HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 63- Kirk, Marguerite Deed . . . .. "'" .. BOOK 143 PA6E390 Filed for record this..................da)} of......n.......__...............................19.......... at..........o' clock........M. NO. 14 - QUIT OLAlllI DEED "~n 'UILlSN.... ce., ..U." ..111'. THIS INDENTURE, Made them..m"~""hda)} of.......Al?+.;i.l..n............in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and......sixt.y.=-:.thr.ee.................... bettveen ...._.................m......... .....~RG~RJ.TI!;..Kt.ms:...2;.h~.9.~~IDsUh...MQJ).t~M.... ...00...__........00.................................. .....m... ......................... ...... ...-......... --.. ........ --.. ...-....... ---... _........ .....-......~....... -..-_...... _. &- --.............. -.......... --...".... ~ -.. ~.... ..-.......................... --.............. ~......~ -................... --_........- ......n.............m."nmn.....nm..........nn.............n........m.- ...................n..m.Jhe parL~... of the first patt .\.. .' I and m..G.*hX..9.~...~Qg;.~~W.f...~...~~~;.9.~~J. .n9.~.;:l?C?~~.!:~g.~!....~~.;~~~.,. ..~~:m.!:~~.~m.... ._..~~..~ - ~ ~.. ........ ~ _n...... &~__ ___~..______.. ..._..~.._____ _____.. ____ __IO__"... __ __......._____.___..._...... ----.. --. --..."-.... ---..,......----------------- -.".. -... ---.. -- ---.... -- -...... ---. ......................nmm.m................................m...........mm.........the parl.'!J..... of the SECOND PART, WITNESSETB :-Ib.o.t the said part.Y.....nn of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of the sum ofO.g~;t_.D.Q~~J;m&m9.~B.ti'~..y~.ly!!Q:l@...9.Qnl.\.g~.:r.~,!;.!Q~ ($ .l....Q.Q...QYc... ) tOnn......b~.~........................................................... ........................__n.n.nn....in hand paid by the said parLy.... of the SECOND PART. receipt of tvhich is hereby acknowledged; doelL hereby conve'y, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the aaid parLt_m.... of the second part, and to.!.t~...~~.c;:;gess rs IJtIffl and assigns, all right. title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in the '''m ..C.~. ~Ym2l. .ftQ~~~n...n..._.......n..........m... C ount.Y of-n.G.~!J.~~.~ D-.... _. ............m........ ..n..n..._ and state of Montana, to-wit :......~~..l:.?t~.~...tb.~.;-J:;Y...~~.~J;...t~.Q.~L.9J...th~...W.Q~.tl\w~~.1;.nu .....................Qh'~.f.t.~*.h~J...~~~...~~.;:~~.~~.~~...Q.~~.~~~.~...t~1>.4~~1...~J..~.~9.t.~p.~........_..... .nn....n......m.7:'#.~!Y..~nJ*_?.)....~~~~~~~P..~~L.t~)....~9.~~hJ....~.~9~...r.J.~~....(.~J....~~.l:ji.~.(..... ... ___ __...... ____...... __.... __.................... _____ __ ______ __...._................... _. ......... ~...... ..____.. .. _............. r _ ~............... __ __....... ~.. r........... ~~.. __.... __.... __.......... _",.. ~.. ~........ __ __.. r r"" -.. ....-.. ---~ - ................................ ~.. - ~ ... -..... ~.. ...... ..-...............-- ----........ --.. ---........... .........- ..-. ..... --........ --.... -- ~....................... --- ........ .... --...--- -- -.. ............................ -.. ~ -... ..--- ---- . ____ _" _.. _ .... _.... _ __ _.... _. __ _ n........ ........ ........... ... .......__ _ _ ____ ______. 7 ~.. _ _ ........... .....".~...- - -. - -- -- -"... -.... -- - - - - - - - - - -. ...- --... --..- - - --........ 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TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and aingular the said premises, tvith the appurtenancea _.... r _..... ".. _.. _ _ _ __ __ _ _.... _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __. _~ __ _.. __.. .._"................._ __ _ _... _.. _ _ _ _.... _ ___ __ __. ____ _.. - -.... -- - - - - -- - -... ~.. -.. - - -- - - --.... ..... -...". - - -- -- --... -... - - -- -- - --.. - -... - -..