HomeMy WebLinkAbout75- Dunham, Walter & Lois Deed C.., f'. ,.'1 ~ ~ " " ~ .,., .' .. . '.-. :':;:,~i:..i 32 PAGE 1301 " {"., t\tM BARGAIN AND SALE D~ED . ';'; ~.~, THIS INDENTURE, madether2-f.-.. day of August, 1975, '. , """-- ~ .. between WALTER W .,&LOIS,.E.. l:lPNHAM, " Bozeman, Montana, party o'fthe first part,'and THE .C:r;,TY OF BOZEMAN" a municipal corp- orAtion of, the state"O,:f Montana, the party of the second part, WIT N E' SSE T H : That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable .".(;on~icleration" ',~l..l!,OP~ (>:vc::,Jt..;}.Il~~'\lJ...,.:monraYi,q,:Etpe United States , ':of,~I~ie~", 'tf:j<t~'~!n>1MPit"~~Wt~rbiJ"th~"'sa.;I~ff:i'arty' oftp,e "'second part, 'the receipt thereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted bargained, sold, conveyed and dedicated, and by these' presents does grant, bargain sell, convey and dedicate to the use of the pu,plic forever' for alley purposes, unto the said party of the second part,and its, assigns, forever, the following described tract: ' , That certain piece and parcelpf,ground situate in the 'J;'rac~ 3, B~unton-pallfyRearrangement of Durston SUbdivision to Bozeman, Montana,1ocated in the NW~ ,NE~" Seption 12, Township 2 South, Range 5 Ea,stas shown on a map thereof marked Exhibit "A" and attached hereto and particularly V"" described asfollo-ws,: Beginning at a point South 0006' West a distane~, of 130/.02' feet and North 890 12' Ei;ist a distance of 508.00 feet; thence NQrth 00 54' West a distance of 96.6 feet; thence North 890 12' East a distance of 20 feet, thence South 00 54' East .a, clistance of- 96.6 feet; thence South 890 l2'West a distance of 20 feet to the point of~g-~nning, otherwise described as the centertw.entyfeet of Tract 3 running north to south,approxiinately .04 acre. TOGETHER with a1land singular the tenements, here- ditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders',rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the es;~ate, right, title, 'interest, property, possession, claint anc;l demand what*oever, as will in law as in equity, ofthe~,aid party of the first part, of, in or to the said premi,ses, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appur- ~ t(!nances. ,It' .~ .'l '1'0 ij,AV~"AN~ Tq"ijOLD, all and singular the said pre- .~~ " i . fui;:ses tqgetherwi.1th; t~e'c1ipurtenances unto the said party of 1 the secop4pa'tt\and.i toi'fs assigns ,forever. ",/ ;" .." '.'1' , ,,} ':'.j..~." "..:",i , ::,.\ ",,-,,,,;,,,~:qJ ~~.1fiiaRBeB>;:,t"''''idi party of the, f'irst part has hereuR~o 'set:!ts hand and seal the day and year 'rst above written. .ir'~ ., ", ."': J . r!t k ~. : c:t" . /IYl/ .. 7.-' L/ , ,",,', "" . DUNHAM before me, :'..;1 to~he wit h in '., executed the '.. \1. .i~ .', ;<:' , .J- J 'f .'...'''' ,.. .. \ " . i ~. .-.. FILM 32 PAGE 1309 / D~P/C47/tJN CJr 20 4LLcy"-"'" 7le4CrS, .&'~K 5' g,eUA/TO/Y - ~--:!LrFY' Re;.p..ee-4."f6.E;4fg~7 ,f!I~7av' S(/~, -.oIl/. (. .s=4LE: / ~ SO ~ I l I L w: .BEALL 57: AI.' 8?"/2~ ~ /40' /40' ~ 0 ~~ ~ ~~ .3 ~ ~ ~ '() /~O' ~ ~ /40' ~ ~ A ~ 7 ~ ~ .. . .3 ~ ,_,___u..,_,.,_,._____ f\: ~ " (0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 5" ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~-_. \:) / 4 .a:J' .,_. J1/. V/LLARD SJ: I ____"_u,. '_d_u___~1 I r- "u,m ~ ,.'.;/