HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 57- Malsor, Salome Deed . .. .' '.':1. 'Ii . '~ '. .. . 821 ;0 FILM 6 f",GE WA,RRAN TV D EE D "', '. ":'" ,;.~~ ' . ,. ..' . . ,;: THIS INDENTURE,'" Made the 3rd day of October , 195 7 , BETWEEN SALOME B. MALSOR, a widow, formerly of Bozeman, ;:;:;:;~J;;i,i.,..\.' .,',. ;.,~;,', ,'. , ' , " ",:,,,"' i'<\,.', . "'J::,','::~":~ ,.,- N~t~f':":' 'A~'\:;^'i : 'i. '.',!:~' j',f:':":.,:',,' . ""~';""M~~f.a, nOW6'~'it\r~;i:;:;:~i~~:i[~~hi~~~trlitA:''rr'lmITE; a widow "q:f " , ,.. ,., ., BozelJlan, Montana; IRENE CANNON, a married woman in her own rigbt, of"St.,~~n~vfllel'Mont;,ana; a~dA. T., WHITE.and>BERNICE WHITE, his wife" of Rookf6ra,t41iricf!tS:;i:i'~81'0F 'THE "F..m.'srr'~Aft',-~tiW~~~'il/,f';\~'''\ifll erry OF BOZEMAN , a municipal corporation of the Stae of Mont ana, 111 Gallatin County, PARTY OF!HE SECOND PART, WIT N E SSE T H: That the said Parties ,of the First Part, for and in consideration of the S~ of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other valuable :0,." consideration, lawful money of the United States of America, to .'~'.. , ~.._.,. . '~' .~... '. .,,- ,- them in hand paid'bythe"said Pa+tyof the Second Part, the're... ,................,- eeipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, bargain, sell, convey, ,warrant and confirm unto the said Party of ~heSecond Part, and to its succe~sors and assigns forever, the -.- --" ...",.~ ~'~:::'f~~""""'<' ", ."~'._.""'_."""'.'.' ~I;-",~" u~..'__~ ....~~, ,. -~,::":,, ',",', , , ,:;~,;"~<,,.'\"';'f'("',:'.~..:"'::', ,,':,::''':'. ",""\/',.::;:':':'>'.:."~>:',.,,."'+.:.. .'~,<":!!I~;""",:';i::(,~,,"~ h~reina$te+ 9~BC:tib.d 'r:ealestate situat.ed in the'('Jity' of B()B.l:,;.","~;,~:~~~~:~"y;.t"': man, County of Gallatiq, State of Montanatto-wit: All of Block Twenty-nille.except LotsEleven and Twelve and all of B.lockThirtyof ImesAddition to B02';enlan, Gallatin County, Mont- 'ana, according to the o;J;ficial platthareof on file and of record in t,he Ofticeof the County Clerk andRecord~r of Gallatin County, M6l1;tana. ., , ':"'~""., '~ 1<j;'l;., _ '. , " .', ~1 .',n " ........ ..... ". TOO.ETHER l!it:h;all.andsing\J~arth'ehe1:einbefot:edescribed p~;;;r;~~ togethe~I"t#t~hh~i~,:t~~~~~ts~'1t~~~ditaments '-aM appurten-' ances thereto .belp1,J.8ing or4~ an~~,e.\.Jtpp~rtf:l.;ning, and the reve;r- :'::~'~,:t':,:'~~:'." :,,"ii" f;'J::',:':',;'::;;1',.. ,.(","':~':~':<~'::J "::'::,' ';:.<'! "1~:'1,> .~, ',..,.":'.f".,'::':','l:: " ~,'" sioJl,'arid _er;s:t:Oll~:: remaintlex,o:;, and::remainde'rs,' rents" issues, and pro~its th~reof; andalsp.411t:q~ ,~t~t~, right"..title, intel:'est, r -",--- III ,.,:~''';;".>: ",' , ""..' ,,.,.~.~~~i~-t.,j/> ',: :1 \~~,',:n),~:':;~~"':' ;";-' ~:;,.:i::'~'~~<,.