HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 63- Stevens, Warren & Audrey Deed '" .. , "'ODK 143 PAGE39;< Filed for record this..................da~ of................................................19.......... aL........o' clock........M. NO. 14 - QUIT (JLAIM DEED _fAn PU.LlS"I.' CG., HI.......... ....T. THIS INDENTURE, Made the.........J'.:!-m'''h..da~ of.... ~l.U'I;~.~.~..................in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and.........A1x.ty:::thre.la........mm.. between .................................. .........WAR~l.L.a.,...S~~NS.....~...A1rn~..W'.hf?~~~U..u.u...mm..m..00.......... _um. n...um......... r _ _....... ~ ~ ~........ ~ ~.. +.. ............. __........ ..._.. _.._.._ .__.. .. __ __ __.............. ....11... .........._ II............ _.......... ~ ~.. ~........ ~.. ~............. _........ _.. _ ____.. __ __.................... _I> r....... n"" -..................... .-..---. m.um.m...mmn.mn..n..mm...............hu.....m.....m..u..._..mmu....._.um..mJhe part.ias.. of the first part and ..C X.'IT. ..QJr...a9..~~W\N'---.~..m~!).tg!~J. .g-')'~PQ~~. ~~.Qn..... .B.Q~~~.I}J. .._tt9nt~.n~........... .......r+.. _. _.... _".. _. ......... __~~____ ___...... ___.._______.._..... _~_.. + .._...... r_ _+ ......_____ __.____... __. ____....._.. __ __ ...... ..._......................._...._____.. -- --- - -.......-+ +-... ..----..-- .......n..................................................................mm...n.........the parLY..... of the SECOND PART, WITNESSETH: That the said parL1'JLn. of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of the sum of.Q~~.nP..QJ.*.~f::~Ij5...Q.tQ~!'..~y*.!~.~P..~~.ng9.n~J.Q~.r.~.t!9.1:D~~n, ($.J..,:Q.Q...QY~. ) to....~........... ....... ................ ............. .... .................... .......... ......... .............__..... .in hand paid by the said part.'Y..... of the SECOND PART. receiPt of which is hereb:p acknowledged; dOm... hereb]1 conve]1, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the .aid part:'j.mmm of the second part, and to..i.ts...succes ors xmc, and assiRns, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate. situated in the ......."..~ ~ .t.Y...9. ~ n .~9.~.~~ ~nnn.."m.. .__0.. .n........ C ount:p of m." n..~ J..+.~ .tJ~. ~....... n...... __n...~ __ ....n n and state of Montana, to-wit :..,T.b.~;..W~.$.~..J;h.~~.~y.m~.~~.~...{.3.Q.!.L__Qf...tb.~__NQX'.thmsix__...... .... ...> "hh.lJn.Q~~.Q ...~.~y~~.~y:7.~~.l!~...~n.Q..~JghJ...t.f~m.;.b1?. .~~~~...JQ.7.~.,.~.!J....Qf...tb.~.m.... ............Nor.the.as.t...o.ua.r..te.r...Qf...the...H.or.thwe.s:t...o:u.ar.ter....(JSlE~~). ...Qf..... ............. ...... ....__S.'-~.t.j,9.1}..:rw~.!y~.nU..~1/__..~9~~h;i..p._ .~Q...l~l._ .SPg:thL...R~Hlg~.. _F .iye... .(.5.)....... ....... __ ...~.C! ~.;.'!......... ............. ....... n"""", __. __ __... n."", __.. __.. ........ __..... __............ ... n... --.. --...... --... --. --............ '........... ~.. ~ ............ .................. ............... ..... ............. __.... __ __...__. .... __ ___... .... __...... _..... ~._.......... ~...... _.. _..... _.. r ~.... ___.. _ __...... __.. _ _...................... _.. r__.... ~r". ...... --......... ............ ~.............. _.. ___ __ _.......... _.... ........ ___.. __ ____ ____ _. _.. __....... ...... .........._._ ..... ..... ~ - ~ ~ _.. __ - .. - - - __......_ __ - _.. ~ - - - - __ __. _.. _..o.oO..... __ - - - - _.. ~ - _... _...- - II --- -- _ -- _ -..-...... -.. _ __ _.. _ _ ~.. _ _ __ _ _.. __ __ _ _ _ _ _........ _ _ _ __ ___ ___.. _ _ _ _.._ _ ___ __ _.... _ _ _ _ _ __... _ _.. _ ____.._.. _.. ...__ _... _..... r .__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _...... _ _.... ...... -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- -- ............ _ _ _ _ -.. - ... ~........ - ~.. -.. -- - --........ ~ _ _ ...... .. .. +................... _o. r" _ _.. _ _ _ __ _ ___.... ____ __ __ ..__..___.. _ _.... __....... .............__ .......... _.._ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _.. ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __......... _.. .._.... _ __ _ _ __ _..".. ~ - -.. - -- - - - - - - r - -.. ~- -- --- tORether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonRing, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders. rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, intercsL..................m........o.......m..................propert]1, possession, claim and demand whatsoever as DJell in law as in equit]1. of the said part.iu..... of the first part, of, in or to the said premises and ever!1 Part and parcel thereof.................................... ........ .... ... ...~......... ........ ................ ....... ......... ....n.... TO H AVE AND TO HOLD. all and .ingular the said premises, with the appurtenance. ........._............. ....... ....~........ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _+ _.. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _.. r.. _........ ~........ r _" __...... _ _ _ _. _.... _ _ _.... ___.... _ _......- -- - - - - - - -.. - -- ...... -.~ - - - - - - - -- - - -.... -- - -.. - - - -- -- - - -.. -.... ..... -- -- ,..... -....................... n.......... .... ... ..... -. u... ..n.........u.. nu Us l:i"cc'e SS 0 r'B'"'''''''''' u u.......... u... u... u......__.... unto the said part.':J.u...... of the second parL!.!:~...L....~and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part.ies...... of the first part h..'-xtt.... hereunto set.th.e.ir.... hand.a.....m and seaLI...... the da:p and ]1ear first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ~~..;2J.m. ........u nn.WifuL ..... ........ ......... r...... ....... ...... .... .._..... ......__...................... .................. ... a~..:1.i. ~ll>!.tSEAL) .. It........... _.. _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _......o. _ __ _....... _ _.... _ _.. _ _ _ _.. ...... _..... ..... ... ....... ......... count::;~~~:~::~~~_~~:____mJIL On this........}...}...n..........da:p of......._...~.m<Iml~nnineteen hundred and......ums.ix.tY::-.thr..ee.n...... before me....t.b~...yng~.r..~1.9n.e..go..............u.........m...u.........m.................na N otar:y Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared...W~.r1;~n...B.J'...B.j;..V.fUULu.t.Ud...Audr..ey..j{....s..t.Qy.e.%uL...m I II..... _ _ _.... _.. _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ ..._............. ...... II..... - _.. - - _........... .... .......... -...... II - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - -................................... - -... - - - - - - - - - --- -... -- - -.. - - -......... known to me.n..n. ............. u... u. uh............... ............ un......... u ...... u. u..... uu. n...n. uu u... ..... ........ ....". u..... I..... _ _ _ ...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o........................................._.... __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _................... _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _... _........ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... _ _ _o. _ _ ';\'t!l..~ '..\...L ~ '~ i.. L~ ~ i. J.~,. ~..... ", ~~(' ,". 'I, 'i\ JI' . to be the (:'::;:n~~e~::~~~~~~~~~..~~;;~~;i;;~d..i~..ii;;..jj,iihi~ui~~i;~;;;;';k~~~";' ,,".!..: ~td ot;,.." ,,~ L "",~ h :t h d h ...'." {, 'r" . to me t at _om __ eY------ execute t e .ame, 2'., : ..~",.. ~-, IN WITNESS WH~RE:OF, .1. have .hereunto set ~y hand and afi!~~1>>i.. ~,.t.:J~~ ~ ~ the day and year IU th.. ce,flfll:ate f~ ;:;?t!1/~t. /J 'r" ~',i ,k g I ~ ,.,. 'l'''~ 1 . .... .., ." '.',\".' . "'"'Pt.:..,,, . '- ,:: , ~ ,i' ... --- .... ... ... ..--------..-- - ...... .-..-...J'..... -- ,.-...---~......::1':'--- V N otar:p Public for the State -' ,-M 9niapCl\ ....' ~,~". , r_... ' . '....,,';"''''.' Residing aL...m~.9.~~.~.?!....~~.?~~.~~L........mm M:p C ommis~ion expires..~!!-E~~::1..~~~'.'.'.'''' /9 ..?~... 01 1 ! . ,'.-t-. , , QUIT CLAIM DEED ..... ---... -- ........... ...........--.....................-............-.........--..--................................................ WARREN B. STEVENS, ETUX i .... ............ ....... -- ................... .....---...--...........................................-...............................-- TO i , , CITY OF BOZEMAN, a . ...................- ..--........ ........--......... --............... ......... ........-----...... .......................__.............. Municipal Corporation ..............-.......-.........................-.--........--.. .............--................... ....... .....-........ ......-----....... .. Coun~: :, ~~,:.~,~~~~~,:~:.....,',},,' " Filed for Record this ..___~9..._____....day of .___...__m.~~g;_'!:~~..._... ..___. ..nA. D. 19..??.. at. _JJ.;_J:~ ___.._. o' clock _on _ .f7._~...on...M., and OJ c::::a Recorded in Book....___~~3 ..,~.---of Deed~ C) :x: " P age.__. ).9. 3.. ___........ ot the Records of ~ ~ _ .._....m.__..on_....___Q~.~.:h~~J.n.__.____. Count);, W Stale of..n ._~ ~~.~~.~?;. __.._______.......____ "'_ __... ~ I C'1 rTl EARL WALTON ' 1 l ~ - .-.. W \ . ___.... ..n... ____y__....__... _._ ..n..n. n.. ___.....__.._..___.. I CO B~k~R.:.~. " ' . . ": " . w . . , , Depu(p. Fees $.....:::.._.___.__........ ! I QM.QQ.WZ Rt: City of Bozeman