HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 62- Elks, Bozeman Lodge 463 Deed 'l ."" r 'Ii. It . <; ;,l[ " '01. i'~' ;,.~:. . ,<.fIfi. ~ f ,", fV ~... 'OIl" ' '''''. I.,. <, ~~", .~..~' ...... ..... J < w _ _ " ...~~..... ....r ~ ,... - . ;".. .'" _. 't""._ I' ~.... ~ 0;. NO. SA - WARRANTY DEED - Corpo'ratlon - Short Form. nAn PU.~',"I.t Ct,. HI~I.A. ..NT, -! K All M b Th P 3fJOK 1'41 PAGE~J55 . now en y ese resents: ~' ~ BOZEMAN LODGE NO. 463, of The Benevolent and Protective Order That ...Qf._J;Jk:?_,.. ..IJ....D-9.n.:'.P.X'.9.f.i.t...~QJ).t~.n.3___ c. Q]:P- 9. r ~J. ig.u.._ ..wi.t.h. ..f! r.in.c.i p.a 1., X ~~~Ii~~~~~~~=~~~~~Xlt..nmmn..nnnn..................n......n....... ...m.....nmn__...h....__................., in consideration of the sum of..nmElET.Y.nT.HOUSAND...ANlLN.OI-10 0 - - . .........m.......n......n...nm..... Dollars ($..?Q...Q.Q.Q.!.9.Qnmnmm), the receipt tvhereof is hereb:y admitted, does hereb:y grant, bargain~ sell, conVe:y, uJarrant and confirm untom..T.HE.nC.LIY...O.FmB.OZ.E.MAN., nanMunitip.al...c.or.pD.r.at.iDn..inmGallatin...Gount.y-.,....MDnt.ana,............nn.....nn.....nn ..___ - - - _____ ___ - __ _....... II.. _ _........ ... ........ ...........,;,.. ... ..... ............ ......... .____ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _.. ............. -- -.......- - - __A - - - --- -- - - - - -- - - -.. +... - - "'-- ~..... - - -.. ........ '.' ~ ......... - ----..--.. - ---......... - ....."!~.,,"'~~"!...III~~..~---....... .!U:1JiiIIi.~~'~1.~1"_w~~ u.. ~~,~~::..... .~,."".." ........... ................ ..... and to h................n.._.it..~.nSM(;.c.e.S.$.Ql'.s..........._..............mm............and assigns, FOREVER, the ,') .. follo'Wing described real propert;y, situated in the .onta.a>>t.......mmm..............................m........ C ount:y of .m....n..h_..!ial.la.t.in...............m._..,...hnn...n' State of Montana, to~tvit: 11 ..... ... -.. -- - -- --- -.. -- - - - -- -......- - - -.. - --- -..-.... .-- -- -...- - - ........ ......... -- ........- - -... -..O' -- ----- -- - - - -- -.. - - -.... ...- -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - -.. - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - --- '" . " '. .. t . ," :~ /1::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::: ::::: :::::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::: :::::: ::::::::::~: ::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::::: :::::: :~ ..~ ~ ~.. f '\' . ,/' ......... ..... 00...00. __ n. __ 00 00 0000. h__ n. n. n. ..... h...... .......... .... 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D. 19..61:_.. BOZ.EMAAI,t&:\nr.p.~Nn ~..4n3,.Qf The Be.n.e .. volent...and...P. te.c.t.i.v.emO ATTEST: "','"'- BJ}. ,- eM""" .,', 10. ,.~~.......;". ,',." , . .. :,;~}1h;~~:ii'~;l~:';),~\~r~~:i~i\~~i\'V,'-' -- ---- .-- ",,",' '~"'\~li(H\'<' ,"r"" ',.' ~-' ,;'1~~1~~~-~ ',. ,""r':;' ~~' -, ,,' i"~ ,.... .....':.,- ~i>:--', """" ~ "i::l _ '-T'~~.-' , . ." ""~___' , l=:l: ~ :;:::.., r+:ot;O , " OQ: ~ en :: ,p " ~. t\., '-1 C ,;:r: (1). i-t'l b J, :Ib ir : :: .... 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U!lfl!(1J i1lf' pa,n,axa ,vlfl UO!,V.lOd10:> a "I' Jo...............m.............~Uit-P1-S-9a:.d.....h..alf' "q 01 r.........u..u......___...___......uun.n...h.......................u ..------......Jo "1'00 uo <lW 0' ~ltoJd .10 ~w ~'+U~~~j{ 8 · V ua~..rO<1~r..pa.lv<Jddv nllvuosJad 'vuv,uo W JO ",v'Salf' .loJ 'nqnd {(JV10 N v ....---.....r~r:rST<1)!u....Wuj{o ~ -,,-- aw ~JoJ3lf~l'tVlp.6/111U(>( -~If -. -.,~.A:,.".'~~..."..............:....".~l).qiiia:faii.......Jo 4'lJp.......~-l(~~.tn.-S!ql ~O- ---- - {nu..........U.f:ilPCfiiB..hu..---.. JO {(,uno:) , .SS I I 'VNV.LNOWdO''3.LV.LS 8 Q'?~" J-'<~ ~~L ! f-r( )( 0 ~ S '"' ___ ~:',.". .'-' ;'::"~';"~':~';l&~' . .' " ..i- ~ . , ..!. "':.:," :1 i,,; I,. "I . ,- ~. ,;."." ,..'.L n' ..'.,- 'i"' ','" . \,.. , , All that part of the Southesst Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEtSWt) .. - . of Section l'Jight (8), Township Two (2) South, Range Six ( e) East, M. P. M., and all that part of the following blocks and vacated streets and alleysl .' All of blocks Three (3), Four (4), Five (6). Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Sixteen (16), and Seventeen (17), in Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman. Montana; All of Blocks One (1), Two (2), Three (3), .Four (4), Five (6). Six (6). Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9). Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12), in Drum Lummon Addition to Bozeman, Montana. excepting the West Half (W~) of Lot Five (5), Block Three (3), and Lot Twelve (12), Block Elwven (ll). and Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16). Block Twelve (12), of sa.id Drum Lummon Addition to Bozeman, Montana; All of Blocks Six (6), Foutteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), and Eighteen (18), in Granite Addition to bozeman, Montana; All inc 1uded wi thin the following metes and bounds. to wit: From: the northwest corner of the Southeast c.;'uarter of the Southwest Qua,rter (s~swi) of Section Eight (8), Township Two (2) South. Range Six (6) East, M. P. M.. south along the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter. a distance of 1054 feet to the place of beginning. being a point on the northerly right- of-way line of the county road; thence North 7907' East along ~aid right-of-way line 725 feet; thence North 87018' East along the road 617.7 feet to a point in the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North along said east line 427 feet; thence North 52051' West 279.7 feet; thence North 51023' West 466 feet to a point in the north line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Q.uarter of aforesaid Section Eight and which point is 586 feet west of the northeast corner of said Southeast Q.uarter of the Southwest Quarter and is also on the south line of t:ot Four (4), Block Eighteen (18). Granite Addition to Bozeman. Montana; thence North 51023' West 468.7 feet; thenCe North 7003'West 214.8 feet; thence North 55011' West 424.8 feet, more or less, to .. point ...... . " . '1' ~; ,-;,' r:i nl-,:LO (, I':laFC 2 , ['oti I;'C j\:(' .,'-:1. li - J u 5 5 t .'4- t) L.d. c';r ~) . ".':)!.< l'~~ on the west line of said Granite Addition and which pojnt is 576 . feet south of the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEfSVYi) of' said Section Eight (8); thence North 32049'West 106.6 feet; thence North 0017' Eut 193 feet; thence North 30004lWe'st 88 feet.. more or less to . point on the southwest.. erly r1ght..of..way line of U. S. Highway No. 10; thence northwesterly along the southerly line of said highway to an intersection with the center line of Babcock Street; thence West along the center line of Baboook Street to the center of Switzler Avenue; thence South along the center line of Switzler Avenue to the center of Curtiss Street; thence West along the center line of Curtiss Street to the oenter of McAdow street; thence South along the center line of McAdow Street to the south line of the alley on the south of Block Three (3) of said Northern Pacific Addition; thence East along the south lmne of said alley to an intersection with the section line on the west side of the Southwest Quarter (swt) of said Seotion Bight (8) and which point is the northwest corner of Block Three (3) of said Drum Lummon Addition; thence South along the section line to the southwest corner of Blook Ten (10) of said Drum Lummon Addition; thence East to the southeaat corner of Blook Twelve (12) of said Drum Lummon Addition; thence northeasterly 30 feet more or less to the place of beginning. Also, the vacated 10rth Half (N~) of Rast Curtiss Street contai~ed within the following metes and bOt<nds, to.......jt: Beglnr:ing ut II ~olr:t on the ce~ter line of s8id East Curtiss Stre~t 272.33 f~et 8~st of tbe Sl!lst lilie of McJ~do"\ Aver:ue South; thence along lJl 34E foot f'9di.us curve to tll~ left 60.'19 feet, said curve starting at. Ii Foint on thl'l South line of Raid East Curtiss Street 1~4.94 feet back of said point of betirni~g, to the North lite of East Curt1~g Str~et; t;henee East along; the North line of E!ist Curtiss Stre~t 642.Gb feet to the West line of 5,,1 tz leT Avenue South; th enoe South along the.\~st lille of SwitY.ler Avenue South 30 feet to tr,e center .line of" East \'\Jrtisa .strl'H~t; ther.ce "est. a 1 Ol.lg; the oenter line of Sast Curtiss :;treet to the point of beginn:h~,:'" ....... , . .. ..~ ~ l- I. . Fe: Li.C'.J . : -- J .. i.~ r;'1 1)1) ~~ c ri in!:} t'..; 'ce ''\ . n f . . i" -""i.J.C.'-;.'