HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 85- Center, Allen & Nancy Deed - - ..',. ._,_. . ._~~.~_..._._- ~. , -'--- 92nm:4r03 . i' '.:' 'r' . , '. ; . . nUl " ,I.. .t. . . i ,.' '.L , ::,"-';';:;, . 'J . , .:)' fiLM 90 PAGE 1168 ,. 1,.1, . ~:' I . . , ~ . I NDEXfD \ i:Jr: . ,J ~J , I,. PUTTW .. ..:.1 , j i :~ I . s'rATE OF MONTANA) 1111 i ; . :r ': ;: : 148282 ' ,. ..'::;' County of Gallatin ) ! day of December , 19~, at 90 County of Gallatin, , Clerk and . QUIT Cl,AIM DEED TIll S INDENTURE, made the 15th day of October in the , ' year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five between, JOHN P. SCULLY, TRUSTEE, of 222 East Main Street, I suite 301, Bozeman, Montana, 59715, party of the First Part and ALLEN CENTER, TRUSTEE OF ALLEN H. CENTER AND NANCY S. I I CENTER, TRUST, U.D.T. , 12-28-77, c/o LRD Co. , Box 1073, , . Bozeman, Montana, 59715, the party of the Second Part. WITNESSETII: That the said party of the First Part for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Valuable Consideration, ($1.00/ovc) to him in hand paid by the said party of the Second Part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the Second Part, and to his/her heirs, and assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in the County of Gallatin and State of Montana, .4 to-wit: " That portion of the abandoned Chicago, Milwaukee, " st. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's right of way lying within Lots 3 to 11, inclusive, in Block ]Jl. of" Butte Addition to Bozema~ Montana, which lies North ; . and West of a line parallel' to and distant 7~ feet .' \. .j: Northwesterly from the centerline of the former main track. Said right of' way being as shown on that certain . I right of way and track map filed 9-25-85 @ 11:57 A.M. , , . ~ " underl Permanent File No. 770-C, in the office of the Clerk and Recorder for Gallatin County, Montana. together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and . . appurtenances thereto belonging, and the reversion and h reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and , profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever' , as well in law as in equity, of the said party of the First' Part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and i parcel thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the .,. .j I. ~ said premises, with the appurtenances unto the said party of~; the Second Part, his/her heirs and assigns forever. ,<:il ,',:', . I" ::;' ~ ,;t: 1,'~! :F' THIS CONVEYANCE IS BEING MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE; Illt,.':1 f;l TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT CONTAINED IN CAUSE NO. 25721 t'd,':;<;',,).ik BLACKWOOD, ET AL., PLAINTIFFS, VS. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST.' ,I::. Ii"~ I'r:\~~ PAUL, AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANIES, ET AL., DEFENDANTS.;" :H'::'~ij k:.!)l):', . .. ".. J 'll~' .' 'l '. ; ,II' ," I". :', ':' l \ ItlllJ , 'I' . "" '''I 'I ""i, I,'" ,,1.1,1 , '1\ ,.. ) "I' . " I::'.~ ..1 ',!'Il. '("; hI', " ;Wi":~+'I:!i.:i:.:J.";:, .,)".\,1'1' ,I "1-.1' ,i:;,! f'Tt;';'f' ,',I ':'Ti:lr I", j, "),1, '1.' .',\. J '... "If'" ,:. .!, ~. '1."'1, I j;i:;.., ,,;1 if 'I 1.1 ':' I:.'~ II";' j r ! ,: i~."'!' ' . .l~', t I ~. 'I ;),~ .i~ I l~ Il'i.:;~J:~ ,': ,I, I I,' 1 J ~ ~ II, ft.:~5 .; 'I: : ,I,: ;1 '(: ';'.li;~>" ,:1::( . ".......,1.., . .. ,... ,. ~ .,~_... ....,--...-...----....,....,-."""'. . I i J I ',T :-.J. \. ~ r...\ ! :. ' I.'.; ... ~ !; ~ (. , ,"'~! .lI'I" 1"..S,t., ~,"I,j, :;!.~ ': t J''''4't JI,'Y;6)L ~ 1/('1f( . " .' '.~, """, 'I l,~~~~~;) '!~,~~~(t . .: II' . i "";""............-- ,: "92,.4634 I '. ,I : : : ~ 'j . i:/'/ t', t ~. Ht~ ) '. ' ; ; l'~: , '.. !' : 'I' '\ . i' , " 90 PAGE 1169 .' I,' fiLM ,; ; ~:;~:::'. ., .. , . '.' .. ,. :,,1':.. , .,.,' r .~: ' '. , " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the First Part . , .; ~ has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first ',. i above written. I" ! : .~,;:. f Signed, Sealed ., 1985. . ~.:l!. .' , . : I:' . Scully, Trustee STATE OF MONTANA) , ' :ss I' I' County of Gallatin) " :11: I ;; , On this 15th day of October, 1985, before me a Notary', , Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared JOHN P. SCULLY, TRUSTEE known to to be the whose . . ;\1, me person name J.s subscribed to the above instrument and aqknowledged to me . it~I..~, that he executed the IT': same. ~ ' I '; 'f.. " . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hand and, . .'. my 'I " affixed my seal this day fir ~ ;': r . L I,:; "i,', ! ' " t e MT 11"1".. '.:., <.sEAL) Residing at Boze n "\\O\CA, ~\"l r",., .,~ My Commission expires: ' ' . v E'>- ..... . " ~ ~~ . ...Uti:-- ", I .' ", ;'''\' 0' '.~.I 'i I ;.: tP :.,.t~\ " --" . 1 ~.,- -: '''~'. 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