HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-17 City Commission Minutes so �x THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, November 13,2017 AGENDA ORDER MODIFIED DURING MEETING.ITEM AND NUMBER DESIGNATIONS REMAIN AS ORIGINALLY NOTICED. Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Present Staff Present at the Dais: City Manager(CM)Andrea Surratt, City Attorney(CA)Greg Sullivan,Assistant City Manager(ACM)Chuck Winn, City Clerk Robin Crough A. 05:02:01 PM (00:06:50)Call to Order—EARLY START TIME-5:00 PM-Commission Room,City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 5:02 PM. B. 05:02:07 PM (00:06:56) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 05:03:00 PM (00:07:49)Changes to the Agenda CM Surratt stated that the Bozeman School Board will attend at 8:00 PM for the Informal Site Plan Review,Action Item 6. D. 05:03:42 PM (00:08:31)Special Presentation 1. Welcome of Kenyan Delegation to Conference with Engineers Without Borders at Montana State University(Taylor) Mayor Taylor introduced the Kenyan delegation with Engineers Without Borders. Professor Lisa Kirk introduced the individuals and provided details about their visit. E. 05:08:44 PM (00:13:33)Minutes Page 1 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 1. Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes from June 19, October 9, October 16, October 23,and October 30,2017,Special Meeting Minutes from October 18,2017,and User Access to Linked Minutes(Crough) "i a 05:08:50 PM (00:13:39)Motion and Vote to approve the combined City Commission minutes from June 19, October 9, October 16, October 18, October 23,and October 30,2017, as submitted. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion DeputV Mavor-CVnthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor: Approve Deputy MaVor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve F. 05:09:14 PM (00:14:03)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) G� 2. Approve the Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of September 30, 2017(Clark) , a 3. Approve an On-Premises Beer and Wine License for Bozeman Pub, LLC for Calendar Year 2017 (Maas) , a 4. Approve the Impact Fee Support from the Affordable Housing Fund for Up to Four Lots in The Lakes at Valley West Subdivision (Saunders) , a 5. Adopt the Building Inspection Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 (Donald) 7 a 6. Adopt the Community Development Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2019- 2023 (Donald) 01 a 7. Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Irrevocable Offer of Dedication with Longshot Equity, LLC for the McChesney Industrial Park Project(Kohtz) , a 8. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Sewer Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement and Pedestrian Access Easement with Longshot Equity, LLC for the McChesney Industrial Park Project(Kohtz) , 45 9. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement and Public Access Easement with Buggy Bath, LLC for the Bozeman Commons Project(Kohtz) , a 10. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement and Public Access Easement with Bridger View Development, LLC for the Bozeman Commons Project(Kohtz) a Page 2 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 11. Resolution 4857, Authorizing Submittal of a Grant Application to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) Brownfields Program for Vollmer Building Removals in the Story Mill Community Park(Poissant) -,a 12. Resolution 4860,Supporting the Application to the Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program Administered by the Montana Department of Commerce, on Behalf of Zinovo (Fontenot) '-,a 13. Resolution 4863,Authorizing Change Order Number 2 with Montana Civil Contractors, Inc.to the 5.3 Million Gallon (MG)Water Storage Tank Project(Murray) -"P 05:09:22 PM (00:14:11) City Manager Overview CM Surratt provided a brief overview of Consent Items 1-13. 05:14:10 PM (00:18:59) Public Comment There was no public comment. 05:14:24 PM (00:19:13)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-13 as submitted. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve G. 05:14:40 PM (00:19:29) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 05:15:39 PM (00:20:28)Ralph Zimmer, Public Comment Mr.Zimmer, on behalf of the Bozeman Area Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee, spoke concerning the CIP, and thanked staff for the work, and thanked them for tentatively including pedestrian and bicycle projects. He also discussed some spot improvement projects mentioned in the Transportation Master Plan that are needed, but not included in the CIP. H. 05:18:24 PM (00:23:13)Action Items 1. 