HomeMy WebLinkAbout62- Taylor, Arnold & Margaret Deed .. , ! . l THE CITY OF BOZEMAN MONTANA 29 October 1962 Mr. A. B. Taylor 1102 West Babcock Bozeman, Montana Dear Arnold: . This is written in order to make a matter of record the arrangement agreed upon with you for the installation of a sewer line to serve your property at the above address. 1) The City will install a sewer line from Tenth Avenue to a point adjacent to your driveway and to be com- plete with manhole in a manner to serve your premises and without cost to you. 2) In consideration for the sewer line mentioned in HI above, you agree that upon completion of the sewer line you will deed to the City a strip of land 30 ft. in width along all of that portion of your. property along Eleventh Avenue. At any time in the future after pavement and curbing may have been installed along Eleventh Avenue, if the City should elect to order sidewalk placed along this Eleventh Avenue frontage, it is to be installed next to the curb without any parking strip between the, curb and the --sidewalk and the"sidewa1Kl:.nstaIIea--Iri such 03.- manner that the present evergreen trees need not be removed. 3) In addition to #1 and 12 above, you agree to install your sewer connection from your premises to the man- hole to be installed in front of your drive-at your own expens e. All of this arrangement is based upon the agreement you have entered into to be taken into the City at the request of the City. If you agree that all of the above conforms to the understanding you have of the arrangement, please sign at the bottom of this letter in the space provided and return the letter to us. A copy is provided for your file. Y', ~ , '" '. " , ( I .J . I - Mr. A. B. Taylor 29 October 1962 1102 West Babcock 2nd page I continue to feel that this project is greatly to the mutual advantage of both parties and that yourerrortwiU be of .great. - . -' assistance t.o th.'.Cit.y. ,..,' ;/~':~:,: ':;",:,,::1:1:'1"'::" Sincerely, t2. J~ OSCAR E. C City Manager '""" OEC:WS CC-enc. . Boz.un, Montana ~\ (!)c..h~~~ l~ Date The proVisions outlined above" are inaccbrdancewithmy understand- ing of this transaction and are hereby approved. fffB.~~ '; < .'.",-". :,f.'i'":' , . . J; "r ~4 ",,,,,,,__',,,,!",,,,>',"'C,i"-" '.;o......t~ ~ f' , October 26, 1962 State of Mont., County of GaUatin. 5S. FUed for recor~O ',. Miscellaneou~l'l ' 371 at 3 : 55 P. M.. and recorded in Book ,of '-y }6 EARL WALTON Recorder. BY'-S1..J I'J ,7. Irl.6-i,Jr.-'~~ Deputy Rt. City of Bozeman A G R E E M EN T FORAND IN CONSIDiRATION of permission to connect dwellings erected and, to be erected upon the premises hereinafter described to the water and sewer systems of the city of Bozeman, the undersigned, for and on behalf of themselves, their heirs, ':.~~~';t'~f:';'8Pcutt)ra-,";a"s~'~!"~'~.'.dtif"flfi~,f~'s't~:'''''d6;'ili~f~ljy '.,,'. ,;,} covenant, agree and consent to include the hereinafter described property situate in the county of Gallatin, state of Montana, within the city lim1ts and boundaries of the city of aozeman, Montana, upon the request of the city cormnission of the City of Bozeman to annex the same thereto. All that part of the SW~ of section 12, Township .2 south. Range 5 Bast M.P .M... wi thin the following metes and bound., to-wit; Beginning at the HE corner of the SW~ of section 12 which is marked by an iron pipe two inches across and two feet long, thence west along the North line of saidSW~ of said section 12 198', thence south parallel with the East line of said ,,',;--l~~~7J"-r thtSnee"",fiit---paralllal With t:he'North line o'f sa:lod SW~ 198' to the East line of said S1f~' thence North alonq the East line of said SW~ 155.4' to the place of beqinning. fZ,~ p ~i.