HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 85- Buronepe Company Deed . '. " ;: :.~:~/r:.J/ .. - · ( ~ ",,'''.~,;~i;'~':\ '..', '. . , , " ': ",:'; ;'.:, ( , . I.' I' I ; .,,1 , ! ' . I'. " " ~ .. f1L~ '92:PAGE4655 : : ,'!!l ,. - ~[){XfD __.I ' flU4 90 PACE 1190 ; : ij~ r\ATleL> \ ; ,; l' ~~'..-~~ 1',1 STATE OF MONTANA~ 1482,U2 ' :" County of Gallatin ) I ",'j' . !' Filed for record this 9th day of December , 19 85, at '~I 10:;:;0 o'clock A.H. aI'_d recorded in Film 90 - , of Deec.s on Pace 1190 cf tr.e record.s of County of Gallatin, I .- - . State of Hont~.. / ~~~ Cj'\1~, . Clerk and . I P.ecorder by ./ rr ,{r;>':;:'LL,e-~ . IU: Scullv. Lillv & Andl'iolo $15.00 . . ~ ;" QUIT CLAIM DEED I~' 'I'HIS INDENTURE, made the 15th day of October in the :.; !.~ year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five ' between, JOHN P. SCULLY, TRUSTEE, of 222 East Main Street,' Suite 301, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, party of the First Part i and BURONEPE COMPANY, a partnerShip, of P.O. Box 577, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, the party of the Second Part. ,. . '; WITNESSETH: That the said party of the First Part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Valuable Consideration, ($1.00/ovc) to him in hand paid by the said party of the Second Part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quite laim unto the said party of the Second Part, and to its heirs, and assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in the County of Gallatin and State of Montana, to-wit: That portion of the abandoned Chicago, Milwaukee, , St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's right of way located in Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana adjacent to that parcel described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which lies North and West of a line parallel to and distant 7~ feet Northwesterly from the centerline of the former main track, and which is located between the North line of Section 18 and the North boundary line (extended) of Lot --lLin Block 1 of Spring Dell Addition to Bozeman, Montana. Said right of way being as shown on that certain right of way and track map filed 9-25-85 @ 11:57 A.M. under Permanent File No. 770-C, in the office of the Clerk and Recorder for Gallatin County, Montana. : I together with all the tenements, heredi taments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the reversion and " reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, " interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever '" as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the First" Part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the" said premises, with the appurtenances unto the said party of the Second Part, its heirs and assigns forever. .' . ~ t .' , THIS CONVEYANCE IS BEING MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE':, ' TEHMS OF THE SETTLEMENT CONTAINED IN CAUSE NO. 25721, ,;,; '" : :: ;,: . ., . . ~ ' BLACKWOOD, ET AL., PLAINTIFFS, VS. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. (';I,! I" PAUL, AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANIES, ET AL., DEFENDANTS.'