HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 60- Bozeman Country Club Deed ,I _.... 1:l3 PAlif251 ., ... - -' anOK NO, 14A-<lUIT CLAIM DEED (CorporatIon) STAU PU8LISHIPta co., tu.LEru, ..I.t. This Indenture, M ade the.......:~:)..:;;..::!JJ.........da)) of..P,~~.~mP.~r...u.uu,.....in the ))ear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred andm,$J~.~y'u"",'......u....u,......betuJeen u.:e.QZ;.~MAN...CQ.m:f'l'RX...C1 DB .. tby.. ut. t.~... t~~J;:.. .~JJ~Y.:l Y.i.n&. .g.i.~~.9.~.9.r. .~.,.l..... h...... m...... m... ...,. ,u.,.. ........... u,..... mm.'. u u m u. .,.. .rtoo.. o'per atlng;'" non::,:pTl:yftt..u... uu.,..U u.................... u.... u, u.... m. u"" u.U"'''' -....... m.. u..,. a/corporation organized and existing under the laD1S of the State ofuMo.nt.an.a..............u........huuuu, and .g.I:'fY. .Qf...~. 9~.~~1hJfA... ~.. .IE!:1:~~ ~.?:P.?:!.. .~.9.~p.C?~.~!: ;.?p..~... g.~..~. ~~.~~.<?:~.~,. .t1.?~~.~~.~ ?.. .-. ...... -. ..-. - - ...._-...... ....---............... -.... .... ..... 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"',.......u. u. ....jhe, , partY.. u u _.. .ofthe SE_C_OND ,PAR T. - WITNESSETH: That the said part.y.....of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of the sum of.. .One...Do.ll.a:r..&... Other...V alug.bl.e. .C.ons.i Q..e.t!l ti.o.u.. ..... ....Dollars, ($J..._.O.Q. ..&QYC;;..J to um.i.t..u_...u....uu...m....u........u......uu.muu..u.u..muuuu.uuumu.u..........m..in hand pai9aWtthe said part.Y-mof the SECOND PART, the Receipt of which is hereb:y acqnotvledged; do~om'e:y, ~remise, I d f . I ' h 'd Y f h d d its succes~rs re ease an orever qUltc aIm unto t e sal part ....m.m.O t e secon Part, an tOm....uuumumm S d . h f II . d 'b d I . t d' h Ci ty of Bozeman an assIgns, t e 0 owmg esCTl e rea estate, sltua e m t emm.. m.u .m.............hmhmuuumu........ C ount:y ofum.G:~1J~.~J~mm..u.m..mmm..mmmuuand State of Montana, to-wit: ...u. ..u.-,;r:h~...~~.~.~ u.a~lt..{r;\>....9.t.19.~u.~~....<Jt.J n _ _~1.9~.~..I~~E~.~~~u.. - - - - - ~ ~ - - . y - - - - -. - .. - ~ .... u u. .(13.)... 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Uu ...... ....""". .nn. n n..n..... n nn.... n.n... u. n n. u .uu...." _ _..n n n. n... n. n TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances ._.".'-'. ~-.'.- ,'-',_.'.- _~ _~..... r r_...... _ _ _~......... _ ~___ _M ___ __ _. _. __ _ _ _. _ .__. _ _ M __ ___...... _._... M __~. __.... _~............._. _.. _. _. _.. _.... _.. _ _. _. _~ _. ___ __ _ __._. _ _ _ _... _ .._.._ __ _ ___._ __ _ r. ~ ft.. _. _. _.. __... __ __... _... M _... _ _ _ __..._... _ _... _ y ___ ~_ ___ __.. __ __ _... n...._ ___ __ n _. _..__ __ __. ~ __...~... _____... .....__. __.. _ _.... __ _. _ n.. _. _.. _. __ ....._ __..._ ___.. ~... ~ ~........ _ _ _..." ~_. ~_ _ ~_ _ r ~ __... _. __ __ _. __ ____ . _ _ __. .....__. _ _ _ _ __.... ___ _ ~ ...__ __. _._........ n M _. __. __. _. ___.. ___ _. _. _. ~_____ __ __ _ __... _ _.. _ _ __ _. _...... _. _.. __. ~.._ __. _ _. _. _ _ ~.. _._ __ _ _ ~~...~" r"~ ~~... ~ n _ n w __ __. __ __ _. _. _. n_ . ' t 1 s}tcces]ors unto the saId part'i-------of the second parL.iu.~.." uuu elrs an assIgns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said part:y of the first part has caused its corporate name to be sub- scribed and jts corporate seal to be affixed, b:v its proper officers, thereunto dul:y authorized, on this :;)-'--:)u::.~_.mda:y ofu.)~~.~.~~~~~umuuuumnuuA. D. 19.~.9.... BOZEMAN COUNTRY CLUB ..............~... n u........ u.... u... u n u~.. __... __ _ _". u.... n..... _.. ArrEST' B>> ____~_'--~--~_n __~~_~_,~,.~~.9',."_'__n ~~~~~~~--~~--~~--;~~~--_n'n'_'_----nS~~~i;;;y:---- ~a:~~: /<~ Ix /. ~~ City Attorney rJGO~ 13B PAGE252 countyS::~~_~~~~:_~~~~_:_______.__}M- On thism);~:~....da.l; or__"up.~~_~!!l:~~??..mm..m...mm.mmm..min the .l;ear 19..~_Q.., before me ......~~~..~~.~.~~.~~~.~~.?:m.m_u......m.......mmm.._.._m.....m.-..".w..........._..., a Notar:y Public for the g~~:~~W~:r~~::J1:ll~f:~~k;d~~ii~f.~~~~_~~~~'~_~'~.~_~~~~.~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~~9}1k to be the_J~.~_!;...~~.r.y;i,.'y;i..Xl.,gmQi);"J~~.t..Q;rJL..mof the corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such CO"rporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set m:y hand and affixed m,l; official - - -, seal the da:y and ],lear in this certificate first above written, _ '._ _-; : u_-k~~-'~i~;'~:-'- . ",' 1'. r _ 'r!Yulflic fff:~" Resi#ng...aLJ1Q!H~ro~Xh...M:.Q.n:t;:.?;n~.m..m...... .......M],l C om';;ission expir ___m1,:.:)..m~n.....u 19 -~. 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