HomeMy WebLinkAbout72- Right of Way Deed No. D-6126 RIGHT OF WAY APPLICATION NO. 692 AFFECTING THE SW}., SEC. 36, T:-JP, 1 RGE. 4E, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTA~<iA. No.___ _'p.:~!.22_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RIGHT OF WAY DEED IN. THE NAME AND IY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA '.$lUc,o.lJom ~lJe.t.re.ent..lJaUComt: . Knowye that the State of Montana, in consideration of the sum of _-.::.-_-.:::.-.:::.-.:::.-.::: ...-'l"..-...--....--ONETHOUSAND NINE HUNI>RED j~XTEENAND OO.1.l00...--...-------...-------...------------------:Oolla .,~'~--~'-;~;-~-----'~------~-~--'-- --~--~_.- -----~-------------------------- . ~J;::,:::,;"::" .;,=:~.~.,::. ~ .:,: ':.~ =:~..:= ;.-:.- .:;~ :.'o:.-.z :::~-.:- =:. -~ '::'*::"Z:'S't.-_-- ~ :.-:...-~:. -:.T'=:IL -:.-: .:. :. -.: = :. .: =:.. -__ = :. -..;- .: =. ~ .= =. __ - =:. :: .= .: :.. -.= = .._~-,...,.._'...__'...'_'...,-'.-_.___'__.________....._._IIIII'._______~,_....._____-___w__~_____ __...... _______ ____ __ __ ___.. __ _ _ _ __ __ ._'~~-~~~.--,-.~--~---~~---~~'-~-~---'---,-~------~~~------------------------------- A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter (S~), Section 36, Township 1 North, Range 4 East, Montana ;:ipal Meridian; Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point, said point being the intersection of the extended center line of Runway 12-30 ;he east line of. the said Southwest Quarter of Section 36; Thence from the said point of beginning northerly! along said east line, R distance of 288.6 feet PQintwhich'18200 feet northeasterly when measured at right angles from said extended centerline; Thence North 450 00' West and parallel to said extended center line, a distance of 193.9 feet; Thence South 450 00' West, a distance of 185 feet to a point which is 15 feet northeasterly when Ired at rightangles from said extended eenter line; ThenceN.ortb4So 00' West and parallel to said extended center line, a distance of 1600 feet; thence South 45000' West, a distance of 30 feet to a point which is 15 feet southwesterly when '~Jredat'dghtangles fromsa:tdextended center line; iTl'lence South 450 00' East and parallel to said extended center line, a distance of 1600 feet; (Thence South 450 00' West, a distance of 185 feet to a point which is 200 feet southwesterly when Ll:red atri,ght angles from said extended center line; !'';tb..~ce'SOuth 45. 00' East and par.dlel to said extended centerline, a distance of 610.1 feet to a p-onsaic:leasl;: Une> of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36; :!1'hencenortherly alongsa1d east line, a distance of 288.6 feet to the true point of beginning of 'descripti,on~nd contalningln all 4.79 acres, more or less. :It, is a18~aireed that the grantee will comply with such rules or regulations as may be hereafter sedbytb..St.ate Board of Land Co1llllieeioners to insure that the environment will be adequately '.jo, :.... It is furthtWProvided that whe~ev~rsaid lands herein 9r~~ted as a right of-~ay shall cease to beused(for such purpose, the same shan revert to the state upon notice to that ' effect being given to the said grantee named herein. , IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the State of Montana has caused these presents to be , executed by the Governor, and to be attested by the Secretary of State, and countersigned ; b,the Commissioners of State Lands and Investments, and the Great Seal of the State, and , the Seal of the State Board of land Commissioners to be hereunto aHixed thi$'":=:'~:=:::.."=::'- ~ ~ENTY-FIRST------...-day of -----APRIL----------------A D 19 72--- -'-..------------- --------------------.. ----. I , Secret of StUo :~~~~~.~C.....m.m.......; Commissioner of State Lands and Investments ' I I ; I ". '-i-ii!~,,, ,,,'.,.;:',.~.,:'.';.j.j.1J.~\;i&iii..;'r;'O;>4;.i.~,._>. '", '.,~;,,;,. ,," ',.r,.