.' :,{":;. Abo, the West Half (w!) of vacated Switzler Avenue South con- tained within the following metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the West line of Switzler Avenue South and the center line of East Curtiss Street; thence North along the West line of Switzler Avenue South 532.96 feet; thence along a 40 foot radius curve to the right 22.65 feet; thence Northeasterly 39.98 feet to the center line of Switzler Avenue South; thence South along the centerline of Switzler Avenue South 591.46 feet to the centerline of Ea.t Curtiss Street; thence West along the center line of East r Curtiss Street 30 feet to the point of beginning. Excepting there from a parcel of land ~ying in the vacated South Half (S!) of East Curtiss Street included within the following metes and bounds, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of McAdow Avenue South and the South line of East Curtiss Street; thence East along the South line of said East Curtiss Street 131.62 feet; thence along a 346 foot radius curve to the left 144.94 feet to the center line of said East Curtiss Street; thence West along the center line of said East Curtiss Street to the East line of sdd McAdow Avenue South; thence South along the East line of said McAdow Avenue South 30 feet to the point of beginning. All the above mentioned streets and avenues are as shown on the official plat of the Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana, on file and of reoord in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of said Gallatin County, Montana. Said tract contains 0.15 acres, more or 1e8.. A paroel of land lying in the vacated East Half (~) of ~witzler Avenue South, the vacated South Half (st) of East Babcock Street, and the NortHwest corner of Lot One (1), Block Seventeen (17), Northern Pacific Addition to Bozeman, Montana, included within the following metes and bounds, to~wit, Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of East Babcook Street and Switzler Avenue South; thence East along the center line of said East Babcock Street 63.02 feet, thence Southwesterly 35.61 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 1, BlOCk 17, 13.84 feet East of the Northwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 17; thence continuing Southwesterly on the sa.e line 25.68 -' .- - 'r> . ~ " . . , . , " 'J ,';' c; ~"'- ;'-'8 4 i.\");1j, ~~., ..r). ".,.~J (~Al()/~.., (.'~ . ~.;n . ,J \' , " J' ~.. : rJ.'!.! . . feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 11 Block 171 21.73 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 11 Block 17; thence con- tinuing Southwesterly along the same line 55.68 feet to the center line of Switzler Avenue South thence 10rth along the center __Lil"l'" n1' _~_ . '"s"8.TCf-'SW!tifer"'Avenue South 98. 54f'eet to the point of beginning. .-..-= . The parcel contains 0.07 acres, more or less. All the above mentioned streets and avenues are as shown on the official plat of the Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozeman, Montana, on file and of record in the office of the County 61erk and Recorder of said Gallatin County, Montana. . .~ . . . t ...~ ... J.'J:-I.r"e 5 . , ,'," ~ ~ r .~ , , ,- , ~l:; ,>"\: . .' ~ . , J{ore ,t.'rt;lcu16rly d~t1(ribed ,)8; allU1,t; r<,d of t.hN :':',outhe!ist 'tl/Jrtl"lr of 1,1"'" :-ou~hwest ',lwrter (eE1s,,}) of :::~ct:i :)1; ;.a,:.bt (, ) , T OWl1Sh j P rwo (2) ~:outh. Range Sb. ( 6) ~";ast, v.~ f. .If., lu~d all the.t part of t:. ',... ~ f ,'~. '! 1 :"va ~ ....';"'" -h lor 1..... ~~ ,. r' " f; C f. t ~ d ~ t. r~' ~ t ~ f1 f' I.~ ~ 1 '~~ \,' ~ t All of Block~ Thr~e (3), Four (4), 1'ive (E), S h (6), Seven (7) , '!:ig;bt (~, ). G htear; (16), lnd S'?ver:te~n (17), it, !\cr:}.err. lacjlic :,d"itior to Poze':,t>r!, ~.or:tana; All 'Jf U:bcks Ow,,: (1), Two (2). 1'};ree (:::). 1< o,;r \1-), }he ( 5) . Six (6), ~:;even (7), Eight (8), Kine (::i) Ten (:wi. i'.leveIJ ~ 11), nI!d " . Twelve (lG), in [,rum Lummon Addition to Bozeman, ~ontsna, excepting the West Half (~~) of L.Jt 1 i ve (5), Block Three (3). "r,d Lot Twelve ( 12) , Plock 81ev~n (11), and Lots Ii1teen (15) 3.nd .:. 1-Xt':""'f1 (Ie) , Plock T<Nelve ( 12) . of sa id Drum LO.llImon Adc ition to dozeman, [,:ontayn; All of Blocks bix (f). Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixte~n (IS), Eeve~teen (17), and ~iEhteen (12), i~ Granite Addition to Bo~eman, lv:ontanl.; All included within the follo,ving metes and bour:ds, to Nit; F"om the northwest corner of the rioutheast :~u&rter of t,he (. th t" t (~r,l..,1) of Section 8ight (8), Townsh ip Two (2) '"' au w~ s ' \,' us. r (" r ., ',:" ',-,: ''':}' SOt,th, ~...ng:e ~ix (6) r~aft, v. f'. 1'11., south alonr th:,> west line 01 said SOlitheast '.;uHrte- of' the ::outhwest ':"uarter, a dbte.nce of IOf,4 feet to the place of be~in~int, bei~g Ii point on the northerly right- of-way line of the county road; thence ~orth 7907' I~Qst along 8aid right-of-way line _~ feet; thence ~orth 87016' l!;Hst along the road 617 . 7 feet to 8 point in the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest (uarter; thence N"rth along sa iel ~Iut line 4;~7 fe~t; th ence t'orth 62031' Nest <':7P.7 feet; thence horth flo23' hest "-, .".~........