HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 89- Scully, John Deed Rt: City of Bozeman .~ . ~lO. O~T ArE OF MONTANA } I'\ATTill . >- ~ ount~ ofnnn.~.'::~~."~.!:~nm_n..._..mm... is. 1973 6 7 ~~. ~~05PIGE 3265 Filed for record thism~~.!:day ofmh_..m...r'J..?Ymu_m_m...m..___.l9fJ.cL.. aLL_..o~c ockuAmM. and Reco,ded in Boo~...1_Q.?of Deed. on P"!.e.~.~.Q.~of the Record. of Count~ of. _ nnG.al~ State of M ontanamm#.~~.f!..S:lJ..~_'u:_~u::~u... Clerk and Recorder By. u~ 00 _... _m_ .. No. 14 - QUIT CLAIM DEED. THIS INDENTURE. Made the..._)J_~h...mday ofuJ~P_E_t.J:mmu.um....m...in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and.._~.~~_~~J..u~_~.~~_m__m.......m_uuubetween..u..._............................ ..~9_~~.. .~.~ .._~.~~.~.~y... .~~.~~.<:l:~!:_~_._~~, _.? ~.~_~.~....~:.~.:... .? ~_~.~.. .~~.~.~~.~...m......... ...,._ - - -. -- --, -. .,-," -.. u~~_~!':I_'?_~~_!u .~~ ~_~~_r:_~:t:_~~...~~.l?~ .~.mu._umu_m.mu.u.u_._uu_u ._.uu.m.uuu__.._uumu_m__..m_.m_.____..._ ......mmmmuum......_...umuuumm_h...._........__..u._..uhmm....h_...muuuumthe parLJ....... of the first part and _.. 00 .~:t_t.y. _.? i... ~9_ ?.~!!!~!.lh_E.~. ~_~_~:t .~g_. _~!:... .~u'. 9.~....J? ?~_.. ~ .~.~ _!.. 00..... _.. _ _."',' 00...._ _... .......... ...0... Bozeman, Montana 59715 . r __ __.......... _ _... _ _ ____ __..... _... ~............... __ ____ __.... _ _.... _ _.. _ _.. ____... --.. __... _... .............. --...................... -..... ---............. ---......--- --..-..- - -- -.....-...... ....- -.... ..... ---........ ... ............u.........um.....hh..h_..h................muu...m...uumummu.the parLY..... of the SECOND PART. WITNESSETH: That the said parL..Y.h...of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of h One dollar----------------------------- D II ($ 1.00 ) t e sum of.........__.u_..__uu.__..u_.u.h..hu_..u......._...._nu....huu.u.000000_00000000__..00 0 ars. _......huh.u_..... to u..................h:tm.......u.._...._.......h__...............u_..__...uu_muhu__u.....u.__........in hand paid by the said parLYu. of the SECOND PART. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: do..~_f? her~by convey. remise. release and forever quitclaim unto the said parLY_mu of the second part, and to__m.::~_f?_m_muu heirs. and assigns. all right. title and interest in and to the following described real estate. situated in the Bozeman C f Gallatin ..00 00 0000 00 _ 00 _h.... _. _.h.... ..._..._... ..0000 00 00.00 00.. _.. 00 _.. _ 00 _.._ 00_" ounty 0 00........00 _.00....0000 00...""."...... 00..... _. 00'" "00 _ 00_ u. and State of M ontana, to~wit: ___.~.~~m~!.t.~.c::.~~.~...~~_~~?~:l;m:~!!::~u...._.mmu...._..._.""_.'h..m.m.._... . __.. __.."'. ~..... _ ~...... .._..... 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IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said parL_Y....m of the first part h_3t:?... hereunto set...h.t.~n.. handun.u_.... and seaL"'._hm the day and 'year first above written. ~' ~ Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of c:: '. ~~ . - - - - - ~ -- ~_.. - -.... --...... - - - - -- ---.........-.... ~ - -.. -.. - ---...... - -...- - - - _...,....... - -.. -....... -.. -.... .:::'::-::.:::n::::::::::n::::::::::::::::.S:: ; . - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -.... ...... - - - -- -- - -..-.. -..- - -. -- ~.. - -.. ..-. *" --... ---- ....- -- - - - --- --- ---- STATE OF MONTANA } 88, County of uu.g~.~~~_t_:i:.~_...U.......huh...n.. On this..._. ..1.1 :th. moo. -day of _. 00 _lH?;: ~J.. _ _.. ._.nineteen hundred and.... ..~Jgg ~Y.. .!!J.P.~m.. .u...... before menu.u.. _mu.......uum_mu mmh.m..,"". .........h.m... .00......0000."" n.u_m.._m......a Notary Public for the State of Montana. personally appe(1(edm_.u~~_~~.u~_:u."~~_~_~.~.~.___.m__.nu__m___..._u.u._..mumw.._h...m. ._.. _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __._ __ _ _ __.._.._ _..._....... _~ ..................... _ ___ ..... ...... ..... .......... ........ ...._ ~ _ _ _.. r"" .......... _ _ ~.... _........... .............. _.. ~.. _ _ _.. -+_.. _.. _ _...... _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.. ....._ _ __ _ __ _ __ known to me. u. _ 0......._.00 _n' _ u,,_,_ --.'cu-... 00 _..... ..__..... __m. u.. _......... _ n........ 00.._.. u.. 00"""'00 n.. _. .00_.. .__.. _. 00.... _..... .... _.. _.......... _.. _.... _... _ ....'Hl1'tI.Hff',;,'..~';~1. .,- -'................ ...... 00" _..........00... _........... ._... _... _, _" 00 u....u _'..' __.. n_.... _.00.' ,\' .... i .' "" , ,,', (or pro~ mEOno~,#__iu.um_mm._"hnmum.m.........uummn._.m.m.m...__u..) to be the perso1f~~'~~~'e~h~~~tiu.......subscribed to the within instrument. and acknowledged to me that .......~.he...__~._~ut *4fne. ':"'). -- ,.A. . i .."i' IN ~mg}~t.;ti~iC~~e fi~:;:bn~e .~ aff~ed m~ Official Seal " 1'", ...~..'.,'~ . . .n_uuL-_...hU..............hU.UU......h....._U_u..u_u._.... """ ..'~,~;',,:;: ~~.I ' N o tar)) Public for the State of Montana. t ;)......~f... '!It,'' ",''t \ Residing at....mn..;.4...Q.?:.r~.~.-;/'!"JT__.._m......._._M y Commission expiresm.Lu~....mm"__m. 1900'1.1.. { ~.. . ",,,:;,',,.- . <' ". . .. \,.. '" ," .. .. . EXHIBIT "A" FILM 105 PAGE 3266 That portion of the abandoned Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's right of way located in Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M.P,M, , being adjacent to that tract of land being all of Lot "G" and a portion of Lots "I," "H, " and "K" of Guy's Second Addition to Bozeman, Montana, according to Certificate of Survey No. 494 which lies North and West of a line parallel to and distant 7~ feet Northwesterly from the centerline of the former main track, and which is located between the South boundary line of Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M,P.M, , and the South boundary line (extended) of One Acre Lot 2 of Guy's Second Addition to Bozeman, Montana. Said right of way being as shown on that certain right of way and track map filed 9- 25-85 @ 11:57 A.M. under Permanent File No. 770-C, in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana.