HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- ADA Inc Deed (2) aUOK 147 PALiE484 ~ T r . , I , NO. 4 - BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. . IU,II .UILIS".... eo., HILI"", .0.1. This I nd e n t u re, M ade the______mJ:!~m.m_m...da:y ofmmn~~E~~n.....:...m_'___'_"hnm.. in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred..n..~.i.?l;_t;..Y.::JiYJLn.._mnm_____...mm.............m_'_.h_.' BE TW f.EN ...AP.A:;J;NQ_!.,__..~nM9.9J.~fl:~...9.~;p.9.~~J!.9.~.~...h.~y.:!-.Qg...!J::.~nP.~.:!-.QgJ.P.~.!...... -. <.., p_la.c.e.. _Q f...b us. ines .$._. "-1:;.. .&.Q~. ~D_,.. .MQD :t~I\~ .,...l?{J;~!; Y ...9..f.._ ~b.~...f. !r..~.~..R~X'.1;.2......... and.. .CITY...OF__.BOZEMAN.._.MONtANA_,_..a.__JJJ.Yn1c.l.P-a.l..J;.Qrp.QX'.atiQnJ...p.ax.t;y___Qf__....... th ~...$. f#.t;. Q ng..'p'~ X'.!::.z. _... _.. _ _ _ _ n _ _ _....... _ _ _ _. _. _....... .-.~....... _ _....... _ _. _ _.. _........................ _ _ _ _.. _. _ _.. ........_ _.. _.. - _... the partYn._.. of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part.m.m of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of-O'n~h.P.9J._l~~n.~...QJ;h~r....Y.~1\H!p.l~..f:.QD.~.~9_~r.!A~_~0~R3, (iJ,JJQn~ng:v.~.t_mn..of the United States of America. to....mJ~......n.min hand paid by the said paft-y'mnof the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acqnowledged, ha..JL.granted, bargained. sold -- .. --...............~~~'-'~-~'~.~'~'~. and conve:yed. and b:y these presents dOme..s_grant. bargain. sell and conVeY. unto the said part.Y.mot the d d 'ts lsucc=or~. II h t . secon part, an tOn:~....... .........x an assIgns. forever. a t _~nm___. certaln___.m___.h.n..........._..n piece............, or parcel of land.m.....n.........m..........._m.......___n..h.___..............situate, l:ying and being in ...c..;I,.1; Y.. .Qf. J~Q.~ ~~IJ~.,.......... .._........ _. n_ nn n._ _. _ n........ ......_ ___.._.... _. _ ..... .............. _ ....., in the C ount:y of ..g.~;J...l~j;;.tDmn...hn..n......m...h.h_...n.mnm.....' State of Montana. particularl:y described as follows, to-wit: t.h~?;.~g.~..~f.-nf-~~~.--~~.n~!}-~p~.~}....~};1:9~-.~-tai~2!t.g~.\'fr.2t!1~.~~Pn.h"'a.Q~~'8 ' ange as, on ana r1nc pa er an, ee wean ........-.--g-~~t--lT~&..~.9.€...~.~If~.~...P.~;t;~~.~.~~...~.!!~...~~E~...P.~E~.~~~.!~E!Y....~.~~~.;:~J?~~._ as 0 OWS, o-w : ..-.,-.-.................~~.g~.~Ul~f.6~J::.or=~o~~i~?-~-k~.~~.k1ia.;2i~~-~if~(rt.R~aJ!.~~~~~.~~~.... m.m.m.............~1..~~rr~ff~:.~B.~~~~..~M~~~~ii~?~-f~.e~~.~..~~~.fh45r27~.fgft~y....--- .. ..._._...... ..__._....Eaat...s.. ,diB.ta..n~.e. d9.f..t~g...l2n.f~fit--.t9...a...p.9j,nt...on..the.. _ea.s.terl.y _ line of the sai NW eing t e true point of beginning; '_ . ...-.-....".."".u.....-g~~~ira~fi*iv;~r~i~.j~~fi~Q~~I~i~iif.g~Iii~.9.t~g~-e~~.~~~i~J!l"t~~tL.. uu-m................~;.s~~-~i~.-f~~.~~--~X-r~y.~~u€~~i~:e:~~j;~~~kfi-ea~Qats~-:;~e-----n-- ....,.......-:.::::~~~~~.~~-s~~.rfj~Itri~b~I~-iafd~iwt;.c;f;Et~~~~~-N~~t*~g.o.i1-fiohgw~~E......--- .. ...... ~ _ n"', u.~ ~....:a:l.~m~... S!A id.. .l:ln~_.. t.Q.. :tJ;1J~. _ J;:.t:!J_e. ..P.Qint...Qf... b~i.nning......... ......... ......-- .. ..:_. .._., ... .....;.~,;~~Kr{~.!nJng..wJ!;ht~L.!;h~n~J?9.y.~..g..~~.~fJ~H~9...~.~ 1:;.~.r.JQr._._p.9.\mQa;t;.i.~.l? .- .. _5 ,::acres. - . . - ...;,................... ::--.... -- ,." ....:'" ~_........ ..;:t--...................... -- --.... ---............ ---.. --- --..-.... -- ---.. --,-_." ---...... ............. ---...... ...-................. ...... .....-.-.... -.. -..--_........ ----.. ......"~...OT."...:~-.~~.}~~f~a:).~:i:~~-.J~.~.~.u;h~~..~JQQ.!.Q.Q.!......N.9.._~~.~my.~_.f?l;~I?l?m......... ......