~;: .1':::,.,: I' , , I.. ':1;; L j 'i .t~.: I,~ : , . ;.,~ I' . , ; I I r ," .': "I :A' ':1 :!; ~ I, I.l\ f Q"IIII'U', ! '. "I;. j , ' ;, I ..,~ '. 11.-,:" -' '", :! f:':;:! :Eb.' L(l'5 :"I'I"':oI;;\~" :.! , :,. !;'( i, '~r;:t',;;::. " I. .1" oj'::~"~\..,~, ,.,- i''1fi'~'"'''' , ,>,.',1'",' ~;~;,'i ',,' :,:,,':4"<,'" :,-.";, ' .~ :'"1' \ll""I\\ I :1, "~"'~~1-\.}'" It'd,~~~~' . , ,f '"." f' \ " .. . .~'<i.., ~ ' , {i 1~1,~i'J :~.t~f~in~5~:~ \'i.f~j~Jlt.i\~~\! ~"i'i~', \ ' .' .'. i,~l~'.lI ,,""',,, '\.' "..' I, ,[(1"= .. ~ lCl . . . ~ :"l L.,t " ~ ., ': '92PAGE 4656 :.'- . I,. . . .. . . . ',:1 .. FILM ,II; . " ': '. I ~! .",:" ;:: I ! r. !..:~ . " ,. '" ~ 90 PAGE 1191 '. . fILM :' \ ,. J I ~ ,. r ~ ',1< , 1;1: ,I'. 'I,' ~ ';,,' " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the First Part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. : I i Signed, Sealed and Delive 15th day of October, 1985. 1" ' ,.: I, ,. ' : I ~ s'rATE OF MONTANA) ., \ / '. :ss ";11 County of Gallatin) j ~ ;:' . ' I . ;,'1 this 15th day of October, 1985, before -'.; : . r On me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared JOHN P. ,j, .,'i ., SCULLY, TRUSTEE known to me to be the person whose name is I ,~ subscribed to the above instrument and acknowledged to me .. that he executed the same. ,: , .,.t.,~.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and : 'I ' this firs~o~e w~:n~ ' , affixed my seal day ,. . ; Notary Public fo he MT; (SEAL) Residing at Bozemal L\\\c\~l " My Commission expires: 'I . \\\.,.~IU''''f.'" Ii: ," ;.~ I E.'--j .,.. '. ' " , ,,.. \, I ir. ". ,- , .' I . ....t\,,'tf.'1,/I~\O.,~ 0 'J.'.: ' i' "',~,''ri''~'(..i , 1- '\ : , , .",,"..,.. 'I 'J' 1" , ;"~RJ,fA'~\ ; "'; : ,~~ ~~W(\'/!U' -<.; ",'::; . , 'r.~ " 'r I",: ' , . .'" '\' ,",. . I' , ~ '_ .1 '~;:>..it ~ ~ r"I~ :- ~ . 'I \< ,.' ,'" :;A""': ~ ' i ; , ; \ \,." ~ ~. J' .,;. , ." ;.~; .~"" , . >1' t 'I" ">(~,, . . , 1, 1':'" 'I !,v,' ~/!~. , "'..... ; ,.1, I I.i :-.... -1/ ,\1.'.:'):'" '. ,: ' . .~. j I .' ' .~ .( !'~ ;,"I} 1..,,\ . ';t1?' .'.c"~../'rq i! ~. "J ~ "I'" , . . I, '.: ~,; ~ . I ,t" . 1,1'. ,,{ 'ii'; " : I,', " I t 1'1 , ' ': ;';/:', \.,~,J:; :.' :: ::T:.j': : 1.". , ' ; ;' ~ , : , , ~ ~ J ;:: I . . , I..! I , t . ~ ' ~. " ,:; . :' .i;l~:';' .1, . I, " J,) ;:" ~ ~ ~' : I ! \ ~,;\ ~'~ .i>~':, .: J,:!:,;' I .L". " ':;1':;,>,1)}; , . '" . p~' . , ~ :' I;:. '.. : l ., ~ I:::~ .. ";" "I.'" ..:: 1.:,"L;:l:'I:,' .,)~ II : I; I ,I 'I.,' :'~; r' , ]'1 rj;J i: J 'fil ~ }. I' ~,., . ,;' , ,'f 1'/ . ' I 'H ' 1:' j't' 'I . ;'!'I " r ;')1. ;. , 11.).";'" GJ'!i'i .j ; : ~ . .' I. .i 1 I . .,' '.,' .'.; '.: , ',I;i'!~f I I ". L .:, ,:Il"r ' , II, ; t I i ;~ i ;. i : ~ ,I., i ,n',: ,,",.r ~:; ".. I I . .." ' tit " .1." I il": '::F~i' ~: . "EXlUBIT A" .. , , , ~I __,._ . . :'1 filM 92 PAGE 4657 ,~ ",- .. ,~ INSTRUMENT Of POOR - .. PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY FILM 90PAGEl192 ~ A tract of I.nd locatrd within thr corpor.tp liMits of Bozrm.n, "nnUn.. in thP $outhwPst 1/~.