~:;~,~',,, " :,':: J;~:,:.;, ;':",>;::~~;:~~J:;'~~'~~' 'i:~.~. "1 ~ .......l' '. "..:\~::~;'r:,;:~~:');-4;:~' . '::", ,: ~ ..ro. r~ght of dower and' r~ght of homestead, 'poS'8ess~ori, claim ~d de- -- mand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity, of the said Parties' / " Qfthe,Fi:,l:'st PartJo~, i.n or to the said premises , and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances thereto belongin~, TO .~, ' - 1 - t " .. ..- :1' .,.. .i '-':,; · , FILM 6 rAGE 822 4~1.aP4st~;La:rthe above~ntioned and des- ',' " ...' ~::'''1,::" ' ';,' ",,} .,'.',;,ti,' .',' ,'. ',:: .-:'.,': 'crib'ed prefnise.,uitto't,.:,'aioP~tyo~ th~ Second Part, and to , ~,~~.~:., . its successors and assigns forever. <il"",''''~''~'''''''';;'Aiicr... I~ "',:~;e;I;~!\e:~t< aad'their hebls", ;'-.;-'~:.:-:.\j;i-...,.,,:.,> '.'. ", . ',.';.~.~.:'.I'I<.::.,";~.:::'.:.":::.,:'<.':~6.\:>:'.........,...."...'~.L,:..~.!::;;..;"':':,:'.::::.',:::,::':"."\' " :.'::';::<.""'.' . """;:;':; ..."),\,,:":,<:'<.i>'," .",' .... '.. , ".:;" ""." dQhereb",;"cQv",JEtt that,tney'w1.;ll forever w.ARRANrY AND DEFEND. all . , ", ".', ,,".,., ,'\.,". . . right, title and interest in 'and to the said premises and the ":"":"qd1}e:t::;('~~};;~e~c;abl~fiP~~.~~~~'k~,~4!1:~()!,.."~t~:,1f:~~M-~i,~ ,.p~t7t .,.of. ..." ,..' .... .,' '.' ,;..,,' ...._-",~~:!'.... ..,,,,\"";;",~~,~i'~~,,,,,,"~~"'i,.,,,:.-','i"": ':""'h" '",,"~i""'''~;''';'~';lilIi>ill;,~:, the'SecondPar~;:<'~t;'eJt(.i.tCQ~'e'dr'$ and assigns) against all acts and '.. " .' "'~' ' ',' ' ,'('.". ': . d:~ods of 'the $a1"clPsrties of ,the Fi,rst Part, and all and every petson and persOnSWh01"ft80eV~11 lawfully claiming ot' to claim the s aDie . INWITNESSWHlREOF, the said Parties of the fit'st Pat't have ller erun't 0 set tb-ei:rhands arid seals the day and year first hereinbefore written.,,__._ __ ..~ $.?H~ .. ~":k. '. .' ~ 1J.I#~J (SEAL) .." a ome . Ma Bor ~ ".. _ J. ~ (SEAL) '... Edna T. ~te ' ... .~ ..... .~ .. ",~ -':"0"j:Y.;..t....-" 1i...~:~:r."..;,'. ,i{i".}". ,:....:. ...'".h...,..'.. /' '/ ......."M4.;;(iBB"~i:,!!;'j .. ,... ..'.'.'.'......'. .'."".'. . ". '~.. ~e~. es: 'On'" .'. . ' i/It-,7; , '. (SEAL) , "I,: " . '. . ' 'A.. te .:",'i'}},:'", ~ If3 ~ "".,~,,"f~,'~,~\'ljll~r:r:/:"~..J,'~:',,':,,~ ',,' 't' , t1~".Ntffl;"'f;i.\''r:.l.''':;'<, '."'.".....~....':, lii.".........' ...~. p...... .." (S.EAL) ",\,~" ,~'F 'tl . rr,~ \1<'1", ...,. . .,', ,,~'4A A'i...P' ~ "'1"',,,,,,,~,\, r; 1':1 ff." ',<'Ii Y":",:',' e. ie,e ,tla ..., , .. ..,":......~::,"W''''l\'''"''' 1'" ~1: ' ." ,',' j' .li':T"" '" ';'" ",":", ':" ,'" "'P ,"f;... c1j 'n"'i(., . ....~':~. ~..;~ ~$ , ,~~/I ....~./jl:..,oi.,,~, 1.\' ~I ~" ".";". ,:,,,.'~ ' ,':: .. ., .''';~.,:,.. -.~. .