HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 64- ADA, Inc. Deed ~ BOOK 147 PAGE' GALLATIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION FORM NO.3 ~ , WARRANTY DEED For Value Received ADA, INC., a Montana corporation I with its principal place of business at Bozeman, Montana, the grantor , do e s hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto 00 CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation, whose post office address is ~ Bozeman, Montana ~ the grantee , the following described premises, in ____ GaUatin_________________County, Montana, : to wit: ~ ~ =:.!:~: ~l:~,e~ ::~t"~..corE:'"t<ld IlgrgiA .~by ~ rofcrcnoo milgg :l pULL hl;::1 I;::U[) . ''I ... 6 Y ~ A tract of land in the E~, wwi of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East Montana Principal Meridian, 60 feet wide and 620 feet long for street purposes and more particularly described as follows to wit: Beginning at the north easterly corner of the University Subdivision of - Bozeman, -Montana--as filed and recorded in the office of the COill1ty Clerk and Recorder, COill1ty of Gallatin, Bozeman, Montana; thence South zero degrees, twenty-seven minutes and ten seconds East (3 00 27' 10" E) a distance of 748.12 feet to a point on the easterly line of the said wwi being the true point of beginning; thence West a distance of 620 feet to the easterly line of said University Subdivision being the easterly line of South Bozeman Avenue; thence southerly along said easterly line of said South Boze:r~an Avenue a distance of 60 feet; thence East a distance of 620 feet to the easterly line of said NWi;thence North 00 27' 10" West along said line to the true point of beginning. Containing within the above described exterior bOill1daries .854 acres. _ (Consideration less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), no revenue stamps required. ) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee , its successors imirx and assigns forever, And the said Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the said Grantee , that kit it is the own~r in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all incumbrances ... ~ \', \ \ ~ \ t II I h Iii I. a'1'!d.;lftuft; c,~_ iot will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. ",,'\'.,,",- ' ~.., .' ....... _' ,{ ".f -. '.. '." ...... 1'., '.....,. . . ~. " .~" ,'.: 'j _l ~", ./.' r>~t ~ ,-(~,D~~ber I If' ,1964 .~:;: ~ \:(i~ .:~: iJ j :,_} " ",.7t.,.,t;Ml;o"'<J"I.~ ~. -. ',',C -::"C\.f'~f...'V?~-- .~ _~'~c~,;~...~.k!~,:~~ r , ~t"f g;~. ,..- -- ---- --... --- "lr""c.8'eNj ary 5fiB41. ST'AT~ OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Gallatin STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Galla tin: On this / L-/ day of December, 19 64 . I hereby certify that this instrument was filed for record at before me, a notary public in and for said State, personally the request of appeared Douglas R. Drysdale and Ralph K. Aake!l:~,;;l$,n9~~ to me to be, respectively, . . the.. -,-,,', " .(1.. 'j ~""".. - . -- and at ~ 11.00 0 clock a.m., ~"~ ,,( ',j-' V -1#..'\.,',:";.-. t't-'I., ( ,:.,.~,...:.":,,,~ ':-"",~'--:t- h 'c t' this 19 day of February I ,/,-__,___ (,:-- T. ,';1, ,'. V .' e orpora lOn 1,0 65' ff' d did d' B k 147 ~~~~ whose name is 0; Deed~ l:t:~:e Ice, 3S3 u y recor e III 00 sUbsf~tdV;;;*ittprr'f"!'trument, and acknowledged to CARL L. STUCKY nil?< tq.q~~l'<8 tibn executed the same. m____.________________________________.___..__M -----.-.--.- ----.---------------------------------------- - ". -'.--"C) .. ~ " , ./ County C. Jerk and Recorder . /1').... . ""~'i:: ,.' I ~. /1~~ ^_\..~,.,.,y//,/'I~....t,_.~..,.<f..t ';'.' V\~ ' ! ," {.{~' , .-..--:::..,;1,~~lt..1'-c-~;:t.;.~i.1f~-P~~ii~':~~~,-~~;is~a~-C:~:'M~~tana By__ ----------'.--, ".:-,,-...--.,.---,,~-- - m___ ------------ -~-------D-;putY~------- "~q"t\'l..-,-. ~ Residing at" Bozeman ,Montana Fees $ -- My commission expiresm__(:::L!,Lic:.__...l,5__________, 19__6_-"'_. Mail to: C it Y 0 f B 0 zeman