HomeMy WebLinkAbout65- USA Easement Deed .. ~ .. "",,,,,,,!,~--... . r -, , ~ <'II" .,ji- ~. 147 PAGE384 ~ ., ....;.w. ~ - .. BOOK ,... '" .'- EASEMENT DEED The UNITED STATES. OF AMERICA, acting by and through;the Administrator of General Services (hereinaftet: designated as "Grantor"), underand pursuant to the powers and authori,ty contained:iti.applicable provisions of ~he Fe(iera,l Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, 63 Stat. 377 as amended, and regulations and orders promulgated thereunder, and the Act of August 26, 1935, ,~~~mend.ed,74Stat. " , , "', ,,' . .. 1~,:(',' {,~*<;'!&,;~~;"'r61"f~~d~~;;~:~lecohsiderati6n, doesh~rebY re~ise, release, and quit- claim to the CrIT OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, (hereinafter designated as "Grantee"), its S4ccessors and assigns, an easement for '.. . .- public street purposes over, under, across, and through the following 4es,c;r:-ihed --- " "':'- J" lUIOI Ioi JIIi ,II. .~ -, property situated in the City o:t'~eman, County (;)f GaH~in! '-8tMeof MO,ntana: The northerly 8 feet of Block "A", Black's Addition to the Town (now City) of Ihzeman, Montana, according to the plat thereof filed Cktober 31, 1872, and recorded i~ Book "e" of Plats, Page 14, records of Gallatin Co~t~, Montana. .. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement together with all the privileges thereto belonging, unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, for _~g,,,'..J<?!?-g~s , , ,: .', ',':-,.,' , ' " "::",":',",, ,'",,':1.',, ."'", , ," ','" "',,, , ',,' ,,", '~",:;.~~;.,',~t!.Q.);.':';::':;:'<:' :I'~":"""),,, ",.,',':,",: Grantor' retaitllf.i6~'.~4~ltg~~f!!~'u':~'e1tte' AdCliti~, ~~",,",.{, _' , _____r,ll ,,', ,t ..".' " . ., '-'. subject to the further conditions hereinafter set out. This easement will termtnate immediately at such time as Grantor may divest itself of ownership of Block "A" of Black's Addition to the Town (now City) of Bozeman, Montana.llIn addition, thiseasexnent maX~",~E.~~~~ted by Gr:~~E()r by writteY{' notice to Grantee, or its successors qr assigns (a) if the s~~et,~i~~!l!~~,p;-gi~ct for which this easement is granted is DOlt started within six!l'lOftths from the date hereo~ ... ~". \,," ...'. ,,,,-.,-,,,,,~,,,,,,,",,\"~',Y'.,~I'.~, ",,~:.'O:<'....,.., (b) for nonuse of the easemeI1tfo;ranycQ.111secutive two-year period, (c) fortailure to comply with the terms of this conveya1'l~e, or (d) in case of abar}(:lonment~ ','." .."""i'"q,,,,,,","""",.<~....~'N."';~'~~JJI!J~.~~ ".'.. '. ., :., " ""r-:.."':t;::~~:.~,.'..,,, ,:.:'::;;.":":.,,'_,,.~\;. """*t;"",~'..;",,,':...,;, . ,_::,~-:.~,~ .:">.. .'.';., ,,5f/, ' :'''. '~..: ..",.,',....~,?"~~:~~t~~\'.~'<~..,.,"":'.,,'~. '" Bya6~"~~~'Ufthis'ea:eemeltt~ ota.n~e agrees that tbis 'transaetftJ!r<Mlfti"'~ subject to applicable regulations issued under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ~~-,.......,~~_.",,~...... . , ._~""-"""".."..,~.-.J,.,~"'~".,_'" " (Public Law 88-352), when such .regulations, after approval by the President, are . . .,,;;. . " .~, ., 'II! ". . .. --,.. ,. ~<IIIf','--'1 ~ . '.. 147 'PAGE385 -" ~ .. . _'t' ,_ f 600K .. . published in the Federal Register. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor fuls caused this instrument to be executed , 1965. UNITED STAlES OF AMERICA . Acting by and':tll;rou,gh the Administrator of 'General Services By ~6-':'-'L. 'J """",.' ~., " ,," 'c:~'''' ~..~.lnl$t,raeor; . .l "':.",11-' \:";_" ,:;.." . <- ss COUNTY OF KING On tQ!S J..f day of ff.t.~~1/ .,1965: before the under- . ", ," , ' '" , "., ,""~', ,. ,c..'.:,( signed, a Notary Public in andior tpe~teof;WashingtCJ~t:;pe:rsonally appeared ;:; R -aA~~J.IA , , to me known to be the - Regiona I Administrator, Region 10,' General Services Administration, and to me known to be '\ the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and who under oath stated that he was duly authorized, empowered and delegated by the Administrator of Gener~~ services;t,~'~;,~~J~~~\~~'J~~~~f:~~~:Wl~the foregoing-::~' .(:< . , '",,', , . instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed, acting for and on beha If of the Administrator of General Services, acting for and on behalf of the United States of America for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate above written. tlTlftHl"1Tl ~y~~, .,1 T' 'I '1 ..., r 1'1, it\' iI!"f \) ',. i) '... J.f , 'it, ,j'~ ~ \......;;~.~..~.<'\","': ~~.". 10 'Ir......". <;',1": J""'II .f.1 -II ~. ..... N6.tary", ;Iic in an fo the tate 0 ~ / ..."" 'r::,~./''t}..... .....+''t''"'.....''''" ~ , ~, ..\ 1 ~'-r~' ,IJ. . :' --: 0' i' ',.1"0', -:;'" .-; .,~~.~~_~~,~~:tL~!J~_ >.i, "'''~ . (,J \. l I I fj i':. ~....,,- ~ ~~ . --.............. If\. _ ~ . '':''''''').~ ~.::~Si:~.,I:'f:~~~;~:C"';~ ~ .,-1 '4"'\~"~ ~ ~ .'""" .... --:- ~"'.'''.' ",:1f. ~'~,"'" ~ ,"~': "W '...~ . -"',.(fibta~i~~f,S~&'l)' t, M '" "I It" 1". "'Illftni\\\' , INDEXED t'; f"( }44 PLATTED " ). - 2 - state of Mont.. County of Gallatin. ...Flled for record February 19 ' , ,1965 .. .11:).5 . . 4.M,.. and "",orded I.. Book ~t:/EEDS _ 184 .G~RLL. STUCKY. " Itecorder. By" . ,,'~/~, Deputy Rt : "Cit yo f' Boz eman .',