HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 85- Reid, Hubert Deed . , . - 92p.\GE4690' , . . . fl~M .' . .~,.. . . . .... . ~ . .. .. . "- fiLM 90rAGE3261 ' . t,c " FILM 90P~GE1263 ~ PLArrw , STATE OF MONTANA) : 148325 County of Gallatin ) Filed for record this 9th day of December , 19~, at. 10:50 o'clock A.M. and recorded in Film 90 of Deeds on Page 1263 of the records of County of Gallatin, State of Mont~. {1t~!~tl P\1CJ9'1P. , Clerk and Recorder by ( ~ /:'\ A ".A' . Ht: Scully. Lillv & Andriola $10.00 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made the 15th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five between, JOHN P. SCULLY, TRUSTEE, of 222 East Main Street, Suite 301, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, party of the First Part and HUBERT M. REID, of P.O. Box 1702, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, the party of the Second Part. WITNESSE1'lI : That the said party of the First Part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Valuable Consideration, (S1.00/ovc) to him in hand paid by. the said party of the Second Part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the Second Part, and to his/her heirs, and assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in the County of Gallatin and State of Montana, to-wit: That portion of the abandoned Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's entire right of way located in the NW~ of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana adjacent to those parcels described in Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto, which lies South and East of a line parallel to and distant 7~ feet Southeasterly from the centerline of the former main track, and which is located North of the centerline of that leg of the former Wye track which ran parallel to the Southern ," boundary of said railroad company's property ( said Southern boundary of the railroad company's property being the same as the Northern boundary of University Subdivision) . Said right of way being as shown on that certain right of way and track map filed 9-25-85 @ 11:57 A.M. under Permanent File No. 770-C, in the office of the Clerk and Recorder for Gallatin County, I Montana. together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the First Part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances unto the said party of the Second Part, his/her heirs and assigns forever. THIS CONVEYANCE IS BEING MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT CONTAINED IN CAUSE NO. 25721, , \ .:t 12-3 i)~'! ',I ''I . , . ~ , . ~ . ~ ,I ~ " .. Fii:M 92PAGi4?91 .. . .j ."'"'.~ . FILM, 90rAGE3262 fiLM 9QpAGE1264 BLACKWOOD, ET AL., PLAINTIFFS, VS. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANIES, ET AL., DEFENDANTS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the First Part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered this 15th day of October, 1985. ., STATE OF MONTANA) :55 County of Gallatin) On this 15th day of October, 1985, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared JOHN P. SCULLY, TRUSTEE known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF" I ,have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day first~\bDve ~ten. ~\M ~.0\11\~~ ' " Notary Public fOl\.:~he a of MT ,.>:;,,:.~;j,~.i:-..JSEAL) Residing at Bozeman ,,::':,i;;;i~i/g'~'\;~f;' My Commission expires: qlwhn "",".I..IH,....~.?~ti'; ~ ~r~:t};. " .; \'1 E') i '.', ,'I,\" "'...... . f~ ~-. 'I 'If ",p I"'/l.!, .' '...,:~~,,,. ',0 '. '1'.'.. .' '.\ v c'. 1'.""" ~"i t- 'i,I, t ,,,,i,,,:,,1 (~"Ii'lr.~.." ,n \'('" ' ,'. 0" '", , I)'" 1, v' 'I ' , ./ ;;,\\),^!'\IAf;(,',~ ',~,'~ "I"1\1'I,,,':""~'r,'" ,!l i? 14.,1.' , ',..:, 'B'''' ;l"~,iJ.~:t;' ,'/-,/,: = ,;. l .l~ -.~ ...,1 I' ,.. } , I C0~ .04 { r '~';,t \: '/.~ ,\'/ --.}. il" III ,~ I . . .. .~\~~." j .,(;,'''', . ,1 .... .. , :f.' I" ;i'1' "t. l~"'.' "" ~ I ~. ,.", . . I \.,!!.-:-i ,i,';t~ ~t}}_h: ,~r .; ','~ ': ~>;?;.-r:.;,:;;~:Y:~~.>':'. . I I:' j , . , ..~ .~ . .. "EXHIBIT }Y'. FILM 92 PAGE 4892_ .., . .. ~ . '; ~ . .. , , FlLH , 90 rAGE 3263 . INSTRUMENT OF POOR PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY A tract of 1..4 i. t-' Morthe..t ou..