On this day of , 19 67, I hereby certify that this instrument was filed for record at before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally the request of appeared Euggne Graf, Jr. and Genevieve S. Graf, husband and wife~"'(tf Bozeman, Montana at 8: 10 ~~ o'clocka. m" \\\'.~II!'If'I., , this 24 day of July , "",.\\~~ I~"""" 1967 ,in my office, and duly recorded in Book 154 , ~ ..... v'-',! ',' ~n~l'frlffi-e{~ij~. .~~'~~~on S whose name S are of Deeds at page 343 .~ l~i' ,~~~~~rUJtrumOex ::~w;::~:~:. ..________g_~rR1__J~__~____9J:JJQJ~I___'__n_m"."".__________________n__.__...__._____________ ~ w:" '-:r ~;~.. ....,;r;\' ;.... . ~ ~ounty Clerk and Recorder ..'. ~ ~ '~'. ..... L~,l :~'~+ : .\','., .... ., '~, .,..,.., r-- x.. ;.l\.\I;. *' ..,...... 1\ ../7 :;,\.-,~~~..'. '," : .~l,,: li.., 'i_i ;\'V\ ' __~_ ____,~. B __ ___ nom .._ _____(d_~n _""_ ___________ "'_m.___________ __ _____nm__ _____ '-, .y'^'.... .... tarJf PUblic for the State ontana ..." I. ........ ." ... Re'~ld)p,f!\atS~~.efu~n \ ,tana Fees $ -- ~"-'-L",..u.i\::l.\II' , ' - n - -'0 .' My eO~Ili" ti expires_____"mm.__..__.._______~_L,---n--. 19___1.___, Mail to, Clty of Bozeman -- ---_.. ,.-- - .-. ~ ~ -'..................... '. . -.. ~O~~~v PLAT . . . A m:", B_C t of Land in the E 1/2 SE '1/4, S II, 1'2$, R5E . . M. P. M. =-J Gallatin County, Mcntana ~ __~ORR~~ON OP 151Dee~:.__~~~2 and 154 Dee.. ;~204 ~~ I -- .- ~ ~ c.. _ _ t& Iv' lJABCOC.J.:.. -T _ _.&5'4:0 /'/,L.'n-e ev;..-, 4't4/, .s.rr2."'~ - -'f,. - - - :rcc/2 ~ ~~ I I 40 t I I .1).. "- Li 725 RSE:. - -1:...,"\.....:.:I \ ,_. ,.- -"._...,-~.. ( ; ~~~ ~ ~ SeAL-E. I Jr7c-h:/~;:1 ~ \) I C\J I II) I." WEtsT oi" I .r Bet?,;,,, '''.!I .Po_ 274.0 I.t> ,,, W. KOC H ST. 0 IIIJ /II '0 I DESCRIPTION i i A "':>u.t cf Lard in t:l<~ Esst one-!1alf (::::: 1/2) vf I t~e SOltheast one-~~arter (SE 1/4) uf Section ~leve~ (11), Townsnln Two (d) Sout~, Range Five ( ,>) 38St, r.:C(1tR'1'.' Principal lII.rld~E1n, City of I 3ozeman, uhll~tin Cc~nty, Montan~, (ini je5crib- e.l flS 71)110....8: Begin.....! at a ilDoint w'-:lcht:.;ears SO'Jt~ 89024' I 'Nest alen", the Xorth line 018a1d East ene-half I '" . (E l/~), 8 die~ance cf 55[.0 feet from the Ea8t I ~ I , "-'l.h ,~,., (:: 1/';) ccr:1er of s1311 Section \: ;::leve~ (11), ~rj Sc~t~ 1137.33 feet to tne 1I ncint cf . e ~.)lrinE. '------~ ~ "'- Thence~est, ~ 11stance of 274.8 feEt Q) r...~ ~ ~ : ~'T'he nc~ So lth, a 11stance (, f PP F ..:: fee t . )...-,. Q:I 0 ~ui ~ ~(Thence "C~tl r~O:.<-,',_JI$ East, a '1istarce lif ~~ ~; '7 4.;:: fe e t . I I ...." e.".cp ~~C-\~~.J., G. 11 stan "~ e c:' ftf.~'? feet to t:le I ~cin~ .' {\ ",~,,_~_.-"r -ce, C (,:1t '3l.l'J i r,c. .v~fl ,_< ere s , I ,-. :"ure cr 11"5s. I I ~.. ')ate1 ,"T;ne L, 1~E7 _,,__.1 ~ ---" , , . , ..__.~--