05:18:27 PM (00:23:16) Presentation of Gallatin County's Law and Justice Center Feasibility Study(Winn) y C� 05:19:10 PM (00:23:59)Staff Presentation ACM Winn provided the history of the iterations of the Law&Justice Center. Bill Hanson,with ThinkOne Architects, discussed the proposed options for revisiting the issue. He discussed improving the current Page 3 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 structure vs. building a new structure. He discussed each option (1-4) in detail. Cr. Mehl asked about the re-entry options. Mr. Hanson described Option 1 in great detail.This is the most expensive option. Mayor Taylor asked about the possibility of splitting Option 2 into two bonds, and what that would cost. Cr. Mehl further asked about the re-entry facility. Mr. Hanson described the different of this option vs. Option 1.ACM Winn responded with further context. Mr. Hanson stated Options 3 and 4 both are more expensive than building new structures. 05:56:25 PM (01:01:14) Questions Cr. Pomeroy asked how the exact costs were determined. DM Andrus asked about minor modifications proposed in Option 2. She also asked if Mr. Hanson thinks the Commission has looked at every possible scenario. He responded no and provided detail. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the conditions that are listed as good.Therrin Thompson with Staley Engineering responded. She asked if Option 1 was even a good option in this case. Cr. Mehl asked County Administrator Jim Doar what the County's preference is. He responded to phase in Option 2. Cr. Mehl asked if rehabilitation of the structures was the most expensive option,to which Mr. Hanson responded yes. He asked what has changed from the presentation from September. He also asked if the municipal courts were given enough consideration. Municipal Courts were not included in Option 1. Cr. Mehl asked Police Chief Crawford if the traffic flow is working for police needs. He asked for a cost estimate with a change not including this street work. He asked ACM Winn how involved he's been in this report. Cr. Mehl asked County Administrator Doar if this is the County's ready to participate. Mayor Taylor asked if Option 1 would lead to a "growing out" point at some point. CM Surratt is ready to reconvene a next steps committee very quickly since the timeline is so soon. County Administrator Doar stated that a June ballot is recommended since there will be an open space bond in November. 06:26:45 PM (01:31:34) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 06:26:59 PM (01:31:48)Karl Seel,Public Comment Municipal Court Judge Seel stated he was interested in seeing what the City's interests are in this project. He stated that this has enlightened what options can be eliminated,specifically not rehabilitating the current buildings. He supports Option 2 since it includes the Municipal Court. He stated there are options that haven't yet been explored. 06:29:40 PM (01:34:29) Discussion Cr. Krauss stated there is a fifth option, or to amend Option 2, as no other option makes sense. He stated June is too early, and maybe the City needs to look at a Municipal Justice Center. Cr. Pomeroy stated the Commission needs to listen to the voters.She thinks Option 2 costs too much. But they need to look into why the citizens voted this down twice. DM Andrus stated Option 2 is the only option that makes sense to her, but she also thinks it would be worth looking at a separate Municipal Justice Center. Page 4 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 Cr. Mehl discussed how urgent the next steps are. He's interested in something that works well for the next 10-20 years. He is still interested in discussing this with the County. Mayor Taylor stated that the option that already went to the voters was the best option. His number one priority at this point is the police, as their space right now is inadequate. His preference is Option 2 with an immediate bond for the police and sheriff. He also stated that he supports looking into other options. Cr. Krauss stated only Option 2 and some other options are valid. He discussed that he supports funding an off-year election if needed. Cr. Pomeroy asked Mayor Taylor about his preference to bond twice. 06:50:10 PM (01:54:59)Motion that after listening to the presentations and taking public comment,I move to direct the City Manager to work with Gallatin County to formally reconvene a joint workgroup to develop options that address the critical facility and public safety needs of the City and County law and justice functions for consideration by both governing bodies,and explore other options and please come back. Commissioner-I-Ho PomeroV: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 06:51:11 PM (01:56:00)Friendly Amendment to add"We also direct City staff to evaluate options for the provision of City services,including the Municipal Law&Justice Center and Fire." 06:51:43 PM (01:56:32) Discussion Cr. Pomeroy supports the friendly amendment. Cr. Krauss stated that this will prioritize the city residents and services. Cr. Mehl stated this explores all options. DM Andrus stated she agrees with what has been stated. Cr. Krauss stated that this has been a priority for ten years, and this needs to move forward. Mayor Taylor supports the motion,and believes there are good options to discover. He stated they should move quickly, but not so fast that a project fails. 