- :f;IJ:Y~ STATE OF MONTANA) " ': ss. '" county of Gallatin) On this 7~.....,( day of '~, 1962, before me the un", de"r,' 8i""",n,,e, d,'" a, Notary" ,P""Ubli, c, for the state 0, f Montana, per,~ S,9 ,~l, Y ,,'," '~," appeared ~#~ ana ~~F '.' ..~ _" ,., "., " ", .,c_ ,~.' ," tome to be the pers, e'- ose name' ,a'X',.e\'II\1~.ed.bea't-o t:he wi thin instrument, and acknowledged to me tha.t, t;h.~,e~eu ted the same. ~\ ,', .... ~'. "..:': i/ .': " . :">. ...;.;: .,. ~:,,';;:;,l.i,,4~:~"~WI~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ~", ,,'~ _,.f,~<. "," ',' ,f,~~ r,'tw., ',,' ~t:ial Seal the day and yea,r in this certificate , ijl,~ y,,~ ,>'~sa.tten. ' . '.\;,+?C",...Vf;'r,,(.,.~. ".,'.'" ." . ~,~' ~,~ ~<~~/;~li~~~ ]~'.',.(.i~.\~,,:.,;~.. 4' ., ,\ t. ,..~...\,,',',','~ 1'lf~'~\;)J, ',~)~1t~, ~,....( ',I . '" _j ,',"! '...,,1 "'+~'~""",,_ ,,, . /-:.':FtiFs "\ ~ . Notary pub ic 'r the state of Montana '"c,:, ,,' Residinq at Bozeman, Montana , My commission expires ~/....?'~I/:'9~ JI \ f __ aOOK 141 ;'~JE370 . .. , -.. .. NO.4 - BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. sUTIi PUBLlSHINQ co., N!UNA. MONT. t This I ndentu re, Made the.....l7.th.............umm ..da)} of ..J~.~H~.~IDJ;>.~r.u....m_m....._.'.m.... in the year of oU'r Lord one thousand nine hundredum~.~Y.::~Y!~......m.u........m...uu..mum.....ummm-. BETW EENn...n.ARNQJ1R..~.~nAAXkQE..!!m!..MARQ~1'..H.!..1'AXbQB..luh:-!.~Q~ng..0ngu...n..............n... ... u......................... w;i..f ~ u Q f.. J2Q ~ ~ro0n.1.. M9n!{?-n0..... 00...00 n. 00 ...."p.ar.tie.s.. Q f.. tb.e.. fir.st. . part.,... ... n. . .~n~......................~~~..9Y...~9~!...~9~?;~~~!.. .~..~.'E!.~.<?~.J?~.~...<?2.~P~~~.":~~~9E.. .n.......~.....n.n......... & ~.. ~_..... __ __ _.. _..__.... - - - _. _......._ _.._ - __ - __ __ __ - _......... _....... -.... -- _ -- _ _ _ _ -- -- -- --... -...... -.. - -.. - - - -- -- -........ -- ---- -- - - - -...... ..-- - -- -- - - - ~ -. ..... ---..-- - -- - - - -.-... .-.... the partY:n.... of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said parti.elL of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum ofmQD.~.Jd.QJJfg.u~ngn91h.~.:r...y.~J.ll.~,J?J..~...QQn.l?.tg.(;l.:rfl.:tJ.Q1Lu...nB@L1.1RB, !~J.,.QQuQy5<t...mm........of the United States of America, to.....1h.~ro.......u......in hand paid by the said partY....... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereb:v acltnowledged, ha.y.e... granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and b]1 these presents do...... grant, bargain, sell and conVe!), unto the said parts-.... of the successors second part, and to.J1.~nL........~ and assigns, forever, all thSl:t.mu certain.......n............m.....u... piece.....n..., or parcel of land.......................nu..n..........nn.........nu......m..mnsituate, l!)ing and being in ... n. 00 00 00..0000 u. u""'...... ....00..... '0000'" ..... .................... u ............. noon" .......... ............00. 00....' in the Count!) of mJi-fl.;I,.;I,.a.t;i..n....................................................... State of Montana, particularly described as follows, to~ wit: .... .T.b..~. .E.9c ~.t..3.Q..:[ ~~t...9J. ..t.l).~.. .f.gJ.+.9.'1:t.Qg.. g ~~5< r.~p.~. .mu:~ ~ln Qf.. .land.:. 00..............00 00"'" .......AJ:~. .t.lW:t'...P.~r.~...9.LJ.h~..~it.~Jne.~~.~.~9.~..~~'...::r:~~~h~p...~u?Q11t.lL,....R~ng!': .5.........00 ............ .......E?,Rt...M!.P.!.MH..~.i;-.h.:h~.Jl).~nr.9.~~?~.~g..~~~~~..!'l:!!~L!:2Q~mg!'!J...J9.::~t..:..... .......00........... ...u.u ... .......E~giuni:ng. .?.tn.t.h~..Nt..9.9.m.~r...9. L.t.h~.. ~LQf..?~~t;i..,QrL.;J.~..1'!h;i..,5<h..