HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- Monroe, Lyle & Evelyn Deed . . . BOOK 154 PAGE14~ ST ATE OF MONT ANA} t:;,(~') .51.2 INDEXED , ~ ~vf-.l ::.a: PLATTED Count:y O/..mQ~~.!~~_~_!?-_moo.n..mm._.nm. ss. 1. 10 P Filed for record this..6..muday of.m.m..mm_JUDe..........._...mI9P.Lm ar..:.....o'clockmoo~ooM. and Recorded in Booq.'J.5.ltooof Deeds on Page"J:.4.A-..of the Records of cou~t:y Q moo9.?:J:J?:~~.oo ...... State of Montana. oo...CARL...L.tmSlW:1.KLu. Clerk and Recorder B .......t;?(1l4... oo..~ .-!:!!::.~~ NO.4-BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. Rt: CitY' of Bozeman No ee STATEPueL,SHIHOCO..H E.',MOHT. This Indenture, Made the....mnm..;2mm._mnnmda:y Of-m...h_..T./..!..!2..e.oooo..m.__.m in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred....aixty.':".tiv:e._m.m_moom.mmm.oom_mmoom_mmoon BET WEEN .LYLE._E..,__MONROE. . and.. E.VELYN..F....MONROE,_..huaband...and. . Jd.f.e.,oo.o..f._.B.o.z.eman.,. .. mMDn.ta.na.,__ ___d, __-.mm..mm__aa___am.oom..oo.nm.parU.fHLn of the first part. and . ..... . CITY. ,OE..BOZEMA1lJ~__MDNTANA~.. a..muni.c.ipaJ....cor.por.a.tion..-. .._.. ._...oo.n..._......._........... ---. . ~~ -".. -" ~"~...... ~_.. --...... ~...... -- --.. --.. --...... -...... ---...... --... ......... -- ...-........ ...--.----........- ..-- -- ~--..-..-- -- ----..... ---- --.--.. --..................... ---.......... --.... - - -.. -- --.. -.... --........ --.. - -..... the part.Y...n of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part.ies.nof the first part, for and in consideration of the sum ofmQn~ooDQllaru&_.oLheroo.:v.al.uablen.con.sider.a.ti.on..n.oom~ ooJlJ:!.QQn~n9.Y.9_Lm.mof the United States of Ameri'ca, to.mth~ID....m..m_.in hand paid by the said part:y.._u.__o( t~e~e~ond part. the receipt whereof is hereb:y acknowledged, ha_y.e.._ granted, bargained, sold --, and conve:yed. and by these presents dOmm grant, bargain, sell and conve:y, unto the said part.Ym of the second part. and.i.t>>m$JJ..c_c_~.eJ52rJ5_heirs and assigns, foreVer, all th.at.oom.___n certainoo..___mnmmm....m pieceunoon, or parcel of landmmmoommmmmn...hoo.nmmm.mmmoomoomnmoooosituate. lying and being in nn. _ n.G it;,yooQ:LBQ7;~roM....._m.mnoo oommmoo.mm___.oooon._....oooo n mmoo __ ,_ m _ n.. mm m'm _, in the C ount:y of .__oomO:allat.innm......m.m.____m___.~..m.mmmm. State of Montana. particularl:y described as follorvs, --:- - 0 to~wit: _Th~_.w~~t~r11_.IQ..i~~t_.Qi..th~._~Qutherly..23..2.-f.e.et._of.. Lot.. 6_.and.. Lh~. .w~.st!;rly. C; .10. .feeL. .of_ .Lot..2.,.. .Blo ck._5.,...Br.unton~Ealffy..Rearrangi9ment..of_. Dux .ston..Subdi.:vi.sion... 8 r-l .t~_ .~~~m~n~..M~nt~n~~ ..m~r.~..p.Sl::r.~;i.~gJ:Sl::r.J,y' _.~t~"~"~r.t.t;>.~g__.~.J?.J91J9~.~~. ":tg:7~:i::t.; '" _....... ..... .n...". 0(# ..J3~g;i,nn;i.ng..Sl.-t_.th~..~Quthw~~t~r.1Y-..Q.Qr.n~r. uQf.. J.,Q,t...7c&.. B1Q.ck. .5.. Qi.. .said.. BrJID:tQn~... ........ @. n "" ~ ..c: ... ..r.?:~ffy:..~~?:~~~g~~~!!~_.?f..P.!-!~~~?!!n~!-!~9:~ Y~.~J5?n..i. .:th.~n..g~...~~.~~~;r:J.:{..!!J:SmK_ ~h~.. .._........"" ~ southerly line of said Lot 7 a distance of 10 feet; thence northerly parallel ~ ............ _..... n _... _... _ __. _...... _.. _... n _. n. _.. _ n... n _ n........ -... u.. -.. -.......... -. -.... -...... n........... -... -..... -......................... cv . .... ~~..~~..~~._f~~~. .~~ ~~~~..~~~~~r~y.nf~~~._~!).~. "~~.~}:.e:.r:hy..J.?:!:~..5?f.""~:<!-;i;~..~~~__1..~!!~_.~~~... r-l westerly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 79.2 feet; thence westerly parallel ~ o ...... _ _.... __.. _........ _... _.......... c." ._..._. n_' _ _.... n... ......_...... u u... _......... _..... _...... n................. _...._.......... _. _.... _.... _. _. .,., ...-.~f--i8gf~~tgt~~~~eg;~~~~1~9.f~~~r.~~..~~ia-.~i..g~.~{~~~~~"~~~h ~;:l~~l~n~..~~:tMQ~ ~ <IJ ..- --westerty' .tInes'- of'c!;ot. '6"Mnd"7' .to..the"prilnt..t)r-l:fl!~lnn!n_g';"""""" .-.. .............. ............. ~ .......... _ _.. _. u. _.. _........ _ _.... _ u.. u.... ............. _ _. _... u u.. ... u..... ...... _... _... _...... _..... c' ~. _ _'. _ _ _ u,',"u. u u _ __.... _... _... __..... OJ n ~ . .._.Th~..abQyft._deacr.ibftd_.pr.Qpert~__is__he:re_ by_. deeded.. to.. th.e..City. .of._Bozeman.,. .-- ...- -..... -- -. 8 _ _.. .MRnt Sl.-nSl.-.,...r Q r. .all ~y. .pur.pa a~ a_ _and. .1a __ ao. n dtadi.cat.ed_ _ to nthe.. lJ.,S8. _ of. _ the.. public...... _...... -- TOGETHER with all and singular theteRemenls.u hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an:ywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders, rents. issues and profits thereof. and also all the estate. right, title, interest. mmn'mmoommmmmnnmmnnmm mmmc_m.._unummmununmmmm.....cupropert)], possession. claim and demand whatsoever. as well in law as in equity. of the said parLie.s. of the first part, of, in or to the said premises, and ever)] part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said part.Ym of the second part and top.it.s.us.uc.c.e.Ssor.5.nmmu.Atel1,i and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said partie.sof the first part ha.v..e._ hereunto seL_theiru.u han~ and seal.~L. the da:y. and :Y~ar first above written. A'P ---:z: SIgned. Sealed and DelIvered In the Presence of I ~L t7r ~ .n.n..n.n.nUUcc..uoo.uuu..nu.nunuunuu.nuu.u.._nu.nn .u. 00 ..~un.nnn.:...~....57_:.u..~.nuu----uu eal) ,// _..............._._.........n.n.~.....__......................_.............., u_. .~.....e..-....---u.F...~Seal) , STATE OF MONTANA.} umu(lm ss. C ount:y o/..m_Gallatin...mu__...._..mu....._ On thiLnmJm.mmc"da:y of-.._.__hcu_\Ln~/?emmmnmnineteen hundred andmsixtl}f""fi1z:e.., before me.mmmmt.h~m\IDc;l.~.:r..e!.ig,I).t;.<;l..m.umu-mmoouu...mm.mumumma Notary Public in and for said County ofmmmm.Gallatinoomu-.uu..m.nnunoo_mnnm.mmmuc, State of Montana. personally appeared ... -.. - - _L;y:le .-R... .Monr.oe. .and - .Ev.:elyn. _R.. .Jt1onr.o.e. ,.._husband..and_. wif e.,............... ...... _ m n.. _. u... _... _ _ __ kIl0Wtl'ttt;inc-. ."U' _"'00"'_ .c.. 'c_......... .'n.>_.n_.n_.n... ........ ........_. .... ,:. ',":~,\~,',t~.":'".."~,',,,:',,,,~, '~~,I1,~,'~~~,..ji,-"~,.,,.,w~, =........;~b;;;;b~.;~..th~..:itii~.i~;t;~:=t...a~~~0Le~~~~.to ~ "" ,t!-:i,lI\'"y ~ '.,~ ,.. ...,;:. . '.. , :,' .' ..,.'.,.\,i,(ti~A.;yl~, t,....,.:"..~"~ .. .~,Tm;:" executed the same. , .' I/o'i ., /?"''''i', ......'~"', . ~., {Jb1f;hi'~(\;:::f,;-<' ~.~ WITNESS WHEREqF, J ha~e, hereu~to set my h?nd and affixed my official :, ~" ,.,:, ,:f,+"'1<1',','y,,','~~;W,,,.,I,'~~,l,'?;i(:,<: " =',seal, the da:y and :year In thIS ce~tlfl(;i2t /lrst abO))e~,r~. r-- " : J . <.l..~,..',.,,~.....','~d', . ". :: i /:,' / "'. ~_./ /z/ ::;. , ,:..:!.,.......'t o'f:j .~j...' :. .: ''/ ;; -~ee.("'.- '" ,_" ?~__'~. ,~.-.C-' ( . " ",(,t '''. 1...( . - . ~ hn.nnn.....hoonn.u. nu u ....n.u .unuu ~; 'I'\}:':' \4'~~/'''::",,:~~ -.l Notary Public or t e Stat of Mo;'i~~~:.m.u. , ".... .t.', .... ".: ~'\ \" ,-.-> '''7<-' '" ,f r I' , . ,. oj Y ,7 . i'11 RfA,s~ ,ot,......BQzeman,...Montan.auoooom..u.m..umM:y CommIssIOn exprresJ~&~4:'_ij(~:X:_.~":cC:m.. 19_4._ __' '''",q,H ,~. I ''r.'.'