06:57:14 PM (02:02:03) Vote on the Motion as Amended that after listening to the presentations and taking public comment,I move to direct the City Manager to work with Gallatin County to formally reconvene a joint workgroup to develop options that address the critical facility and public safety needs of the City and County law and justice functions for consideration by both governing bodies, and explore other options and please come back. We also direct City staff to evaluate options for the provision of City services,including the Municipal Law&Justice Center and Fire. The motion passed 5- 0. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy MaVor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Page 5 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 06:57:44 PM (02:02:33) Recess Mayor Taylor called the Commission into recess until 7:05 PM. 07:09:18 PM (02:14:07) Call to Order Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order. 2. 07:09:29 PM (02:14:18) Pine Meadow Accessory Dwelling Unit(ADU) Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Located at 468 Valley Drive,Application 17175 (Quasi-Judicial) (Garber) 07 a 07:09:44 PM (02:14:33)Staff Presentation Danielle Garber entered the staff report into the record. Ms. Garber described the lot, current land use, the current site plan,the proposed ADU, criteria met, public notice, public comment, and DRC review. 07:14:28 PM (02:19:17) Questions of Staff Cr. Pomeroy asked if this was R-1 or R-3. Cr. Mehl asked about the public comment received. 07:17:03 PM (02:21:52)Applicant Presentation Scott Pray stated that he has put a lot of effort into finding the right lot and designing the right property. 07:17:37 PM (02:22:26) Questions of Applicant Cr. Pomeroy asked if he is going to let other people use the ADU. Cr. Mehl asked if he has seen and has any problems with the staff report. 07:18:19 PM (02:23:08) Public Comment There was no public comment. 07:18:38 PM (02:23:27)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17175 and move to approve the Pine Meadow conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 07:19:09 PM (02:23:58) Discussion Cr. Krauss doesn't typically support ADUs, but he finds this one suitable. Cr. Mehl agrees with the staff analysis and supports it. Page 6 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 Cr. Pomeroy supports the motion since it provides affordable housing and more income. Mayor Taylor also supports it as he agrees with the terms and conditions. 07:21:05 PM (02:25:54) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17175 and move to approve the Pine Meadow conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 3. 07:21:15 PM (02:26:04) 3168 Fen Way (Cattail Creek) Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Located at 3168 Fen Way, Application 17382 (Quasi-Judicial) (Garber) -a 07:21:37 PM (02:26:26)Staff Presentation Danielle Garber entered her staff report into the record.She discussed the property, current land use, proposed ADU,other approved ADUs in the area, criteria met, public notice, public comment(none), and DRC review.Staff recommends approval. 07:25:52 PM (02:30:41)Applicant Presentation Jeff Lucien,architect on the project,stated this is intended to infill the corner. 07:26:28 PM (02:31:17) Questions of Applicant Cr. Mehl asked if he had seen the staff report and if he had any problems. 07:26:51 PM (02:31:40) Public Comment There was no public comment. 07:27:11 PM (02:32:00)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17382 and move to approve the 3168 Fen Way conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Page 7 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 07:27:37 PM (02:32:26) Discussion Cr. Mehl is in agreement with the staff report and supports the ADU given the area. DM Andrus agreed with the previous comments and supports the project. Cr. Krauss described his concern of duplexes. Cr. Pomeroy supports the motion. 07:29:28 PM (02:34:17) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials and all the information presented, 1 hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17382 and move to approve the 3168 Fen Way conditional use permit to allow the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit above a detached garage with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 4. 07:29:42 PM (02:34:31) Resolution 4859, Adopting the Street Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 (Donald) , a 07:30:21 PM (02:35:10)Staff Presentation Finance Director Kristin Donald discussed waivers of development, revenue trends,Street Impact Fee projects,the financial summary, and projects of note, specifically the roads around the proposed second high school. 07:32:42 PM (02:37:31) Questions of Staff DM Andrus asked about item SF134, and if that number has the correct pricing. She also asked about the LOS restrictions,and what's driving which intersections get priorities. Public Works Director Craig Woolard responded in detail. Cr. Krauss asked what's driving the improvements around Bridger Drive/Story Mill. Dr.Woolard responded the Story Mill Community Park, anticipated development at Bridger Vale, and other pending development on Griffin Drive. 