HomeMy WebLinkAbout61- Blackmore, David & Moira Deed . - .. ~,'~' 53'J .. -"', 1.jn '/dif 'I -iOO", NO.4 - BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. STATE PUDU:SHIHQ C:O., H!l-f:N.\, N.~T. This I nd ent u re, Made theuul.1Ihm..u.u..mn.::uda:y ofu.""______F_~.~~:IJ..~ty..nmnnnnmm in the :year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred..mmS~.tY-::.9JlJLmmummmn,~.._.n..mmn_munmmu_. BETW EEN ..DAYlD..W.....B.LACKM.O:REu~J)..Q..W'mM'OlRA..~.4g.KM'OR.~J...h~.~.1?~~g.m. .iil,ml_w.i;(~~...Qf..;aQ.~.e.mJ;uhu~n~JjJ)...gQ~.J;l,ty.l...MQ.J;l,~.~J...th~..p.<;l,t~J~.~..~!.~~~".E!.!i!~.p.~!.~J.. ~.ml..T.BE.ClT.Y~.QE..B.QZ.EMANJ...~..M.\m~.~~.P.~~..fg.r.P.9X.~U~m-'u.9!..~fl.~~~~~!...M!?~~~~, ........................ ~................................. ~ _................................................. _ r.._.......... _.......................... n...... __ _.................... _...................... _... _.... _ _................ __.................... __............................._...... ~ ~.. the part.Jf..... of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said part~.~~u of the first part, for and in ..,- QNE ~~ NQ'lQQ-".- - - - --. -------- ------- - - DOLLARS .-......- .. w _ _............... __.... .... ...... .... ...... .... -- -.. -.. -.... ~ ~..".........;::,..........".. _.................. __ _ __ _ - ' , law.:f.uLmaue.y.mn........of the United States of America, tOm.Jb..~.mn.....m....in hand paid b:y the said part:Ymm of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereb:y acknowledged, ha:v..e... granted, bargained, sold and conve:yed, and b:y these presents dOnmn. grant, bargain, sell and conVe:y, unto the said parL.y.m of the suc~rs second part, and tOnmitl!l............u . and assigns, forever, all th.iJ..t..m.. certain................mmmmm. piece..n._____, or parcel of landmummmnm.m......nmm.__.........m.._Hnm..__..mmsituate, l:ying and being in "..__...n..u. .n.___._..nnnnn"~___..u.u..n.u__u.nuun.........n. ,'n.n...n.nnnnn__ ..u.nuuu......___._..., in the C ounl:y of m.mmGa.l1aiin.m..mn..mmmummn..mmm'hu" State of Montana, particularl]} described as follows, to~wit: 00 n' n' __un n. n... u... ..h. ..... "00' n... un n..... n... n. nn""n.",.", nu. uu. n" n.... n.... nu. n.__...__ ..hn.... n... n.. n.__ . Ag. Jh~.~.P.~~Jj9.J;l,.9J..~h& .f.r.Rn-t.9.t .~.~~t~.r.Jy...?.9..J~~J:. gJ.. wt .J. J. ..~!9.~.~..!.,...~~~~.~. ..~~::... division, Gallatin County. Montana, platted and of record in the office of the . County..Cle.:z:k.. .and.. Re.c.o.t:d.e.r.. . of. .Ga.llatin. .County.,. ..Mo.ntana.... - - - -'.... nn.... u __ __... _ _..._ _.. _. n n. .J~~;'ii~nW:d7~.~Pt:~'~iie~~X:~~.c~~~.g:::~~i"~~~li~:~--rr~~~X~'h~~~J~}tt~'i\ih~lZ;:~u'e .'-, ,..- -- .is.rr.s.te.nded....o.l'..o.the,r. . adequate. .p.ro.v.i.a.i.on- .is. .m-a.de. .by-.th-e ..ct ty-. of ...Boz.eman,lo.r.. _ __ public travel and for ingress, egress and regress to and from said lots, . Rae-Ie' . Sub-...divi sion;' .by'lIa:id"City' 'ofn Bozeman..... Montana::' n n...... -- .00__ --. u --. n....... -- m.. u... .... "'......................_...................... M" ~ __.............................. _............ _....................... _...... II.... _...................... __...........................................................,......... _.........................._.. _.. ~............... ~ ~.............. .. --.. --...................... -......-....-.. - - - - --. - - - -. . -.... -.. -................. - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --......... - -.. - - -... - - - - - - - - - -.. -.. - - - - ~.. + - - - - -. . - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -. - - - - - ~ ~ - - ~...... -......... .... _ _..... _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _.. _ _II _....... _ _ _. _. