HomeMy WebLinkAbout64- Bozeman Aerie #326, Eagles Deed BfJDK 146 P16f390 . . Filed for record thiLn.___.....n.~.da:y of.___.___......n.___..;-~.___....u___m___nn. 19...hn.n aL______no'cloc~_.......M. _ NO.4-BARGAIN AND SALE DEED sTA" PUBLlSHlN, co.. H!U.A, Me.T. . . . . This Indenture Made then...___..2;z..L?.~_..nda~ of.....~~~]~!r.______..nn_____________.. in the :year of our Lord one thousand nine hundredn___I.~1:QUT.___._________.___.___.......n___'.___'h'h'."'.h'" BETWEENn.~Q~~._~~..~?,~,___~!~~._~~p'~..Q~..~~~?,...~..~.~~........_n......_.._._ ___~~p.~p.r.~f.;~n~~r.P.9.r.~i!}SUl.____ ....0..... ...____________._.____..... m. 00 00 moo... 00 ,'00' ....parLn. mn of the first part. and_. .!~..9.IT!._Qr...~9.~,...I!..~!9.~.lfJ.....9.9.~!r.At!gD..Rf..:~I..at..t...Qt:.}f9>>.t.""............." ..........._.......................................... It........................ ............... ........................... .... .._.. .__.................. __.................................................. -........ -.................................................................. the parLy.___ of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said FarLY---. of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of'~~hp.9.~J.fJ:..~..9.~~.:r._.~~bl~_JHXUI."dtlr...t1cm.u.______n___DOLLARS. '(t~t.9.Q.L.{.lj)_YQ.L.____m____~f the United States of America. to...._1t.___mnn.___nin hand paid by the said parL-.---. of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereby ac~owledged. ha______ granted. bargained. sold and conveyed. and by these presents dO___h_ grant. bargain. sell and conve:y. unto the said parLn._ of the second part. and_itanB.ua.a.ea.s.C1%1.lraI and assigns. forever, all th..a't.____. certain.___________...___n.___......___ piece....___.. or parcel of landnn______.___n____.___._.n....._mm.___._________.___n___mm____usituate. l:ying and being in c_ the Oi +'T of Bozeman -_._.~ .". - ..- ~-.~._._--- "'i'.. the C nty-*"- .. ......... .... n.... ."..1.._....._ ._0._ ..0.. ...._.... ........._ ........_................ ..... ...0._ _ _. n..... _......., ........0._..... n ou 1,1 J n.___n__.m__.n~~J.~}i_~...o.h________..nm...______...___m. State of Montana. particularl:y described as follows. to~wit: .~~g~~.K..~~. _tm.. J.:r.<?~_RJ P_~...m~!Jnm.~~~.. ..~ ~1! ..bY-. _9_ 9_:M9. nTl)"9.f'.P.~L .tt>...tlA". y'fJ_~A'._ ~!;l.~.!;l.._.__ said pipe marking the northwesterly corner of Block A of Rouses Addition to ':8 aZ"8Dlmj' - .Mo"Irt8:r.I8;~ ."'tttl'!l:~". WI"t'e"r1y...."Ol"Oll.S'..SWtl'!."R:W'tf..- .~l1'tt""e:"a1'$'t'taro...' -(Sr- -60" --. -..- .f_at.. ..to.. .a_ .o..r.Q8.8.. .chial.e.d..in. :th.e.. .o..o.no.r.e.ta. .s.1dawalk_ .marking. .:t.he.. .nor:theaa:ter ~y: ___... _._ corner of Block 0, Original Townsite of Bozeman. Montana. thence westerly along "tli.' 'iiiSrtliEirTy'1:" in.- 'orn ii aia'1floclC - 'C:- 'e:- 'cIi"i'iiance "or' '10 ~- 6"0 --leet'l;- 0- -itEi - 'iiortli';""" --- -...-- ......te.r.],.y.. .e:J;t;.e.:r.1o~.;ne.r-. -Of-- .Lot. .1.5. -.o.f.. ..a.W- .B~..c- .be.t.:ng-. .tke-..i;.l'Q&. .po.i.nt.. -e-f... ~ia- ?~~~.~:.i~~~fi:.~.~~I_l~ei;.~.~~I~!wi.~E~~~lell.:rr~..:~~rt~;...~~o.:..-:t~.~~~r.!~~;Ii .ot..t.be..wH-4:i:Dg....f...tk-e..F!"8;ten:e:1..~...t=,-bfte"Ple:g-lft-'-e."S'.2!tft'.1tOftlS-bru.~J'.1;h-ettee-' "~~:r.~!!'JJ:..~~_~~_.~~__.R~;:J..g.J_~_JJ.~___~%___~~...f.:r."1;...:m_.._:l._._Q_1;'_4~.'f_._Q_f.._~.U:)..'JJ__~.+.:I..4J.~.!YI.... now constructed a distanoe ot 81.68 teet more or 1e8s to the northerly line of 1Ild:<t. 'Iiot" ..1'5.,-. th.."l101r.....1rtel"1y.1l1 "Cmg'.1:h....IIG"n:h'e1"1y-1.-ot- '1."i:lle---o1'" ......"1-4"' !io't:"l ~ '11-" n. n.. -. .ciia. ta.l:I.o.e... _of. _ ..0...4.0_ _ .f.e.at. ..t.o..;tha..:tr:ue.. ..p.D.iItt...a:t...bAgi nn i ng e no... _ no........... _ _......... h..... _u... u.. _... ... .............. ......................... __ __...... __...... __ ____.............. .... _..........10....................._.... ..................... _........................................... .._.........._ ___................................ _............................ _... .__............. ___............ __..............................................._.....................................".............................................".... ~.......... It ~................ ~.............................................. __.............................. __....._.......... ____*_.... .'