~tfun-7-.nd t~ NorthwPst 1/4 of S.ctlon ~~ Townsh1p 2Sout.h, R.ng. 6 ElH,,_Mont.n. Prtnclp.1 Htrtdl.no .ndliilniJiilr~ , p.rtlcullrl yii.icrii\i'iJ,sfollows: I I &pg1nn1ng ,t th~ 1/4 cornpr (. 1 1/2" iron pipr) COMmon to s.id Stetlons 7 .nd 18, thtnc~ North 89'41 '29" W~st, .Iong t~ sect1nn ltnt, . dlst.nct of 271.65 f.et to tht trU! point of htgtnnlng .nd the wtst right of w., of tht Ch1c.go, "Ilw.uk~, St. p.ul .nd p.cifte R'tlroad; thtnc. South 27. 15'21" W~st .Iong said right of way, . dfstance of 42.S9 fret; thpnCf .Iong s.fd right of way ,nd .Iong I 1~0.17 r.dfus curvp to thP left hav1n1 I c.ntr.1 .nglt of 6'21', .n .re dtst.ncp of 217.24 fe.t; thPnee South 30054'21" Wpst, .Iong s.ld right of way, . dfst.ncp of S21.50 fret, to th.. elSt IlOundary of the Sprtngdtll Addltfon; thpnce .Iong. 1407.70 foot r.dlus rury. to th. Ipft. haying a cpntral 'ngle of 19~27'14", .n Irc dhtance of 477.96 I.pt. Uld curvl' ~tng the eut 1l0.Jnd.ry IIf the Spr1ngdell Addition; th~nce North 00'30'24" [1St along thf' .ast hnun(Jd'Y of the Sprlngdpl1 Addition, . d1st.nct of 25.00 ftpt, to thp sout~u t corner of Lot I. 810ck I, Sprlngdrll Addition; thence South 89' 08'24" West, .Iong thp south houndary of Lot~ I, 2, ] .nd 4, Block 1. Springdell Addition, . dlst.nct of 265.16 feet to thf e.st right of w.y of South BI.ck Avrnut: thenep North Q(flS'Z4" E.st, .Iong S.ld e.st rtght of "Y. . dts t.ne. of 109.00 fptt. to thP northwest corn.r nf s.ld Lot 4, Cl*nOn with thr south right of w.y of College Street: lhfncf' North 84' OR' 24" East, .Iong thf' north ~oundary of s.ld Lots I, Z. 3 .~d 4. . dist.ne~ of 265.63 fpet. to thr northt.st corntr of s.ld Lot 1: thrne. North OO'3O'24~ [.st, . dlst.nc. of 60,23 f.rt to . point on thf' south ~ound.ry of 810ck 2. Guy'S Stcond Addition; thrnee North 8~41'?9- West, .10ng the south houndary of s.ld 810ck 1 . dlstanc. of 51.81 f..t, to . cornrr which h C~n to S.id Block 2 .nd Block 0 of Hoffman's Addltton; thence North OO~ 45'52. East, .Iong . linP e~n to thf' Hoff~n .nd Guy's Second Addition, . dist.nc. of 4S7.26 '.et. to. corner COMmOn to 810ck l .nd Block 1 at Guy's Sr<ond Addition: th.ncp South A9'47'38" E.st, .10n9 the ~ound.ry C~n to s.ld Blocks 1 .nd 2, . dlst.nl. of 41.SO feet: th.ne. North oar SO'4S" [ast . dlstancp of 205,00 fept: thene. North 2~ 12'15- Ust . dist.ncf' of 276.76 fp..t to th. south right of way of Story Stre.t: thrncf' e.st, 'Iong said south right of w.y of Story Str.pt, . dtst.nc. of 57.00 'prt; thrnef' ~(luth 2'12'15" West' dlstanc. of 216.88 f~tt: th.net South 00' SO'4S" Wf'st ft dist.ncf' of 205.00 fPlt, to. point on the c~n ~ound.ry of Blolk I .nd 2, (,Uy' $f'cord Addltton; tll#':(4' South 89~ 41']ij~ [.st. .lon9 s.ld ~ou"d.ry, . dlstlncr of 91.91 ff'rt, to . torn~r c~,n to s.ld Blocks I .nd 2. on tht Wfst right Gf w'y of 0.11 pl.~~. thencf' S~uth 00' 54'00" Wpst, along a Itnt' c~n to Block?, G .nd H 0; Guy'~ StCGn1 Addition. . dlst.nct of 457.70 fH't, tII. co"nf'r c""'''l'ln to Slid RInd 2 .nd H; thf'ncp South M~41'?9" East. .lon'l thfo s!luth ~ol'nd..ry of ulrf P.10l. H, a dlstanct of 4M.M f.(It, to the trut' point of hfglnning, according tll thP plat fllf'd 1n Bo~ C of Plats .t P19. 98. ; }! J , \ ~ . ' t , ; "