- 466 feet. to a point in the north line of snid ~outhe9$t :uarter of the Douthwest ';v~'rter of aforesaid Section Eight IHld wUch pojr,t is 586 feet west of the northesFt corner 01 sa jd Sout.he!i.st !iuf:!.rter of the .southwest C;'uarter and is ~ll8o on the SOLth Une of Lot lour (4 ), Block ~i~hteen (18). ~rqnile Additi~r to Bo?ewan, .antlHie; thence ~orth 51023' ~est 468.7 feet; thence North 70031 '~est ;::14.8. feet; thence liiorth (5011' Hest 4~4.B feet more or less, to a point .... . .... ~ .. - . ui:', c:',~<. .' .' .. . .C: :~! .J.._I- \,.~. ' . .~ J..(,'- J..t.) Ji ~.: . . .1 _ . on the west line of said Grneite Ado:ition am3 which potnt is E75 . feet south of the rorthwest corner of th~ Northeast ~U8rter of the Southwest i.;uarter (Nf:iswi) of sHid Section Bight \ 8) ; thencer,orth 0 ....... 0., r? f . .:.~ ~ .!~,J 1/ ~ ~ ;,:' i... L L ~":',', '<: , ',4'" ,.+ , ,,'" f'~ni-~ i-~....~~,.c "-.".-"-----. . .. ~ , " .. ' North 30004' \\est 140 l~.,'!!t, more or less to a ~)o.:nt on the f'outhwe1\t- erly ri[ht-of-way line of U. S. Highway No. lOj thence northwesterly alont; tr.~ soutlv~rly line of sfdd hithway to un ir-t,>r~ecti:'r" with the center line of 8abcock Street; th~nce ~est Rlong the center line of Hr'bcock Street to the ~ast line of' Switzler Avenue MS platted in Marwyn f(earrlilnt:(~ment of a portion of Northern Pacific Addition; thence Southerly along the Eut Une of [{arwyn to the north line of Curtiss Stre,~t, ItS ori ine lly pl&.tt~d in Northern ~acific Addition, the same being the south li.n~ of 1v'arwynj thence West along the south line of }tarwyn and the so')th 11r16 of Curtiss street as platted 'Nith Mar\~n, to the center of McAdow Street; thence South alont the oenter line of McAdow Street to the south line of the alley on the south of Block Three (3) of said Northern Pacific Addition; thence i~ast alonE the south line of said alley to an intersection dth the section line on the west ~ide of th Southwest 0uarter (swl) of sa id Lection P]ight (8) and which point is the northwest corner of Rlock l'hree (3) of said Lrum Lummon Addition; thence South along the sect.ion line to the S o;lthwest corrIe e' of Block Ten (10) of said Drum Lummon ^driition; thence East to the southeast corner of Bibock Twelve (12) of said Drum Lummon AddItion; thence northeasterly 30 f'.H~t more or less to the place of beginning. ") ...'... "..",--_.,~"".,~~~-"""",,---,-,- Excepting from the above tract 8 portion of Plocks Six (f), S1:xteen (If) and Seventeen (17) of I'..orthern h:lcific Addition snd port ions of Blocks Six (e), fourteen (14), and tifteen (16) of Cranit~ Addition more particularly described as follows: B~g1nn1ng at e point on the South line of 8ast Curtiss ~treet as odLir,ally platted in Northern Pacific Addition, shid p'int being If feet East of th~ SR~t line ~f RIock S~ven (7), sa id ]\'orth~rrj PR~ific Adcition thence fro!', said paint 01 beg;inrirg ard at Ii besring of S 700271 S a distarce of 1044.0e feet; thence at 9 bearing of N 70031 V'i . ~, distance 214.8 feet; thence at a bearing of N BSolll ,I, , . , .. . .' ~, ,,' . , . I .' ]JC<; e rJ.. .~,t:~~~,,1 <~ Ii . ' . . 1 ":~') _~._.'_, c:\ '" . i .-J\.i'-J()~i., , ~ ( , - . . , f distance 42~.8 teet; th'flce N 220491 i:j 9. dis tance oJ lOC.€ feet; 1<. . thenoe gt a bearing of N 00171 8. 9. distance of 193.0 feet; thl'!I'!rt! . at Ii bear hG OJ j, ~v 04' .. ~, ~_i:",Li..d.,(~", '. I'. '1 A""" f'." ~+ Tr,I""\"""O ....,.,.. 1.."" , . , ~.J ., , to a point on th':~ southwesterly right-of/-way line of lJ. S. Highway No. 10; thence northwesterly along the southerly 15ne of ~aid highway to II point of inters",ctior. with 8. line It feet east of and parallel to th~ east I iLe of "wit ..ler h.venue f:l.1'; r L~tterJ j 11 ~farWYT; t.hence in a southwesterly and southerly direction lE fe'~t erlst of and parul1?ll to the ess t line of Swit? ler "venue anc s, id producod to the point of beginning, sBidexcepted tract containing 1~.4 acres, .Jr,~ u:' less. ...1, D I",'.), , J ,~: 7' 1'/ ..-r /" ~' ),,{ [/I " _'-.~~I' /r+/-/I-./ r .;' . .... .. . '- ~ " '\- :' . .. , -.. . ",,,,(.. ,.... ' ' i ,,/' i ,', -- \I,,~)'\ " .e. ',\ i "" " '';" '\ \)" ',(P" ~\";#.; ,*~,,~',':\\\\\'\r\ " ",;' ' ',,"\#'~"'.#"' , " \ii',";)" ,~~~~~ r \, ". \....... ,"0\:0,,<1'1'''''' TITl.,E, INSIJRANCE BUIl.DING . BOISE. IDAHO >', """\I~ij\:@I, ~~~1.1:(1~~1~'" Title Insurance Policy Policy NC! 1V~=i91055 $ 50,000.00 Order No. 2422 --'M-"""";',,~roMP-~'" ---'":'''\'..,;'~"~,~,-;-,:/,'":",,,',"""".-,', ","",..,'" " "",' ,. TIttEl "',' , ',...........