07:36:59 PM (02:41:48) Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 07:37:09 PM (02:41:58)Cordell Poole, Public Comment Mr. Poole with Staley Engineering stated he was in support of both CIPs this evening. He wanted to state on behalf of the professional community that the City/Commission was wisely investing with these plans. Page 8 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 07:38:29 PM (02:43:18)Ben Loyd,Public Comment Mr. Lloyd, representing the Trust for Public Land, also thanked the Public Works Department for tonight's CIPs since it will improve infrastructure around the Story Mill Community Park. 07:39:22 PM (02:44:11)Motion to adopt Resolution 4859,Adopting the Street Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 07:39:34 PM (02:44:23) Discussion DM Andrus stated this is a fair, reasonable, and sustainable plan. Cr. Pomeroy also supports the motion. Cr. Krauss stated the Story Mill improvements are out of self-interest. He thanked staff for getting this in front of the Commission. Cr. Mehl encouraged staff to use a better color than the light blue. Mayor Taylor stated that he appreciates staff's working with the shift from the second high school. 07:43:12 PM (02:48:01) Vote on the Motion to adopt Resolution 4859,Adopting the Street Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 5. 07:43:33 PM (02:48:22) Resolution 4858, Adopting the Arterial and Collector District Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)for Fiscal Years 2019-2023 (Donald) "1:a 07:43:47 PM (02:48:36)Staff Presentation Finance Director Kristin Donald discussed the heavy weight on the first three years.She discussed the revenue trends, new gas tax, and financial summary. 07:45:11 PM (02:50:00) Questions of Staff Cr. Mehl asked about the increase from 2%to 5%. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the gas tax revenue. 07:46:24 PM (02:51:13) Public Comment There was no public comment. Page 9 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 07:46:35 PM (02:51:24)Motion to adopt Resolution 4858,Adopting the Arterial and Collector District Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 07:46:53 PM (02:51:42) Discussion Cr. Pomeroy supports the motion. Cr. Krauss discussed this is where citizens have seen a large tax increase. He discussed how this helps county residents that don't pay municipal taxes, particularly around the new high school. He welcomes County participation in intersection improvements in that area. DM Andrus stated that the results of this money is seen and beneficial. 07:50:14 PM (02:55:03) Vote on the Motion to adopt Resolution 4858,Adopting the Arterial and Collector District Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- 1-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 07:54:34 PM (02:59:23) Recess Mayor Taylor called the Commission into recess until the School Board arrives. 08:28:55 PM (03:33:44)Call to Order Mayor Taylor called the meeting back to order at 8:28 PM. The Bozeman School District Board of Trustees joined the City Commission. 6. 08:29:17 PM (03:34:06) 2017 Second Bozeman High School Informal Review, Application 17459 (Johnson) ., a 08:29:41 PM (03:34:30)Staff Presentation ACM Chuck Winn discussed the City process to identifying options and solutions to getting this project done in the timeframe the School District wants.Senior Planner Courtney Johnson introduced the second Bozeman high school project.She discussed the project timeline, vicinity map, existing conditions, land use, project introduction, pedestrian circulation, bicycle circulation,vehicle access, block length, drop off/loading areas, service access, public bus, parking, parking counts, building capacity, and parking departures. She discussed the Sports Park and a shared parking proposal. Development Review Engineer Shawn Kohtz discussed the public infrastructure,specifically required Page 10 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 arterial street improvements,Oak Street responsibilities,Cottonwood Road responsibilities,the streets network(Cottonwood Road between Baxter Lane and Oak Street), local street improvements (Annie Street), right-of-way improvements,and sewer capacity. Engineer Brian Heaston discussed water rights and supply. 09:07:18 PM (04:12:07)Questions of Staff The School District asked about the cost of the City providing the water. Mayor Taylor asked if the process for the geothermal is simpler. The School District asked for more clarity on the cash-in-lieu of water rights. Cr. Mehl asked if the water was done with the last elementary school. DM Andrus asked about a temporary lift station.She asked if making amendments to the Sports Park Master Plan requires public hearings. Parks and Recreation Director Mitch Overton discussed he process. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the expense of installing geothermal heating.She asked if solar panels will be installed. The School District asked for clarification on the right-of-way requirement that did not have a solution. Cr. Mehl asked why the City was covering one corner and not another. The School District asked if the traffic studies are in conflict. CM Surratt added that the long-range traffic plans of the City supercede any site-specific plans. The School District asked if the unresolved issue would influence the building of the high school if unresolved. The School District asked if development was also driving the needed impacts. The School District asked what the City's vision for Annie Street is crossing the property. Cr. Krauss asked for clarity about the traffic study. Cr. Pomeroy asked if the School Board is going to pay for the Annie Street infrastructure, and if County students will attend the school. 