~ "" , .. , ~., ~...." I ,~y""." .', " .., '_,' , ' ,,":',' ,~, ,:.' ",,:: " ,", ,: .. .;,.... ;:~ /0 .' :~CALIFO ..,.,; I:"~ ", " i -: ,~r:~trbo~~1ir-bV~ . ~~~<~/ ...L t \:".r~i:S~~ -\'...':~~~i',~~~~~~:~~~';I:.~..~ 'Ii," , .., r II ":""'\""::'~~~."":""'~'" ..'r;:~;,/,. '/. .' .' ,. ...""a" ..., . . '..,.., , ;. ~ '.;. \-"I:J'." ',' . ~-7,*, ~ \<.., "::~,<"~,-:,,,,~~v,/' On th~s..(/II'4''''' dy. o~ ,l"~rI .... -"___- ,19Sr , """ -<f.t IJ~O~.em.e, thc;t underS1gne~, a N .'. ......Y M,Y'l:::!or the State orCali- ..,/::t~fH4~la) personally appoareg. SALOME B.MALSOR, a widow, fonnerlyof "'>~:':,.t~, Montana,)l.J.ow."~B~rkeley ,Califo;:n.1a) knownto1n~ to be , "Oh'0f"the personf'whc)8'e'~aDle i13' sub$cribedto the Withininstru- ,~ent and acknowleclgecl.to.me .t~atsqf). e~.~yutedthe . same. .' ' , IN-lhM~~~RidF:~':'!"1i:~e 'her:euni'd 'se't' m; hahd anJ' af..~,~ fixed, my Notarial Seal the dtty and year first above written. Residing/at 'f1;yCommission xp . , ' , ..2 - . .. . ~ t, · . . .. 4 ,j" .',:; fiLM 6 fj,G[ 823 STATE OF MONTANA"~$$. C,O\1I1ty of Gallatl-u, bElfore me, ~\l~~d.ftigUe~:Y~1:t~ for the StatEl 1~~ ~~t. .-: ~~~. ..\i "no . .I.,~. . '" ", .t~ Q t.~'."''j,. .... .....~. ,~- \ .J,.. '" ...' k "'" .'. tj , ' . ,,:....,<',:'.;'.:;'~",'>.,~.;, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hapd and af... :;':../:/~~"I~\E !,Not;ar:Lal $ea4 the day and year first above, written.; ". l, ,..,., , It ,. :' ' ,"' , , " . ) ~,r~ 'v' t,. 'iF.......'i" r ,f. :..{ ,~~. "~~ " '" ,:it" ,.~+ ..",).', -~ ~, , . . i~ r~J'l.'IIII I,.. ,:It. .. ~ ,"'\~~ " \,"".' '< '"}, .t;'1f"~' . ' '< to '\.,...~ II' ~ I f.i~f" '" ",;'>'l4-~~"I"'" t '-' . <---- ".f;.~~:~'~r:;'e"f'" \' 'otar c or t e tate 0 ontana ,,'~\::,1,:\1:V"~"~"".' - ,sidin~ at Boz~an, Montana "';'" ". , My C~~.tonExpires June 26, 1960 STATE OF MONT~ . . . ) .$s. .. . County of ~ "~ ' , ,.,. ) , " ... On~his ~,""'?,.: . day of . ,.~. , 1951'- , before-me, the'und r$ign$d, 4,Notaryu ,'. c,. or the State of Mont- . ana .personallyappeare<;l~NE C~OJ-T,.a: marri~d woman in her own ,-"',ri (}"ht.,.QfSte''''tJ;l~'ri11o, M:('\....t' ana, .lfnAWQ .. to me_J7CL.,baonELef ,t:he~__ "i.i_~<....,~,"l!\I~tbed to the wi,1;~!:l in~',i~i~kti.i. '; , ,. ~9t. ~"'that~"sheexecuted the same. " 'c _ ~~:\1 'n~rr r\I."'1'\ " ..'\~O.l" tD1,'I.\!;-'.;..."..: ,It.)t~:-~''.~~I,'r~(;~'~J'-i WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunl:o set my hand and af- ~ ~~..:,~" .~'~,~, :~~tarial Seal the day and year first above written. , \" I"" AJ~.I~iI ", ~): !.( · )1,-; W~ '... .,"';.t.:;Z;;"ol .: d \ "''''c~~'~ ,,;I'L"I~:::t ' I , \ ~ '" , '"".,__ . . ~ \~ .~~.;L,4 ,l. .. ;:'''' " .'.' 'r A - ~_.. -, .-,... I, . of' ",l'l '\. .~,...~' .t'~",a.J" <{. "~I\'l-'''' tt F, . .... .0'" Ijj,~ \ " ',t ~ .' I-W"i-:t:.,o \... " .' '" -:- T: ;~f .:,,;'\'~', ,~, r ':. I '. i, ,1.;." ';'~.i' .. ,."