~~~'..Ja.. O(th~ Stateofldaho).heRinaitf.!t",,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,, called the Company, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy of title insurance, Does Hereby Insure THE CITY OF' BOZi1<iAN, A lVIUNI ClP AL CORPOB.AT luN IN GA.LUTIN COm~'1'Y, l'-LONTANA. together with the persons and corporations included in the definition of "the insured" as set forth in the stipulations of this policy, against loss or damage not exceeding -----FIF'l'Y 'l'l-luUSAND AND NO/100-------------------------------------------dollars, which the insured shall sustain by reason of: I. TItle to the land described in Schedule A being vested, at the date hereof, otherwise than as herein stated; or z. Any defect in, or lien or encumbrance on, said title existing at the date hereof, not shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 3. Any defect in the execution of any mortgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B secur- ing an indebtedness. the owner of which is insured by this pollcy. but only insofar as such defect affects the lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of trust upon said land: or 4. Priority over any such mortgage or deed of trust of any lien or encumbrance upon said land existing at the date hereof, except as shown in Schedule B, such mortgage or deed of trust being shown mtheoriJer olin priority. all subject, however, to SCHEDULES A and B, and the STIPULATIONS herein, all of which schedules and stipulations are hereby made a part of this policy. IN WITNESS WHEB.EOF, THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused its corporate name and seal to be here- unto affixed by its duly authorized officers, this 17th day of December ,19 62 ,at 5 P. K. This policy not valid unless co~tersigned by Gallatin Land TItle Company THE 1:'ITLE INSURANCE COMPANY By Pershing Hanilen B(J!k ;@.~"idm' GALLATIN LAND TITLE COMPANY o~~ M'~ ~. ,~s,~"ary 1"0"" 101 . . .~ -. . " .... . . . , '. . . I ~' -,Plilg~-~, Policy No. N...19-1055 Order No. 2422 SCHEDULE A The fee simple title to said lands, is at the date hereof, vested in: The City of Bozeman, a lYlunicipal Corporation in Gal la, tin County, Lont Dna. The land referred to in this policy is described as: A'I"l'ACHED: .."\-;=tf~'".- "<" J;,;:..)f.::,\~l,~.r,.~,n~. ,-- ."r,.' --';~.:\""':""~.~,'" ~~;,~,,:..;;;". ,,',.,'. .' '~~:,":~::':",;,;":':-:.i':, :.;." ' ;..," , , FORM 101 .. . - P, ~ . . .... 41: ~. ':' '. , '" l :;" . --, " , ,l'age<> - .Polify No.. ,lVl..,1)l-:,1055 Order No. 2422 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss by resaon of the matters shown or referred to in this Schedule except to the extent that the owner of any mortgage or deed of trust is expressly insured in Paragraphs numbered 3 and 4 on page I of this policy. I. Rights or claims of persons in possession or claiming to be in possession, easements, liens or incumbrances including material or labor liens, which are not shown by the public records; reservations in patents or state grants; or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof; mineral rights, water rights, claims or title to minerals or water. 2. Questions of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by improvements belonging to these or adjoining premises; all dependent upon actual survey for determination. 3. Assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records; taxes not yet payable; pending proceed- ings for vacating, opening or changing streets or highways preceding entry of the final ordinance or order therefor. 4. Any laws, governmental acts or regulations, including but not limited to zoning ordinances, restricting, regulating ::b:" .",;(lff.~t'in~CQi,.letl-"(fi'~t'()f~:~i~:,~.~t!~4'n,:li!!l.iUftgtlM~t cii.,imprQV~" ;~.~";;'::;,~' ments, or prohibiting a reduction in the dimensions or area, or separation in ownership, of any lot or parcel of land; or the effect of any violation of any such restrictions, regulations or prohibitions. 5. General tax.es for the year 1962 and prior years show paid. 6. City Specials show this to be in District Lighting and Dint rict Paving and the 1962 installrrents show paid. Subsequent years installments are a lien. 7. Any Easements over, across and under said property. END OF SCHEDULE B FORM 101 ~ .' ~ .' "oJ ... ,; . .. .. W' .