HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 72- Western General Enterprises Deed -;;; ~ 16 PAGf~ 1386 ~ fiLM ~ ... ';".} ~. NO. 14~-QUIT ;'LAIM n'EED (CorlIOrfttfon) .' " stAn PtJBlIsHIN:!) CO'I HILENA; M(t~t. This Indenture, q7tf AJ- Made the..u.... ...'"::::........u_.....hda~ of..... .Qll~~......in the ].7ear of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and..us.e~.e.nt.y.:::tl'iOu.______u.ubetween .....................___...u.__............~. .. uu u..... u." ..... u ... .W~.~?;.~~. .~.J?~~.M.k.~.N!;~~? ~.+.~~.$. J... J~Q.",......... u.. u u... ........... u....... u... ....... ........................ ~"....... ~.............................. "!'......................................................... ..... ........ .....................-.............. -............ -. --........... --............ --.................... .'...........................,;........ .. ,......... a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of-.u.M.Q.nt.an9-................................. and .n..... ....+.tl~... GJ.~X...Q;f... ~.Q~~~N.I.. ..~..m\.m;i,..c.j.p.9.;J.... ;Q9.+:P.Q~ 9.. t;i,.9.il.I.. .... u.. ... ..,.. ..... ..... ...... .......................................................... ................................. .............................. ................................. -.... ..-...... ....'.".... -............ ..~........ ............-........................ --....................... ................. -.. .....~.... ... __................ _ _ _. _ _. _ _ _.. _ _...._ _...... _..... . _................... ...... _... ~.................. _ __ _. _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _... _.. _ ..__.. _.... _ _ ..... _ _.. ___.. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _.... _ ~~...... _ _.. _.... _ _ r.... _.... _ _ _ _ _ ......._ ...- ---......- -..- ..---- ---- ----....-.. .......... _ -.. ............ .-.............- -..~_....- -...._-....--..---- - -. -- -- -..-..... - ---. ---... .---... --- -...-. --. ---- - -- ------- - --.. -- ~ - ......~_. -... -- -+.. -.. .u...m..._m.._............u.u..uuuuuuuum.umuummum..ummuuthe part.y.uu....of the SECOND PART, WIT N ESSET H: That the said parLy...mof the FIRS T PAR T for and in consideration of the sum of.... ..O.ne..'Oo~liU..and..o.the..r...:v.a1.uab~e. ..co.nsi.de.r.a.tion ..JlJulbJH. ($.1.0.00...&. ..OYe) to ...mi:t..muum.............m._....um.................m.m..uuuu......m...m......muu....uuin hand paid bJ} the said part.Y...of the SECOND PART. the Receipt of which is hereb].7 acknowledged; do con'lJeJ}, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said part.Y.u...umof the second part. and tOumui.tsu...uuuheirs and assigns. the following described real estate. situated in the......mu..uum.........m......u....uu..uuu..._.. Count].7 of-...m..G~J.J,~.t;i,..~.mu..mmu.m........uuu..and State of Montana, to-wit: Attached: .... _ _... _ _ _. _. _. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. . _. . _ _.. ... _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _. . _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _.. _ _ _ _. _ _. _ _. - ~ _ - _ _ _ - - _ - - - - r. _ - - - _ ~. .. _ _ _ _ - - _.. _. . . _.. . _ _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ r r. . _. _. _ ,. _ ~ , . ,_ _. _ _ _ _ _ _. _. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _........ r _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... _ _ _ _.. _ _... __.. _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ ~ _ _... _.. _ _ _ _ _ _.. . . ~ _. _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _.. . _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _. _ _. _. _ _ _. . " . -- -. _ -- ~~... ~~. ..-- _ -.....- ----. -- _ -...- -- ~- _ ..--.. -...... -.....-.......-" _ -.. ~..... --........ ..---......- --.... -..- -.... -- --..... ---. -... ~.. --- ---. -... _ _ _ --- ..