HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- ADA Inc Deed . .SOOK 147 PAGE482 _" ; ~, l . .I' , 1 ..... .II. "" NO. 4 - BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. STATE PUBLISH'." CO" HILI.A. .e.T. , Th' I d 17th - IS n en t u r e , Made the................ ....._.m_.....da:y of.m.mMax.kh_.....n....n_................. in the :year of our Lord one thousand nine hundredn..f?.!.xty:::.f_i..v.gm.hn.mmn...._...n..._....m.....nnm..h... , ., . BETWEEN ....c.lT_Y..9.f....~Q~.~~.,._.MQ~JAJSA,...~mW.1JD.:i&i.p~.l.J~.9.r.P.9.r.Al.ti..9.D.)m.m.._.... ,. .. ...p.ar.ty...Qf._thg..J!.h:~.t:...P~r.J;.)..._{m~_..~_Q.A_.IN..C_'_)....t!..K9.D.t:.aDJ!..I;.QX'.P.Qr.at.iQn....:wllh nJt~nprincipa1 p'lace of business at Bozeman Montana Rartv of the . .. n........ ......... n n _. _. _... _00_......... 00 _.. n...', _..... ._00_ _ n n._ _.._....... )....... ......... _.n..t_.. ...... ..J._n_.... -......... ...s. ec. Qnd.. p.a X' _t_... ......... _. _ _. _. _. _._ _ _. _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.. n. _ _............... _ _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ 00................._. 00 _ _.. _ _ _....... the partY..m. of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part.:Jn... of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of-9.J;1~n___Ps~1J~;r;_..~_..Q~h~;r;._.y.AlJ!J..t!p.l~n.c.Qn~.i.c;l.g};_at ~~ ..($J.,-.o.Qh.~m9.Y~.tn....of the United States of America, to.......:M:............in hand "aid b:y the said partY...mof the second part, the Teceipt whereof is hereb:y ac~nowledged. hasmn.granted, bargained. sold and conve:yed. and by these presents dOne.s..grant. bargain, sell and conve:y. unto the said part.~.....of the . successors t second part, and to___=bt~...I.....mxlmim and assigns, forever, all th.~_..._..._ certain.......mmm.............m piece............, or parcel of landmnmm..............m.... nn__mm..................n........situate, l:ying and being in . _ QJ~Y... gJ_. .~Q~.~~.D.. _....... _ n', _.. n.' _ n.. 00_0000. moo. _..... ....m.... m_'''h ...0.... ............. nm., in the C ount:y of ..Ga..l1a..tin.m....hm.........n......_m......h...m.m.' State of Montana. particularl:y described as follows, t .....t. A tract of land in the EJ,; NWt, of Section 18 Townshin 2 South, o _1 . Range...o...Ea.sf.;...Moti.fanEi..pri:-lH~-tp.Eit..Ke't'lttt~.tr;".6rr"reE:it'-'w-ia~."ana"'620 -....-n.....;~.~~.-*Io.~gm;Q~...~.;rl.~~~...l?~F.P.~~-~.~...~P:~..~Q!.~...P.~!.;!.~!!.:h~~.!y....g~.l?~f.!J?~gn as LOL ows, LO.W L: ..-.,-.--.........!~~1t~~i~1ofito.~bio~~~~~.~*~~Ik*a~.Q~~~tr~.~aJ;~~Qv.~.~~%~a.~&y.rn....--- ..... _.h _ n_.. -.tbc-rQ.f.flc.