HomeMy WebLinkAbout64- Graf, Eugene & Genevieve Deed . ' ~ ( ." · -. .' . . . ."' ,'. GCC,'I 146.~ 115" , '.. "..~. . . .tt.' FrIed for record thrs............_.....da:y of.............._...._.................uuu.... 19...._...._ aL........o c oc,c.."......M. NO. 4-BARGAlN AND SALE DEED "An 'UILIS.,.. <... .lLl.A. ...T. This I ndenture Made the............~O.tb....._........da:y of_m..........J.1Jn~........u.u.....m..... in the ,year of our Lord one thousand nine hundreduuusixt-Y-~fQux:.......mm...ummmmummmum.m BETW EEN_.....E.UG.ENE._.GME.....J.R...,.~ng...G~.:N~v:~J:;.v.~._.SJl...GMf.,...h~~p.~ng...~n9..u...... ...um.. ..........-m. mW:~f.~...9J_..~2;.~~.~~.J~J19.~t?g~.~. 00.00 00.00 00 u. m.... ... ..part.j..~~_ of the first part. and__._____________....._C_I1X..Q.:f...JlQZ.~N.a.~.M:Q.:N'Xi.\NA.1..-~t_m1Jgj"g.i.p.~t.g,Q!".P.Q:t~~JQ-'J..-.....-.-... . . -............... -.. ..-- ....... -.. -- --..-- --...... -- -- ..-..... ---..- ......... ---.. ---.... -....- ---..- '"-..-.-.. .... .... .....-.. ..............- ......-................ - ............... ..................... -..-......... -..- -..............-..- --- the parLy..u. of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the 'said parLies of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of..J).Q~...:QQllll.+...~uQ.tb.~rmy~ly.~bl.~...c.p-p..e.j,.g~J;_at~ ._'$.l.O.Qu.QVc.)um.mm;of the United States of America. to_......themm......in hand paid b,y the said party...uu of the second part. the receipt whereof is hereb:y acknowledged. ha.:v..e granted. bargained. sold and conve,yed. and b:y these presents do...... grant. bargain. sell and conVe,y. unto the said partY-.m of the second part. and..itfS...L~_~=,~,~,~ ~tS anullssigns. fOre1Jer. aU-th~frf;....... certain................................. piece......... or parcel of landmm.........._....m.......n.._mn....................n...nn._.msituate. l:ying and being in ..the.. .Ci.ty....Qf...Bgz,=an................ ................. _ n n _. _... _. .......................... .............. in the C ount:y of _.Galla.tin...................._.................................. State of Montana. particularl:y described as follows. to~tvit : a.. t.t a.c.t...9. f...19.Q~.t.. 1.D... f; hg.. .s_ QY: t b..~A~ 1:;.. .Q\l;a;-.t:.~!. _ _ Q.f... R. ~ g.t.;t. 9.n.. J.~.J.. .l? ~.2. _... &6E,... M...J?,.W.,.'"..JD._J?~tl{l:!;.:hn...v.g~.~~.Y.'"...~.9.nf.~B~..~.~~. ..~~.~~&..~<<?~.~ ..I?~!::t:.~~~~~;:~ y ~:c~~~i.~t-:\,.f~~l~~~.~iv~~f~~n~T\~~..tl~i~~-~n~gz.;liiiiW'~~~-'~~ri-a~.tn~.1:1:~ county-j-'Montmu:t';-"whi:ch--.is"-North--a"distance---of--Ul51-.-8--'feet'-'and-'West.. a._dis.tance..,of_.82.9_._f.ee:t...fr.om_.the...5o.utheast_..co.rnermof_.said...Se.ctian..18 , thence S 89033.3' W a distance of 227.0 feet; thence N 0028.7' W a dis.eanc-e--crf.-51:9.;.9.'.fel~f-. .to'--f1:le-.Nor.f1:l'.l'ifie"o-f'-'f:t'ia"t""'f:l'a"cf...d~-s'cr-tb'E!d...tn BOQk-~f-..Daeds-..130.,n-page.-96~r-.in...theh.county-.Cle.t:k-.ami-.B.oc,order.!.s.-.QUic e ci~..22j~n.f?r~~{y.~'o~~~~~in~...~~'~.f~.~Q~e~t~ti*~'.~f!.~a~a?:j~~~~~Tit'~!vi~~e SUbdi",is-i:on;-.-tbenee--S-'.G-g-2-8.-~-J.'-B--along'-'sai:d-':Wes-t::..-l.i'fle-..a-. tlis-t;6ftce--e-f-- 5.20_._0.__fe.et._.to_._the__.p.o.in.t_._of__b_eginn.ing~___a!;.cox:gin&.