HomeMy WebLinkAbout64- Ray, James & Joan Deed , aOPK ': 147 PAGE148 .' . i .. Filed for record this.m........_mnday of............___,............_m.....mm.m' 19n'hn.n aL......._o. clockn......M. . . . NO.4-BARGAIN AND SALE DEED .TATI PUIU,"INCJ ce.. HIiILlNA, "'NT.. This Indenture M ade 'he_~.:n..2.9.th........_....._..day ofn._..P.~.~~P.~.~n_._.._...n............ in the :year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred......Jt1~t.Y.:':f.Qu.x:m;_.nm......m..........................d. BE TW EENnn.JAME.S._J::.....RA;!..muLJ:QAN._.L...nRA.Y.,.~.h.us.b.an(:Land...wife.,-. .o..f. .m._. ....- Bozeman.,._.M.a.n.t.ana...........hmn.___.n;..-...........m.... noon. u m u... _m........part.1~Bn. ~f the first part. and_.. ._n.. ............Cl.'IY...QF...B9.ZJ::MAN,...MQN'IANA,_. .A..m.unic;4lal...c.orp.orati.on,.........h... .................. -...... "'.... ........... -- -- -- -- ----- ----..--- -- .... -- ----_...---..- .-..-_.................. ....-- .....- .....----_.. -....... .... ........... .............. -.... -- -- .-- -- --.... -_...- ..-.. --- the pflrfYmm of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said parties_ of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of._Qn~___D.Q.llat'...&...athe..t:..:v:aluabl.e.nconsid.ro:ati~. ..'{~l,.Q_Qu~nQy~l....._Qf the United States of America, to..m.tb.~...mm..in hand paid b:y the said part.Y.m. of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acqnowledged. hasr.e- granted, bargained. sold and conveyed. and by these presents do_..... grant. bargain. sell and conveJ,l. unto the said part.Y-n. of the 'd d . j; jsuccessjiidMd. f II h . secon paft. an .1 .a.. ....m.......... asslgns. orever, a t .at...... certaln...................__........_.. piecem..m, or parcel of land.........m...nn_...........m....mm..m._..m_...mmm.m...situate. lying and being in ~.. .' ,.. "'~"""~q;[~,g.n.. m.._ _m _. _.00... _... _h....... _... ___0._ .....~.n._... _.......... .~-.-..~~.... _ .____~.~~..:...h. .__:-.'-'-'.~:__:::':..... iTlthe C OUTlt:y of G~tl~t.:i.nh_.......h.__.....h....._d................~......... State of Montana. particularl:y deScribed as follows. to.wit: .. ...Al1...of..Lo.ts....10.,...11....12_....1J+_.J.4.'u_15.....16.,.n~I._._1B...and_._19__.in._...... n......'.. ..... .~.lQgk...'.'.F.~~.nQJ_.K(;m_$_~t~.$nn(f.j..r.~_t}__i\g..gj._ti9_n..J.g_n~Q_?~aD.'n.MQn.taJ.J.a.a.... ... ._.._ ._. nn..a~.~Qr_a.ing.nt9... the_._Qf.f i.c.i.al.. plat.. .an_.fi.len.and...Qf._xe.c.ar.d..in........... ,................the...of.f1c.e__.of_._th.e._.c.ouoty__.Clerk..and._Reca.rder_,___Gal1atin............... ..... ';:::~::"~~~8~g~! oJ.. .M9.n~.<<J.l~........................ ':;;,;.,,;.;;..;,;.,x..=..."f.~~" - n..... -... -- n -... -...... n.......... '..n', _ n -..... -. " .. "'......... ."...... ... ........... ...- -...-.... --.... ....... ...... 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TOGETHER with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anJ,lwise appertaining and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders, rents. issues and profits thereof. and also all the estate. right. title. interest. ..m.m_m................................_...... .........___nmm......m.......................m..mproperty. posssession. claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equit:y. of the said part.i.eEbf the first part. of, in or to the said premises. and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said part'Y.... of the second part and to_:lt;sm~Mc~_~s.S.QX'.e...__-*lUcand assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said parties of the first part have_ hereunto setmJ:;b.~iX:_m .' - hand andseal.f1n the day and :year first above written. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of - YN~ne1JJ=:~n--m(Seal) .. ... ...... -...................... -- --..- --.. -.. ..... .......... --..... - ..- -................ ......... .. ---. - --.... - .--.. - -- -- -....... ...- ................. ....... -.. .'.-............. .............. --.- nnn -aLLl-lnm-nm_n'nnmnIrQ<Lt (Seal) STATE OF MONTANA. } .. e ounty of_n_...G~JJS}.t:.i.u......___........__mn On thiLnm2_9.tbn..._uday of.....J?~~.~J?~;t;.....mmn..n....nineteen hundred andm.S.ix.tY.,:,.fo_ur before me.mm_..m._th.e..und.ez:signedm..nm.._.______.............m.mma Notar:y Public in and for said County of........G.~J:J.Jl.t:JJ).....m...m._mnm..___mmm......___...___..., State of Montana, personall:y appeared ,........JiijJu~.en_C_._nRay...a.nd...Jo.an.L.....RaY-4...hushand. . and...wife.....af. ..BDzeman,.Mont . , .:"~:~;;.t.~,'~~.::::::::::::::::::.--.....-.-...-.........._-_..-.-.._....-.-.-.-.-.-.....-...............-...........-...-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-...-.-.-;-.....-.--...-.. /~l6:.6e the perso,f~.::-" whose namtS...ax.e...........subscribed to the within instrument. and acknowledged to ::;''\.o' chR; '.; ~ 1{1..~ -m-t#:h9V'-m~ executed the same. ~ :. ,., 1 ,..... '^, .-IN! WilTNESS WHEREOF. / have hereunto set m:y hand and affixed m:y official ~t/'I.r ""~~lhd d 'h' 'r~ '\~:;~1::.~::~..::.~.':':' ~~~;eu. t e ay an :year In t lS ce~~~.:~ate _ o~e. WTl e .... m.m...mm.n.m.... 'ii,<' 01'" ';\ ""."., Notar:y Public or e State of Montana. ! Jj f ~ , Residi~g" ~L.....h.~9.~~aJ).,... MQJlta.na........____nM:y C ommission expires..~./..n._. 19..6.r , Jj! ii, ,,/' " INDEXEr)"'- V I . ~'--o. '_ PLATTED \Ii ,,','V" ,'. , ~""t' O~::::. ( '. (' '4..J1) (~ ",'""",.,.", - /',,:;,"'/' (,',.....,:., JAMES C. RAY and JOAN L. RAY , _- .. " ;. ", ~ '- . ~ \. ( ,". , " . T ,. " o f<"" ". i." ': '. #"I:---:'~"'~l~-"r" ~.' ~ *- CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA.".",,~,' !. \'..i .' ' :, 'l' Deed - Bargain and Sale Dated. ... .......... .... ......... ... ...... ..._..., 19. ....... Gallatin County; ,Montana: Recorded at the Requeat of , ~ , , ....:.9.! ~ .Y....9.f...~ Q.~. ~!!@: n............ ....... ........ I .' .....p.~g.?!I!.'9.~!"...29...........m.....m.. 19...6l+. .................................................-..................................................................-............................ at. .......................m~....2:.l.5......... ; '" n......P.........M.. inm.:e.Q.Q~ml..~2........... 1'1. g 0,,; of Deeds. page........!f:........m....................... ~ CARL L. STUCKY i I--oAo .... ""'.'" ....................n ................ .... ..... .-...... ..a;:.. ByU~~~~::h.. i / .' Deputy. ,.... Fee:OO ~ UM.U-WZ CO Rt: City of' Bozeman . i! ~ ';. ~