HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 66- Kirkwood Baptist Church Deed . . - . . . aOOK 151 PAGE490 INDEXED ST ATE OF MONTANA. } :. ~~'o9 PLATTED ss. Count:y Ofm..m.G.~1J~t~:.t.~.__n__mm_mnm_ 9 3~ Filed for record this..5_2mday of._"h..m.mh__.J_1JX~~m_m__......l9_~f?_h aLLn 'clockmA.!_M. and Recurded in Boo~.1.2.1.__of Deeds on Pag.,l./)g__..of the Records of Co~__~lla~ State of M ontana. g:Mn~_J:!.~_m$_T!!.9J~Imnm' Clerk and Recorder B m~.-!;_m~mr:Z_'_ m nn._. NO.4-BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. Rt: City of Bozeman STATEPUBLISH'.OCO"HE NA,NONT. This Indenture, Mad e then_mm_~~~~_._n_m ______n_da:y of _..mu!:rr::!:_~!:...._..n..._ .n."..._.._..__. in the :year of our Lord one thousand nine hundredm_~.t_~~Y..:.f?J~nm...mm.no.._'hmh'hnn"h.__m_m.m. BE TWEEN __KIRKWQ_QP.n_M.fl'lS.:t'_nCJ::lJ!B..C.H__9.f...~Qg_~~Jh_._M:9_:ntAn~.,._n.__ ____n_._n_n.___..__ .n __ _._. _. ___ _.n_._. __....._....._ .._...._._n_._nn_ _____ __.___nn._...__.. _._ __..........nn..n..n._. _._.part..y.. ._._n of the first part. and _ c.IT.Y_..QF. ._l\QZ.EMAN..,...M.ONT.ANA .._..aumuni.c.ip.aL.cOl::p_or at i.an..,nn.__ ._ ____n__ ____._.__ _._.. . _ _" _ ~ ~ r~. ~~.... ~_............... __ ____ __........ _........ _.... __... __ _ _........- ------.....-... ....-.............- ---.. -.. --...... --.... -- --...... -- --.. 'O---........ -...... - -.. --.. -...... --- -.... -...... -.. --........ -- -- -- --......- the parLY.nn of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said parLY-umof the first pqrt. for and in consideration of the sum of.QJJJ~mP.QJl.a_t:__&mQ_theX'..:u.aluab_leo.i~_'?.~~_~~_~:~.~.~, -- n{~.1,_Q.o.n~n9:v.~:J.m..of the United States of America. tOnmmitmm_m_min hand paid by the said parLY-m a/the second part. the receiptuJhereaf is hereby acknowledged, ha.liL. grantecL bargained. soU and conve:yed. and by these presents do_~_$.. grant, bargain, sell and conVe:y, unto the said party___. of the second part, andnJ~_l?ml~_~_~_~~_~_iiiiand assigns. forever, all th_at__oomnn certain__um..mn_____..m__.. pieceoom__., or parcel of land_._.numuummumm_.h_mummmmmuuu_...u__.oomusituate. l:ying and being in oJ~.9_?~~P.:.__um.....o.....ummmmmn....uunmm...._u....umumm._mmuuuu._uu_mmm..u. in the Count:y of ooGa~latin.u.......nmuum.__..____..um__u__._m_m, State of Montana, particularl:y described as follows, to~wit: ._ n.unn_....__......uu_n____u_ _n___ _._u_n______u____ __ __.____ _ _n__ ____ ._____ __ n___ _____ ___ __ __ _ __ _____ _____ ___ ____ __ __ _ _____. _____ ____ o-~--Ki~ ..~r.~g~nP-f. -\~~.~vl~i-~~.:lo~i~.Er~l~~~ii~-~6.5.~~-;t~~f~-.~.~~.fii~r~~.~j~ _ _ sc.X:J..te[..a.s-.-~-0 iYoWS-ymtO'..-w.J..t-:. uu. _ m nm _ m. mmm _. mmmnm _ 00 u _. um 00 um _ 00_ _m. _ moo mm _ n. . -~r' .QrB-~g;!.nninf-.a.t..-.:t:he.--sollthw~t-r;.1M _ucor.nex._.of._-Blo.ck --4.,u.K.irk.-S.eco.nd UD y~s~~n; 2enc:i North 00 2~ g81 E~st alon~the we~erly line uo-fns-ai. ht 'ee~n nftn .i:st:.aneen"6f-u 4. -;'54m -e~tn.~'O.. e-.nort ester' y.._un.. .-~~~t~~r~iui~~~---~}Q~~i~;.Bf-g~tig~..~.Q*i~f~*c~.4012~.oE1~;i~1~~n~esoii"tii . -00-002-5..-3-8.- . nWest-- -~a.r,a-l:l:el-.-t.e-.-&nd-.:3e..-fe-et...di-stant-- -eas t-er-ly'- -from"sai-d" .-w;ig.~!.~-j..l~~-~r~~c-~l~~..~i~-R~.t~~..~.o~f*~~r~~.l~~eJ~i-.-~~I~~-~io~~.