09:27:05 PM (04:31:54)Applicant Presentation Bob Franzen with CTA Architects discussed the School Board's process.They are currently in design development.There are two phases for construction including site development and building core/shell, and interior development. He discussed the budget, including bonding. 09:32:45 PM (04:37:34)Questions of Applicant Cr. Pomeroy asked about building a tunnel under Oak Street, and if a bridge is a better option. The School District asked where the discrepancy in parking numbers came from.She asked how block length factors in to his design. 09:36:55 PM (04:41:44) Public Comment There was no public comment. 09:37:47 PM (04:42:36)Questions of Applicant Continued Cr. Pomeroy asked if solar panels will be installed. Page 11 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 09:40:37 PM (04:45:26) Discussion The School District discussed Annie Street in relation to further expansion and removing future School District flexibility. DM Andrus stated that incomplete streets around schools cause greater problems. The School District stated that Annie does not make the site safer. Mayor Taylor stated that the fundamental purpose of Annie is to more safety disperse traffic out of the site. He doesn't see the block length as a serious issue. The School District stated that the one traffic study is not being listened to. ACM Winn explained the difference between the traffic study and the larger Transportation Master Plan. Cr. Mehl told the school that the City is paying a lot of time and money to make this happen for the school. 10:00:00 PM (05:04:49) Meeting Extended Mayor Taylor extended the meeting to 10:30 PM. 10:00:13 PM (05:05:02) Discussion Continued Cr. Mehl discussed the level of compromise the City has tried to help the School District. The School District stated that if Annie has to go through, it'll go through, but to make it the best possible. Cr. Krauss started that cheap land on the edge of town always requires infrastructure. He stressed the importance of Annie Street. The School District stated the site was purchased because that's where the kids are.They asked why anticipated enrollment and build-out expectations haven't been provided yet. 7. 10:13:39 PM (05:18:28) 2017 Second Bozeman High School Annexation of 36.896 Acres and Amendment of the City Zoning Map for the Establishment of a Zoning Designation of PLI, Public Lands and Institutions, Located East of North Cottonwood Road and West of Flanders Mill Road Between the Future Extensions of Oak and Annie Streets, Legally Described as Tract 1A2 of Certificate of Survey 2554B, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, Application 17454(Saunders) 01 a 10:14:30 PM (05:19:19)Staff Presentation Policy and Planning Manager Chris Saunders described the investments in capital infrastructure on the site. He described the City's policy on annexation goals and policies. He discussed three unresolved issues, including the traffic impact study, Cottonwood Lane, and sewer service locations. No public comment has been received.The Zoning Commission recommends favorably. 10:21:11 PM (05:26:00) Public Comment on Zoning There was no public comment. Page 12 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 10:21:44 PM (05:26:33)Applicant Presentation The School District was not prepared to comment as the applicant. 10:22:40 PM (05:27:29)Motion that having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials,public comment,and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17454 and move to approve the 2017 Second High School Annexation with recommended terms of annexation,and direct staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the parties. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:2nd 10:23:02 PM (05:27:51) Discussion Cr. Mehl thanked the School District for the work done on this and hope cooperation continues. DM Andrus stated the application meets the criteria for annexation.} Cr. Krauss asked if the motion addresses the unresolved issues. 10:24:24 PM (05:29:13)Amendment to the Motion to add a sentence "Provided unresolved issues are resolved to City staff's satisfaction." Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd 10:24:42 PM (05:29:31) Discussion Cr. Krauss stated the issues are not addressed in the original motion. Cr. Mehl supports the amendment. 10:26:03 PM (05:30:52) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to add a sentence"Provided unresolved issues are resolved to City staffs satisfaction."The amendment passed 5-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 10:26:17 PM (05:31:06) Discussion on Main Motion Cr. Krauss stated the conditions are significant. 