- - - -... ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ _.._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __....... _..... _........ ......... ~ _ _. _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___..... r.' __ _.... _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _.... "'.- - - - - - - - -- - -.... ~.. -... .-- - - - -.......... - --- - - ----. - - -.. -.... ~..- - - -- it su~ss~rs unto the said parLYn...m of the second ParLnn..!1...Lnn . an assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said parLY__n..n of the first part h..as...... hereunto seLb.~X'..... hand...._n._. and seal.n_.mh the day and year first above tvritten. ".' '.',- Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ~~. ----- --- -. - - - - - - - -- -- --- ---.........-- -----.. --- ..........-...-..... ..... ....... ...........- ......i/-... ~. . n. ....~/~n...m...._. (SEAL) - - - - -- - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - - --...... - - - - - - -- ----..... ....... ........ ............ ........ ...n._nn_nn n....n...n. 00_' ............ n-n. nn..... n (SEAL) count::;~~_~~:~~~~_:~:__m__JIL On this........~.'?~~nm_._day of.m..AP:('.1~............nineteen hundred and.m.s.ix.t}!.-:-.tbJ:ee.n_n.n. u... ,~',-",'''''',- -"^"~-"-""~-.--"d-- ,--' -- - a'" ' before mem..........J;h~...~n...~~.~Tgn~.._.~~~..~-:....-....~m..:__...-:.hh..hh..........ma N o tar)} Public 'OT the State of Montana, personally appeared....M~.f9.\H~.!".~.~~...K~.f~m......n..............m........n.._......nn....0.. ..... ..-- - ------- - ---........... -.... '" .......- -........---_......... ........ ..-..-..-_......-........ ..... -.. -*..... - -. ...- - - - --- - --...... *.. ....... ......-...... ..- ....--- ---- - - ---- - ........ -- -. -.. .......... knotvn to me.........._n.nn.. ........ ......nn.. .00" .....n.... ..,._............... ..... n........n.n..n..... n...... ....n. n.. ..n........ .. ,......... _ _ _ _"'............................. _ _...... __ _.... _ _ _.. _ _ _.......... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _...... 'II.. _. _ _ _ _.. _.. _...... It _..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......... _ _ _ _ _ _........ .,..... "." \."" ~ ~ ~ ~::;::: 1.; J..... ..': - - --- I ,,'." '\'I~ " , 1). \ ,'. ,,' to be the ~~~~~~~~~ii::::::::..~~;;~~ri;;~d..t~..ih~..:,;,iih;;...i;;;i;~~%~~74i.,;'~1~~~~< to me that ....n~he...nn. executed the same. ::: " .. " /, r,", - '. ~'" ::. . - :--.,. _..';~ 1 " '" ",,,f,~" IN WITNESS WH/!-Rli,OF, .I. have ,hereunto set ~y hand andi7tfi4et!/'rn~afficial~e\'8}~' the day and year m IhlS certIfIcate flT'~ "..~.." !. ~. '\ : ~:j .... . nn.nn...............~~....,..o. ....,n...:n__:__...~.. Notary Public for the Std1~" M onlanq.. ,." ~ ] I I : : , . . . . _ - ~ ' . . Residing aL..n...J:}.Q~~J;1@.n~...M.Q.n,!;!!n~.....m._n... M ~ C ommias!on expires..i!!P.~..g..~!?..... 19..?!.. 1 t I'"' -. ! ~ . " QUIT CLAIM DEED \ ! j t ,,' I ....n_...~.;:g~~~J.~.~..K~;~............mmL. j .. n' On' ...__ .u....nu...........u..u..un""".".uu.'-r__ i TO m.......g~.~Y.__Q.;..J~-'?~!!~.~.L.~n..mmum - ....mmID~.~;.9. !~!:-.._gQ~J?9.~~j::;.9.~.m..n ,. , C oun~: :, ~~,~:'~~~;:~,:~:.,..,...}U, . Filed for Record thiJ .m..~2mu.....daY of .n...nu~~.€i~.~_~.mun.n..._u...A. D. 19.?}... 'I J at.)J.:.~.Q._ nu.. o'clock ....__A.e........M.. and ~ ~ Recorded in Book......~~}_...__..oof Deed~ C""j . p age.___2.9.9. ........ ...._ ot the l<ecords ot il '"-"i . .mum 0.... ...__. ou._.uQgJJg.~.?:n.....___ C ounl)1. , ~ State of.m ___.~~.I?:~.~~~..____........______.n.....m ; ~ ( EARL WALTON ,'" ::;z:~~~..,: ' : - Depuf:Y. Fees $..m:.::m.........m.___ QM-QQ-WZ " Rt: City of Bozeman {j