-2.;....--.... o_~hence__. . 01.1 th.--S-9...1-6u.Q.7!-Iu-W&st...al.o~-- -1:; he. .s-ou-t-herl"! -. -line- -o-f-- -s-ai-d---Blo-ck ..~u_~u.~!_~_~~_~~_~___9J_.J9.....Q_!.._f.~.~!;_._~_g._.th~_.P9Jn.t__9J._:b_~g._nning;_______._._.__._......._..._._.. Containing within the above described exterior boundaries ~-23'8---iic;;'-es---ton-D-e"'a-ea-ic~i"ted-'I"or---theu,us-euc;f--t-he-upubficu-for--sii::ee-E.u---..- o -pu..r- pQ.s es. - -f.or-ever: -. - - - - - - - - 0000 00 - - - 0. n' _ _ 00 _ _ _ _ _ _n _ _ _ n _. _.. _ n _ _ _ 00 _ _ 00", - - -........ - - -.. -. - - - -".... 00'''''''00 -.... _ c' -.. _ _.. c - _.._ . -~ - - ~ - - ~.. ~.. ~ ~ -~........ ~.... --................ -.. -.... -.. - --.. - --.. - - --..... -.... ............. -.. -.. -...... --.... -.. -..... - -.. - - --.. ..........- -- - -.... .....- ..-_.... -.................... ....-_.... __a __.......... __.... - _.... - ~......_.... - - _.. TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an:ywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders. rents. issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, nnnmmmnnnmoommoooomoomoomm m.__m...__...___m__mmoono.nm_._..._o._....n..property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever. as well in law as in equit:y. of the said partYum of the first part. of. in or to the said premises, and eVer:y part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said part.Y-m of the second part and tOni..ts.--su.cc.ess..QrS.n~mlii'h'\:as~gnsafofe~$ro Iu t io by IffjVfl/tftfSo1f~~~'STil<i:J~aiiB.ff~-@d o.Jege H';lfu~arfo~~fffll~n'~rO:bfrcribe 1amxJmik!eKkxx~kllboxll(~ b its Trustees. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of t KI. ooD .' PTIS_T _ CHURCH . ____L --"<;~ :JL _. _mmm.(Seal) oo__n._.._u..____u.____n.n..oo___oo___nnn__oon__noo.oo.Uh...nn_.u , ,( // (' " rus t ee o.____.__.__.oonn____n_nnn__n_nnnnn_nnnnnnnn.__....n_noo__ 00_00:_ _.nnnnn_.___"n __n_~ 00_ _ .____.nn.u_ (Seal) - . ." rustee STATE OF MONTANA.} ",4 <d." jlg..-./ / Count:y ofmJ?_~J_l.;\t.i.n_u..oo__..mm____mh_ ss. " Trus t ee On thism_nnm?_?o~_~_....da:y of--..m._.h_!:~_:r:_~~__moooonm_.__._.nineteen hundred and._~.~~_~_y~_~~~.. before memmmmnmt:.b_~n!J.J\g_~~~.:J.gA~g_mmoomoooo._mm_mm_..._....na N otar:y Public in and for said Count:y ofmmm__mmGalla._tinoommnmnmm_mmnmm_..n._.n. State of Montana, personally appeared ..- _Q?;Y~J ~.~-- _~.!...~~.,...J.Q~.~.p.h..A!.__~~~, -.~!}~___~~;-_~~;-.~._.f~ :!-_~~ ~~1_~___u.. __.hn____ __.__ _.._ _. _. kn9.wn to me_c.1;_Q..J?~_ ..t:_b~...~.Q~;t;.g.._9.f._1::~_lJ~ t. ~_~~.__Qf.."1; h~_ _~;tJ;_~_<?.g5L. ~~p ~_1:~_1;:.__~h~:;-_ ~h .': ...~ 0 ' . ',>~~~~~.-----------n--nu.-...nnnnoon------oooo------n-nnn.n--.oon.oo..-----) "nq,tcrlie.l{te~.eet"l5_~Sm whose namenS__are______nsubscribed to the within instrument, and aknowledged to ,:~ --./ rnreihlJt .__>i:hiymu. executed the same. "0 t:,' ' . ..,..' i / :iN~WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereu 0 set my hand and affixed m:y official . \.:'.~ .": 5.:.% 1 ..al. th, da~ and ~ear in this certific___.___"S.tu~__~~~uu ~.....h....-;~>.,/~: Notar:y Public for the State Montana. . gJ1~id(M..!1l~~u)~-<?.~~~g'---~gg~~-~~-m..m.---u..o.M.Y Commission expireL_?~n_:J.~-:.oo~rymu. '9n~~__ I ------------.-