HomeMy WebLinkAbout76- Bozeman United Methodist Church Deed , i . 'J , .. . ',.', ' ". ~ ~. . . ;; ,,' ,....1 .. Rt: City of Bozeman:'" ,.' '; "i~ " . or." .. · 37~;:/'~~ W:;t'-t 31. m!241~ ' -,', " ,'" i'-, ".c' ' j,,'~, .tate 11 Mont., Countyo'.Ga.II~th'.... "l.ct.fPr ~ ';1(: June 16' 'It7l at,'. ,8: 15 ."',IIiI'~ ,. ~ . 31.' of' ~ _' 7410 '. ':r.,t\RL ,1-.. S'1:~JCR:Y ~.~~..IY'~~4~'" ,:4~~~ ~ ' l' " ,.;'~:tNANO' SALE -bEED ..~.\",:" ,.,} '. I., . , \)Ii " "", ~'~. . .:" .:' , ." , ' " ~ i' , ' " , ; .",T~lS' INtl,itiTORE;",made tQ8 3$th ;dey';~f Nov~t 19V.6~ betWit~n BQZEMAN, UN4IED-METHOOfSt CHUFl;H-{ Bozeman ,Montane, party of the: t I rst .pil.rt.,af\~f," ',F. ,f, THE CITY OF 'OOZ~N, amuntclpal corp,oraf,lon of the state of Montana, the party of the second part, , , ':C~""'~'~1tJ,~~''ti'~~~~';;'''';'~iii)g!, ...ii"';'~i'.\;}~" That the seld perty of ffieflrsf part,folt' and In consideration of the sum of One 00 liar and otherv"lueb 1.8 cons I derat Ion ($1.00 ovc), lawful money of theUntttl~ Sfa1ls<>f'AmerlcZl, to Itln hand paId byfhe said party of the second'part,tbe receipt whereof Is hereby , aCknowledged, has grant.d, bargalfted, sold,eonveyc,d'anddedlcated, and by thesepre.~ntsd~s grant,'. b~rg8Iri, sell, conveyand.dedlcete to the use.otthe(l:\'lbJlc forever fo'r street purposes, ,unto the said .' patty ot the second part, and Its 8sslgns, forever, the following descrIbed f<rac;f: ._ ' l . . , " Thatce,.tahrpl~ and parce.1 c.f ground sl tuate In " ' , ' ,':. . f. ' '. '.. .,~. 1,0/' the Ntitfh_stQuar;e'i:" oftbe.Southwest Quarter . (NW!SW* )ot sQo1:,loh,'Twe I ve (12) ,.i TownshJ pTwo (2) , South"Rarii.A~1~6:(5') East, ..11':'- the city of Bozeml,ln, MoAtana,..a..'sho~n.on,a map the.reofmarked Exhibit .1",' ~IA" a",i~ft8ehed hereto a'ndpartlcularl y descrl bed as fo I lows :8egJ nnl"g at a pol nt w~leh II esSouth 88043' 24"West 'nl n8 "hundred "forty-three' and 46/l00. .," _....,.,'.,t,~.~.t.(,9i3~~~~S~~~i~II..",.w.;t/QAe hlUlAAed " . u',,::'~nr ~>~.. ," . ~:..fi) . ' ",'- '. '.'. '.ft'em'''theNdrtheas1' . '. 'n~o,<tt\e "Sc:>uth't1.s+'QUertelof,.theSo~thw~st . Quarter (SW* SWt) of sa f d Sect I on Twe I ve (12l;ttienc,>' North 0059'16"W8St a d'stanceofthlrty 1eet(30.00'>; thenee South '88038'2411 West a'dl stance of four hundred flv&and 011100+t'et '(405.0P)to the Westerly II ne o.f sa' d FI rstUn I fed., ,MethOd IstChureh tractdep feted on Exh,t blf t, N1; ',thence ,South' 8'lon9 se,ld Westerly line sixty ,1..f(60 .'00' jthence No.rth 88038 t 24" ',Ees t ,8 d f stenceof.fo'ur' htindred four and" 83/1 00 feet (404. 