HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 60- E 1/2 Lot 1 Block 13 Drum Lummon Add Deed ~" - . - - ... aOOK 136..PA6f271 .,. - NO.4-BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. STAn PUBLlSHINQ co.. tUlI!NA. MeNT. This I ndentu rei Made the..mm.?.EHhm......m.mda;y of..!....mP.~_~"~!E:~~.~.mm....m....m in the ;year of our Lord one thousand nine hundredm.~.~~y....................h....m......mu.......mm..m.m.m"... BETW EEN ."A....G."..BUSCH..a.nd..F.B.ANCES..~..B.USC}L..bJ.u~.Ri'l-.I),g.~.m~..w.g.~J...9.f"...... .... ..~.9.~~m~J]..... ..Gi'!-JJ.~JtJ.1..C.9.\Hlty:,...M9.nt~.n~Ju.....~~!.~~~.~. .~.~. .~~~. .~.~r..~.~.P.~~~~..~_~~. .""'" _._..... .._... .......... ..... J'.~.. ~rr.x...Q~ ..~.Qg;.~.MA.N"J... ~ _" M!!n~~tp.~~...c.2.J;p.9.r~.tj.9.nJ...9J.......... .... .... ........ Gallatin County, Montana, ~ ~ - - -.... -........ + ~... ~.... --................................ -.................................. --......-........ ----..-...... --........ -- -................... -........ -.. --.... -...... --.... - --.................. _.. __ _.. _.. _.... __ ___ __.. _ ~.. r.. _.. _. _.............. the partY...._. of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the said part~.~.... of the first part. for and in ,- --~nsid~-Of the sum ot..Qn~....J22M@.r . acl...9.!?~;'..~~_!..~~_1?!.~.~_~~~.c:l:~!_~_!~.?.~!.~ - .....~~~.~~.~..~~_'?:.~Y.__mm.of the United States of America, to.m.~~~~..mm.m.in hand paid b;y the said parL.Ym of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereb;y ac~nowledged, haY:.~m granted, bargained. sold and conve;yed, and b;y these presents dO...m.. grant, bargain, sell and conve;y, unto the said parL.Y.m of the it successors t second part, and to.....m.f?...m__m.mArM. and assigns. forever. all thJ~:..mm certain."h...mm...._um......u piecemm.m, or parcel of landm.m.u.m.m....m.mm..muummm...u.__.mmum.msituate. l;ying and being in _".m..........m.muuu..uum..__u......_....h.h.~~~_~.~_~~..u.mm..U...h...u...u...___"_.m.u.....m' in the Count;y of mmg~~~~~J~.."...."........u..........umum...hm..m_' State of Montana, particularlJJ described as follows, . . All that portion of Lots Three, Four, Five and Six of Apollo Sub- to~n)lt. ....................... _........ _........ _ u.."......." _.. _ _. _ ~ _......... _.. _.. _......... u"..... _............... _........... u...... _ _............. division of the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, included within ..- --..-. -------- -. --.. ---..---..... ....... ......- ~.. -- -...... ........... .&~~-........ --.. ,,_..... -~...... -... -------...... ...... --- --- --- ----. ~. ---... --..... -_...~ -+.... -- -- ------ --. ~- -- -- --... -_.....~.. .thc:.li mit.a. .Qf.. the::. .C.ul":.d~::.e_a.~_.a.5. .el.hQ:wn. ...,pJ.a..tte.d.. .and._ .~f. !.~.9.~ !.4... .~g.. th~..pJgf~.. ~~"_ __ the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana. .......................................... ~ -.... -.... ................... ........................... ................... y...................... ................ -......... .............. -....... -.. -. . -.............. . -.... _.............................. _ ~ _ n n . .......... ............ . .?;~~!.~..~~ ..~~.~.. P.~.?p.~ .:.~Y..~~_~. ~ ~"~ .~.~~"?~!. ~ :t?X_.~ ~!}'y.~y.~.~ ._~_~?:n ".~~y~.~"!" .~~_" ~"~~. .q~_~~ ~?~ .~... - _h~r~~nJ...~g4J.g ~ ".t9._t.~e.i.:r.._f!J.l9. ~~.,."-QxJ}..R-nd.._a.a,'ign$.,. . if. .a.n..c;l.. w ne.n. .Six...t~~ntb.. .