., STATE OF ILL1 0 ,~'/..' ;~" , County of ") ss.." .' '.' '"."~ .fu On this /' . day~"'df" \, K! .' ..' . .... .... '. , 195. ." before me, the under~igned, Cl NotarYPUb~c<.or the State of 11- , " no~se, personallyappear,d' A. I. WHITE and ~ERNICE WHITE, his wife, , '~~:~~~t~~b~~t~~Ptg~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~t9~~~:ck:~~~~g:~e~~' ~ me that they executed the same. ,'. I', I !'I IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, I hav set my hand~:"~~Jr:.~~;i;;\., fixed~y Notarical Sefl the day . t t~' \, ....i (! .',' wt'1. ..., , . . ),- t<f"'il t ",,', . ' "" :', ~t.... ~~~s:~,,:~,: #1'/,', , ..... 11" ~.' ,,-., . ,,;I~,,' ,., . r,', 'I' ""9 :~.:,;", ,;. . ,'" ';' ,rt\:-:,~., ~ '\ I . -, f _.:-::r-'.'-......~ ,~",.__. ~-~~---'-.-~._', . h.~ ,. ~~,~;1,1~7 p.;: tb State of Mont., County of Gallatln.",P1ledfor recorCf ..February 10 " ,1970 at 2: ~~RLP (~.s~c~lrr.-~:~~~;~~; Rt : City of BC:>I_ ' ' .' , ' .,. ,~'~ .... 3' IIIIIIII . . .; , .. ... .. .. fiLM 6 f'AG~ 824 NO.8.,," WARRANTY DEED Corporation Short Form, STAU PUBlI'SHING ~o.. H'L~HA. MtUiT. Know All Men by These Presents: That~:~;~P.M~..~9.~~~~.G?;JQ~t_G_Q~.~.2...~.~y~.~g...~~.~..p'~.~.~~_:!:P.~~.J? ~~.<?~...~;.. business_._a:t.,..Bozeman,...Man:t.ana........... a corporation. organized and existing under the laIDs of the State of ___.__..__......__......__.....___.____Montana........m........................._........ in consideration of the sum of ... u.... _ One. _.Do.l~ar __ .and __other .__val uab ~e _. .c.ousider.ation..... on _..... ............ .__....__.__,__.u........._....._._.... Dollars ($...1...0.Q__....oo_.............), the receipt lohereof is hereby admitted. does herebv grant. bargain. sell. com'ejl. tvarrant and confirm unto ...................................___....__.,_..... . , .._....C.ITY..OF..B.OZEMAN.,...a..muni.c.ip_al...carP.Or.ati.QD...Qf...the.uSt.ate...Qf.._................ MQ.'Q1;.aR~-,_.i~~J,l_ll_t~"n CJilUJili-,r.. ,,' ill" ( -~ - - --~- ~ -- -- -- - -~~-- ~ """._"l.'!I"'''-''._''.'''__ .u_...H,~_'::'~~"-:;.~--':;.;~~~~-~.. ~ ~ ","" ."":',-1,. ~~ ~~~...... ~ ~~~~ ..... ._...~ ~ - ~._~_...... .~..~-----_._- -- ---- ----- -...-....... -- --.. --- -. --- --.. - ----- -- ------..... ---- -... --..-. ...... -- ---- ----- - - ~ _.._.~ ~- -- ....-.. - - -~- ~- ....-.-...~ ~ -. ~- and to ..mm._...m...___.........i.tfJ...s.JJ..c.~.e..s.fJ.Q};.~....___...."..m................. and assigns. FOREVER. the following described real propertJl. situated in the citjl or toWn of ..........Bozeman........m...mm..m....... County of __..m..oo............Gallatin.mmm...._............., State of M ontana. to~tvit: ~ ~~~~~~- ~- --~. ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~_.~- -~- ~~. -~~ ~.-...- ~ ~ -~_.....