~... Q.f...th~. --c.&1J.nJ;.Y...~.l.e.t:k...fJ.nd...R.~.c.Q~.g~-&.""i-9gMU.tY.- - .Qf........ ...... Gal atin, Bozeman ~ontana; tFience Soutn 0 ~ 10 East a ._::.n..........~~~-~~~a~.~f~.lt~t~~...~h~~.t;~e.~-.~r~.f1;o~~\;~~rn.~t~~~h:~f{e~~~~n..-mm. nmmmnm~~i~e~si.f;.t.~3ta-i~ist~g-.t~I&...t~1i~h~a~t~~I;lt1*!n~fP-~o~~~d......... m.m.m.m.~~g-~1a..~~~~li.~io~~~~A~~*&!~~!a.rji.~~e~.~f9.6n.~~~~~.t-Jft~g~.e...- ...... _.....,... Ea s.t.. _!l. _ _ gJ ~ .t.t!9.c' ~... Qt.. Q~_QnJ ~ f-1;;. nJ;9...J;h~...~a._~_ J;g]:: l.Y....ligg _ _ 9_th .~.aic;l.......... . '''~ th~nge ~orth 0027'10' West along said line to the true ... ....:.. _....:. .R:. _.,_: ::""~~~Q_ n_n. ~ ..I.. .Q:DJ.:ng,!... n n _. n _. _. _ n .........n.... .... ........n _.. ... ............... ._n _.n n. n ...- .............. . ...~... ..:_,..::C~9~~t;..iJ:itiI1.&..~lt.h.:i..J;\-.-t.h~...fJQQy.~.-.g~.$.~x:ig.~g...~~tex:i9.t:..hQ1J.l1d.at:i.es......_ . _ .854 ac~s. _. . _:.....:... n :=:. n. _ ~...:~~ ~ _ =f..... n..................... .... ..... _... n n....... .... ..... ._n ...._0................... -. -. .n. n' ..... -... - - .............. - - ~.. '-. ""- >:. .:-.,. ~~.-:.... .:S.~~~~}~!".~ ~J~fl:..J.~~.t?, .~~~P:n~_!9.Q.':.9.Q.!_._..~~_n~~:v.~P:~~.. .~:c;.~p.~_..~~_q!!_:h~~d · ) ... .~~~,.-,.~ - .-,............. " -. ~, ~ ;, _"'._L_"._"""""" _ .'iII...._ _....... ..~~........................-...... -.................. -.... -.................... _...... -.. -,-- --...... .'. -.. -..- .... ...... ....... ..-..........-.. -.. - --- -- - -.. ...... -.......... ..... _...+..-. . TOGEtHER with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest. n..m.nm_.........__num..u._mm__unn _m.m.m................m...uuu...m.....mmmfJTopert:y, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equit:y. of the said part.Ynmof the first part, of, in or to the said premises, and ever)} part and - parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO H AVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances u~t.o. t4&.jciif',pq~ty.~nmof the second part and to...:f..t.~m~!J._c..g.e..~.$.9.r.~. ~~ and assigns, fotever. , <)';,:::>,;rfl'W-}t.Nis~ J.VHEREOF, The said party.....of the first part hans_mnhereunto seLi.tSmn :~'.' ':," i;,bV ...!1S~lo.r ~!!2 C1e}:'k of th~ City C ssion, each thereunto .'~ /Ji~~'~m~~-~n_r'mft~brpm -.. -se'iiI'--to"oe,uaffiXed.:m.m. ':'.>: .SI~~e~~,S~lffl ~1td D~,vered m the l:}3resence of r C BOZ~~MONTANA, '"~., ''1':" ,"" ."... ...., . ' ",' . '""-: ..... .'.. ~ /' ""~,,u""__.':;;."":''''''''h''' .u....uunuu.uuunu.uuu .J.. .u - - .. . . ......... .. u.:...... .... .(Seal) ", ':,'.,'.. ' c.