__ _...... _...... ....... ....... ....... _....................,"'.. ..... ...._........ _. ..__.. __........... __............ .................. ..'............... _...... ...... __...................._... II.. _.... ___A ____ TOCETHER with all and singular the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an:ywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders. rents. issues and profits thereof. and also all the estate. right. title. interest. .....___.................................._____..... ............_m____.....n...............................__property. posssession. claim and demand whatsoever. as well in law as in equit:y, of the said parL..._ of the first part, of. in or to the said premises. and ever:y part and parcel thereof,iw#h., ..the appurtenances. rf\liAf;tf/.){~~TO HOLD. all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances t' eJh '". 71i~'''''';;IIVJ \ -i'.:th C nd' 13 t an'.J to its sUCcessors . d 'g sf" un, o. ,fe. f~". ......-.' 'r.:'''f~'' 'qt'..6. se 0 ar "_numummm___un______.u___u an assl n. orever. '." . ~.." . ~EOF Th 'd !iffiora 0 e s co or.ate name "'- ."" .. · . e al x ~~o. ;. . ~ . _: 8 oe ,ora. 88a 0 eye proper 0 oers . , , "".I ..' .' u y,',:U I . ze on 8 da.;y- of Se!l"t;emb~r 1964. :;$~~ Se(zle ": ''''efed in the Pres BOZEMAN AERIE 1f3~6. FRATERNAL ORDER c-C '. '. ;' ,. -; 'f .. I . . : -. ".' _', ' '. ' _....OF_.EAGLES...................._nn__...nnn_..n (Seal) _'"' , " .- . '. r ; . .._.-_-....\:'.-.. ". -, '.' ...:".. .,.......~..........-... .................. By." , ~~ ~ :;. S:.. . .' .....~ .. . .. . ~___.u _n . ~- ea '7 .," .. ,.' s .v "'..,S'DH -a ,b'E-:MONT ANA. }. l Coun~- of......il..HL<!o_rL~Z_______............ ,,: - -- ~ ~ M rus1;... On thism...b.'k.____n.nda:y of.n.~'.P.~~.f.r....m___... .:___00___; ., UWYl.O\lI'".l':r\IlS-liee before me........u......~~__~.~:r.,JE.~..\\..................._________...n.___...........a Notary Public in and for said Count:y of)1~-....u.---~~~~~~.'"L;;-.h....h.......................u---nu---u. State of Montana. personally appeared ._!!1:;JJ~~n~.~~gh~;~._R~.Y...9..;J,~~~ng~r.__~d_Jlm ........Il. _ ...J.~~.k... .t.L...C.o.w.A.n................n.. Itnown to me_ .to... .aft..th... .P.r.o.aide.n'n _Ohair1.Dll.D...of. .'the. .Boar-d. .af:. .'fr.u.stee.. .ancl. .T.r.us tee..... _... _,", (~,"'.. hII# u~................___________n._______.______.............___n......u...........) respeotiv lye _---.,'-F;,.l,e.~'1#~?:'.....- whose name.JJ..uJl.f'1t___..nusubscribed to the within instrument. and ackn'owledged to - i '.me'iJl(ii.;.::l...:~')I{~~... executed the same. . .--,:-.< l T A 1"I,"',{N':;..wITNESS WHEREOF. J have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official , ~ (~:.': :'>-; ~rl. the dall and J1<OT in thu certifiC~~~~~~~.~~L:~~.?~_._. :., ". ,-I "J... "of ..' .::: ~~~ PubliC for the State p{ Montana. . '. .1.. . " , :: ~ ~ " ,'" ...., ,.;:: z . . . . ~/t/4'/';tc1 ',.4te$(~ lIl..,.~_..:e_9...~....Mo.1J.t''''''.''hn............._.M :y Commission expires ~n.___un..:j(..nn. 19. ..7 ""'Ii ",' "~ .~'t,",,'1''' 7-- f/'i,;i,;'" ~ J - INDEXE V . ~LJ\ll E:. '\.1 '-::'/1 c43 ! , .' '- <J~Q \ , ' II.! l BOZEMAN AERIE #326 \ . , . . ~ I ... ' . ,. - FRATERNAL ORDER OF'EAGLES , \ ' . - , , ' . ! ~ ,f, \ : .. :. TO ' f " .. { .. \ \' '" ( '. . ~ .-',.' .....- ...:::- CITY OF BOZEMAN , " 1\ , ~ .r~~~ <-- .I '. t. /. ! i l' <. .......... r fl ~ "",1 \. 'IL"" , ) (~ ( " I, f /, I! I ", . ~ ('t. ." \\\ '. 111""111111"\" \ , , I , \\ ( /; , Deed - Bargain and Sale t' ) i I. \ " Daled...... ................... ........... ......... 19 ........... RecqrJetl at Ii. .~~.., , ~ . , ."~€~R~J:"rfllit!.~E.!~~!E-.,..................... . 0 on ana: ~ 1 ..nnun.....$.!E~~!!!?~~...~.~!!:u....... 19 ..~.~. 1 ........... ~.... ~.... ....... ............... ...;...... ............. .................................. ...................... ........ I at....~.!:}2.......~..g.!.Q.+.Q~~. ., , A. M' Book 146 ; . _...unn.u.......... .. lnu..........uuu...._........... of Deeds. page.n..2~.Q......_......_.................. , I OJ .' = EARL WALTON o:::::l ,; :;-.:: ............. .............. ....................................................... ........ ................................. -........... ................ , " ::~~!P;~. , I t-A. ;i ..r;:. ., '" ~: ~ \' ~ , . UM-U-WZ (I W ., 'I CO " I ~ ~ I I 1 f' ;~