83'> to the East boundary of the sal d FI rst U~lt,d Method I st.Church tract; thence th Irty 1eet" . (30.00'> North<to tnepol'nt of begl nnl ng. ToGET~ER~wf'~h ~l,lr'aJ.: ~g~I.Jr- a'~d:'t~~ements, her.edltaments and QPPl;Jrtel'l8,P.~"ther8tobelonglngor In anywise appert.:lnlng , .and tiie r~vet~IOtli~~d ~~~~f~'~;r"~I.nd&r:Jsnd r~meln<le"h: ., ,', rents, Issu.s ana' pto "5' her f, \aKd<atsb"'l'lIJfheestate"rlght, tJtle,. J~ta.r~~~,(~p'~.r;~' ~~~srs~,~o", ;clfa"I~/Jnd demahd whatsoever, " '.-' - '.; -, '~, ., ~ ~ "'II;'/~":: ... " .",.. '"''t'"'', ,," "', 3'w, 2"4;1"1-':i';", , . "":I1:-:.,,:,,.-\JII.M ..,. ,I ~t.f", "" _ .. . . ." , ' , "!Ki<" ';": ;':....if~ . ",;":. . as wellln law 8s"lnequlty,of.thtJ,:.."d'pafty',pf the flrst'part~ of, 1-0 or to the S$14 P~I"..(t:~v.rvP'ert and perce I thereof,.,' ,;wlth the ';i$p;urt'nan.~~... '.' ;,,;': " ,.,..,'. '.' '-i . . ,', ,,', ,',", " "',';-'\S"'" ,', ,: _ , ";,;<,,,:v:;,<' "', ' ,'" ",.."".' . " ,,', ' . ~~~r~n~~T~~lt.~:t~~~r~J~~~~J,:~:,cond pi!lct,andtoJtsq.I'tJn.,..t~rever. , ,', ,::.:: '.,:,' - " ..~:" '.''', "" ". ',',:","'-"'.',',:,,:.:,,::,' ',',,':,,:';.."",,",,::"~:','>,..~, '" ~ ,. "JNW!Tf!I{SS.WHER~~'-"The -Slild; 'p~;f~':~ffh.JIr'st part hes'here- , unto' ...t :') 's' h~n6,::.aitd.,..e I the'9Ity": -.ri(j)V.' f ~rst , ,abQve wrItten. .';, ,'.~!'~"~" . ...~ " ~. t.." ~>:" ,'~~'1~;'::~'~~,,::.."....'~'" '.,J' ",.: "" "" -" .- "I" . BOZE;MAN lIN t'TEO'METHoo 1ST CHURCH . .' " .. , ";"",;:,,,<:;:,,~:;,>~..:.) "~,',',',,','(/2','" '~,,' ,',',' ,"",' ',,' ,," ,,', .,':.. ." t ,,' , ' , ",' '. .' .. . "i:!_ 't',,' '" ,"" ,,". ',.. '~ot"$ ary' 'c'STATEOFMONTANA,j , .",. ' , " "',, ,'," ,)'.",'"".,',., 'is,' ""I. ","'. .J COUNTY OF'sAu.ATlN,.)';L' , ,. ,,", ',..,., . . :':1.- ,'.. ; ;'>'., " . . "" "J:",' ,,"..':, ' , -: " .~:,. ,:-.J.",.. ,," '~:' ".." ":: 'c'. ::, ," .o.r',,"~i~~. )~::..~tOh~_:.:.' ,~~.~~:hQnd~,~ ~d. seventy- /" " ' , "" ":' ".,.j ......' ,'" ' .': '~"\ >~, ',:~:.': " :/:/j T...~:.",' ~r'., ',~" ", , ,,~ , .....)~, -before ~~. ~;.+rr~~<!.~!k$~:.:.:=."~~...:," Notery. PUb Ilc :.,' ~'<~' ,:~, ,', :"',,:', 'r~T:~'" "<";';~"",.',," "" ",' , . , ,," ",': , I n and '~r:.~l~t,,'~t:,~8' .tatt;~, '.S+lIt~',of, Montana,'persona Ily,_ appeere,d ' " 'If.:" . known 1'6 me to be ,l~1 oj;, , . ",". '. ..' ,''t' . ". " , .,"'" '. ".""" ,'" .', ,> ,',' '.".' ',' "',.'