~...-.. ~~.. - - -- -- -- ....~..._~..~.... ..---.. ......---..-. -.. -. ~ -...-..................................- -_...~ ...~--- -~....~ - -- - - -~ ~-.- .........-- -- - -..- . .l.\l),....9.:\:. ..~.:L9~.k.. IW.e..nj;. y=:n;i.D.~.. ~~~.e..P'j;... .~Qj;..~...~;t,~y~g...e:mg. ..'rW.e.. ;l"y~. ..~H~.q _.~~;I,... q~.. ..~~~.~*..IJ::lJ~.~.Y...<?(..~~~m~~.~~ ~.~~~...~.~...~~.~~~~~.2...g~.~J~.~.:i:~...~.'?~~.~y..~.. .~<?~.~~~.~, ._ .~~ ~_Q~.g;i.Dg.. .~.Q.. .~g~. .9Jf~~~.~;I,.. ..R J..~~. ..~h~;r;.e..!?;'.. 9.~.. t~J.e.... .~~.. Qt.. .;r;.e..~g.~ 9...;i;g.. :I;:.~e ._.Qf fJ~.~."9.~_..~.h~__.~.<?~~.~y....~.~.~~~..~~~...~~~~.;:~.~~._.~;.J~5:I:~~.~~~.~._~.~~.~~y,_. .~~~~ ~~a. .._ ______ __ - _~__~ __~ - _.. - - ___.. ,.._ _. __ ~~_. __ __.. - ___ __ -.I ____ _._.... _ _. _. _____ _. _ _. _.. _.________ __ ____ ___ _____ ___ __. _ __ _ __ _. _ __ _. _. __.. ____ _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _~__.__ __ __._ .. _~. _ __ ___. _ n.. _ ~_ __ _. ______ _ ______ _ __ _. _ __ __ ___________~+~..~ ~ ~~....+.~...+__ ..__~_...__________ ____ __ ________ .____ __ _ __ _. __~__.. __ ~_ __ _. _~ _. __. _.. __ _. __ __ __ _ _.._ -- ~._. - .-... -.. - -. -- --.. --- ----------- -.-... --..- ---.._.....-...._----- ..-..._- .~._--_.... -.-..--...... -- ----- ----- ---- - ------ - -- ---- - - -. --.-.. - --- ~ - -- -. -. ~._.. -. ~.. - --. - ~- -- ~ ~~- -..-- - ~ - ----.. ~ ~.. - --~- -.. --~.... .-- ----- - -- -- ---- - ------- ---.--- -- -. --- -- ------------- --. - --- --- - -. -- -- - -- --- --. ...--.......-... - -- -- ~+- ~-- -..---. -~-- -. ~ ---- _..~ ~--- --. -.. ~ - - - - -' - - -.. - .. ~ - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - ~.... - - - - - -................ - ~.... - - - - ~ - .. - ~ -...... -.... - - _..~. -... ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - -.. -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - .. - - - - - .. - . - - . . - ~. - - - . - - - - - -.. ~ -- - -~ - - - - -- --.. - - - - - --~ .._-....-....-....... ....................- ---...~_..~.. .....----- -~ --- - --- ---..---.---_. - - -. ......... ~..- ~- --.. -- --. -..- ........--...------ -- .....- ~-- ---- ~- --.... - ~. --- -- ---.. -- -- - -.- - '~_., u _ _. _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _. __ _.. __. ~............... _........... ,:~ ;';.'ht.,... ......_:~ _.. __ ..'~_.. _.. ~-_~: __ _ ~'___ _ _.........._ _ _ _.. _. _ __ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _.... ___ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ ~-~._ '~'~..::::~..~,.:__..::: ~'~~ _:':;;-:-::;'':'':;:.:'~ '. TOGETHER. with all and singular the tenements. hereditaments. ........m...............mm.m...m...... ..._....m..............._...mm..__..m......mm_.. and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anjltvise appertaining, _ _ _.