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _.. ~........ - -.... - -.. -.. - - - - -- - - -...- - - --.. - - -- - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -- -. -. -. - - - - -. - - - - - - -.. - - - - -. -.. - -. &.. + - - _.... + ".. _ _ _.. r.. _ _.... .' 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II.... ._______..___....___........._____.____._________.__________..............--11....".......-.--..-----------------_._-----------_____.____._.______________________._______.________ TOGETHER 'With all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an:y'Wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate. right, title. interest. ..........m......u.__........mmmmum.u ...h.......uu.mu....uu.mumumummm..... propert)}. possession. claim and demand whatsoever, as well in ---- --~ - '.-~ --- ..~~.~._-,-_.~-~.~ --. - -,--~'~ -_._~ -- ,-- " --- law as in equit:y, of the said partJ.f:.eu of the first part. of, in or to the said premises. and eVer]} part and parcel thereof, "DJith the appurtenances. TO l-lA VE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said parL.y.,.. of the second part and to..i16n.6J.\.c'!:;.e.tI.I!lQl'.6mumx.Band assigns, forever. IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, The said partieJ3u of the first part ha.Y..fLm hereunto seL.th~.tL:,u hamPand seal..t}..m the:da:y and :year first above written. __~ig~~~:~~ale~__an~__~el~..r~_i~t~~_~r~e~..e_..~_ ~ ~~~~,--(Seal) ; ,.. ,.- ~ ............~"........"_.._...........................................~........ "-:-::~.e.../&~:~.':~:.(Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM Q/fl. / . '" -"_ .,. .. . ....----" '..~ City Attorney 13 I..... 6'"' A aWK ' · n PA6i J'i: STATE OF MONTANA, lss. C ountJ} of... u........ mGallatin... m _......h....... J On thism~.7Jh...m..u.... da!} of.......F.~R.r.Ua.:r.Y.m...ummmnil1eteen hundred andml;lJ~j;Y.:::9.~~m.... before me..........1the..underAigne.d..umum..m.mm u..umU.mm""h_m....a N otar:y Public ~ ~f..m.m.m........_..m...mm.mmmum..m..mm.mf9i1:!~1State of Montana, personall:y appeared _. .D~.yJ4.. w,.. .:aJa5;Jtc.m.9.r~ ..~~4.. W.:...M9J'!:~_ .;a.J.~~).s.m9.r. ~J. ..h!!.l;I);>.~mj...aJ).Q,. ~ H~.l....... -.... -- -. - - -.. -.. ~nou>n to me..,_.. ......... 00" n...n.......... n. ...h. _ _ _. _ _"00 _ _'.00_.' u u................. 00 c.. _ _'.' _ _... _ _...... un..... ... 00................. -. (or proved to me 011 oath of..n.m..mm.m.......m._._..m_.__nnnnnn....m.m..m...) to be the person.!!..... whose name.!L"~.~.........subscribea to the within imtrument: and acknowledged to me that ..nt.he__y-.. executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set m:y h seal, the day and :year in jhis ce~~ first ab Ve f~, 1. I: Nt-. . 'mjt7t~~p~ li~ 'i~r"ih~"Si~t" ~f 'M~~'i~~~:m. " " I,,: .. ~ f" It t" t f I" \ ,'- l..... il'4I":'. ",~.~~:~<((, .... ". , "'>"i-';""'''':''1;'~''''~i'''' '.~ "", R 'd' t Bozeman Montana, ".),. 11.)1 , , . <1 ' ,eSl lng a .........00.......................1_..00...00.00..00....00.... . / .~.....i~:'~\:>;(..; \' '. I: ,'l~':!'f"'}(\ : Me' . , J c:: 19 ..; \ ",::L>::!,i'~,""f.: . . :'" ' \ :y ommlsslOn eXplreLn Un.e.'~Tm almmm .. ,'" '-;:J:)~' 1,1' h ,~, .\ ,,~ "." . ". . . <~I~ t't~"~';/ ,:" ... I,: ',' ", .._~ "", I' ,~" I ,-'~ ---"_. - ,....- .,~'t, "'I:'~_.'- .' ~- ,,--" .-",. ~,"'~-- -"--.....,.:--_"-~-._-- -- ,'- >< ....I ,'. ::I .-(. -~ ::: ...a \0, ::: '" +ol ftI ' : : : ... :P\ CLl Q)'" , . ~ . - _ C\ C\::: ""tJ ::::s .. ~.. to - - i:: !5 :~ f_' . ^ _ to.. , U ' QIU ..... V" C : : : OJ : p:; , , , ,...,.. , O = -... : : : ...... : v I I' I t C., " . ~ ~.o ' 0: : "': : ~~ ..... N :P to , r-i: -::;......:: t:: : ~ ..... td r--: 'I::l ,. " , :::s . U 0 ... eN' Q. r-fi i 0 : j 0 rn 0 .- , ...' : ......: :2: U : I .... 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