~.rt.r of t~ .ortA...t 0... ~.rt.r of '-ction 1', rova.hip I Sou , _..,. . ...t, No.tan. Prlncly.1 N.rldl.nd C.II.tin C.-aty, ~ta.., and ".crlbod by tho follow n, ..tal.n bouadl, to.wit: ..,Innlnr at a point on tha o.st lino or .aid North"lt Onl~qu.rtar or tha Northw..t Ona.qulrtor or "id Soctlon 1. 30 fa.t .outh of the north.ast coraar t~araofl thonco lout~ on .nJ .10nl I.id ..It lina, . distance of "I.Z6 felt to . poi.t 9 r,.t dilt.nt north.rly whon ..a.urad It rl~ht .n,,101 lro. tha clntar 1in. oC tha Chlel~o, ~Ilw.ukee, St. ~aul ,nd raclflc R.ilroad Co.p.ny'l .Y' tr.ct. .s now of,r.tad; thane. northwa.t'rly and northlrly 9 Ca.t diltant and p'r.l .J to .aid W~ tr'ct, I dilt.nca of 513.44 foot to tho .outh.ott corn.r of the fr... w.rahous. now con.truct,d: th.neo North 01.S3'S7" Wilt .lonf ..id w.rahouse, . distlnee of ".. fo.t' thonel North 11.51'13" e..t a oa. I.id w.rehou.. .nd the ica hou.. .d)acont tharoto, . diltlneo of 145.9 . r,.t to the northwa.t cornar of I.id Ica houla, th.nea North 43.3"42" E..t. . distance Of 210.'3 faat to . point SO ..t 10ut~"lt.rly whan ....ured at rlJl:ht .nJl:h. frOM the cantar 11.. of a.ld l.ailro.d Co.p.n)", ..1n line tr.ct, .nd 30 fa.t ,.uth of tha ~orth 11.a of ,.Id North..'t 0ne-quarter of ~ht ~orthwast Ona-qu.rter or said Soction 1': th.nc, North 89'18' 20" fut, 30 reat louth .nd taralhl to the 1I0rth Ihe . dl.t.nct of 170.16 feat to tha point of of Inn In, 1 contalninr 4.6~~ .cre., IUb'act, howav.r, to .11 ..lltla1 r Ihts 0 W'Y for p pa lines, pola .nel wire lina., ro..1I, ditch.. ..d .11 0.1Itinll .a".lInt!!. Elcaptln~ thllr.fro~ th.t portion lrln~ in tha .0uth"lt cor.or of tha .bora describod tr.~t. ,nd boinf MOTI particul.rly de.crib.d by the fOllowlnr. ..t.. and' . I, to.w t: hgtnnhl .ta point on the ...t lina of tha north"I~ .n'~qu'rtor of the nortbwost onl.quarter of Section 11 whIch b.ars .outh on and .lonl ..id oalt lin" , dist.nce of 711.26 l..t fro~ the Borth...t corn.r of the .ortbe'lt ona.quarter of the northwlst Onl-quart.r of Ilid Sletion II, r.id point beln~ 9 f.,t di,t'nt "ortllrl~ whan ....ur.d at rilht .n,l.. to the clntar line of the Chic ~~ \"P.ul and r.cific lilro.d Co.panv'. wyl tr.ct as no~ oper.t.d; the ee aorthw$'~rlT Y f..t dllt.nt .nd par.llel to .~I~ ~Ve tr.ct~ . dist.nce or 129.1~ teet; the net nort~ 11~.:S feet; thence' e..t 12 .60 fa't; thence .outh on and .10n~ the ea,t line of ..1d Northeast one~quaft.r or the northw.st one~quart'r . d;.t.nce of 135.18 r'et to the raint of bllllnnlnR, cont.lnlnl 16,440 s~uare f.,t, or 0.3774 .cral. , '~.... . . 'L"~'.I.."~,..oiI.o:..I..1..'..'"\I~''' ~ ".. ' , - - 92PJG~~ ' ., "EXHIBI')!Il B" filM I , '. r. ~. . . ~ .. . ' .. '. v , , , , . . .. fl~~ 90 rAGE 3264 1f.1STRUMtJorr O~ poem PHOTOGRAPHIC QUA!.Il]; A tr.ct of l.ad 1_ t~. Morth...t o...~.rt.r .f t~. ..rth...t 0... , Ou.rt,r of Section II, T~.hlp Z Seat, ..... . ...t, ~tanl Pdndf'l ~r1d1an~ Call1tln CMDtr, NeIlt..., ad ".crlbd IIr the follow n, ..t.. In bound., to.wlt: ..glnnlnl .t . point on th, ...t I1n. of the north...~ on.~qu.rt.r of the northwest on..quartor or S.ction 18 which b..t. louth on end .10a, ..id ...t I1n., . dist.nce of 711.26 l..t froc tb. north...t corn.r of the north...t on..qu.rt.r of tb. northw..t one-quarter of 'aid Stction II, raid point b.ln, 9 r..t di.tant norillrl~ wben ....ur.d .t r1lht .n,I.. to the c.nt.r lin. of the Chic ~1 ~"P.ul and P.cific ailro.d Coap.nv'. wy. tr.ct as no~ op.rat.d; th.nce ~rthwee~rl, y reei diat.nt .nd p.r.llel to '.l~ ~re tract; a diatance of 129.IS teot; thence nort~ IIJ.=~ feeti thence ..at 12 .60 r..t; thence .outh on and .lon~ the elst line of aaid Northe.st one.qultter or the northwest on.~~uarter . d.st.nce of IJ5.18 f.et to the p~lnt or b'Kinnin~, cont.ininC 16,440 ,~u'Te f..t. or 0.J774 Icr... Re-Record to add exhibits 149655 S~ate of Mont.. County of Gallatin. 55 Filed for record January 13th . ;1'986 at 8:16 A M., and recorded in Doal( 90 ~ DEEDS {ja\y. W. ~pUnqh page-12.61 Recorder. By -..d-?"_.......z1 c? 7??H Deputv Rt: Scully, Lilly & Andrio1o $20.00 ,.