~ ,_ ~ _... _ _ _ _ __ _ _~_n... .__. _ _. _. __ __ _ _ ______ __ _ ________...~...... ..~_+~.......~...._.... _......._. __ ~_ _ _+ _~ _ _ _. _ ~ _ _. _. ____. ____ ____. __ _. _ _ .__ _.. __ ___.. _ _ ~ ~ _. _ _..~. ___ ___A __ ~.__ __ r _ __ _ _ ..~__ __ ~_ _ _ __ _ ~ _ r__ _ .__ __ _.._.". _____ _ __ r_.__. __ _.. ~~_ _ _ ~ _ _~ __ ~_~._~ .~~r _.... __ _~ _.. ..~..~............ ~_.._ _ _w.__... __ _ __ __. _. _ __. _ ~ _ _... ____.... _ _.... 0 ~~ _~ _. __~. ~~ _ _ _ ~ M~&" ~. ~ ___ __. ~... ~ ~._ ~~ ~+__ _ ____ _ _.._. _ ____ ___. _ _____. __ _...__. __..~~~....._......... .........,._ __ __ ..... .,._~ ~ _...+...~~.. .._....__.. ~............. __ _.. ____ ~ __ ~ __ ____ __ _. __ _.. __ __ _ _ _.. _ _. _._.. .. ~ .. ~ - . . - - - -. . - ~ -. - ~ - ~ ~ -... ~... -.. - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~. - ~ . ~. -.. ~ ~ - - - -.... - - -.. .- .. - ........ ........ .. .. ...... .. -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - .. ~.. -..... - ~ .... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . - - . - .. .. .. _ ~. ~ _ ~.. _.. ~ M ~. ~.. ~ ~ _.. _. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _. _ _ ____ _ _ _ _._ .... __._...... ~..... _....... _.... ...~_.. _.. _.. _... _. _ _ _ _ __ _.. _ _.. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _. _...... _ _ _ _............. _.. _ ~_.. _ _ ~ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. _ _ _. _ _. . And the said GRANTOR herebjl covenants that it will forever WARRANT and DEFEND all right. title. and interest in and to said premises. and the quiet and peaceable possession thereof, unto the said GRANTEEm_... __..m..i.t.S...suc.ce.s.SOI.Smm..m..,m.m.m.m..._... and assigns. against the acts and deeds of said grantor. and all and every person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. ____~. ___ w ,.. ~.. ~.. .. _ _ ..~+.. _ _ ~___ ~ _~.. _ ~ _ _ _ __ _..~ _~______ __ _ ___. ~_ ~_ _.... ________. _ _.. ~ ~._ ._.,.__________ _. __ ~.~ _ _ _ _ _ __... _ ~ ~ ~. _. M.. ~.. _ ~. ~ ~ ~ _ ~.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ __ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _.... _ _ _. ~.. -~- - ~-'-.;_.. - -.. - -- -. - --.. --- --- --...'~'=---.....__.._.,__..._... _~ _~......&_.. ~__ __.__~____,;,__~~.;.~'.._......,..._---l'......':;..'_~.'"iz.;..~.-...-~ "l.:;"_"'~~~ -.....................~...:..,-~_'"'_'..IC...;.. :;;,....,.-.:.,-'..,....... ~ _ ow.."~ ~.. 0.. a 0 o.~ _ ~"M __ _~ ___~~__ _______ __ _.~________ _~ _._ ___... __._ ._.._ o.~. ___.____.______~M ~~~_. _..~~___._____ __ _ _ _... _ _ _ _ __ _~.M o. _ __ __ __ _________._u .__._ -- .-- -.. -~-.. - -, -,. ~,.--- -- __________~_~_r _ r.__."'~~...__._.____~~~. M. .~~~M_M.."_______ ,_~___~..