HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- Durnford, Robert & Annabel Deed 4 r 4 145 BOOK 10' F~GE Filed for record this.m.....m_...._da:y ofnm_.........__...._..nnnnm...nmm, 19...__..... aL...muo.clocq........M. NO.4-BARGAIN AND SALE IJ.JtED STATE PUIUSHINII CI.. "ILlNA, "8NT, This Indenture Made the_..m............2.rZ...........day of.....~"-...-J:....~n.7..............;.... in the l1ear of our Lord one thousand nine hundredmnsix.t.y-:,:f.iYJ'~...................m...;__n_.nn_o...m....... BETW EEN...._RQB_ER'I..F_..._11UBNF.Q@___~J.lg...~>>.~J,....Q.....PJJ.RNf.QRP..,...b:t,H~~.aD.Q...9.ng. .Wot~~.,....9.f...~9.~.~~!h..J19.g.~.~~.?.L_.._................. .......... ...n... O' nn mmpartl~~.. of the first patt, and ......._......_.___.J;.I:n::..Qf.__.:aQZ.~N."-.J.jO"Nl'ANA.,,.....1A._tQ.Moic.ip.al_.g_Qt1;i.m:lAtlQD.J......._... ..."..'O.............. ......... ... ........ .... ...................... .....__._ _.. __...... _.. _............ ....... .......... ..... ........._ _.... __.. _.. - _.. __.......... ..."... -............. _.... ............ ......... 0 the pO.J.ty.... of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said Part1_~.$_ of tne first part, for and in Z consideration of the sum olOne..D.ollar...&..Qth.e.r;.Yaluahleuc.Qns_iderati.o.~ . (Sl..Q.Q...~n9:v:~ln.m.._.of the United States of America, tOumm,~~~n.mnin hand paid b:y the said 0 0 . parLYm. of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereb:y ac/rnowledged, ha_Y.~. granted, bargained. sold 0 0 and conveyed, and b:y these presents do...... grant, bargain. sell and conve:y, unto the said part.Ym of the .-l <n- second part, andu1tS~.s..ta:.~""~_u~ and assigns, forever, all tha.t........ certain................_._h.n........ .-... c: · Ctl"CI piece........, or parcel of land..............._.m...............uun..mo.............................situate, lying and beingJn .c::Q) ~"J.I .c.itY.:.Q.f-.Ba i~wa.n...... ......... ...0..... __ n_" n ........ n....... .... _ "._.. _ _....... 0 ._..._ _.: _: _._m.." ..., in the C ount:y of .r-f en=' _G~J.l~J;JJL__.............n......._.u..n...m._............, State of Montana. particularl:y described as follows. ener Q)Q) ~J.I to.wit: .'Ih~...~a..$.t~x:1Yn.1.0...fe~.th9.f..LQ_t...2..".nBl.Qc.k.-5.J. ..9.f n.a'tMnt.o.n:":'.ralffy...B.~~. ~en ~!'~_~~g~~9J...9.fn_J;:?gF_~.~.9.~...~!-!-.l?gJy.J.~.!.9.n...!:.9...~.9.~~p:A..l1g.~!:~n~.J.._!!l:9.!'.~._ P.~!'.7...... 00. 'ti ~ ~!.~.~ ~_~~.~Y.._.~~.~.~?;.~~_~~.n~~... ~~.~ ~?~~.l....~.~::'.~.;;.~.....~.~g.~~~~~~..~.;_..~.h~__.~_<?~~.~::..._.... CO~ 1-fU) ~~.~_!:.~_~1.Y...9.Q!'X!~~_..gJ..~.Q~...g...9.f...~~.;g...>>JQ9.l<:....?;...Jh.~ns:.~..~~~J~F.J:Y...~JQ~g...th!i. Q) "CIQ) Q9X'.t:;h~~J.Y...l;t.n~. ..9.~...~~.~~L.~9.t.. 2..._~...g.t~.~.~n~~...Qf.. .19_._f.~~_~.;....tb.~ng.~..J?Q~.t..h.C?~ J.y .r-f :;j en~ ~Q) p.a.x:al1.~1..j;.9...an9.__19....f.~~.t. ..g..l.~.t.aJ).t;...~e.$.t~X:~..fX:QR\..th~...ea..s.:t.e.rlY...lin~...Q.f._. 0> t.:)Q) s.~otQ._1Q.~. ..~...~...Q!.~~~ns:.~_..9.f...?~.!.~...f.~.~t.~9.+.~...Q;t;'...1.~~~.J...tQ_._~h.C?._~_9.g.~.h!:.+.!y..__.. -~ ~~~~...~E...~~.~~...~!?;...?;....~!?-.~~~.~_._~~~_~~E~Y...~_~~~g___~_~_;~._.~.~~!:~~!'J.Y....!~P:~_..?~...~~.id ~g.;:...~_..~._.~~.~_!:~.~~.~...'?~h.!Q...~~_~~___~~m~~~...~!?.~~~~~.~_~!~E~.Y...~.~:r:.~~E.. .~_~...~.~ !.?:n~~~. 2; t.h.~n~.~_.P:Q!'_~h_~;!.Y.._!!!g_~g.__!;h_~___~~~_~~!"_!y._l ~~_~..9.f_._~_~J.~._~Q~...g_..~..,~;_~_~~.~~.~..!?f 7.~.!.~ ...~~~.~...~.Q...t.h.~n.t;.~~.~_.P.9.!P:!:...9.f...R.C?.&tmJ..:J.Dg,.......');h~...~R.9.Y~_._4.~_~f_+.;tJ?~g.__.._.. ._._. .-- ~ - - ,. p.r.Qp.~.+.t:;:y'..j..~o._h~1;.~RY.__9_~~9_eg.__.f;.Q_._t.h~.._CitY... 9-f..B.QfJ.e.ma..n~.nM9nt.an~.J...JQ1;...~11.~y P'gF.P. g.~~.f?..~.g~L_$.9_n~t~~U..~g.~_~9n. t:;9.._j;_n~. .-'J.~.~...9. f_.t h~..p.~J?J~.<;.,..._n._. ..... .._.. ..