~...". . .. - ". . ~ · i ~ '. .. . STIPULATIONS I. SCOPE OF COVERAGE 6. SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT Thi. policy docs not insure against, and the Company will not be liable for loss or Whenever the Company shall have setded a claim under this policy, it shall be damage created by or rising out of any of the following: (a) defects, liens, claims, subrogated to and be entided to all rights, securities, and remedies which the encumbrances, or orher marters which result in no pecuniary loss to the insured; insured would have had against any person or property in respect to such claim, (b) defects, liens, encumbrances, or other matters created or occurring subsequent had this policy not been issued. If the payment docs not cover the loss of the insured, to the date hereof; (c) defects, liens, encumbrances, or other marters created or the Company shall be subrogated to such rights, securities, and remedies in the suffered by the insured claiming such loss or damage; or (d) defects, liens, claims, proportion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss. In either event encumbrances, or other marterS existing at the date of this policy and known to the insured shall transfer, or cause to be <ransferred, to the Company such rights, the insured claiming such loss or damage, either at the date of this policy or at securities, and remedies, and shall permit the Company to uSe the name of the the date such insured claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy, insured in any transaction Or litigation involving such rights, securities, or remedies. unless such defect, lien, claim, encumbrance or other marter shall have been disclQsed to the CQmpany in writing prior to the issuance Qf this policy or appeared at the 7. OPTION TO PAY INSURED OWNER OF INDEBTEDNESS AND date of this policy on the public records. Any rights or defenses of the Company BECOME OWNER OF SECURITY against a named insured shall be equally available against any person or corpora- The Company has the right and (t;on, in case any loss is claimed under this policy tion who shall become an insured hereunder as successor of such named insured. by an insured owner of an indebtedness secured by mortgage or deed of trust, to pay such insured the indebtedness of the mortgagor or trustor under said mortgage 2. DEFENSE OF ACTIONS, NOTICE OF ACTIONS OR CLAIMS TO BE or deed of trust, together with all costs which the Company is obligated hereunder GIVEN BY THE INSURED to pay, in which case the Company shall become the owner of, anel ,uch insured The Company at its own cost shall defend the insured in alllirigation consisting shall at once assigri and transfer to the Com pan y, said mortgage or deed of trust of actionl or proceedinp 'Iainst. the inaQted. or defenses. reattaining orders, or and the indebtedness thereby secured, and such payment shall terminate all liability injunctions interposed against a foreclosure or sale of .aid land in satisfaction of Ilnder this policy to such insured. any indebtedness, the owner of which is insured by t~is policy, which litigation 8. PAYMENT OF LOSS AND COSTS OF LITIGATION, INDORSEMENT is founded upon a defect, lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by OF PAYMENT ON POLICY this policy, and may pursue such litigation to /inal determination in the court of The Company will pay, ;n additiun to any loss insured against by this policy, all last resort. In case any such litigation shall become known to any insured, or in case knowledge shall corne to any insllred of any claim of tide or interest which costs imposed upon the insured in litigation carried on by the Company for the is adverse to the tide as insured or which might cause loss or damage for which insured, and in litigation carried on by the insured with the written authorization the Company shall or may be liable by virtue of this policy, sllch insured shall of the Company, but not otherwise. The liability of the Company under this policy notify the Company thereof in writing. If such notice shall not be given to the shall in no case exceed the face amount of this policy less all payments made on Company at least five days before the appearance day in any such litigation, or if account of principal of any indebtedness secured by the lien of any murtgage or such insured shall not, in writing, prompdy notify the Company of any defect, deed of trust, the owner of which is insured by this policy, nor the actual 10"' of the lien, encumbrance, or other marter insured against, or of any such adverse claim insured and costs which the Company is obligated hereunder to pay, and in no case which shall come to -the knowledge of such insured, in respect to which loss or shall such total liability exceed the amount of this policy and said costs. All pay- damage is apprehended, then all liability of the Company as to each insured having ments under thi, policy shall reduce the amount of insurance pro tanto, and pay- such knowledge shall cease and terminate; provided, however, that failure to so ment of loss or damage to an insureel owner of indebtedness shall reduc<, to that notify the Company