>.",,~,Re~~tt&.~"tt)~t..~?'~cuted 1;hls. 'I~s~r~;nt '~~':1t'e-~~psol '~~~9~~~~he f.i&ulllel1t:on "behalf'ot sa I d corporetio~.,;;,ind:~t:k'iloW'I.e'd~d '~':~1:(:,$UCh' corporation ',;l..: '~:,' ,: ". :,.-':'" 1":1 '. i "(,4j:",l'.'"~r,,,,::,./1' ,': ,," :" .~.,'~./\,.r\'" ./ executed' the same ~"\.,, "... ..\~ . ." ,"':.' 'IN"J1TNES~ Wfif::REOF, ,I:h.~ her~iJntoset':cIJlY'htindand seal' the ..\'1",.' " " ',",. " -' ',,'. ',' '.. , . d.y"aOd'y~rf'Jrs~"Et~W;'wrltten. :".. ,~~.~"~~''''-':''.rl~'tl'''' .i 2l"'.. ...... · > .~ ...... ... '*'''''' , ""'.' ',' ,', ' '.- ~~ ...,\............~./1~ ~<;; . .. .' . . ' .:', J.._,:, " . "/'7. " ,,' " , , .. f..,.. ...... ~"'loIi>\.J' ~ ,,' .' ' " / ""-- 4<<--... ~ ."""... ...~ fl--- . ~~ ~..:..; ." ojJ '" ' . , ", ',: .! ,,' , ,," . ~ _~... ....,. ~....p.";~Notary'R..b I I,d 'for the SteteofMontana ~ ,,"',e.. ',j/; t. '" ::. ' , .' ." ", " ',' , ,,', " . ~:' ~~~..' ~ '.:~ i, ,~<., ' ~~t~Jng at ~Z;emenoo~Melfor the State of Montana .. "l . !",~" ;.) ~ '~' ",: !:~i .:, ~ - " -My ~C()thrrllsslon expire'S, :R, ~siding at Bozenian.,Montan"a' I "to I..~. r._ l I. ~ _Q.. ::~t..... '. ",. ' " ' , :; ';... -;7,' -. >~, ..,.., ~ ,,~u '. ~ .,,' jjCemrnission expires F~bru8"'2. U,4W, , . ~ ;.ol ~';.J' ~-W~.;l" '. '110".; , ~ - ''!' ,," ~,' ,..", " ~~ ...... $., ,. .,' ','" , ~ "',. " ., .......,. "<"-,;,,,~"" .. '/:';fif~;:::'~S1;'~'~"'''''t ''.''.';;",,;'t~,,'.;;;,.:,i:l.,~A; t~'Hni.ll\ .li'!, , ' ~>,., , " t ". ~,~~~ , . i 37 p^cE24i2 ' ; " ~$t FILM f ~' ! ~ .) ;:t: ~.... i ' . . It) '.... l I~ ~~ ~~ - OE Clil <. , I I I , ( . ..' I ' , " I I ~ ~ I I I "I , a I I I I ~I~I ~ ~ I l:t' ~I~I ij . Q 1- , ~I ~I ~ . I, I ~,~ . t I ~I ':t' I, .'J I ~IQ ~ ~ ~ I fi \0 1 Il iii I il ~ '~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I~I"I ~ ~I~I ~ ~ I I I ~ I I I I ~ I I .~ ~ . I I I ~ I I ~ \(" j ~~ l..Joh-~~TL I .k="':~~ ~ ,).., I 0'; _ _ _ .(;\?t>~ ~ ~~ I - ,J- - - -oo:OOT - i~ II . ~ _.=.._~ ~ U I I I ~ ~ ' ~ I I~I ~ i K ~ , I, I ~I ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~ ~. ~ I~I."I ~ ~ \~~ t; 'f ~~ ~ ~; ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1~11Ij ~ ~ "1 ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~ I " ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii) .~ ~ -~. "~-,~,. III ,~~ 1'1"1 1 J I" I "-" ,'\' , .~ ~ "" 'I l'il ~: I,~ I I .. ~ to- ' i~ ~ ~~ ~I ' ~~ ~I ~ I~ ~ ~~ \) . . 