__t9___thg__.p-ff.1$;.i.gl..f>J3 t on file and of record in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk &..ltecord.er-;-m'Th1:"s..tr-a-ct.'c.antains'-2.;.YIo--.a:cr-es';nmure---OT"'i'esS"~-.-n..-mhn-...- .._ _......._...... ....... __.. ___ _........ ..__ ..._.......... ............ _.... ... ................................. ................ ~................................................................................................... II...... II....................... ~""'. -- ___ --- ._" ___ ~".~..'~.".__'._.M ........................ ........... .'11"" II................ _...... _ _ _ ._.","'" _.............. 11_....... _...... _ _...._.. _ _ _ _...... _.... _ _.. _II............ _.... _ _.... _ _................................ _".................................... _ _.. _ _ _ _ _.. ........" ............................ TOCETHER with alE and singular the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an:ytvise appertaining and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders. rents. issues and profits thereof. and also all the estate. right. title. interest. _......_..__............._.mn........m.._m_._ ..........n.n_nmm..mmmmh_...................propert:y. posssession. claim and demand whatsoever. as tvell in latv as in equit:y. of the said part.i~_80f the first part. of. in or to the said premises. and eVer:y part and parcel thereof. with the appurtenances. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said parLY.. of the second part and to..itS..JB.U;g.e.~.e.P-J;.$..nn1ti&iCand assigns. forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said part.ie..sof the first part htN..e.. hereunto set....the.irnm hand and seal.sm the da:y and :year first above written. Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of I ~'. ~_.~_. .' /'. '..c-.'.' ....~.. .",- ........ m... .........m.m....... ..... ..... ....................... ......... ...... L .......... ~.f...... t... '," .l8Jal) .........;TATEm;:;F..i:i;~TA~~.:..m................. ~~..u.q (Seal) }SS' C ount:y of. n'" G~ll.~~.j,.J1....~:_ _... n _........... On thism...1Q.thh__.....da:y of.....nJ.un~.n.....m......nnnn..._nineteen hrindred andnmeJ.~.ty::'.S;QMr before menmm_.m..th~...~D.~t~?:;:~.:!-$9.~.Q...................mn.........n_h_.....a N otar:y Public in and for said Count,y of.........Gallatin..m.m.......m....._......._.......nm._mm. State of Montana. personall:y appeared ..nEJJ.GENE__.GBAF~...JR..._..a.nQ__G~.~YlIDl.~..S..._nGAAF.,...b.~~b.a.ng...~n.s~...wj.S;~.._._h..._n._n.._.. Jrnotvn to me_.. .._............ _... _... _.. _... _.. n n _ n_.. _.... _.... n_ _.... _. _.... n. _........... _ 00.. _... n.. n _. n _...... _. _. _ _....... _.. _....... _. _. " ,\' ~~~....._..................._....n.......n.....n.__._.................._...........) to~~~\~~~.~4;.~~:;?ame..Smar.e.m.....subscribed to the tvithin instrument. and ac/motvledged to ..Jt.' '\""ij~. (., 'I' ,It".' ,. h m.e :!..td:";-~'-tti.1~,;~;"'~x... . . . t e same. r~. [i. ~ ~;,~, iN~ w..".'. '~.Yv,,'..".' W H EREC}F. J h. av . hereu.nto set m~'1 ~and and affi7edJ m:y official ,,~: t~ \"~1:, S E /1, L ,~~~:~~;".;,4a:y and :year rn thrs c: rf cate fIrst ab. )ovt:",r~... ten. j // .::.. . - _ ',';..", .:t1M,i'\..,'." . ,- ," .... // c...;;::?i../././ p..?/-< -----'" \.....//?<.,-C/A~,(;/;t.1i2-/ " , .iI,. ~.l"I11~'li' .' . ",;;, . ';f~:I. ..... ~......kJ.<'.nn...nn.nnnn.nn"/n.n...Y.;.._h..._n_hn.n_ ',,/.;.....,...