shall in no case prejudice the claim of any insured unless the extent, the liability of the Company to the insured owner of said land. No payment Company shall be actually prejudiced by such failure. The Company shall have may be demanded by any insured ",ithout producing this policy for indorsement of the right to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or do any other act such payment. which, in its opinion, may be necessary or desirable to establish the tide, or any 9. MANNER OF PAYMENT OF LOSS TO INSURED insured lien or charge, as insured. In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosecute or defend any action or proceeding, the insured shall Loss under this policy shall be payable, first, to any insured owner of indebteaness secure to it in writing the right to so prosecute or defend such action or proceeding secured by mortgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B, in order of priority and all appeals therein, and permit it to use, at its option, the name of the insured therein shown, and if such ownership vests in more than one, payment shall be for such purpose. Whenever requested by the Company the insured shall assist made ratably as their resp.ective interests may appear, and thereafter any loss shall the Company in any such action or proceeding, in effecting settlement, securing be payable to the other insured, and if more than one, then to such insured ratably evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or defending such action or proceeding, as their respective interests may appear. If there be no such insured owner of to such extent and in such manner as is deemed desirable by the Company, and indebtedness, any loss shall be payable to the insured, and if more than one, to the Company shall reimburse the insured for any expense so incurred. The Company such insured ratably as their respective interests may appear. shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all costs and attorneys' fees incurred or 10. DEFINITION OF TERMS expended by the Company, which may be recoverable by the insured in any litiga- tion carried on by the Company on behalf of the insured. The word "knowledge" The follo,wing terms when used in this policy mean: in this paragraph means actual knowledge, and does not refer to constructive (a) "named insured": the persons and corporations named as insured on page knowledge or notice which may be imputed by the public records. one of thi, policy; (b) "the insured": such named insured together with (I) each Sl'ccessor in 3. NOTICE OF LOSS, LIMITATION OF ACTION ownership of any indebtedness secured by any morrgage or deed of trust shown in Schedule B, the owner of which indebtedness is named herein as an insured, (2) any A statement in writing of any los. or damage for which it is claimed the Company such owner or successor in ownership of any such indebtedness who acquires the is liable under this policy shall be furnished to the Company within sixty dalos land described in Schedule A or any parr thereof, by lawful means in satisfaction of after such loss or damage shall have been ascerrained. No acrion or proceeding or said indebtedness or any parr thereof, (]) any governmental agency or insrru~ the recovery of any such loss or damage shall be instituted or maintained against mentality acquiring said land under an insurance contract or guarantee insuring the Company until after full compliance by the insured with all the conditions or guaranteeing said indebtedness or any parr thereof, and (4) any person Or cor- imposed on the insured by this policy, nor unless' commenced within twelve months poration deriving an estate or interest in said land as an h~ir or devisee of a named after receipt by the Company of such written stattment. insured or by reason of the dissolution) mcrg~rt or consvlida.tion of it corporate nam~d insured; 4. APPORTIONMENT OF LOSS (c) "land": the land described specifically or by reference in Schedule A and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property; Whenever the Company shall be obligated to pay a loss under the terms of this (d) "date": the exact day, hour and minute specified in the first page of this policy to an insured owner or put<"haser by reason of a defect in the title to a portion policy; of thc area insured herein, liahility shall be limited to the proportion of the face (e) "public records': those public records which, under the recording laws, amount of this policy which the value of the defective portion bears to the value impart constructive notice of matters relating to ,aid land. of the whole ar the time of the discovery of the