~~.- _ -. ------- - -.... -- -----........ -... -... ~. t , . ~ - -.... - -.. -.. - -.. -..... - -..... - ~.. -.... -.. - - -.. - - ... - - - -.. - - - - ~ -. - -..... - - -. -. -. -. - - -.. - -.. - - -.. - -.. -.. . .. - -. - -.. .. . -. - . .. ... ... - - - -.. -.. -. -..... - . - - - - - - - - - - - - -... - -. -. . -. - - - -. -. - -... ~.. - -....- .. _. _.. _. _. _ _..._ _... _~__ __. _. _ __ ___.... _. __ __ _ __ ____ ___ __ _. _....._ _. __ __ _. __ _.. ~ __ _. _~ _ ____...... - - _. _ - - _.. _.. _r__ __...~ ~.. _ _"..... __.... _ _.._ __ _ __ _.... _ _ _ _ __.. _. _........ .________......._....._._.__._............__.__...___.____..._..._....._......__._____....______r____.__..__._._______.....__._...___....__________.._..____...... . _. _.. _. _. .. .. . _ _ _ .. _.... .... .. _. _ _. _ _. _. . ... .. _.. _ . .. _ _ _.. _. ~ ~. . . . . . . _ _. .. .. . .. _.. _ r.'" _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _.. _. _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . _. _ _. _ _. . . _ _. _.. _. . _ . _ _ _. _. _... _ _.... .. . . . .. . .. . _ ... _. .. . . .. . . _ . .. ... ... _. _ ~ r _.." . . _. _ _ _ _ r. . .. _. _ _ _. _ _ _ _. . r _.. . _. ~... _ _. _ r.. _ _ _ _. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r . ... _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . _ . ~ _ r.. ... . ... _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. ... . . _ _.. .. . . . . _.... r _ _ _.. _ ~.. _ _ -.. _" _ _ -.... _....... _.. _ -.... _ _ _ _ ~ -.. -.. -.... -...... -....... -.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -...... _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ -. .... _ -. _ _ _ -. _ _ -. . . _ -. .. _ _ _ _ _ -.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _. _. _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _.... _... __ r _ _ _. _... .. ___ _ __ __ __ _ _____ _. _ _... _ ___. _.. _.. _....... n.. _.. _... __...... _ _..... ~. _. __ __. _.._ __ __. __.~.. _ _ r __ __ _. _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ __. _._ _. _~ ~_. _....._" _. __ _ _. __.. __ ~~ _ _ _.. _ _..... _.... ___... _... __ ..___..________._______..___..__________________________...__._.______________.__.____...._.......__._____"..________....______.__.___..___.__________r__.__.._________._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _.. ~ _ ~ _ _. - ~.. _............ _ _............... _.. - _.... _.. ~ _................ - _ r _.. ~ - _"Oo _ _ _ __ _ __.... _.. _. - - - - - ~ ~ - - __ _.. - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ _... _.. _ _. _... - ~ _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . ,... __.. _. ~. _. r _. __. _ _~r_ __ _..__ _ _ _..~__ ~_~ _.._.._.._ ............_..__ _ _~.. __ __ _____ ___ _____ r _.... _ ___~__.. __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ~ _.. _.. _+-_____.. _._. _... _.. _ ___ __ _.. _ _ _ __ ~___. _~ __ _. _. _.._ ,.. - _. _ __.,._ - - - -. -.~ - -- ~_ r ~_........ - ..._~ _.. ___ - ___ ___ __ __........__ - __ _.. __ ~~ ____.. __ _ __...... __._ __ __ w..__ _..-~. - __ - - -- __ __~ __ __ - ~_ __ _ _.. _... __ _... __ __.._ _. ~ _... __ __ n_. ~_ __ _ __ __.. n . _.. _.._ _ .._... _.. _ _ __ _ _.... __.._ ___ __ _ __ ___. _.._. ____ _ __ _________ __ _... ___ __ _..__ __._ ___ _..._ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _. _... ~... _. __ _ _ _ _ _ __. ...._.. ~ _. _. r __. _. _.. ____ __.. _ _ _ _. _ _ _~ _~ _ .._" _. _. ~.__ ,_ _ _ _.... _ _ _. _ _. _ _ _ _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. _. _ _ . _. _ _. _.. _ _. _. _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _. _. _ __ _ _ _ _. . _ _.. N". _ _. _ _.. .. .. _.. _.. .... . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... _. _..., _ _ _ _.. ~ ~ _ ~ .... _ _ _. . _. . _. . _ _ _ _.............. _ _ _.. _.. __ togeOlet with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reVer- sion and' r~v~rsions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, righi, title, irilcresL..mm..mm_um.um..uuummm...._propert:y, possession, claim, and demand whatsoe'Ver :. as IDell in lani as in equity, of the said party...of the first part, of, in or to the said premises and ever.1J pare and p~tcel thereof. _ _. .......... n..""". ... ._u..n. '.n. n........u............. .............._ ..... ......hu................. u_....._. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, IDith the appurtenances ._ __ __ ....._. _ _. _. __.. _ __ __ ~M _.._ __.. __. _... a _. _ .___ _ __ ~_ ___.~_ _ __ _ ....~__ *___... __. _n"_~"" _. ___. _ __ __. _ _. _.. ~__ _ _ __ _ _ _~_.~ ~ _.. _~ _.. _.... _. _.. _. ____ ____ _ __ ~_ ~_ __ ___. ___ _ ___ ___ ... _. __ __ __ __ _. _ .__ __. _ __ __. ___. __ __.. _ ___. __ __ _ _. ____._ _.. _. _. ~~......~ __........... __ _, _..._ _.._ __. _... __~. _ __ __ ~~..__ __ ..__ _ _ _ ~ r r _ .____ _. ______ __ _ _~ _ _ __ _... ...... __.... ____..~__ .. - - - - - - - -.... . - - - -. .. -. .. - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -. - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -. . - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - ~ - ~.......... ~.. -.. -- - - - - - - -. .. -. -. -. - - - - - - - ~ -.. -.. unto the said part.y.....of the second part~~-m.i.ts_......heirs and assigns forever. _,.. --.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said part].7 of the first part has caused its corporate name to be sub- \ : , ., '~' .... .,S ~~~(~i1.i its corporate seal to be affixed, by its proper officers, thereunto dul].7 authoTized, on this , ,...'" ....." 11'11'..... I ~ .,',' ,~.~ .,.., ,:,.-'- d A 19 72 ~. _.or: ':'! rc.Q. .. .<_.. aJ} f............. . ........................ . D. ........, I ,,~c' 'w "". .....,. H~~,V~;~S~~_'_mI_>l~ . \ \ B)) .............. ..... u. ....... .................................. u... F. Po Messmer - President:-'-' .' , -- ::0 tl:J (.I') ~ ::tJ I:l : Cj }" cT 'd S" l'b ~ : (:) :~ .... - OQ C"l ! I-' ! '".l"J t: i~ f.l. . '~ ",l'b l'b (:) -. ;::j Vl (t, ''" -. ' ... "- :j,/) 0 ~, ," 'l'b- ..., (:) i Q.,:'v.): Q., 'd :t-3 '~ ". ;WI, 0 ..... .. : a.. io iz _ (:) ~ l"""...- I-" h .- -,. :ttj c: OJ : . . '0 ~ - ...., ::=tl cT ~ (:I . : _.:' 'tl'1 -. ~ <<: >: '1--<1::3':<: : H 1::2: .... . " "::tJ. J~ ::0 :~ :\.0,) ::Cil : t-3 !o t. ~., o e t-' :0 : 00. ~ C :3 l'b :0 0 ~ r)() ,-I' H) ,)t;;' ~ !~ :(J\. 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I'OP!Jio (fw P<JxUjV D pU'Olf (fw ( 0 n<J.L<Jlf <J(('vlf I 'dO'3H'3HM SS'3N.lIM NI '<J os <Jlf1 P<J1n;)<Jx<J UO!1'O.wcI./.0'J If:ms 1'Olf1 <JW 01 P<J~P<JltU.ou2f'JD puv lu<Jwn.l1sUl Ullf11tU. <Jlf1 p<J1n'J<Jx~lDlfl uOllV':tOrJ.1o'J <Jlf1 jou-u---moooooom'm-mmm.m---m----mH.h(1h-m-<J1{1 <Jq 01 . . ., ~uap1sa.:I too.um__moomoomoooommm_oom.".m__oooooooom______oo___m oooo---"jo lf1DO <Jlfl UO <JW 01 P<J((.O.LrJ ,10) <JW 01 umou1 u..moo..m..m-----oo.---m..oooooooouoooooo...m:t-auislsaW---.-J---.-X -.n.m-p<J.LD<JcJcJV nllDUOS.L<JrJ 'DUDluO W' .,.~1~~ls-'", '" , ' \ . <J'I1 .Loj 'JUqnd {(.LD10 N V ....._h___....u_..m........m___....m..oo___.....mm_..........mm......hmm.___:~'~:~:;-:~-="""~:~:-~"::~': ',:, <JLU ;;l.LOj<Jq .----.t:"i.61 j'O<J(f <Jlf1 Ur-..---......u---..-moo...----~l/Ai!fIffI-------jO (fDp......iiib-.tiF-P .ue-;-':'~^ ~~- "'. -:.'. ': , ." f"m-m......--..mU1:j.-i?:rtt?~---::::::)0 ~ (fluno J : ;:' _= .SSl 'VNV.lNOW dO '31~.1S'"- " : '.:./ ~~ ",..., r . '. lBCT j3~d 91 W1'1 . I'" t 1 , ~ I ~.~ . , I' I \ f fiLM is PACE 1388 ~ , ;" ~ A 10 foot wide strip of land lying westerly of and con- ,.... i ... tiguoustothe westerly right. of way .line of_North 20th AVen'el.e . ,,'" >>.:' as platt.ed?n West Park Manor Fir$t Addition' to Bozeman, I - ~. Montana, and~):'e,specifi9alJ,.Ndesw;i.