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Warranty Deed 72- Five C's Deed
Filed for record thisnnm_m____mda;y ofm......___..n....n___n___m______m_._______.l9mn___ aL______o'clock._______M. ,-.., . .. . .. , NO, SA - WARRANTY DEED - Coq>oratloD - Sbort Form. STATO .uILISHI.. co" .ELUA, ...t. Know All Men by These Presents: Fklti 15 PAGE 330 That... .f.~ V_l;;.. _ ~_! _ Ii? _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....... _ _...... _ _ _...... _.... -. - - -............ - - - -.. - - - - -. - - - -. - -. - -................. -. - - - - - - - - -...... -.... a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State ofm.M9XL!;..gJ19h_.....hm...mnmnmn. in consideration of the sum ofn.Q.Q~...QQJJ:g..t...q....Q.t.h~.f.._y_c;l,J.-'J?!J;>_!~...~Q.n~.igS!.+-g_ti9_mD'MM ($_.~..'.g.9...9.Y..~m_....). the receipt 'l>>hereof is hereb;y admitted. does hereb;y grant. bargain. sell. conve;y and confirm unto__(; J_~X___Qf.mf}9.?.~kv.\N.,hJ1QN.T.AN~_,__n<anmYD_iQj..P.g_l..~.Qr.P.Qr_~:tiQnn__n_..... .......... ~..... ................~... ............ .............. ........ ----.....--- -.-----_.. -- -- ..--- -- -- ----.. --.... --.. ---- -- ---- ---..... ..........-...... ...- --.. -- --.--_.. -- -- --.. ---.. -- --..-... ....... .....- ....................................... +........................................ -.... -.. - -........... -.. -.. -............ -.. -...... -.. -.... - -........ - -.. - -.... -.......... - --..... -.... ~.. -....... - - - -..... - - - - - - - -- - - -.. -........ -............. - -.. - - - - - -- .- -- - - - -,- - - -.. -- ---- - --- -- -- . - -- ----- --- ---..... --...-----.. ..-...-.. ..--.. ..-................ -- - & -.- -.--- ....- - - -- - -- - - -- ----. - -- --.... --...-.....-- --....- -- --.. --- - -- - - ------.. and to ______n~_~~m~~_~~~_~~.9.E~...._...hnm.hm......____nm____nmm_...m....and assigns. FOREVER, the folloIDing described real propert;y. situated in the cit;y or to'l>>n Ofnmnhm_.....h_m____._._u____..n___m___mn Count;y ofn._....nu...._m_n.....~~_~~_~!:~_~_m______mm_.___._... State of Montana, to-IDit: A...triAQj;"..Qi...1.aru;l..altJJ..afe.d__Tii~:-th:t~~~W~SRJ.i:_..Qf.._Se_c:tlOii__13.~__T_2S.~__R5E.#-_.. .~_~.~ :~~:_Lu~_?~~___P._~E:t:-_~~~~~E~X._.~_~~9E!:J?~.~.__~~___~9_~~9.':!.~_:n____nn..___m..___......__.....u..___.m .~~.g ~-nS~.~.~5I";=J"~:':.n~"'Tl"E9-i:!!~m9~mi.=:~esm e2~.s3:f:._~;.1)_YT.:E.~.c;{!!.~._9_f:'tY.lt!.~y_._~Jn~___9_df m1::~a~-l:f.~.<;!~.r a 1 l'i.~a econl..larYn~guway L'lO. - ~ \.;l .I'l.nown as nyalJ.. 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And the said GRANTOR hereb;y covenants that it will forever WARRANT and DEFEND all right. title. and interest in and to said premises. and the quiet and peaceable possession thereof. unto the said GRANTEE....m_. .....!:t;..l?...~.1!g_q~J?.$.Q.L.._........m_n._mm.un_____n.___and assigns. against the acts and deeds of said grantor. and all and ever;y person and persons whomsoever la'l>>fully claiming or to claim the same. ._ _ _.. _.... _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _____ _ __ _ _____ __ __. _ __... _. _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.. _____ __ _. _ _ ___ __.. r~ ~.