defect. II. WRITTEN INDORSEMENT REQUIRED TO CHANGE POJ.lCY 5. OPTION TO PAY, SETTLE, OR COMPROMISE CLAIMS No Provision or condition of this policy can be waived or changed except by writing indorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by the President, a Vice President. the The Company reserves the option to pay, settle, or compromise for, or in the name Secretary, or an Assistant Secretary of the Company. of, the insured, any claim insured against or to pay this policy in full at any time, 1'. NOTICES, WHERE SENT and payment or tender of payment of the full amount of this policy, together with all accrued costs which the Company is obligated hereunder to pay, sh.1l terminate All notices "'Juired to be given the Cornr.ny and any statement in writing required all liability of the Company hereunder, including all obligations of the Company to be furni,hed the Company ,hall be addressed to it at its home office at 711 with respect to any litigation pending and sub'equent costs thereof. Hannock Street, Hnise, Idaho. l"ORM 101 , .....':,.:-:=:' ...:r-,:.-;:.i .. . . . .. ., . , " . .' , . B-E D.G, o'con n-E L L, -A n GE L So .fl n DD.IOLO ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEN E. e~RG, .,JR. TELEPHONE MICHAEL J. O'CONNELL FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 587-3181 CHARLES F. ANGEL POST OFFICE BOx 550 RICHARD .J, ANOFHOLO &Oz.emfln, mOnTflnfl 59715 September 15, 1971 OPINION OF TITLE to lands described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. City Commission City of Bozeman, Montana THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I, Ben E. Berg, Jr. , attorney at law, Bozeman, Montana, have examined Title Insurance Policy No. M-191055, issued on the 17th day of December, 1962, and have caused the records of Gallatin County subsequent to December 17, 1962 (the date of said title insurance policy) to be examined and I find, and therefore report that the title to the above described premises is vested in the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the state of Montana, subject only to the following: l. Bargain and Sale Deed between The City of Bozeman to the State of Montana, for the benefit and use of its State Highway Commission for Haggerty Lane frontage Road, recorded February 14, 1968, in Book 156 of Deeds, at page 92, records of Gallatin County, Montana. 2. Any Easements over, across and under said property. 3. Material Site Agreement, dated November 30, 1967, and filed February 2, 1968, and recorded in Volume 24 of Miscellaneous, page 293, records of Gallatin County, Montana. Very truly yours, . ",.,."'.;J <:; /.."',:? ,~ lJ A-'''~_ ,( '., ~V-;?p., -'. "ii' n E. B~rg ,'Jr. >," , City Attorney i .. . . .. ,. ". i<. ~IRSr " , -, " AGENT FOR: FIRST MONTANA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ~O~tr~~~ Order No. GAL 1936 TITLE COMPANY OF BOZEMAN 111I SOUTH WILLSON AVE.. eOZEMAN. MONTANA SSl71lS PHONE lSSS.2S132 " AREA CODE 408 TITLE REPORT To: Berg, O'Connell, Angel & Andriolo, Attorneys P. O. Box 550 Bozeman, MI., 59715 Attention: Richard J. Andriolo The FIRST MONTANA TITLE COMPANY OF BOZEMAN, a cor- poration certifies that as shown by the official records in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana that the property described herein sta~ds of req- ord in the name of: . . THE CITY OF !BOZEMAN, A Municipal Corporation This report is made without regard to the sufficiency of the title in the above party and is restricted to the use of the addressee. It is not to be used as a basis for closing any transactionsaffecting the title to said premises. Records examined to September 7, 1971 ,1971 @5:00P.M. FIRST MONTANA TITLE COMPANY OF BOZEMAN By ~'7~~::J TR-l. ,~'- ..~". . ._..~. -- ",". ".~". ...., "", -~-,._--".. . - <II ," -,', ,. '" . . .. , , . . Page 2. Order No. GAL -1936 ! DESCRIPTION i ,As Hereto Attached. , There are no encumbrances against said premises, EXCEPT: 1. This Report does not cover a search of the Records of Treasurer, or the Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. J2. Bargain and Sale Deed between The City of Bozeman, to the State of Montana, for the benefit and use of its State Highway Commission for Haggerty Lane fronta~e Road, Recorded February 14, 1968 in Book 156 of Deeds, at page 2, Records of Gallatin County, Montana, a copy of which is hereto attached. ..I 3. Any Easements over, across and under said property. i. Material Site Agreement, Dated November 30th, 1967, and Filed February 2, 1968 and recorded in Volume 24 of Miscellaneous '\ page 293, Records of Gallatin County, Montana, A copy of which is hereto attached. ';l'R..2