HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 62- Thompson Hereford Ranchers Inc. Deed ~n .. _.... GALLATIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION ~ NO.3 ~, WARRANTY DEED BOOK 14U PAGE573 For V slue Received THOMPSON HEREFORD RANCHES, INC., a Montana Corporation the grantor , do e s hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto ~ The CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation of the ~ State qf MQntana . .. Gallatin .E-l the grantee ,the followmg descrIbed premIses, m "m__nu____________________________County, Montana, rJ'J. to wit: ~ A tract of land lying in the West half of Section Eighteen (18) , ~ Township Two (2) South, Range Six (6) Ea st of the M. P. M. , t; City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, more ~ particularly described as follows ,--.t.o--....wi4---. -~.,., ,-~. ,--- ...,,- ,.- Beginning at the point where the North line of the 90 foot right- of-way for Spring Creek Road intersects a line drawn parallel with and a dist,ance Easterly 30 feet from the West line of said Section Eighteen (18); thence North 001' West a distance of 149.21 feet to a point on the Southerly boundary of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company; thence South 30016' West along the said Southerly boundary of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company's Southerly right-of-way line to the intersection of said right-of-way line with the Westerly boundary of said Section Eighteen (18); thence South along the Westerly boundary of said Section Eighteen (18) to the intersection of said Westerly boundary of said Section Eighteen (18) with the Westerly prolongation of the Southern boundary of Thompson Addition No.2, to the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana; thence North 89011' East a distance of 30 feet more or less to the point of beginning; - ~,~ ~._- --,~ -..-.. (Consideration less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) - No Revenue Stamps required) . "1'0 'If.kV;-:m'A-ND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee , t'fr~Jr heirs and assigns forever, And the said Grantor do hereby covenant to and witlr '~e'~ ':G'r4-l1tee ,that they are the owners in fee simple of said premises; that they are free ..f"&n~tl.ifl~~~eeS \."- ;\'~<.} '..:~':' and that t hey will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Da~ed:..., T, HO~, ,SON H,E~ORD RAN,CHES, INC., l!l I' u /~ __13.1__, dJlrh:-'_.\P_. ,. 1~r'r^f- --~;..'?:i~ . President ;0..,,- -- --- ~ ,.-.- ------------ ----------------------- ----. --.------------ .---------------.-....---- S.TA1E";.~i:$(~t4--NA, COUNTY OF STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF Onifirtsf'.i"' t ;:t.... day of , -19, I hereby certify that this instrument was filed for record at I " I ~ I ' before ~~', 'iJ: ~otary public in and for said State, personally the request of appeared ([3/L..., at, minutes past o'clock m., if" this day of , 19 " ,in my office, an8dUl . . Book known to me to be the person whose name of Deeds at page ,., ..... n:-e~, subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to "/ uz,r , ' that executed the same. __._...".m__".___.____________m___~_________ __________________n_______________________________ me County Clerk and Recorder _____.______~__._..._____.__..___mm_._____~__~___m_....m_.__________~______._._. By________..__m_m_ ..._..__.____. .".........__...."_..m__ _...___ ,,--' .-"-,' " ..--...-.'.__'_..,,""^~____, ..___, Notary Public for the State of Montana Deputy. Residing at . Montana Fees $ My commission expires____________m..mn.._____________nn__, 19n__..... Mail to: aOOK 140 PAGE 5 74: STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF GALLA TIN ) On this 13th day of September, nineteen hundred and sixty-two, before me, McKinley T. Anderson, Ir., a Notary Public in and for said County of Gallatin, State of Montana, personally appeared Alvin C. Thompson and Herbert I. Thompson, known to me to be, respectively, the President and - ~ ~.. - Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and ~ 8 acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. rill .== ~ IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~ ~ my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. Z .. - .s j ," . ",. \ \ \ \ 1,',"" I J, , ",' A "J ,'ltl.l '\. t-\ 110.1'/'" ";'.,'0 ~ ", ."'1' ("'.. iI..~ <..: If'o, /" " ~.. ..l!!!Iil1iitb -. 'I " ~~ &!:'-, ~,' ~ ,~"""';':""'",~"'''',\J\ .':'''' G.o'~ /~~:o~~.r:.Ji~~',~::.r.. \ Not~r~ Public or the State of Mo I :~; \.E1-J\1,j ;~:-.' Resldmg at Bozeman, Montana \~';~'''/.:' My Commission Expires October 14, 1964 ."'/.:- 'C'; .:, . IN 0 E~S!!-. - PLA"{'TEI;"-." - ~',--w, - .-- ----~-- --- State of r',1 :);lt3n3 ~ t 0( ,.,"- " '... ~~e~~ty ~n \ SS~ 3'~ .,j >- at 3 r~--'~:~ 1952 L- __"_'_ /C) ,', :>nd r- - ---L___,__ ,,_ . ., ~ , ,~ ~ @1?J Rec~~, k=-~, "~,PJ,,; }7Jf 0 P=l g2 L.U g: L ~'?'~~_ Eo< ~ -< C COUNTY CLERK & n~C:jR;':ER ~ > By >- '~ DEPUTY Fee $ ?--;(/,h"uZ., ~A:~L . -""' ..-.,:" ,,,~.,,-~........... (\.. Q ',j 0 1\,',,). ..... ,t) ..j.) ~ : ~ ~ 0 ,.. Q .,..., l. . ~ ,} l " C);1 N \-1, ~ I .s 'tI ~ J ., 4> · .--l .--.. lot ~'.p" J H 11). 0 II) Q ~ (\) ~ 1:1:I' t:Q.. 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