0 "}I~' ~ ' I, ~~ \ , I II IJ~' I ~~ II, '" \,1, I" I .. M "Sf<' ,_''-' a 10 N ~ I Ofl!() 7P'N~ gJf.-TMYtT.I '1,1 ;gAt>' yad/ 's , " "- ~ ~--1 ~- , ...., ~ 'I 0 \ ., Ii) ,- .~..___....______ . . .,...',"..n'.._ --'.''; ,.' ._-'-~,..,.. ..'U'U. ... . .~",..,._'.,. ..., ~~~_...........~\ -" .~,. ~~-. ."-rd',}";.,'" ~"'''''''..~'.'~.~;'~'~~'..''''''~Y''~~~''' , ,. ~' ~.,~ " , '-, ; , . ... .1",," 1/ I:, , ' ,. , " I:. ~:: " . -. ,.- .~ . . '-.; .; . ~ . ,--. f~" ,I "< , ' . ,. . ~ '" f ... .' ,,;.& " 1"!'~t."'~~" " " .~ , -".' il.. . ... .: ~.;;'." ~:' ',.' '. ')'I.,. ",': '. '.';.,r '"1;'. t 'i.': ,. : ,to", "~l ,.",.~,.,,~:,~, ',' :;.;"":,,,,, '~",' ""':' ,'. ,<:';'.:.>'.:'.:". , ' ' , ", ,." "",;BARGA)N"'ANa.,~tE;bEEh:",i:'" , ,! ~ . "l.:. . " , . . . " . THI SIND,ENTURE, mad~ the 30th day _of NovembeJj 1976, between BOZEMANt~t'f~l$~M~~(~H ~'~f~an , 11<'rttana1.party"pf thf? ft,r$t:~,~r::.;~~:<~(:<:';"':' '.)-&.'," ;':"I::' ~'~, .~' " '-~ ,:\~"':"~(,::,:"'<""{'/' .' ", THE' e I TY Of BQZ,fMAN,. ~,:,mlfn i c~pa l:I9orpora-t i on of the of Montana, the party of the second part, ", "->'\,~~~,, ,.~.';;," '.'. ,.' '-If,!,\"1t1\~lIti.V7'1t~" , '.'~Ifl;W'~'.i~'>'Ii'~';'~' "", · "" ~'t,.. ""; .,;-' ~,~i:" <.~ ;;: "" ',; '- f ;:.;~, _I;;: .' ,.,;t:";, '~j},:~(~,;/~<~ . ',,' , That the said party of the fi'ist part, for and In consideration I of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration ($1.0a ovc), lawful money of the lJnited'StatElsofAmerica, to it in hand paid by th~ sa ld par.tyof the se,c~n4'paft.t the rece I pt whereof is hereby acknow.J edged, . has grant~d ,I:>a:rgaln$d;. so I d, conveyed and dad icafed, and by tl),ese presentsdpesg,rant ,:ba'rgal n, se II, convey . and' dedicate ; to. the u~eof,fhe publlc.foreverf:,Q.r street' purp9ses, unto the said party C)f the$e~ond patt, and Its assigns,,' Jorever, the following' ,describedtrect:' .:"".. '. ',.. . ' ~..' ," ':. " ',. ; " '.,' ,j", ~:' , " ..: I': ,,':. ' 'That,cel'ta in'.Pfe~~tca,nd p~~~f" qf~roull_d""s i'tuate, rh theNot'thwes+,Q_~rter'of the"South~sf QUj3rter ," , ."\' (NWk~W~,) o,f,;Se;c,.lof.l,:Twelve. q?), TdYinshtp"'Two,(2) , South,',~a.ng~:':,F}NeC5?I;,Mt!lnthe City ".of' Bozeman, Montana;.asshow,n ona'ttepthereO'f marked Exhtbi t _ " lIA"aneJ.' at,tacb~d, h~reto-:and particu l.arlydescdbE'H:t" i,-/' as fallows:. t3eglnning:.:af"<:lpp.Jntwbich IIesSouth .'- 88043'24.ItWest nl1'l8 hi,mdrw,'fstr:ty-three and 46/10q feet (943.46') and North 0039f16"'West~:me hundred, nr~'Y"~Qj:k ,5t~';":"~J~~':~'~';~ii , ,'-, '.:' . 