- -,-" ~.. -: ~.... ---....:-... ..,:;......... ~~...~:...... ---........ --...... -............................. -... .............. .......... -,-_.... --- .'... --..... ........... ..-...... -..--........ - -........ -. - - ............. ..... ..................... - . TO.GETiiER with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurenances thereto belonging or in an:ywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest~ _m_mnmmnn.........m..mmm......m _mummm......m.m.muu_.un.........mmmproperty, possession, claim and demand whatsoevef. as well in -". --.- law as in equit:y, of the said parLy.m.of the first part, of, in or to the said premises. and eVerY part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO H AVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said partYmmof the second part and to...itsms.ucc_es.5_oX'.sxaats and assigns, forever. r Wl_~qt ThJ~oraU~ta~ ~~O;t~_t_~___Il~e --- ~.;~ 1 , an ;.,.,~.~~_~_X~ _~!_~______!.~ _~___~,,_~~~~~~fen. Si~~d,,'S<!5l!~.niJ.fJj#rered in the Presence of l ADA INC. ~ion, ~ " . -=>f ,'-- -... . -~-- --- -'~' -- "{<.:C- -!J? __m__ ---- _m____ n___J}}'-'__~__ --- ---- m' ~SealJ .', ,,'I .. reS1 en n ~;";~~,,~::.;,,:~:',,:;,,~:"'~',~~ '00 __. . , _ _ nmunnmmmm...__.....m.m.m..u... ,mmm.m..{Seal) ":rf.,-'~'" \.:...~,1IL...........""......,.. ,-.,,'" '.1:,~,~, ..! :i'} ,. t'''\' ',;; ";'-""i"n"r~lttl' ................... aOOK 147 PAGE485 ~{~~:jT~;E.~;~NTANA } ~! .' .;:.:':;'" \. :: ss. e ~nt.Y ..," of:.::.,... :'::-". ,;~al.fa..tin.. u. u... nm...', . "'.' ~ '>"'./:... ,;: , C?n t!tls::~:~;;.F\lil~;,/.--.. day O/.nmmnMar.ch .muummunineteen hundred and.s.ix.ty.~.f.iv.e.m before "",~;._.:::.J;.b.~::~m;l:~~.l?~g~~.guu....mum"_,""hmum.mmm.....a Notar:y Public in and for said County O/.m.mG~J.laJ;.:j..nmnmm.m.mummuu____..mmuumm, State of Montana, personaU:y appeared JlcKinley Anderson, and Ralph K. Aaker ........................................ --........ ~ -...... _.. ........................................... ~.... _................ _................"............ _,......._ _........................... II.... II.......................................... _.... _ _...... _.. _..................................... _ _.._ and seoretary knO'D1n to mem.t.a..b.e. ..the..Pr.es.ident.uof..the..Corpor.ationuthatmexec.ut.ed._.th.e.. (or proved to me on oath of_mm..m.m .m....m........._mmm.mmm.mmmmm) .~ . a...,"'" _6actlacJlJIZ'DaKXXXBlxarstIlUG'JE!KXXX~. within instrument, and acknowledged to me that mx:lmcxxaemxftk.lI~x such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have, hereunto set m:y hand and affixed my official ~t,qqll'ni .'"".,....:':~~..:.:.~;""~ ,eal. the day and year i" this certiJjcate 1iJ":;;'0" "'rill:": . " .' .... ,.'.. 'J~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ -'I. \.. j, "<; .. ,,"'. ~ .. ,.'.'.'_" :':' ~ .."T ."'. ., .~. f;.., -;:. _"_ /";..~....___". ..,........ ....____,......_ .._~_ ".__..__.. ..........._ ::, ' / \\ (" T I~ If ( \ r:'~, ' NotarJ) Public for the Stat of Montana. . ':~ ; ";i';,!;:.'~' ...<':f : j7":: . . .\ 'cr :}'~. ~:. ~ Resldmg aL.h.Bozem.an,mMQutanam.........mm ~ "'~, \, .. ."i,:\~~' t(~ ~>,. ,,/ .. .:: ..... ',u "'" ~. M C " . Ja.:nuary 20. 196'1 '. "." .,"" ,.;:- :y ommlSSlOn explres....m...............mn..m._n...... .' .~..."...I~..:. .,,~ '~~-:--~ , '. ~,' f ~ I' ,to"" ' . I ~ 111 I I I I \ ' ~ I I i '\.., . ,.-- - .~.,'._",._, ,.,.-- ---~,._,. ,.~-----...,-..-~_..".." ...........-......' ~~..:...........-'...,.............',_.~~........,._,,,.-=.-.~.~ , . ~ ~: Q) "': 0: r---i 0\ .. 0\ 0: to - n1 - r-l: -:t! , s::_ 0: rl V) .. 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