10:27:11 PM (05:32:00) Meeting Extended Mayor Taylor extended the meeting to 10:45 PM. Page 13 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 10:27:15 PM (05:32:04) Discussion Continued Cr. Pomeroy supports the motion. Mayor Taylor discussed the expenses of the annexation. He appreciates the cooperation of staff and the School Board. 10:29:36 PM (05:34:25) Point of Clarification The School Board asked if the language in the staff report will firmly be in the agreement. 10:31:04 PM (05:35:53) Vote on the Motion as Amended that having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials,public comment, and all information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17454 and move to approve the 2017 Second High School Annexation with recommended terms of annexation, and direct staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the parties,provided unresolved issues are resolved to City staffs satisfaction. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 10:31:17 PM (05:36:06) Public Comment on Zoning Mayor Taylor opened public comment. 10:31:32 PM (05:36:21)Abigail Brewer,Public Comment Ms. Brewer currently lives across from the current high school. She discussed significant impacts experienced by the neighbors. She discussed challenges in trying to speak to the School District about her concerns. 10:35:43 PM (05:40:32)Douglas Fisher, Public Comment Mr. Fisher appreciates the process for this cooperation. 10:37:06 PM (05:41:55)Applicant Rebuttal There was no rebuttal. 10:37:37 PM (05:42:26)Motion that having reviewed and considered the staff report,application materials,public comment, and all information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17454 and move to approve the 2017 Second High School Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Page 14 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 10:38:02 PM (05:42:51) Discussion Cr. Mehl is in agreement with the findings. He supports the motion. DM Andrus supports the ZMA, and appreciates the public comment. Cr. Krauss addressed the public comment, and encouraged the School District not to waive a flag of exemption. He supports the zoning. Mayor Taylor stated the design addresses the concerns of the public comment. 10:42:01 PM (05:46:50) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials,public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17454 and move to approve the 2017 Second High School Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 8. 07:50:42 PM (02:55:31) Continuation of the Appeal of the Administrative Project Decision 17365 for the Links Condominiums Application 16374 from November 13, 2017 to December 11, 2017 (Quasi-Judicial) (Krueger) L! 07:50:57 PM (02:55:46)Staff Presentation CA Sullivan described the history of this item.The applicant has entered into discussions with the property owner and asked for additional time. 07:52:08 PM (02:56:57) Public Comment There was no public comment. 07:52:14 PM (02:57:03)Motion and Vote to hereby continue the review of Appeal of the Administrative Project Decision 17365 from November 13,2017 to December 11,2017. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Page 15 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 9. 07:52:53 PM (02:57:42) Appointment(s) to the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District(BTBID) Board (Sweeney) , a 07:53:02 PM (02:57:51)Motion to appoint Eric Sheckleton and Matthew Beehler to the two positions expiring July 31,2021[to the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District Board]. 07:53:17 PM (02:58:06) Public Comment There was no public comment. 07:53:32 PM (02:58:21) Vote on the Motion to appoint Eric Sheckleton and Matthew Beehler to the two positions expiring July 31,2021 Ito the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District Board]. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve 10. 10:42:24 PM (05:47:13) Session Continued from November 6, 2017: Public Hearing of the Bozeman City Commission Regarding Proposed Changes to the City's Zoning,Subdivision,and Other Land Use Regulations (Chapter 38, Bozeman Municipal Code) (Known as the "UDC Update") (Public Comment Closed — May Be Reopened, Commission Deliberation Only) (Rogers) 0 a 10:42:28 PM (05:47:17) Mayor Taylor continued the session continued to November 15, 2017. I. 10:42:35 PM (05:47:24) FYI/Discussion 1. Cr. Mehl mentioned a distributed Planning Board memo that could be discussed. 2. DM Andrus stated she received an email regarding school drop-off and parking.Cr. Krauss stated the City should be able to come up with a better response to address the public comment. 3. The School Board appreciates the meeting.They specifically thanked ACM Winn and the board trustees. 10:45:01 PM (05:49:50) Meeting Extended Mayor Taylor extended the meeting to 10:50 PM. 4. City Clerk Crough reminded the Commission that they have their packets for Wednesday's and Thursday's special meeting in hand. Page 16 of 17 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,November 13,2017 J. 10:45:28 PM (05:50:17)Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 10:45 PM. Carson Taylor Mayor ATTEST: F BO Z� •• • C Robin Crough C)+0 - �- City Clerk 1883 9TINCo. PREPARED BY: bz&� Robin Crough City Clerk Approved on: ap(eWbsL@Q.JLl Page 17 of 17