~ ' l'lC:iyor , /' ,", ,.,' ....' " ~~~~"jiiS'ST6fi.u...nm-.. .nm..n...-.-n4-m _m ...................... .m.mm___.JSeal) " !., \ I r~, " ., Y 'I, I. " t, \ 'i, ,'\ ... ~ , \ t' ~ '" .tf..~ ~-: BOOK 147 PAJiE483 STJ'jtEOF MONTANA } ss, County of-, ,_....'........ .Gal1a.t in........ u. u.. u On thiL;:uu:"...J:~r~~n daJ) of-uu,...M~J;.~h__ .__.m,,____",.nineteen hundred andJ?~.~.Y.~.f.!y.~... - before mehhU.__t:b.~oo~ng.~~.f?Jg~~g__h....nn....m.m...._.m,__m.m.m.a N otar:y Public in and for said Coun(y or,_._;~'__Gal1atinun...mmmmm__'''''h.m.mmm...uu, State of Montana, personally appeared . . c u.R!. ..a.~rJ:Y...~9h_r._9.W...l;1,9g...~h.9~. _V.!_ _.R~f.c;l+.ngmnnu......._mmmmm..m..m.muoooo...._.......ooum. :~oiPnetg rive.t~,~,P.~'ft~lieM81~~..~~gB~~.g~ii~fM~g'Ea~k:Y-nC.gwm1.~_~~.~m...............u... ( or." Pf'-o'Ved jo. .me-An ,'oatla.-of."'.... ,.~;;", "..,:'.. ,_...,. <_ _ .,... ..~. .-;c. ...'_."~."..... '-."........ ........) . ,...~~..........:lc.,.JI,'......~ ~IKiKICDLn....whose nameS...Uem..msubscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that nntheY-on.executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have, hereunto set m:y hand and affixed my official ""''''''"''''",. .eal, the day and year in this certificate first aboVe U!ritte~ . /'....., I,. ;':'.,,"1, " ~~ ~ ..... 11""""'.......... ~t:l "';'" ~ ~ '.~ ,..,,"I' "l''''' ........ ".- " " f :.- ,/ G i A ~': ......~~% nn " N~i~';~i;~bii~'i~; ih~-S-i~-~~'t~~~:..m-m ;' ,'~ :' \\. ,l.<1" .... ~ ') d'd'" . ~ : ,:i(,:lff!C, f~ ." < ::: R 'd' g t Bo?;eman Montana -, . ("I ".' 'ill,". . - esr rn a ...._00.. "oooonn~noo_"""'''''''''''''hoonnu.u.. .', ... ) 5ft~ ~ .: t ff , ... ''-1 ...1. .A (..' 2 My C . si n xpi J.anuar.y: 3) 1967 , . '. . oJ' '. "".. ommrs 0 e res_m. ___nnm _......1....______0000.. .< '''1 ~ "."'......~'.....' "!I ~/.~ 1,...",.. .f!It ~ ,,' ',/" J4', t" ',' ''It'' J'f" ".' . ~,\" /'flq",\\~\~' ~.. . ~"~. '. " ' .. ,~',"..... .. ... -....,.- ~',..I: ~ ',,, I""'~:'!"'\ 1.1\: "'~ , t~a .. Q) 0.: .. 0..: ~ ::s ~~ I'tI - q1 - , 5, : ~ V') ~"O , ~ \J 'Q Cl) . -0 ..p- . ...... ~ oeo cu c: c:'C . rJ 0:s ~ g : s::: ~l-t e: I'tI ~g- ..!l4 N ~ ro Cl 0 cu z ..0.. .j.J c: 0:: <<> 0 <<>, ~ Q : i>< S - .... Cl) ...... 0 ~i (.) u : 10) ~8 ~ c .- I'tI t>1:S n::l ::> : i>< N 0 2\ ..p- E-< . : 10 :!: S~ .c Cf.l ~: ::;:n::l I'tI () . .5 l.t~', N..... cue: a:l o"B s... ~ . ClCt-l oct! 0 o1! ~ ~o.. .. .r-! I ro . ~ 0 ~"'f or-! ..j..I Q ==: ~ ~ ~.;t ucu ""2 s:::~ 0: (l. S I>> Zl-t .~o:: -: -4 ..p f'" c HO ..p ......: ~: -< .r-! \ ~f 0.. Q) ro .. : Cl) 0 0 " .0 "B ....-i ..:t" Cl) . , ~8 ...... '! j ~,. Q " , , H' - . .. Q ~ . ..p ucu - , "0 ~ . ~.. . .. , ,