~~..ro9,r.k~Q......... .......... ....00. hy... ~n.. ;i,r.9.l1. .P.~P.~.J ~9.. 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"'_ _ _...... _._ _ ......_ ........ _...._... _ _... _ _..... _ r..._ _.. _ _ _ __...._ - - - -. --.......... - - - - - --- - -. _..- - - - - - - - - -. -.. ~.. -....- - - - -- -- - - - -.. - ~ ~ - -,. - -.. ~ -- - - - : ..- TOCErH ~ with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto :.. ,~-_. _'~.u ""- .:::; \ > bel,onging :'9r in: aiJJ&iVise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, -.....~~~u;;;-..iiriiL.p.rcji'&,thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, ......mumm..n....mnmuu'm___.uum , . u:~:::::.~::::.'.~~::~~~..........m....................mpropertJ}, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equit:y, of the said partias.. of the first part, of, in or to the said premises, and eVer!) part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO H AJI'EANn'F~l and lingulat the said premises together with the appurtentmces unto the said parti/nm of the second part and tOut~~..m!~S::~~~Qr.flm.m.;;:;;It-:.:: and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. The said parti~s.. of the first part hay:eu.. hereunto setmt..h~~r.m hand and seaLmm the da!) and !)ear first above written. Signed, Sealed a~d Deli1>ered in the Presence af ~ ,~ff,._~_"..___.(seal) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: {t)_~2/..,--~-- (Seal) iJtJiJK l.ii PHGE371 STATE OF MONTANA, } ss. County Ofn.h.G:9JJ.?;t.1tL.n.hm...h.h.....h.m n On this. n h;t..'Z~h.'h mday of .mnP..~Q ~.mR.~.r.. nn................_ .nineteen hundTed andm~.t~-.:~;{:-:.~!!5?.. m n before me.h.....th~__!mg~r.~1-gn~~Lmmhmnmnmh..m..mm..m.m....m..a Notary Public in and for said County of.m.....h.g.~ll~t.IDmnhm__hmmnmnm__m..mn__...._m' State of Montana personally appeared ... n __. __.... ............. .Arn2JA..~ ......A ~J!"1g r.. .fimJ.. ~J~r. g~r_~:t.. H. ~..1'~;{ Jg x.. __..... _... __... __ __....... n,,'n","" ... _ _.... ~. known to memo m h__. m.. .!~.~!.'.<?~~m~. ~m try?:,.~~.~__ ___.. __~. __...__.~_ _.' __ n." n',_ _.__ ._____..... ____. n nm n n. _ _~. .._ __,_ -- - ) _ ~ -- _ l'-"t~~-.::-~J.:~' :~ '- ~- ........... .~~.. ~' ...... ;;'-' :;:.:. .......-.--::;:=~.. .-......--........----...-.-..--.............---...-..------..--..------..---....---..----... to be the petsons..n. whose name.s.....aX'.e....__subscribed to the within instrument, and acknoDJledged to me that .mt.heYn.. executed the same. _---~~'~-:~~:'-_~._:...;j,,( WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official /, - :.-...-~ ;-.-....!::- ~.jleal, the day and year in this certi/i ,a first abov2w~' en. .. ;" '_ ;--, ';: -; r? /" \.:"~ _.' , =; ~~.. ",. ~d -~ ' . N'-i'-;Y7'~biic ,.-; e ~~m' -::c - '. . -. :.;;: 2:+ u:.... -:c ~, -":. . -~ ~ - -:-...:___ j Residing at.mm.mnEQ.~.~m9"u,.J19.nt.~u~.mmm------- ..... ..... -....... ~~ "'" ......." ~- .... ..,... ",-' M C .. . Tl:ln11nY'Y 28 196J. '. " ...." y ommlSSlOn explres....H..... .""''ft-!-. .mnn~mh _mH- .. '.;:IIL"''''~ ~,4. OYE, D AS TO FORM ? "/~~ ~. City' Attorne,1/ -":..:~":,:' ,,0;-, :"'. .~~"'. . '. ,; ,-'--: ~ . , CD N', . . M -; '-0,: t p, ::s Ul. 0\ 0\ : ~ :; "". g... _ : I.. 0.. ~ .1-1 15' :,,: 8 ~ Q) -- <+>: ::t! ~ """l ... _...., _ " rY C ."nv : ~ ~ : : ..... .. _ -<:tlrl :::s ' Ok : p, ~ ~ ~ ... E-irl 0- ... ..: 1:: : 3 ~'" c ~~ ~ ~ ,: =:l ~! ~ r~ .s:j- ~ ! ~ IZ-I --::z: ~ rl' N 0 '-' N I 0 < P N II Ct-t ..r::. , E-I : ~,..,.., E--t ~ 0 m ~ 0 - M Cni H ""; I ...... ~, " p:j.. 0 '0 - 0; ;:! 'I; < ~i ::;l Ct-l - fa >. ..0 .-::3t' I: CJ 0 cr., ,./ p:j ~ ID I'il +>~ ~ ~ .: : T;- 0 E-i ~ ... . ~ ~ ~: >. 4 I:::t < ,5 : , ~ H : <I' +> .. 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