HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-15-17 Joint City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Minutes THE BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION/GALLATIN COUNTY COMMISSION JOINT SPECIAL MEETING BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION MINUTES Friday, December 15,2017 Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-Jeff I<rauss:Absent Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present County Commissioners: Chairman—Don Seifert: Present Commissioner—Steve White: Present Commissioner—Joe Skinner: Present Staff Present at the Dais:City Manager(CM)Andrea Surratt, County Administrator(CA)Jim Doar,City Clerk Robin Crough A. 12:02:18 PM (00:06:37)Call to Order-12:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the City Commission to order at 12:02 PM. B. 12:02:25 PM (00:06:44) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 12:03:19 PM (00:07:38)Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D. 12:03:34 PM (00:07:53)Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of City Commissioner I-Ho Pomeroy and City Commissioner Jeff Krauss. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff I<rauss:Absent Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Special Meeting Minutes,December 15,2017 Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve E. 12:03:53 PM (00:08:12)General Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 12:04:40 PM (00:08:59)John Weddleton, Public Comment Mr.Weddleton,Assembly Member of Anchorage,Alaska introduced himself and spoke to city/county cooperation and the nice town. 12:05:56 PM (00:10:15)Heather Grenier, Public Comment Ms. Grenier, representing HRDC,thanked the City and County for investing in transportation. She discussed Streamline funding sources and discussed top priorities for a needs assessment. 12:08:00 PM (00:12:19)Lee Hazelbaker, Public Comment Mr. Hazelbaker, Director of HRDC transportation,thanked the elected officials for their support. He is stepping down at the end of the year,to be replaced by Sunshine Ross. He updated the City Commission that the improvements requested will start on January 81h F. 12:10:08 PM (00:14:27)Action Items 1. 12:10:11 PM (00:14:30) Discussion and Decision on Commitment to Construction of a Joint Law Enforcement Building as Part of a Phased Approach to Addressing Deficiencies in Current Facilities a 12:10:23 PM (00:14:42) Procedure Mayor Taylor introduced the procedure for today's meeting. 12:10:53 PM (00:15:12)Staff Presentation CM Surratt discussed the work she and the County Administrator have done on a potential joint law& justice center as well as a municipal law&justice center. CA Doar thanked City and County staff for their cooperation on the project,and is looking for direction today. 12:13:56 PM (00:18:15)Questions of Staff Cr.Skinner asked about the City's position on making a decision today on working together. CM Surratt stated the City is not prepared to make that commitment today. Mayor Taylor asked when staff would be prepared to present on the Rouse safety center so that the City Commission could make a decision to go one way or another.Assistant City Manager(ACM)Chuck Winn discussed the dual path asked by the City Commission, and the need for more joint work moving forward. He stated that Gallatin County's proposed four options did not sufficiently include City staff. He discussed the incorporation of future fire stations as well. Cr.White asked what needs to be examined for a municipal center, and since the County is looking at March 6th for the ballot, how will that happen in time?CM Surratt stated that the City needs to look at the potential fire station component. Cr.White also asked if the present design has unacceptable Page 2 of 8 Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Special Meeting Minutes,December 15,2017 deficiencies and why additional research is needed.ACM Winn clarified that the options had reductions that were not discussed with the City,and now the City needs to be clear on what the options actually a re. Chair Seifert clarified that the reductions were done in the context that the project would go forward with the previous design, and his rationale for a phased approach. Cr.White asked if there were law enforcement deficiencies determined. 12:33:29 PM (00:37:48) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 12:33:49 PM (00:38:08)Marty Lambert,Public Comment Gallatin County Attorney Marty Lambert asked to please do the courthouse project first if they are going to phase,which he also hopes is not what they do. He discussed the courthouse project in detail, specifically current limitations and the possibility of increased services. He noted that there are a record number of cases this year, and a fourth district judge is already needed. 12:37:05 PM (00:41:24)Judge Mike Salvagni,Public Comment Mr.Salvagni, retired judge, discussed his decades of experience with the Law&Justice Center.As a citizen, he stated the court building should go first.The main structure can then assist with space for law enforcement. 12:42:40 PM (00:46:59)Dave Weaver,Public Comment Mr.Weaver,Chair of the Gallatin County CIP committee, he commented that the economic solution to this is to build both buildings simultaneously. He also agreed that the court building should be built first if necessary. He stated it was necessary to allocate sufficient resources for voter education. 12:46:01 PM (00:50:20)Sheriff Brian Gootkin,Public Comment Sheriff Gootkin stated he was disappointed to hear the City was looking at a municipal center and implored the entities to work together again. 12:46:48 PM (00:51:07)Judge Karl Seel,Public Comment Municipal Judge Seel adopted all previous speakers'comments. He stated that the City doesn't fully know these options since they were not involved, but Option 2 is the only one that makes sense. He also discussed phasing options. 