&..~_..&....'___..__ rw., ____. _.. ,0. ~~. _ _~ _.. _"_ __~__ _.....".. .__a .....__ __ _ ~ _.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said GRANTOR,has caused its corporate name to be subscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed. bjl its proper officers. thereunto duly authorized, on this mm.3.rd... day of .__".,__..Oc.tober_m_..__.mm_. A. D. 19.57., ___:_S'rANPARP__G_QN.$.~V.G::rl;~.~.,G.Q~~X., .. I ......'..'.'1 " BJJ....~~~....6;.~. ATTEST:. . --"-'- J . Salome B. Malsor -- President. , ,.:.~'-.~~--~---~----7T~~-........-..,-.. ~ ~ Secretary. , ""'...:: ~~._-_.:~ ~-:.: ~:'-~: - { l 11 lli 'I; ~ lIll ,',; 'I i I ""';'.:~\:i'i;;':>~ 6 825 . ..:~ ..::~:';'Il!<' ~":":':"'; '"' ';"'__ F I L M PAGE ,0.1 '.,..,...~" . I' (F~~~:: h,.: ~>j j CALIFORNIA ":' 'i ~ ':s,rl4-'rE OF ~ } ~,"" ~. ... J I . ~ . .', "'. .. ~: \ , . J iii" 'II . ," . ss. - . '..' ,(; ~ii~iy'. of ~6i'~~u..um...... f I ~ ' '....'11.......>>'. ~ ~ '1(~On this .m...mzt~o . .. da)) of ..__....Q)io'Corob~. ..... 'n the ;year 19o~.Ju.. bttlore me - ~. " ~" ....._.u.....uu...uuu...t:.he.~.underosigned......... ...... uuuumm. uumm................ a N o tar)) Public for the California State of ~i\ personall:y appeared uu_.SALOMe..~.!..J1AL_~QJL.u...u.....mmm....m_._.....uu....._u (kno'D1n to me or proved to me on oath of huumm._.....u.mmmm......................m.mm.mom.........uuuu) to be the um...m_..f'.:r~_I?J4~n1;..uu.......u..m. of the corporation that executed the within instrume'!t.. - --,~~~' ..""....,,-, . .,"-, ~,..,,"...... ,''''---''''''''' ~.._-..,"~....~,~,- ,.......,..",.;:-..~,. '.""._'-~.~'''- ;.......- and ackno'D1leJge(r't~ ;;'~th~t s~ch corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I haVe hereunto set m)) hand and affixed my Official Seal the da~ and ]>ear in Ih~' cerafi:~~~~:'C'alif rnia Residing at ~~~~J!l.~'...u. M'J} Commission expires .MY.1::RroA\i.SAl.q!!..~~.l!~.I!!!'1..29, 196 NOTE - Acknowledgem .hould be made by either president or lIeeretary, . -,., d.,"~,;;:,- ,:... .,,:"".,..,'):\~~,i~~~!l;!;'~~;:.~~:~;<1 ._:,._ '. '^ ' .' ~ ~--.- ., "'"""_'".ioc.',.~" - , ~~~~~ , , "'"""~'~'''''''''''II~1. ~ \If'',, -~~ ,,~"~ "",'.. l>-t Z , . - .... .. - ~' , C <: : ::I 00: c:: 11 0 a : 0 ~1 ! ~ Plr---: tl q,l .. 5 : .- ..... 0\ :..go\ :ql 0 i :! 0: -. ::-~_I..lUi do ~ ~ : : . : 0 ~ : ~ 0 z: Z ,': <: :': Q : . e::: : : . 6: Q. 0: i : :: .:: OJ : : . C\): Cl 0 ... H: ''oq: . o. ,p.. , '..l: . . N! I.J.J w 0 E-li : ;r-1:~: i-d: . 0: ~ ~ 0: N : h &:::: :: _..-I: : ,:Q: p: 0 . :c: M' , . ''''. 0 +>! . l>-t CI Cl :5 ~..,~ P:;: ~ : ~: i : .' i ;!l:: ~ Ct-i: ~ ~ a. ~ . 0 . , ...Ib:' '. .' . . I : E-l!O i ~ nj: : : I..l : : : : 0 0: cp. Cf):Eo... ~ ' r-I : .. ....3 . : r-1. 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