HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 73- Cam Inc. Deed :#....00 .. . ~ J' -, . \, 1. ';..,",,'0 ~. . , . .' - fILM 21 fAGE 227 NO, 14 -QUIT CLAIM DillED (Right, Title Bnd Iatere.t 0",,) -CORPORATION .TAU 'OoLlSHINO ce., HIUNA, ..... This Indenture, ,Made the m.m.?'Q~~.....mday of ..unJ~n~......mm.m... in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nm_~.~.~~.~~X::.~~~::.~~...nmm..mm.,-.....um..n.mnm.... between .... n n........ n. _ .C.M...... 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A portion of Lot Twenty (20) of Block liE" of Tracy's Second Addition to the city of Bozeman for street purposes: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot Twenty (20) of Block "E" Of Tracy's Second Addition to the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, thence westerly along , the south line of said Lot . Tw~nty (20) a di,:~it.ir,~<Of 4,' ~,6,,~ee:4';:~ _ .~~e1=::ruepoint of beg1.nn1.ng, , " " . .",,,,,-~,-,,,-.,,._. ""~";~""~' ' "".,.,, ':,::~'~~"?t:'," u1.ng . 'e oftlaid",UOt Twenty (20) a distance of 14,54 feet to the intersection'of the south line of said Lot Twenty (20) and the easterly line of that portion of said Lot Twenty that is deeded as highway 'f*~'~~f3''?~'lgf~Ci~\i~~:~~~~~~,~~..,.~.~~~~,~.t"o~e~~~'l:~e-~O~:~;','P~~:t;~:: Thence along said easterly right of way line being a circular curve to the right of radius 10 feet in a generally northwesterly direction, a distance of 9.8 feet to a point, said point being westerly a distance of 23.71 feet measured along the north line of said Lot Twenty and south 1017' west a distance of 131.7 feet from the northeast corner of said Lot Twenty, Thence continuing along the east boundary line of said highway right of way, north 1017' east a distance of 11.7 feet to a point, thence along a circular curve, to the left of radius 20 feet in a generally southeasterly direction a distance of 31.42 feet tot-he true point 9~. -'beginning. ,. ',j' --"~: . . < ,( ',:, ,. Containing within the above: 'desd~lbed exterior boundaries 70.66 square feet. "'''',,:,~'''''ll>,t~,,:,:':'''''''~5,~~?f,:,':'!:r-r1''''''~r~~''\1!'l';"'":r.....~,.,r' '~~" ,<, "N:M,.:~l"~"""I'''' -. - .,-,." .-. ,--.-.- .. -~~ ...'...........-.-. -................,.~-, - .~".'~~-_" ._.r .'.'.~~.:' .~.,. to,I'I", . .".. ."~:',:"'...,,': '. ;A',' , '.,.",' ,\,.t. ,,_ . 'Ah" >. J -' ., .." . . t ,., ""',;it: . "..:.t '..11':" I, ., {..-. ' ~ I I~; ~- ~J.';" ,11:.,.'.::;. ~; ...' ," ~. '\ f ", ~~ .!. ~:' ...' ..., " '"', ,1 . . "; '''" '" · I I " . 'Il5',~:' ~" ..,,.,-1":' ,.,,'(; ,", <'.,'. ...., " ,f'...' ," , I . ..,1"""... .r, ',t..', ",,, ' .~.. \ "... '" f ,~.. it ' . ' '.'t.\. ". . . . / rt. ~ ! .' . I '....., ~..... I .. ... ' . ~ '. i . ' " '. ,$::i::'., .. 'I.,", ",,;,'" "',;' ~"" '\ '.'" '.t !,,! I. ~"I'Ii ..1 " ---- ", _.J . \ . I. " \, , I '.c;.' ~ ~ . . I," . /' : ',' .,.It;,. ,".''' ,> , : 1;1 .', r .. 4 ,. 1 j 11 I '.' \ 'i'{).';' " 'i ,>iJ'. ..:i/. 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