__ _ _ _ _".. _ __ _ _.. _ _ _...... _.... _ _.... _ _ ___ .-.. -.. - -.. -.. - - -. - -....... - -.. -.... - -.... -- - -. ...-- -- - - --....... - -- ----.. - - - -- -- - -- - -- -- - --- -.- - - - -. -.. - - --- - - -- -- - - - -.. - -. - -- - - - - - - - --- -- - - - ---- - - -- - -- --.. - -.. - -. -. - - -. - - - - - - -- ..... _ _ .,_....... -..... -........ - - - - - -. - - - - -...... - - -..........- -........ ....... -..... --... -..................... - -.. ..- -.......... - - - - -.. - - - - - - -....... - - - -........... -- - - - -.... - - - -. -.. -.. - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - -- ......... _~ ~.. _. _ _..... _ __ ____ ___ __ _ _ _ _ ___.. _... __ __ .....,........._ _ _ _........... _. _._ _ _...... __........ _..... _ _ _.. __ _ r _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.... _....... _ _ _.......... ~__ ..__........._ _ _. _ _.. _ _ _ _.. _.. .... _ _ _....... __ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said GRANTOR has caused its 'corporate name to be subscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed. b;y its proper officers, thereunto dul;y authorized. on this..;;JJ3_!~..n da;y ofn'3.u.~"'h___..................._A. D. 19.:7.2..., . ._~_~y.~_._~.._~.!.._~.._~9.~:t:-_~~~_..~_?!.p.?~.~!:~.?~.... JJ'::::'O By_~~J1~~~~i:---- n-eniiIsmBTackn efEer-...mn- Secretar;y. STATE OF MONTANA. I 11 . ~ss. C ountJ] Of_m_~_~nn_~:t::_~~...____nhnm......J On thism;)"'E2::~nm_mnda;y ofm___m_::sy_~muu._..nmmm....nuu___in the ;year 19.7.~m. before me m____mn.........__.....'...:....m. a N otar;y Public for the State of Montana, personall;y appearedm~~J.:];J:J... ~~YES~Apd_J:2ENNIS~~~U.~.__~_~~~~...~_::..~7....____.._.____________.___________________.___...._______) ~ t .,tll.i.lt"'Dneeident & Secretary f th t. th t t d th 'th.' t t ,(,I: ~'\.:~~~~.:t7".t...m..---mmn---mm---n..m.. "":"'000 e corpora IOn a execu e e W1 In lnS rumen ;..~,"a~ftjjffiJ..~I(qJ. to me that such corporatIOn ~xecuted e same, , . . ,i,,:j',,?,;,..\:; , INfforlTNESS WHEREOF. I have h r nto se~m.Y and and aff1xed m'y Off1cral \~FV;';'\~" $ E A.l . i ~ ?Seal the da;y and ;year in this certii' " 'Dn'itten. ;, -It '.V"',';;/ "" '. ... ;",': """ :,' I l ...... ,. ":'.':' ".:4\""',,'''~:' ,~ ' "I .' '. " ".,." L ,~!f" ,.,. ,t \'.~~;iW~IF~:r~:o~' '.' ~:~~ L \ .m.. -N~i~;~ p~bii -f~;.-ih~nsi~i~-~j"M~~i~~-:z~...-h.. R "'SJ"-.. f'/' Boz""man Mgntana Me' '. . (J_ ):5 19 J4 eS1UUI/5"U ._......hn~u.......l....... _._-t.n____...._..._..mn. ;y Omm1SSlOn eXp1reSn:::/...........m___... .-I-t-- NOTE - Acknowledgement ~!>,o\lld bo made by either president or secretary. 1. )-''''''''~'':>1 ') (t f:", " THIS INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE ON THE OFF. ICE OF COUNTY RECORDER, l 88 ..........~-;-oo.. DAY pOF m.m_____~~~.~:.~.mm....__........____.__.____________, A.D., r5 .?~..m.' STATE OF MONTANA . AT .m......__._mm..mm M., AND WAS DULY RECORDED IN BOOK mn_m.m__m...... COUNTY OF GALLA TIN. OF mm..J~.~g_~_._m.m__.___m_______..m...mm.......... RECORDS, P AGE _____!~_Qm.____..nn__ /; " kt~ $..ci-t:;.::~f:Bbzeiiian~.~.~..~~....~~~:~-m.m...hm.mRECORDER. BY --u'i!:t-u/)1!<-!dj;L2Z~EPUTY ~l