6rf;Ei~~''':':~'' i "~" ,,:- ':> ,"j.~( ;f,;,":rttlf.-:ht'~~.tIij~S~ >, tK':'.$' ",:." ,'- "c '.', ",.,.;';," "0.. ,.', ~J';;;:r, ~" . "'::;:,;'. ,'~';'" """"'. ,y ~~.< " ... ,/',: ...,~/;,,'" ":~,,., J.:',:'..\ ;j. ,"':;"~:-' :' ~, " '-:, " """ ~u .',' ' , ""., ',' ,,' .:r: .;: Quarter', {oS ' _' , ")::.6ft''"se'ld" ~S&tt i 'on' T we 1 va ' ('121 ;', 'the nce North OQ59!1'6'IIWesta dlsta'nce ofthL.rtyfeetf30.'OO'); thence South 88038'24" West. a dl's:t~nc:e of four hundred five and 01/1 00 Jeet "('4Q?o.lrttotheW~sterlyll ne' ,'. of'~9JdFj rst, PJlft~,~~thodl ~t)ChyrOh'f,i:act dep I etsd " on~xhlbi~),','t-J~';i't:hanee South albn~ sai dWest:erl y 'I i ne sIxty . fi~1'.('9Q:..~'; ths!1ce,North 680;3,8' 24"Eas:t a, . d i stanoe'6f',\fot,lr 'hundred four:::i)nd .83/100 feet (404,.S3/,,'to th:e' East poundarY':9'fthe said First Un ited Meth',6di st ehu.rch tracT; fhenc~:thirty feet (30",Qbt,>:~orth to the point~f,beglnrilng., TOGETHER Wi th 'a II alld singularao9 tenElfll~nts, heredi taments and appurter)c;hcestheretobe I bn~llng pr', In,:,Qnywl~e',appertaln i,ng aodtherev~rs loo,and rev$rsioOh l'$ma Ihd~.r " and ramal nders, rents, Iss,u~s and'profi ts'Ker~a'f,and at$Q, a llthe,'e$+~te, right, t I tl e, I nte~,tt, ,'pcoperty, po!se~s.l on, -'o-tatml,.~nd dfim'!1!,np" whatsoever, . J '''';'~\''',;<' I,,~~:.j~t"" "'~-.;.,~, r. ' . J_'I ,..;J! _\ " " ,., , J/,' , ,'~, *jj~)" ~,[~:<t~,M''''. ' , '. -, ',,' ". '.' , , .....~ I . . r ... .. , "'; .~' ,'~;~ "~""i .,-- " ," ~ ~ . . J ..... ~ ; ~.' ,,",',.,,' ".~ .,~ '"~, '.'> , " . .,' , . ' ..FILM 3flAtlt207 '. ',..' as".well';n:t,;I't~itQi~'~j:l~ff':'0~Ui.t~ ,q:r>~h.e S~~~:;~~/r~":Of th~t"f:!"#~~~fR~P?',,.,., · of'" "l~,ofi' to fhe !'S?O~'~'Ii':j\"~m!:$e~('~Mi,~~ery/p'r:t ;9~,fl12fr<::.el-! th~reof ~'-\r(~ \'i,j,th the, appurtenapc$~f. . '. ,: '. - " "", " , ,TQHAVEA~D'TOH9LD,alland~jngular the sajd.premI~es to~e,th~ r:,WF,~~~ftt\~t;~p;pur~~nehl(e"~;/l".~11~9.;..tp~:; ~?~},~fP~~~:';R:f';':!~J~","'~,~,?9[lq;,." ", parf en~,;'t~i:,k;tt,~i,a!~,:~~~tI'~:~'~r,"'!,::::'J': ':'" ";,,;~:<f .." :'>-'-"'''~~!.;~',.-\:.; ': '. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the ,first part has here- unto set Its hand and ,s,~pl "tl1e'.'day and '~,ar first abqye ,written. ., '~ I ~ 'I ..j"/ . ~ ~'t . ~.l ~ d ," ~:' ..... >tf<.. J. J\";i:""," ~~ . ,.rr i ~ < I ,~' ~...." ll/ ..~_' . ! :~ I}. :1r",..