HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 85- Cargill, James Deed . t ' . , . ' . 'j'" I : i !~" .~~ J'" 1-.. :t.~ ""_ oJ. t;.,li. .';,.~;.; J ,. filM ,92'AGf4648 '" :':: ! , ., I "t. " _'____ fiLM 90rAGE1183 NDiXL'D i -- n.AnF: - STATE OF MONTANA) ~~ : 1482B~ County of Gallatin ) Filed for record this 9th day of December , 19 85, at 10:50 0' clock A. M. and recorded in Film 90 - of Deeds on Page 1183 of the records of County of Gallatin, State of Montana. - , Clerk and Recorder by . Rt: Scull , Lill & Andriolo QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made the 15th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five between, JOHN P. SCULLY, TRUSTEE, of 222 East Main Street, Suite 301, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, party of the First Part and JAMES R. CARGILL, of P.O. Box 306, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, the party of the Second Part. WITNESSETH: That the said party of the First Part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Valuable Consideration, ($1.00/ovc) to him in hand paid by the said party of the Second Part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; does hereby convey, remise, release and .~ forever quitclaim unto the said party of the Second Part, '.-::, and to his/her heirs, and assigns, all right, title and l:I' interest in and to the following described real estate," si tuated in the County of Gallatin and State of Montana, to-wit: ,;" ,;: .- I I ~ That portion of the abandoned Chicago, Milwaukee, ..; St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's right of way i' ,:,' located in Section 18, Township 2 South, R~nge 6 East, ~'" M.P.M., Gallatin County, Montana adjacent to that parcel described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which lies North and West of a line parallel to and distant 7~ fee{ Northwesterly from the centerline of the former main track, and which is located between the South,' : boundary line (extended) and the Northeast boundary: i', ", line Jextended) of said parcel as described in Exhibit":r . "~". Said right of way being. as shown on that certain:.1':1 i ','I, r1ght of way and track map f11ed 9-25-85 @ 11: 57 A.M.'," , under Permanent File No. 770-C, in the office of the: I , ;1 Clerk and Recorder for Gallatin County, Montana. ,;', ~ 1':;,-', , " 'I" '!":i "I' together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and II , ,,~: appurtenances thereto belonging, and the reversion and'" ;":1;' reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and, ' :' profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title ';\' interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever :? as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the First.;: :' ~\J:' Part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and ,;' lit":, . ' . '..' \ parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and s1ngular the ,,: I,);; said premises , with the appurtenances unto the said party of ':' . ,\/: the Second Part, his/her heirs and assigns forever. . 1: I ';!~,.' ~ '.: '<, :' i1j,i,~;' THIS CONVEYANCE IS BEING MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE,:',,~'d"l';F:;!, TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT CONTAINED IN CAUSE NO. 25721 ,T" i:l :,Il::l':~ BLACKWOOD, ET AL. , PLAINTIFFS, VS . CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST .,' ,'j 'tI " PAUL, AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANIES, ET AL., DEFENDANTS. 'f ;\: i:', " ::I!j;,J I "i IJ::~ 1.. ~~: -1" " ,I' ., j:r.t' , ,'J :., I"" 'I'. r: , 01 '" ~ , ill ~ I ," dl:~;li," I)'.., :, ,~ "1 >I'~"~" ,: "'l~;-'~,t , ~':I 1,1'i~ I, ~':,(I ~'I I 'I I,., ",~1r.' , :',' nl i: I'! i(J~, '.;~, I ' I" ,. '1' " t. . I! r . \ rdl~! 'I: ~ t:" ! ~ ~ '! I! I . I . '..,,: lI1J"l,j( ht ...I, (1 Z. ' r,., tW,t'I' "l ,I': -ll I ,>. tl I, 1i~r , : " r." i~ti ,!~;rl'I"JI 1,(" " ""II 'I., 'T l " " Y --1._'______ I .' r 't "~ '.1: t "j \~,.., ...,.. ""i . J .1J, ~ _ ,,\ :,::" ';", ',:\ ,-:<:'1', ,':'~ ~ .to" :.,"'" ,I , ~ ~t IT \ I.~. I 1 ..." t'~ ' 'II >>' f/; ", ~.,. ,...!j.; '_')AI.' :t t, , " '~.... j ~ , l, \. ,'f '" . \r ." I Jf '" . 1: 1, {I I ~ ~~,:,;~~~,~';~~~~,t \" :ti~,~I~~~~~ , . .. ., "", '. 'fl ,I. f' ....~ ",.' FlU4 92paGE464g" ':~:,'" :j;:'!