HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 60- James, Margaret Deed ..~ - " '"' ..... , ~ 133 w:lJt56/~ * i:iGDi< NO. 8 _ WARRANTY DEED .UTI P~'.".'.' e.., .rUN'. .'NT. This Indenture, Made the......t6.i!:: ~.___...................day of......lla.rc.h..u.hdh........... A. D. one thousand nine hundred and......sixt.y...-'6Q.).~..u............................__u...............uu.d........... BETW EENI(ARGAlUSX..J.ONJ.S....1uQ...re.c.e.i.v.ed..tit1e...to...the..here.1na.f:t.er......d described property as Margaret Curteman), of Bozeman, Montaaa . ........................................ - - -........ ................. ...........-....................-............... .................-........ .-- --...... _.................... ... .............................-............ ................... -.............. ..... ......... h... .......... ........................ u.. ............ ....................... u. ....u. .uu ......part.:Y....... .of the FIRS T PAR T and r;.I.T:t..Q.f..J'-OZ~IM.N....R..JlJJ.:qi&1:P!l.1...C9.:rj)QJ:I.t1Qu.................................................. of .~9.. ~ ~m~ ~ I... Mg J;I:.:t; ~ .:Q~..... .. _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _.... _ _ _... _ d......... .... _ _ _... _............. _. - - - - _.. _. _. _.. _. _... - - _... - _.. _...... _.... u............ ...... 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II..............,................... _....._...................... _............ .............................. - -- -..- ..n............n..........................h............................n..................the partY.....h.of the SECOND PART; WITNESSETH, that the said part.J.....of the FIRST PART, for and in consideration of the sum of.9.n~..J!P.~;I;~.;:..~m~h.~"f...y~.J.y9.p.l.~...c.Qna1.<ler.a:t.i.on.......DoUarr-t&J."~.9.Q.9!.9.Jl~ .,1 -'~_. _.........,'~> la~ful money of the United States of America to."hJ.\~!".m...m.....in hand paid by said partY.......of the SECOND PART, the receipt ~hereof is hereby acknowledged; do...es..mmmb!} these presenia grant, bargain, sell, convey, warrant and confirm unto the said parrY.m..m... of the SECOND PART, and to "s~ ~nd~cesS?Jfe'?t in tPet,re~t ... ......t.ts ... . ta _II', e ererna er escn ed real estate stiuated rn the Clt!} or to~n of ...mmmm..,QQ~.~m.~HL..................m...' County Ofm.J;~J~~.:t~.~.....m.......h....m..._......, and State of Montana, to- ~it: ..All...tha.t ..p..ar_t...o.f..j,g.t..:rWOm .t2.l...... .B~ Q'c..k..'seY..Eln.... .CO.. _ .Qf............m .Ba.bc.ock..a.nd..Da.vis..Addit1.on...to..Bn"-"".an.,...JIonta.na,...mor.e...par.ti.c.ular~y.... ..des.c..r: ihed.. . a.s...f.olloy.s.,....t.o.':':w.it.:........ ....... _....... .....n....... ...,..... ......... ...... _... _ ..n"" ....... ..... .... ............. s'tUr;i.uJ).1ng ..I.t.. JJ...:p.Q1>>..t.. .1u...tb..e....Soutb.. ..1.1u~...Q.t..s.a.1.d.. .Lot. _.'h_Q...(.2) ,'...m ..l~ g... t. ~.! ~ _. .~~ .~~...Q"};...:t!~.!...~~~.~.. 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East line of sa id Wallace Avenue a .distance of 118.5 feet more or ... ._,...... _.. _.................................... _.......................... ........................ ......................................t....... n........... .J~~.i::J;Q:~,t~!...~29.~~LJJ.~~...9.~...~!.!f'...!!9.t..'t!!.9....(?2...;_..~~.~~ft. !~.~~...~...~.;I;9.D&..~J1e .~u..t.h:..liile.)J~_~...1i..1d...LQ.:t..no.m(a>....'-._d1.lJ..tJUlC.e...o.f....54...J.8...fJM\t...to...the..P..o1.n t .J~1....R~'tr.i~~-:e.(f..fs...glveii...:tor.."{lie...p.urpos.e'"o:f'-conve.yIng:''sa'f(j'''Iaii'(j'''to''' the .K~~W~:.~8...f~t3ti!aot.N8l'tft~..a8!-..jB!dti8t"~'ii'~lj~-l.:.eS"tettdi:ng ~. -- ~ 11,. 'E wllR a I an'J. smgulaf e erem :lore 'des Crt ea premIses oge er tVlth all tene~ merits.. _hen;ditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, right of dower and right of homestead, possession, claim and demand ~hatsoe\1er, as ~ell in law as in equity, of the said parLY.....of the FIRS T PART, oj, in or to the said premises, and e'Ver31 part and parcel thereof, ~ith the appurtenances thereto belonging, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the above mentioned and desCribed premites u&rJj~rty of the SECOND PART, and to.its...a.ss.1.gns..a.nd..snCc.ess.or.sL..!:l. oreVer. And the said partY-u.....of the FIRST PART, andm.tU:.:r.'hm.......heirs, do...e.fL...hereby coVe- nant thaL.mshem..mm..