("'I 4 ~]'" . ~tt .. " ;., ;: " "',, ..' ",' '. ,BOZ,EM~ UN f"Pr!'trJifsTOOD lsT CHU~CH ' . '.. ' > < ~ .) , " .' '. By tJd;/=" .. . .. "",.,,''',, ,', ",,' .[t~~~S~",," '," ',;" >~" ,," ~,.: ,'." ':~' v":>~ii~{~;~:;~':~'" :~,~~~ ",' ."" ,:. ':"f,?':-;,,, :,: ,~~..:~",~,':"::.,~l ">~.'<r:. ,,:, ',. ',' ".,". '~ "'~;">:",'~ .>',,;"il' ,',,';(' ',,':.:,':" ',,:: ;.':'" '".,''' ,~:,i;':. '/:;;~,"'l.. ,""i":\~.;;;~:,;~~.:,~h~::::;",..,;,!, . C' ~"';,ll'I"c,~!"l'~ _., . '''~'':~~;~'''~'~!' 4f},~/ .... '.. ,.: ,,', '$flCr'etary " , .''1" ',. STATE OF MONTANA ) ) 56. COUNTY OFGALLAT t~) :,', '. .., 7; ....:n b::~:}f.b ..~~;;~;te;:h~~~r:aN::: r:e:::;~:. u .,--~-- ".". :', ';'~'~.l'.. ~" ';" '\. ~, ..~:.., ',. ' , . , ,,'- " ".i ,. - ~ .1 n and fordial:d'C~!, ~tr," ftafTn',StE)je 9f Montana~ perso~allY appeareq '-" , ,;' " ' k~C!WR'+O m~ to be " thfJ (]t?~14;1t?t:~co.~~ora.tion that~>.<ecuted,..this 'J.~~'$"~~':?,, rson ,. ~~!~*~:~~fh~rns+"!~M:::~h";~h;;N'm:" -. ,;,\.,' sa i d corporatton, and ~cknQw'f~,dged; ,to me that ~uC:h~orpqratlon I ' '" . . eXE\cuted the same. ;~, "." . ,',,' 4ns\(e-bi3'rewrltoset my han~ and seal day . ~\: ~f\. . ~ " .- '" ' '} , ' " ;<';~"'" '-:"'~ II FILM 36 plCE,120',o';, -")',' ,- , ,.. ' "" ~ '"'- ' " 0., ' '" ',,',:,"/"- '; " .... ",,(' 8N\'4' ' '" " ..:,' " ".I', ~,' 't',:,-'" ,;, ;:it ~ ,,0 .,'" r: ':,,' : C ", ' I .. g It) ,,' ,I: , " , . -, \ . -".., './ "-:. ,,-; ,'''' I,,~ t' '. ~~ - " ',' ',: ' . '; "-t ~ Iri ' , :' " ' i, ,:1, ~ .' '.~ ,) .. . .f! \ I_ ~ '\ : . :;.AtJI' N~S/ 'S , , ~ ~1'... ,M,.,llY,4Y .oW 01 S/'';$>/.' ' "i.... I I I , ': . .' - I I I"'\.: ,," :,:, ~ I I I, ' " , /',' 1 I / I 1 ~:. " , , .' "',' " . 1\ ~ t:. ~ . ',,", ,: , " . ,', '" ~ 1 I 1 ~ 1 ~I ~ '~" ,;', J " '" ' ~ I l:t I ~ 1 ! I , ij', . ;-;, :'~' ~ , \,' ; 1 ~ / ~ , , \\l '~'~I ~ \~It' g ~" , , 1\. I "lCl, ~ Cl;) ~ 0/ ~ '0. , ' . .,. ~ It I ~I ~ '~~:i, ~~ ~ " : , ~ I I I ~ 1 : I I ~ I" ~ ,- '," . \ ' . I I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ,l '~e"1 - 1~~~Gb~/ I .h~-"'_ ~:, )". I 0.; -- L - - ,.~QU-\ \\1 I ' ~'~ I ,- J- - ~ -<70:00;- - '4t. I ~~ ~ I I ~ _.:.._~., , I U, ~ ~ I I ~ ~~ ~ ':", ',' " ~ ~ ~ I 1 -:t' ~ ~ \ .:,' , I ~ ~ " ,lcj ti K I I 1(\1 ti . ~ ~ : .... ' !o \' III' , ,~ } ~ I~I'''' ij ~ ~ ~ i ~, ' .' ~~ ~~ ;:;:~"n R~ " ~ ': ~ ~ /1Ij11lj '\: ~ ~ . '\: ~'~ ~~ II: ~ ~ ~ " ~ ; __,_~__ '",' " ,SIi.~.... ~ ~,~ N .,.,~ ,'\t , ~ i 'i/Iii} I t;::: 'i? ~)1 .. i 'I' ~ ~ I ,I: I .