~ri ,-' . FILM 90 PAGE 1184 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the First Part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. signed, Sealed and 15th day of October, 1985. STATE OF MONTANA) :ss County of Gallatin) On this 15th day of October, 1985, before me a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared JOHN P. SCULLY, TRUSTEE known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN my hand and affixed my seal this day ( SEAL) """"""/,, " C\\ \ ,'. ,'. \u ~1 , \ ' .. . ... '. r~ _ '. '. c.. '.. . ".',.'.,.' VI,'. " ., .... :'~. :"',:':j. /,,' ", (.~~>,i\ , l'\ ''iA fJ I f ',f -. , '" ' V 1/\.. II I 0;" . ~.~Ir., ."'.:',: ...~.->.:" ,..-'...:. , ~ ~. {\ 1 '" b . .. J ,. . -"11II ~ " . . :",Ii)U'~:''''t~If' .A,f'~", ; .. ~~tJ.~~~r;~:~0.'.iSi.' . I 1:1 .\ l: ' , lil.... I ~ . ,,; :1' ~ : : I I'; . ~. I ,; I' (: 11,lt ,.' . " ,I ~ ' .' l ~ 'i'~' i ' : I: ,.111.' I , ..', '.',' '1.';'\'jJ;' . , II I ""I ", I ,':. .. '~(~ , "p!'::'. VI . ':' ~,:: t j. I, I I' { . ~'il~l . :', \ ",., I" ,. I'I'~ I ;I'\~'~' "I '.d~" I .., .11' '.,' 1 ,.',.,," II' . tl"1. I ' " I" I ' j"1 . ., I II' r' I iii. " II' 11 :J' I"; '~ t l~ , 'I "II 'i \1..1, , " .1 I' ,,' I" I h" !~ l \ . "l1,1j" ,',. ","I~l' I {,.l" ~jJ, I:" , ! l ! ~l ~ ,'~',l\l;, - t \'t ";p, ,il, '( "~\",' I'. F '~ 'I . I' ~ , t ~ \.: . _ , _.....~ ~\\ . "1 I" -I. ',^ . )' i. .' . r . i I _"'I "I' t .1 . \ ,! ":' , . 11', ..I\f ~.' r . ~ ~ . , ..' 'I I ..! '\,'1' f~ jl). ,I "j~;~' \I. '''I, ~'~I "'. '.' , \ ,'I,Jt ). / "II," Jl\I,\~~..' , .. ",\'.t'.'.,.. "I',' ,',:' ',' ) ':,' 'f" ~',' ' ",,;,'" ,,- \, f" ~'1itt": IJ\~\\, I~,~.ll':..\ ..11,\", \,_ r 1 t"1)<l1 " ~""f\ .'/\,~ \'I"'r' I ' r \,' I' f"..L{\.. ~.Il. r '.. . \ , ~tr (,,'....,t ,I' ITI'\ <I\! /"1" >.~ ~,'r. I II t. .'. t' \~ It":l;~'l.' . ~,., 'I ~ .~\j;" ~ ,..,~' ""',1' ,,' I' ',' " ,,' , .', i: ' 't" ",,1,1' '''\;<''',,''',1'' f"~" I , .l.i .~~~I: '.;;,\tllo~~"",U1l"I~~"{ '!'t~p,.~~1\J~i>"~'~': l(II,;,A" /.,,.\,' ,f" (., ;"." ,hi i~'!"'.,.,,'i..'IIli" h"'lf i,; t\;i .';t f .~~~:;...:~' : . ....' :,,'t~', . , -,'. 'I ,; .} ,,; .,..., ~,'~! . ,'" ", ;'" ~_'._5'~~ 'I '{(I'" ", ',' !....:. "'''~:~ '._~'.<"l: < ',~ ,.~:lf:<,.-:" :,.. ~ , . - , ,-,..<': .'!;.',' - .. , ., I , . . , "BXHIBr1' A" I ......... ., 92ftUE4650 . - -,. f1tll! . , , .'~;~i~"fj~". ",t. " fILM 9UrAGE1185 , ! , " I INSTRUMENT OF POOR ;' PHOTOGRAPHIC QUALITY . ^ I'Jlcel of l<lnd cantuna..-, 108,802 squ,uc fe~t locatr.d in the northwcAt. quarter of section 18, TownRhiv Two ! South, It<lnC)e S U I:: a 8 t , Principal Meridian of ""'ntalla, in the City of BozemJn, G~llatin Count.y, Hontana, as shown on Certificate of Survey No. 655, and bein., II\Orc part icularly deacl ibed aa follows" DC'linll1nlJ <It the southwcst corner of that ].8S acro \ polrcel described on pa90 10 of Book 129 of Deod Recorda ! of said County, which ia identical with the southwost corner of Spring Dell Addition, and is 011 tho eaat line of Langohr's Firat. Addition and the east line of South Tracy ^venue. From this point a lead plug with braa8 centerpoint beara north 70.0,'20- West., 7.41 feot, as is w,tneos point. . . Thence, from the point of beginning, South 70.0,'20" [aat along the south line of the saId 3.85 acre parcel- a distance of ]72.18 feet t~ a point on the west riqht of way line of the ChicagO, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific R4ilroad, from which a bras8 capped iron witneSS post bears North 70.06'20. Wost, 19.00 feet. Thence South 30.13'40. West along the Raid weat right of way line a distance of 333.21 feot to a point on the north line of Garfield Street, from which a brass capped iron witneSS post bears South 89-S3'S~~ West, . 20.00 feot. Thence South 89-S]'53- West along thu noelh line of Gadhtl'] ~trect a dlst,'.lCC of 266.07 feet. to A point marked with a brass capved iron monument on the ea.t line of Lan9ohr's Firat Addition and South Tracy Avenue J Thence North 19.40'31- Ealt along the ealt line of Langohr'. First Addition and the east line of South Tracy Avenue. diltance of 193.16 feet to . pointJ Thence northerly along the laid e.st line and a portion of the circular curve to the left havin9 a radius of 320.7S feet. distance of 110.57 feet to a point, from ~hich the last described point be.rs South 09-S0'2'- Weat, 110.02 feetJ ., Thence North 00-00'21- East .lonq the laid east line a dl.tanc~ of 124.74 feet to the point of beginninq.