__..._............._ TOGETHER with an and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywiseappertCli1]i~g a1]4~b~ 1~~S!2n,and reveraiom-remainder and remainders, rents, - ."-~- ~ ~.,.,._. issues and profits thereof, anJ also all the estate. right, title, interest. .........h...._h_....._mm.u....._............ .........._...._..m_mm_......_...mmumm._m..propert:y, posssession. claim and demand whatsoever. as well in law as in equit:y. of the said parties of the first part, of, in or to the said premises, and every part and paT'cel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO HAVEAND TO HOLD. all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said par~... of the second part and tou~___~g~g_~~~.Q~_~.....xlrailllxznd assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said partie.Sof the first part ha.Y.~ hereunto setj;.l1~J,~."u.... hand and seaL.s.._ the da:y and :year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Pr..ence of I ~__C~....(Seal) ... ............ ......... ......"...... ". -.. ..-- --.. --..--....-..........".............."."....".. ........ ..." ........__..___........____..__iO__..........................__..............___.................__.. llul4--PE.,Jf~fL'---m. (Seal) STATE OF MONTANA, } ss. e ounty of.uo. .Ga.ll.g.t~;i..J.1____.nmmu.....h... On this.".___..l:fZu..u..da:y ofm..umuuiL:::.uL;f.umm_m....nineteen hundred andm.~~"~~Y.::!Jy.e before me.........the..Wlder.s.igned_._.........___........mm..___m.m........a N otar:y Public in and for said Count:y Ofm.m....G_allat_1D.m_mmmmm..u.mm_......h.m.mm.' State of Montana, personall:y appeared ........._Roher.t_.F.._._Dur.nf.ard..and._Annab.el._C..Durnfor.d.,_._husband..and...wife_J_.._._ /rnown to me............................ ............................. n_............................................................... n.......... _.... - -. r . 1 '6ax~KilRk:klx1xotBIXlIlIiK::lOt.u.................-n.u. uu_....._.... ... ,U,' 00......... 00............. .......) " ~ \ l, , I I I J f., J 1 ':,.' .,,\\I't'o..be'lhe/tJ,~f7e,ps__.. whose name.S...ar_emmmsubscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to "" .';b..... '/1j1;; d h :.' l'~ ,m~':';"i'a#. .:~,.;. ~u_n execute t e same. ::- ....., ~ 1 A'n;:' "{N--FITNESS WHERE9F,.I ha~e. hereu.nto set my ~and and affixed m:y official , ; ~}i.i"i ,. 4<, l r ~eal, the dal> and ]lear In thu _tl~2" ~ ' , , L.":~,, ..: J :;: ~ , " . '. '",I ...........- :: h.. .. . ...huuunnuuu .__u.u ...~uuuun-uu.u.... . .... .,~ . \ i . - N P bl' f h S f M ,A '. '. .,... ....1 .' .... 2 otary u Ie or t e tat 0 ontana. . ". '.' .;.', .,' ~-",;;: ~ 6'"7 "" ,")~Sf~;dt!;~",,'r.mB9.~~aD.J...Mo.D.ta.n€J...........-.M:Y e ommission expires.-'/'Z.t!.f:fl7.2e., 19.... ._ . /., I ",' -.... ",,:' 'tlftH i nIt' ( " ',. .f.....~ hi 3 INDEXED 0' '. ~ ~. " ,"'"!l - - ,.'~"_'-.lt PLATTED 8 = , ! i . \ , . 'J-k, ROBERT F. DURNFORD and ' ~,' \ . \ c,~: ANNABEL C. DURNFORD . \ ,:'~' TO -" " ,.. ',',"'- "'- ./ ."'" ,.' ..,.", '~::;g..' ",' ,. '.,,,., \ \ .11/. I II . ....'\ CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA '1/ll/lil'IIII\I'.\"'-' f--l;o .' ~ '" . Deed - Bargain and Sale l \ ! Dated ......u...................... ......... _.... 19...._... ~' ~~ State of Montana 55 I Q.2~~Y...9.f_.Q~JJ..~~.!.~........~._..._......... Filed for Record ............ n. n_.J 1m ~.. .6........~. .. n........ 199.7.... : i; I I I. .......................... .................. .............. .............. ................. ..................................... .............. .................... ' , at...J..;J_?..__..__~_....?.~.~.~.~.~.~. .. .nn...~ !:. ........M.. inn.....~~_?~...m~.?~...... ; f of DeedJ. page........~~?.n._._...__..._m.......m. ,i CARL L. STUCKY ! ....... -.. ........... ..... ........ ......... --... - ......... -. ...-.... I By.~~i~~ ! i Fee: __ D~m~ UM-U-WZ Rt: City of Bozeman