HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 63- Tract in NE1/4 NW1/4 S12 T2S R5E Deed . . . . 143 P4GE394 m No. 14-QUIT CLAIM DEED. O. F. !lTATI PUBLISHING CO., HELENA, ..eNT. THIS INDENTURE. 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Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of School D 1c .7 Bo man,Montan -~---~ ----- ____mh__ (SEAL) - ~. ..... ......- -- ------------ -- _____. ..... -- -- ---- Esther Nelson, Clerk of Board ~ro 143 PAGf395 STATE OF MONTANA, } ss. e ounty of --...~J.~t~~..m--- __________.___00_.... On this_ __ __. _ ??~~. _. _. _ __ .day of.m.. _ .~Y:. _.... _,,0. _.. __nineteen hundred and __ _. __ _.~ _~,:,:t?:t?-.~_~~___. - -... --- -.--- . . before n1e_______.~E-.t:?.~~_~_z:_~.~_I?!:~.~m....___________..__..m_________m._m.___m__.___________..a N o tar)) Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared____...~..ooJ..__~.:i.~l~r..__J.r..m.___________.;_...."_.____._.m-------:--------- ---..--....-- --........--...... ......---.....- -~... --------- ---- ..........-..- -- ----- -----..-----..-----.---- .......- -- -- -- ---- ...---..---...-- ..........-.----... --------.. -- ---- --_......-..... ~noD1n to me_. _ _. .~.C?. 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