~:..;,,<(,>.:" ;" '. tar,y Public for the State of Montana. .','" 0 I':' \'II'" ,,' .... Mon a . . . March 1 67 Resldrng..t.:"'......J~~.i:"'\l.,.........nt_ftn_m..m.m ..M)) ommlSSlOn exprres...m___m...._..u..._._.. 19m..m . c~ . , < )~"-" ,--". -_/~ - ..... -".Q,:1 ,.,.; ',,<,,!- .1 .......'0'-" '" ~. "-IV \ 't, '" ~: \ "'" ,. c.' . ,~_" , ' '.,,- I .. '~, ," " :::.... " f'. 'I ' L-.}. , . ,l'r----- TO '" ,,~ ." \, cr::; , ..~. , . ..: t; . 1;" , ~ . ~ " Deed - Bargain and Sale 0" DateJ "0__.. .... ..n.... .'...... .......... ......... 19..n.... Ru~JeJat~eR~uut~ ; ,. ; '::7~::::::;~::::::'~~~ , , ............................ ............ ............................ ..... .............................. .................... ............. ~, at..n___...20.___minutes "ast.___...~....... . .' ........B.......M.. in.___~.9.J..../y.~.... ! · of 2...~..J1€.............. ..m . ~....~~. ,",' County RuorfIet. " ,JC!>;Z~:.;1.~............................ ~ ~ t~~.DepU!: . .u. .! " - -.- w... . . . '. . '- . . . . . . '- ' , . . I ~ C 227 0' B N 89 .... - 32 O'E I I 2 710 ACRES, more or less -WEST LINt OF NEW HYALITE VIEW SUBDIVISION -.'. ..-. OF THE CIIY or OOlfM.1N ANC G,;tt-lr-rIN COUNTY, I .- MON T ANA ~ lJ..J .. 5/8" X 36' STEEL RODS SET AT POINTS A, B, i'-.. - I'-- - C, AND 0 0', OJ \.:) C\j OJ Q 0'1 I C\,J I (\.j U) c::, () U) I '0 I ~ V) I I I I : .---.,- - -- - ----.:.". - - -- i N 89 33,~" w 82 .Sf' I 0 227 0' A WESj I ""-,.. . OJ1::t:: 'I-. ~Icr OJO -<:: I SOUTHEAST CORNER QF SECTION 18, ~ T25, H6E, MPM - FOUND I' DIAME1ER i I IRON PIPE, SEE GALLATIN COUNTY MPM 18[/1 ." ~- FIELD BOOK 177~~~, SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 18, T2S, R6E, N 89 .... -4,')' W 19~ -I DESCRIPTION OF TRACT A-H (-0 -"',.,.....-. -.--' --. .----.--, - -- -- n_, _,_ -.-..--. ,. A t r ,3 c t (j f lano In the So~ineast Quarter of Section 18. T2S, R6[, MPM, In Gallatin County, Montana, as SnOwn en t~e attachea piat, and being more particularly described as follows Be9/~rlng at a p0/nt on !he West I I ne 0 t the New Hyallte View SubdivIsion of the City of Hozeman and Gallatin County, Muntana, which IS North a distance of 1851 8 feet and Wesl a distance of 82 9 fee t frem fte Southeast cerner of said section 18, thence 5 8ge 333'W a distance of 227 0 fee!; thence N 0'-28 7'W a distance f'"199 feet to the North I I ne 0 f t ha t t rac t descr I bed In Book of Deeds 130, page 96, In the County Clerk and Recorder's Office of said county. thence N 89 I 32 C'E along said Norlh line a distance of ~~7 C feet to a pOint on the West line of said New Hyal Ite View SubdiVIsion, thence S 0"-28 7'E along said West line a distance of ~20 0 teet to the pOint of beginning Th I.'; tract contains 2 7/0 acres, more or less I HEREBY CEHTIF/ Tr!AT I AM A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN SURVEY OF A TRACT IN THE TlfE STATE OF MONTANA AND THAT THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRUT FLAT. -_.. .,--,,-~~._. ~.,-_._,~.'.- -'~._- SOUTHWEST 1/4 or SECTION 18, PL/&:::/ T2S, R6E, MPM, CHARLES R SWART MA Y 19, 1964 GALLATIN COUNTY. MONTANA REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 18535 for Eugene Gra f, Jr .. Scale '" 10C' , - ~~J ~_ ~ .., - . . -..... - -...,... ~. -" . .- - .. ' _.' . - -' - . ~, .... ....... ~ " '. ... ! ",,-- II. . "....------:.::.:.--_,--'