^Y~.I.A~~." . ~ ~..~.~~.~.~g~.<;l,I...9. r. ..9.tf1..~.r. .~.g~Q.\f.~ t~. .P.:r.9.y:~~t9.g.._~~..um..c;\~.J?y. _ .th~..CHy.. .9.f .~Q~.~.m.~..... ..... . f. 9..:t:. .P.!!J?U.C;:.. t!: f!. ~.~J _ .~n4. J.9. r... j,gg.:r. ~ ~.~.... _. ~ gr.. ~ .~. J:!.. .ami..~ ~ g.:r. e.. ~ Jt. t.Q.. i'l-.:t;I..9,. f.;!.: Q ill.. ~ ~Jg. .W.tf!"...._ ,~~:.:.~:t.~ ~!_..~~_~.~..?~ .~P.?~~? ~.~.. .~:':1:l?~~ y.~.~.~~!}..?_y._.~_~~.c:l:..~~!y.".?~" ~~_~_~~.~~!.". M?~~~~~" .".. _. ._... 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""--'- .........._.~ .......... ~~- -- __.........___....__________.;.Io..._..__...__....rn..".._____________..____...________________......_______________,....__..__..__.__._______._______..__.............._____...._____.___.._.. j .. --.. --......................-........ --.................................. --........ -- -...."..............".....................-..................... -............-........ -................ --.. -.................. -.. ~..... -.. -.......... -- -.. -.... -.. -...... ~ ~ ~ ~ - - -.. -...... - -- ....~~. ,r ......:..:..;'"";;..... -.. - -................ -.... - - ~ - - - -. -.. --.... -.......... -.. -.. -- -.... -.. -- --.............. -.. -.. -- ---....... -.. - -.. -- --.. - - -.. -.. -.. -............... -.. ~..".... -.. - -........ -.. -.. -- --........ -....... -.. - -.... -........ -.. - ---.. -.. TOCET H ER with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and apfJurtenances thereto belonging or in an;ywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders. rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, in-terest, ...-......mm.......mm_..__.mmmm...u _____..........._........_~.-.L'U"_m_...umm._mm..m_,==_Property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in - -....--- ... ....---.-.. .---..._______..___.__:-.l._...~_.~ .._.. __.__._ ~._~ law as in equit:y, of the said part.ie.~_ of the first part. of, in or to the said premises, and eVer;y part and Parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises together with the appurtenances unto the said parLY..._: of the second part and tou~.:t:~u~.~~f.~.~~~.!.~.h_..U ~ and assigns, forever. ,>IN WITNESS-WHEREOF, The said partie.s.. of the first part haY.e...... hereunto seLfu.~J;J;'_" hand and seaLs..... thii'da;y and :year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Pmence of ~ /'. /) mm..uu...uu..u..m...m.uuuuu.m..hm....u..uu.mmuu um...u.<~2~~.uuu....u.......""_...__ u. ,",' al) ..u....uu.._............_.._.....".._._""uuu..u...m.....u._".."-.'-~' ...u...;~:t:.~:~...?l?:.u..t1~':'f-./;( Seal) ,. ",~ . lr"JiC:' '779 BOOK : .JU mlitt;. "c.. STATE OF MONTANA, 1 ~ss. County of... ..... .g~.u.~t~n -............ -- -.. ....0....... J On this......?~th'h'u_,,, day of.....D.~!;~.mP.~.!...................nineteen hundred andmSix.ty........--u.--.. before me...u~.Q"X..~.u~.~~:I~~h.._...........m..____...........m...m.......ma Notary Public in and for said CountJ,l of...g(~}J.~~~~!..m............mmm..........m.....mu..u......., State of Montana, personallJ,l appeared .....__...~...9~m~.Y.$.g.H. ..~~~..:f.g^N~~~..M.....~Jl.~g.:Ht. .h~~R~.~~..~.~4..~!f~Lu.h'U"""''''''''''-' knot.4n to meu'"............... ......... .h.. 0 ._........................ n........... _.. _ _ _.......... -.................................. -.. o' -...~....... (or proved to me on oath Ot....um.._.._.._........m...u..-...........m......umm........) .-' ,..,~ .- "-.., ,~,., .'"