~ill forever W ARRANT and DEF END all right, title and interest in and ........-'.._,,- to _the_said premises and tM qui~ and pe~le pos ses$ion . thernt, fGiJhe -1ft JJmL..."J..-."-'""-" ,of Jbe SECOND PART.!.ts/.H iIId %VmfUI%!9zf/fa d 8fll~~ id part.y.nmmhmof the FIRST PART, and all and eVery person and persons ~homsoelJer lawfullJ) claiming or to claim the same. ...... - -.. -.. -.... - -...... - - -.. -.... -.. -.. ...................... -...... ...... ..-.......... -....... .... --..... -.. -...... - - - -.... -- - -.. -......... ..-......... -................... - - -.. - - oj. - - - -.... .-.......... - - -...- ....... - _.. - - - - - - - _.. __ - - _., - _,"". _...... ....... _.. ... ......... ................._ ...... ................ _..... - _... _.......................... _._.......... ....11.. 1t.....'O......._.......... _.... ... ._.._ ... - - _....... - - - - - _...... ................. .......... _._...... _............ _........... ..... ............ ....__ _.. - - _.. - - - - _.. - - - _................ .... _.................... _... II...................... _... _............ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said part..;X......hmof the FIRST PART ha..fL........here~ unto seL...D.e.J:.nm.......handn.....mand seaL.....h...the day and ),lear first hereinbefore 'Written. )'-' Signed, Sealed and Delivered in " .' / ' , ~ , ' .'.. ('. . the p,eoence of . Q.l.~.i.LIi.tJ:,nne.'dn~ (SEAL) ..... ......... ....h n........n............................................ (S EAL) . _... __... _ _ _ _ __.. ........ ...... ..... .................. ..'w.... ..""....... .11II. .._............ .. - _... _... - - - - - _.. _.. __ - - - - _........... '" __ __ __.._ - - _._ 'III" _ __ _.........."1....... ...._._ ........................................................................... (SEAL) ... --...... - --... -. .......... ........ .............. --.... -.... ..........-... ... ........ . ......._.. ................ ............. .............. ......... ........... (SEAL) ,,' >~., I . <~-- " '\ " ';;.~ l.-ij"J 5f....,..,. 600K '.;h' mGf: I OJ STATE OF MONTANA } ss. Count)) of mmum .9_~_;t.~_~tiD.m._.._u_m..u On this..mm.2B..th...m...m............da)) of.......Ma.rclL...............in the year nineteen hundred and ..n........sixt.,.........................before me..........H.r...!I...J~QJ!~g~!".I.n.\J):..............., a N otaT'j} Public for the State of Montana, personallJ1 appeared......._Jlar..gare.t..J.aD.as..,...farm.er.l.)t...kno:wn...as ....... _... J(a.l!gaz:. t. .Cur. tema D........................ ...._........................................ .................................. n n' ................................................... _.......................................................................... _..... ............. .._.............. II II It.................................. ............................................. ..........;........................ -.. "'...... kno l11n to me.......................... n n n........................ ..._......................... _.............................. .-.... -.. ......... ..... (or proved to me on oath of.............._.........u.........................................nu..........) to be the person............whose name.1.f!......subscribed to the within instrument and ac:Ji;iofl51eilgealo--me- - that..............he................executea the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. / have hereunto set m31 hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and )lear first above 1JJritten. ~ ' ", ,'\.' ......- ';,.'" , I , I l' , ," ,,' ":.'":..,,.:;,::,. m_m~~"~iM~~~:m..- :":::.:.....i,J,T ~ if; ".,~" " , ; :~:,"\...,.;'.,t.~--: "R .d' Bozeman Montana : I . ,":II '1::",',',1, ',,1,: . -';'" ' esr rng at......................I................................6;.;it. . . "'"."'J1 . ." ~ ~ -. '''\Ia~...l.'f~ ': ,,,"'~. ;If'''~~';:;r;;:"'~f Ji Me' , . Jan 14 lnJllaJr '. 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