~ I , A \j I,~~I ,: I ~~' .' ~ ' ,~~ ~, :-.. ... ~I', "i'1ij '., . ~ ' ~ ~ ~1;~iP~ ' " Q ~ 0 ~flr>fl : I, I I b- ~ .~r,'" ' ',r,".' .. . , , I . ~ ~ II ~I ~ ~ Ii till , , ... 'I · , ~: I /IA..~ ,to 010 N 1I1 I ~ I<: 7YNv:;> Gi6';J+aI/1".-' ;9'At:-' lWd/ .S I '8 ,. ;, 4.'~ ' I '. '..., ~ ,., ~ 0 " II) .- -~"!O"7".'i~:_.~+"t+ ...~..,...,...,.jo',~;:-_~~,",rr....~_. ',' -... _"'_""r_r'_.~_'.._'__.'_.._m'_'. - ..-. _n_,_ ~-",,~., ....... ...,.-, -r"IT'.'~ -. ""~'''~~'-'_~''''''''''.~~......-.r'~'',_....'~~._ INDEXED '- , , ,--~-;.,./ 34651- PLATTED . State of Mont., County of Gallatin. 88 Filed for record March 11 ,18.77 a,t~" ,2, :00, p, M.. and recorded In Book % ~d~geJ.2:.a6,: '. CARL L. STUCKY Recorder. ~ .' Deputy .' I ',' -- .' . . , Rt~ .City of Bozeman . . " , .; . EXHIBIT "A"' , . ' . , ..... " '.... :':,;:,tr""~ ; .. ;;:., Property Valuation Division STATE OF MONTANA IV\i.tchell B!Jilding " Helena, M6ntana 59601 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE ; . , REALTY TRANSFER CERTIFICATE INSTRUCTIONS: The Realty Transfer Act, Chapter 528, Laws of 1975, requires that information regarding the transfer of real property must be provided to the Department of Revenue before an instrument concerning the transfer may be recorded or the name of the owner changed on the tax assessment roll. Information in Part 1 regarding all transfers must be completed. Unless one of the exemptions in Section 2 applies to the transfer, Section 3 must also be completed. The County Clerk and Recorder prepares Section 4 and transmits the certificate to the Department of Revenue. All information pertaining to sales consideration is- STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. A person violating any provision of the Realty Transfer Act is subject to fine and imprisonment. PART 1 TO BE COMPLETED FOR ALL TRANSFERS To be completed by purchaser and seller or their representatives: NAME OF PURCHASER CITY OF BOZEMAN ADDRESS NAME OF SELLER BOZEMAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SALES DATE Nav. 30. 1976 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Municipality , Addition X , Block , Lot Other description See attached description PART 2 EXEMPTIONS This sale is exempt from the provisions of the Realty Transfer Act because: D Property is agricultural land which will remain in that use. [3J Purchaser is U.S., State or other governmental agency. D Transfer is to correct. modify or supplement a previously recorded instrument. NO ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION IS MADE. D Transfer is pursuant to a court decree. D Transfer is pursuant to a merger, consolidation or reorganization of a business entity. D Transfer is from a subsidiary to a parent corporation without actual consideration. D Transfer is pursuant to a decedent's estate. ~ Transfer is a gift. D Transfer is between husband and wife or parent and child with nominal actual consideration. D Purchaser and seller are identical parties. D Transfer is pursuant to delinquent taxes. sheriff sale, ban kruptcy or foreclosure. D Transfer is made in contemplation of death. Prepared by: Name; t/3 ~:!~~ )4. (Signed) Address: PART 3 SALES INFORMATION Actual Consideration $ Value of any personal property included in sales price $ Financing: _ CASH _FHA ~VA _CONV. _CONTRACT Interest Rate: Financing Period Down Payment: . Covenants PART 4 COUNTY CLER K & RECORDER Instrument recorded in Book Page Date Type of Deed: c::::r Warranty D Grant---d Contra~t D Lease o Quitclaim D Easement D Appraisal Western Printing. Bil1inSS. Montana PRINTED IN MONTANA ~ , , '~ ~ . 0- ~ ~ .. ) ~, i . , .;, ;i'hjt'cerT~in pleee~nCl PftfceJ of !yound situate tn the .N6r+h....es t Ouader of the Southwest Quarter (Nw4J\ll..) ut:''-octio' Twelve' (12'), Township Two (2), 30u r"lI, ',ange F i VA (5) E:lst, f n the C f ty of Bozeman, Montana, 'as S~I.)W') Qn a !'lap thereof marked Exhibit I'll," and- ait jc~,\,'d "er"eto ~nd particularly described ,t' ds,tollow,s:Bt"ginning ,at a point which I j es South , 88043~24~ West nine hundred forty-thfee_and 46/100 " .- .:: ; feE;t .(943.461) and Norrh'0039'16" West one hundred '~ ~ nlnely and 35/100 feet (190.35') from the Northeast _orner 6f fhe Southwest Quarter ot the Southwest Quarte~ (~W4SW.) of said Section Twelve (12); thence Norrll 0059' 16" West Q distance of thirty feet (30.00'); 're~'\..e 5')<1+' 8'38' /4", West a d i 5 t'ar'ce of four hundred ; I ve 'ana 01' 10~ feet }405.01') to the Westerly line of 'aid Fir::,-t nited Methodist l_'hurctl tract depicted on f..h i bit "A"; F,ence South a long sa i d Wester I y I j ne sixty feet (60.00~; "O-Ien(~e N(,rth 88038'24" East a j i siano' of to'Jr Lundreo tour and 83/100 feet 'tOt, , (r~' ) .c 1tw r:a ,-t Loundary of t"he 5rid F rsf unite; rie-t:odisf Church tract; thence thirty teet ( 30.?O" :~orth "0 the ;'l)eL,nt,'i"of beg Inn! ng. ----. ~-.,-._.---,._..'-- ..-=-,-. '.. _ ,_ '.....-..~::: ;~....:...r'.,__._._ _