HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-04-18 City Commission Packet Materials - A2. Ordinance 1992 Final, Amending Commission and Mayor SalariesCommission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Andrea L. Surratt, City Manager SUBJECT: Final Adoption of Ordinance 1992 (Consideration of Commission Compensation Changes) MEETING DATE: Thursday, January 4, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission determine whether to adjust the salaries of the Mayor and Commissioners, the penalties for unexcused absences, and costs and expenses of their office and if so, provisionally adopt Ordinance 1992 determining which option to include. SUGGESTED MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance 1992 including the revised salaries of the City Commissioners and the Mayor which are hereby established as follows: for each month of service, the sum of $1,600.00 for each Commissioner. Pursuant to 2.02.150, BMC, for each month of service, the salary of the Commissioner acting as Mayor shall be one and one-half (1.5) times that of the other Commissioners, or the sum of $2,400.00. In the event of an unexcused absence from a Commission meeting by a Commissioner, the sum of $400.00 shall be deducted from the monthly pay and for an unexcused absence by the Mayor from a Commission meeting, the sum of $600.00 shall be deducted from the monthly pay. In addition to the salaries, the City Commissioners, other than the Mayor, shall receive a monthly allowance of $90.00 for incidental expenses. The Mayor shall receive a monthly allowance of $135.00 for incidental expenses. The Mayor and City Commissioners may be reimbursed for actual cost of other reimbursable expenses, such as registrations for conferences and seminars, dinner meetings and other in-state or out-of-town travel and expenses. BACKGROUND: Mayor Taylor asked for this motion to be considered by the Commission, specifically citing a $400.00 increase as a starting point for further research. Currently, Ordinance 1878 adopted on December 16, 2013, has set the salaries of the City Commissioners at $1,200.00 per month and the Mayor’s pay at $1,800.00 per month. The cost for unexcused absences was $300.00 and $450.00 respectively. The amount for monthly incidental expenses was set at $60.00 for Commissioners and $90.00 for the Mayor. Research as shown that an increase of $400.00 for Commissioners and 1.5 times that amount for the Mayor more adequately compensates each person for their time, the complexity of the work. A four hundred dollar increase provides a 33% increase in the salaries of the Commission 66 members. Staff compared the City of Bozeman with other comparable western small cities of similar character and complexity, and the amounts are as follows. City of Bozeman 2007 2013 2017 Proposed Commissioners salary $900.00 $1,200.00 $1,600.00 Mayor salary $1,350.00 $1,800.00 $2,400.00 In addition, research will be provided at the meeting that illustrates the comparable salary information for several growing western cities. It was not available at the time of the agenda package submittal. The salaries listed in Section One and the provisions of Section Two shall be effective at the commencement of the terms of the city commissioners and mayor elected in the 2019 general City election which date shall be the first regular meeting of the commission in January, 2020. The monthly allowances as indicated in Section Three shall be effective 30 days after passage and shall be applied beginning in February, 2018. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: If a change is made to the Commission Pay Ordinance, it would affect the wage benefit expenditures accordingly. Attachments: (Proposed) Ordinance 1992 Report compiled on: December 20, 2017 67 Page 1 of 4 ORDINANCE NO. 1992 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE SALARIES OF THE CITY COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. WHEREAS, Sec. 2.04 of the City of Bozeman Charter authorizes, the City Commission to determine the annual salary of the Commission and Mayor by ordinance; and WHEREAS, said section of the Charter also requires that no ordinance increasing such salary shall become effective until the date of commencement of the terms of commission members elected at the next regular election; and WHEREAS, said section of the Charter authorizes the mayor and commission members to receive, in addition to a salary, their actual ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties of office. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 The salaries of the City Commissioners and the Mayor are hereby established as follows: for each month of service, the sum of $1,600.00 for each Commissioner. Pursuant to 2.02.150, BMC, for each month of service, the salary of the Commissioner acting as Mayor shall be one and one-half (1.5) times that of the other Commissioners, or the sum of $2,400.00. 68 Ordinance 1992, Amending the Salaries of the City Commission and Mayor Page 2 of 4 Section 2 In the event of an unexcused absence from a Commission meeting by a Commissioner, the sum of $400.00 shall be deducted from the monthly pay and for an unexcused absence by the Mayor from a Commission meeting, the sum of $600.00 shall be deducted from the monthly pay. Section 3 In addition to the salaries, the City Commissioners, other than the Mayor, shall receive a monthly allowance of $90.00 for incidental expenses. The Mayor shall receive a monthly allowance of $135.00 for incidental expenses. The Mayor and City Commissioners may be reimbursed for actual cost of other reimbursable expenses, such as registrations for conferences and seminars, dinner meetings and other in-state or out-of-town travel and expenses. Section 4 Effective Date. The salaries listed in Section One and the provisions of Section Two shall be effective at the commencement of the terms of the city commissioners and mayor elected in the 2019 general City election which date shall be the first regular meeting of the commission in January, 2020. The monthly allowances as indicated in Section Three shall be effective 30 days after passage and shall be applied beginning in February, 2018. Section 5 Repealer. All resolutions, ordinances and sections of the Bozeman Municipal Code and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 69 Ordinance 1992, Amending the Salaries of the City Commission and Mayor Page 3 of 4 Section 6 Severability. If any provisions of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this ordinance which may be given effect without the invalid provision or application and, to this end, the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 7 This Ordinance shall not be codified but shall be kept by the City Clerk and entered into a disposition list in numerical order with all other ordinances as determined by the City Clerk. 70 Ordinance 1992, Amending the Salaries of the City Commission and Mayor Page 4 of 4 PROVISIONALLY PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 18th day of December, 2017. ____________________________________ CARSON TAYLOR Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a session thereof held on the 4th of January, 2018. _________________________________ CARSON TAYLOR Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 71 Salary Comparison 2017 12/18/17 City # Monthly Meetings Compensation/Meeting Commission Member/Month Mayor/Month Notes Missoula, MT pop. 72,000 4 $312.31/meeting $14,990.88 annual ($1,249.24/month - generally 30hrs/month) Varies ($42.75/hour) Boulder, CO pop. 108,090 4+ $216.81/meeting $11,274.12 annual $216.81/meeting - for up to 52 meetings/year Same as Commission: $11,274.12 annual $216.81/meeting - for up to 52 meetings/year 1. Receive an annual CTI increase. 2. generally hold over 60 meetings a year with no additional compensation Flagstaff, AZ pop. 71,459 2 $1,000/council/meeting $1500/mayor/meeting $24,000 annual ($2,000/month) $36,000/year ($3,000/month) 1. Mayor also receives $210/month for travel and meals; 2. Councilmembers receive $150/month for meals and travel CURRENT SALARY Bozeman, MT pop. 45,250 4+ $300/Commissioner/meeting $450/Mayor/Meeting $14,400 annual ($1200/month) $21,600 annual ($1800/month) Penalty for missed meetings $60/$90 month for incidental meetings/expenses PROPOSED SALARY Bozeman, MT pop. 45,250 4+ $400/Commissioner/Meeting $600/Mayor/Meeting $19,200 annual $1,600/month $28,800 annual $2,400/month Penalty for missed meetings $90/$135 month for incidental meetings/expenses 72