12:49:52 PM (00:54:11) Discussion Cr. Mehl stated goals are shared, but the City is also looking at long-term solutions that are efficient for the tax payers. He reiterated the Commission does not have enough information yet to commit today. Cr.White asked about the incorporation of future Fire Station 4,and how it effects the project. Cr.Skinner expressed the amount of work a joint project takes, and that they're probably already a month behind for a June ballot issue. DM Andrus stated that are currently too many unanswered questions to make a decision today.She thinks continued discussions are necessary. Cr.White stated there are some things that could be re-looked at regarding the court building, but that Page 3 of 8 Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Special Meeting Minutes,December 15,2017 it's essentially already designed. He stated if they miss the March 62h deadline, it's probably two years out instead. He reiterated his goal is to work with the City. Mayor Taylor stated the previous joint project was the best iteration and best project proposed. He discussed options but that the City actually needs to be able to look at cost estimates to make a commitment. Cr.Skinner is hesitant to commit his staff to a month's work without knowing. Cr. Mehl stated that this delay is a result of decisions that were not made together. Cr.White stated the County was unable to previously commit since no numbers were provided. Mayor Taylor stated the courthouse or police/sheriffs'station could be decided today. Chair Seifert discussed the importance of providing services to a growing county. He is in favor of a phased, combined approach with law enforcement first. DM Andrus stated that January 292h is a more realistic deadline for City staff. Cr.White asked if there is any expectation that the County proceed for March 62h, and waste work. He also discussed that if the City does not agree to work with the County,there isn't a backup option for the County. Mayor Taylor suggested that staff and the City Commission do it by the 22"d Cr. Mehl stated that the City is committing to looking at both options, but this due diligence is necessary. Chair Seifert asked CA Doar what County staff's capacity is to do this, and how a January 22"d decision affects the March deadline. DM Andrus commented that the next steps committee was never working for a March 6th deadline, and it's unfair to put the City in this position. 01:44:17 PM (01:48:36)Motion that the County Commission commit to the construction of a joint law enforcement building as part of a phased approach to addressing deficiencies in the current law and justice campus. Commissioner—Joe Skinner: Motion Commissioner—Steve White:2nd 01:44:33 PM (01:48:52) Discussion Cr. Skinner does not have optimism to meet the deadline. He asked for a commitment from the City to help pay. Chair Seifert stated the County is committed to moving forward with a joint project. Cr.White agrees with Cr. Skinner and supports the motion. Cr. Skinner also wants this project to happen, and to happen with the City. Chair Seifert also asked the City to inform the County if they make the decision earlier. 01:49:04 PM (01:53:23) Vote on the Motion that the County Commission commit to the construction of a joint law enforcement building as part of a phased approach to addressing deficiencies in the current law and justice campus. The motion passed 3-0. Page 4 of 8 Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Special Meeting Minutes,December 15,2017 Commissioner—Joe Skinner: Motion Commissioner—Steve White:2"d Commissioner—Joe Skinner:Approve Commissioner—Steve White:Approve Chairman—Don Seifert:Approve 01:49:25 PM (01:53:44)Questions of Staff Cr. Mehl asked what motions CM Surratt needs this afternoon given the discussion. 01:50:24 PM (01:54:43)Motion that the City move expeditiously to pursue both proposals as discussed today with a public discussion on January 22"d. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:2nd 01:50:44 PM (01:55:03) Discussion DM Andrus asked for clarification for what "both proposals" means exactly. Cr. Mehl clarified the two proposals,stating cooperation with the County as well we due diligence for the Rouse site. DM Andrus asked for further clarification,whether this is suggesting the police/sheriffs'station gets built first with the courts second. Mayor Taylor stated he would like the clarity for the motion. Cr. Mehl stated there is a pressing public safety issue. His preference is to start with the public safety offices. 01:52:55 PM (01:57:14)Amendment to the Motion to move forward with the police/sheriff proposal first as asked by the County. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 01:53:23 PM (01:57:42) Discussion DM Andrus stated she is very much in favor of the court buildings be built in a very timely manner. Mayor Taylor stated that this is the surest way to get a new courthouse. 01:54:49 PM (01:59:08) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to move forward with the police/sheriff proposal first as asked by the County. The motion passed 3-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Page 5 of 8 Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Special Meeting Minutes,December 15,2017 Commissioner-I-Ho PomeroV:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 01:55:00 PM (01:59:19)Amendment to the Motion that the City fairly and equitably pay its share of the costs for this project. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 01:55:35 PM (01:59:54) Discussion DM Andrus stated the City needs to have an active role in the discussions of the design work. Cr. Mehl stated this amendment solely addresses payment of an equitable share, and to work together. Mayor Taylor supports the amendment, and to use the formula used previously. 01:57:29 PM (02:01:48) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion that the City fairly and equitably pay its share of the costs for this project. The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Commissioner- I-Ho PomeroV:Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 01:57:43 PM (02:02:02) Discussion on the Main Motion Cr. Mehl appreciates the County's participation today. DM Andrus will also be supporting the motion, and hopes to move forward together, although the City needs to investigate further. Mayor Taylor also supports the motion. 01:59:33 PM (02:03:52) Vote on the Main Motion as Amended that the City move expeditiously to pursue both proposals as discussed today with a public discussion on January 22nd The motion passed 3-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy: Absent Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Page 6 of 8 Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Special Meeting Minutes,December 15,2017 3. Appoint City of Beze.m—an and- Gallatin Geunty GernmissieneFs to a joint City County a vwii Rccviii,m.ciivc cicP fer s,prpFvpria^cc Staff t6 Serve 6n the/oemmlttee � 4. Authorize the Gity ManageF and Gallatin Geunty C-hanrte Sign a Memorandum a Law&justice Ee.nterJupe 5, 2919 Ball +� G. 02:00:54 PM (02:05:13) FYI/Discussion There was no FYI. H. 02:01:03 PM (02:05:22)Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the City Commission at 2:01 PM. C,A/"_ < Carson Taylor Mayor ATTEST: O�■ ■ ■ ■ ♦♦ Y J� Robin Crough C,• ♦` :J,' City Clerk J Lx 0, PREPARED BY: Robin Crough City Clerk Page 7 of 8 Bozeman City Commission and Gallatin County Commission Special Meeting Minutes,December 15,2017 Approved on: ) fW[Ac,gj Page 8 of 8