~ to be the person..fJ...... whose namea...ar.e...mu.subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that ut...heY.... executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt+Sct mJ,l hand and affixed mJ,l official seal, the day and year in jhis certificat~'rst bove ""~ T"~....... ' - ;/;~: ~ f~ ',> ...'n'n'nN~fu;>> p;; if:j;,nihe State~~:m f. ,... \I, f\ t, . ..\ . ~. '~\--,... ,-.-'""'""" '" " - ,,,," \ iI' --;"', <, " ;, R 'd' Bozeman, Montana , ("f -r:' 1\ 1" . "'t;~. eSI mg at........................uu......-...............-..u...... ,., 0J..i....'...I" .~:~ '-"",~, ", ,i :,' ,"'i'" ' Me" . Se t 17 19. 63 " ....... ~ '" "'i, ' l' ommlsslOn explres.......P..!.......L.. ................. . __ ,'" '"..,.,,' ,"",' ' .!:I ,,'''' l')~f"iO:: ' < ~,li,'~n,p.\'.,'~,\. \ , ~ .--- ._"~- --".._-- " ..... ~_.. ., ._.. ~~~.. . ~.,.__~_~~.;;",~.,_~_~~..::..... "'i~,_~_ _~ _~,~". .. " ,"." ...'" ~.:~ fo-"'- ~ ~ ' -1-, U) ~i.;d: ~ ~ '-' ", ,-, Q):: : q) - \; ~'..... _ 0\ 0\ : :~ :3 <.t-.t' U ... to - - ': 1 5 ~ 1. Z ... V') - !' \J ,..., 1'-<:. 0 .. c : I I : '-l ~ J ' ~ III .pt -' 'CO, , , , I'V' .:1' 4.> -- '''l '....' , ...... .'- lIS "" q) , -' rl' '. r~. i ... .:: ':3 , i tt\i r---: i ~ ( ..... ,'~ 0 to t:r "', - rl: .....i i "E: & ( !:1. q) 010 ~ ''4'':3' P . ;; '"Cl ....::: cc: ' Q. : z i 0 i I>< . = 0.- 00 , q) , 0' W ' I nl P r-1U 10 Ni..t: , ~,i!-4: : I>< .... t-. N' 0\ J..t::: >:. 'S i...::l: 1)t I >--'-t r-l L.. W: \:j , :: ' l.. U 0 nl to .Q: ~ ~ .5.5: ~: : :s ,... (I) j:Q !:1. .- S: q) , E ;: : a .~',oI. ::> ft ........ : "1::1 . o.i : ~ ,";' H'ltt: O~-au I wi 6 ~ ~ ~: , _' ..... U U: \J cd \:j:: p..l-' , q) 1-:.1 Q. , , ;.:. .. '" >< <! II 2\: 0:: ,.; S i i "."; 10......,,::::> E--c,oCi (I)' I.t'\: .: "l::l: : I H'I..... C ~ t'I'\: cC: ~: : . .........,. I I _ I I ,.." ~ ., j' , I .,~ :> ..< U _ . <C. , ::~,!"". ->! ;\ ~, ..J i _ ' ~ LJ "'-wI, t:S: 0 ' ,...... Affibauit nf JIuhliratinu . STATE OF MONTANA'I t .. County of Gallatin, ss. .--.. .m......._.m. ........-..-.~~~.Qg...p...y........_._..........._._...... ..._.n___...., being duly sworn, deposes and says: That ."he is.....mm..---.P.r.lnalpaL..Clar.k.......mm..___m.. of the Bozeman-m.P.~.tJ.Y.mm.uChronicle, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montanaj and that the --"'= -"1\Otice--hereunte annexed-<...,.99m.~.~t.@,JJ.~.~H~.l;y.;t.J..Q.n, .t...l..OlR~.,=- __ . _." _.""-------...-._~, -. ~,,'~~':'-,'- '..-..........-..........-.-.-.........---.........---n__..................___...................n................-..'....-.-.......-.....................................................................n...), , has been correctly published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said papernl.....t1.m~hm..nh.. Mhm.m..~~....._.m..mm.:.....' the first of which publication was made on then....8.ttLmm.....mnmh.hn. day of ....................~l.................... 19..l>l...., and the last on the ..~.......daY oL..MaJ:...................,..19..t>1.. ,,(~ i.m...---.m..~... m....-..~.~.~~~:?:-.~:_:.~.:"~~~::.r-~/.. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisJttP.nday OLm.....-~Y....mm.h..mu.h.(.-::)...hnn;mi~>:.~.-:::.~nm 19..eil.~, "~"'" <~ ..d; "<:;<'~..::~..~'~" · .u(" ~"a;;'~ircff~~'~he ~;Wiil~t8$:'~;~': '~~~t"".- Bozeman, Mont&l}A.. . . ~ D-OZEM"" CHRONICLE PflUfT ~ ... "l NOTARY PUBLIC for the State of ~n'f<ill' RtIkIlni at Bozeman. Montana'" ,-, -- ~ CQmmlsslon Expires June 17. 1961";.. ,