>>~d as follows: . ',":.': . ," ",,' " "" ,', \:"1.,". ",: ,,',., ',- Beginning at the southeasterly corner' 'of Block 7 of West Park Manor First Addition to Bozema,:n" Montana; thence along the easterly line of said Block 7 being along a curve to the right of 412 feet radius ' and a central angle of 70030' a distance of 291.2 feet to' southeastel:'ly corner of Block 6 of said West Park Manor First,Addition, thence continuing along said 'curve a dis- tancebf215.71 feet to, the point of tangency of said curve1 thence North 50001'41" East along the easterly line' of Bloc!t 6 a distance of 115.82 feet to the northeasterly corner Of a'aid. Block 6; thence no:r:thwe~ter,ly' a19n9. tl1.e, nortQe;flyl;i,.ne of said Block_6 a' distance Qf~O,feetJ"therioe southwes;terly parallel to and 18'"feetdj"stant' westerly from the easterly line of said Block 6 a distance of 115,82 feet to the point of tangency of a curve to the left having a central angle of 70030' and a radius of 422 feet; thence continuing along said curve to the i'~~;'.',..'~f~~:1~naf82i';~'~'1Qll~H~'~~~6~1~~rii~~;r~ri'g'~i~ij~~~.l~eing parallel to and 10 feet westerly of the present westerly right of way line a distance of 298.30 feet toa point of intersec- tion with the southerly line of Block 7 of said West Park Manor First Addition; thence easterly along said southerly line of said Block 7 a distance of 10 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing within the above described exterior boundaries 6289 square f'eet of which 2947.5 sqp.a~e feet to be deducted from the area of Block 7 and 3341.5 square feet to be deducted from the area of Block 6. Also a 10 foot wide strip qf land lying easterly and contiguous to the easterly right of way line of North 20th Avenue 'as platted inWest:,'pa+,k Manor First Addition to Bozeman, Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of BlOCk 8 of said West Park Manor First Additiop to Bozeman, Montana; thence northerly along the westerly line of sai.d.block beingaJc;)ng a curve to the right. of 352 feet in radius and having a central angle of 7'O}'J{) l,;;a,.'c.\l.$tanc"e of '433 .Q;9'feetto th~. point af1;angency of the curve; thence North 50001'41" East ',~'" :..1:, . r.... ad,i:stance' of 136 .78' feet 1 ,.4ttthce sOQ,t$ea81!Wly'Ht. 'rIght" ' angles a distance of 10 feet; thence southeasterly parallel to and 10 feet distant easterly of the easterly right of way of said North 20th Avenue as originally platted a distance of 136.78 feet toa poil?:t of tangency; thence parallel to and 10 feet distant from the westerly line of said Block 8 as originally platted being along a curve to the left of 342 feet in radius with a central angle of 70030' a distance of 420'.82 feet to a point of intersection with the southerly line of said Block 8; thence westerly along said south line of Block 8 to the point of beginning. CO;ntaining withiI). the above described exterior boundaries 4269.55 square feet to be deducted from the area of said Block 8. '..:,.:t,.... ,':'" ~'~.~J'_."~' --"~.,,,,.- .. .-..-' .... -.4'~'.~._" '" '\.' :"ll 1'.... .~"'~.. M'f '.. .. CI TV PARK BLOCK 6 PLAT SHOWING ADOtTIONAL RIGHT OF WAY TO BE DEEDED TO CITY s 690'500 ' OF BOZEMAN FOR NO. 20 tit AVENUE BY , '8~_ WESTERN GENERAL ENTERPRrSES,INC, PREPARED BY: CI TY ENG'RS OFFICE BOZEMAN, MONTANA APPROVED; I- - II: '- ~ 8'0'0.- ... . "'00.0 ~ ' o No .Q ~ d<-( Q;l Oat" ")1211)'110 Iq -CV.... ~ H " k .. .. HAROLD FRYSLI ::r II: .. o qOI-,.J _ B L 0 C K 7 - __~~- _". . ...... - -..... -:.. "- - ~ SCALE I I": 50' -, " " ~ - _ .- " ...... ~ .. - .~ r - _ . ,. ~ ' ----- - -:-.\.~-~--- : -' -~~ ~ ~ '~ .~~- 's Of'IVEWA _"_~/' GIBSON '__ ' POO'Os'O ofw ~ ----- ,.",,~~,---....<., -'. ~ ~ PROPOSED R/W .--_ _" ~.... ---- -- ----- ~// , ----------- EXISTING R/W-Y.,. _______ \~\ uC:; " ,__".' .,Ii"'-' ~ . / 'i .~,l\mI~. ' "'~-__l~::."'..:..c\~~ ",.. ...., , . ~.,_L..._ _