HomeMy WebLinkAbout503 E. Mendenhall 2016Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 4/5/2015 Modification Date: 9/15/2014 4:17:25 PM Time: 503 Property Address: number E Mendenhall St Property Address: street 201 E. Mendenhall (pre-1918) Historic Address: Bozeman City/Town: Site Number: Gallatin County Intl: George Huffman Residence Historic Name: George Huffman Original Owner Private Current Ownership: Court Reporters Current Property Name: Charles & Laura Fisher Owner: 503 E Mendenhall St, Bozeman, MT 59715 Owner Address: 406-587-9016 Phone: Residence Historic Use: Office Current Use: 1889-1890 Estimated Construction Date: Original Location Date Moved: WGS84UTM Reference 497651.7 Easting: 5058557.7 Northing: 12TUTM Zone: Legal Location PM: Montana 2 Township: South 6 Range: East NW 1/4 SW 1/4 NE 1/4 7Section Lot 1, 2 Lots: Rouse Addition to Bozeman Addition: 1870/1889 Year of Addition: Bozeman, MT 7.5 minute topographic map USGS Quad Name: 2014 Date: Block H Blocks Other GPS Accuracy: Google Earth Pro Google Earth ProGPS Equipment: 24 Front doorstepUTM Location Pt: UTM Reference Site Name 503 E Mendenhall St Property Address InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: Bozeman Overlay Historic District: 1/14/2015 Date of this document: Scott L. Carpenter Form Prepared by: Address: Daytime Phone: InteResources Planning, Inc. 505 Bond St., Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406-587-9477 Yes NRHP Eligible Recommendation: MT SHPO USE ONLY Eligible for NRHP: □ yes □ no Criteria: □ A □ B □ C □ D Date: Evaluator: Comments: MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 2 Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 3 Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman ARCHITECTYURAL DESCRIPTION See Additional Information Page Residential Property Type: OTHER Architectural Style: Greek cross-style If Other, specify: Single-family residence Specific Property Type: not known Architect: not known Architectural Firm: StateCity Town not known Builder/Contractor: not known Company: StateCity Town Source of Information: Compound with projections Architectural Form: Cross-gabled Roof Form: 1 1/2 Stories: Brick Materials: Overall Dimensions: 48 ft North - South 38 ft East - West The building is a cross-gable form with main block running north south, with extension to west, and upper floor extension to east. South projection measures approximately 14 ft north-south by 22 ft east-west. West projection is approximately 11 ft east-west and 17 ft north-south. North projection is approximately 14 ft north-south. Projection InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Concisely, accurately, and completely describe the property and alterations with dates. Number the buildings and features to correlate with the Site Map. The building is 1-1/2 story, detached brick single family residence. The building is constructed in cross gable form with slight projection on east side to allow for gable-roofed second-floor projection. Front entrance is located at the southwest intersecting corners of blocks. Windows have dressed limestone sills and arched brick lintels with header bond pattern on second floor and soldier bond pattern on first floor. exterior walls have standard running bond pattern. Windows are original wood double hung 2/2 on the first floor and 1/1 on the second floor. All windows have modern exterior storm window insets. Gable roof currently covered with wood shingles. Projecting eaves have modern rain gutters. Upper portion of gable end walls are wood-framed above brick and finished with angular scalloped shingles. No original exterior masonry chimney exists, only one modern furnace/stovepipe. "G HUFFMAN." is embossed in sidewalk at curb of North Church Street approaching rear entrance of building. Stone and concrete. Foundation Gable roof currently covered with wood shingles. Projecting eaves have modern rain gutters. Roof Building has small covered porch at rear entry of building, at northwest corner. Porch roof is simple shed form. The detached garage at the rear (north) of the residence, mentioned in the 1984 survey record, has been removed. Porches/Outbuildings MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 4 Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman windows have dressed limestone sills and arched brick lintels with header bond pattern on second floor and soldier bond pattern on first floor. Windows are original wood double-hung sash 2/2 lights on the first floor and 1/1 panes on the second floor. All windows have modern exterior storm window intsets. Fenestration: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 5 Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Building first appears on the 1890 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman. The building does not show on the immediately previous Sanborn Map for 1889. The building was built by George Huffman, early Montana settler and Gallatin Valley Farmer in 1899-1990. Born in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on August 16, 1836. In 1859 he left his work as a farmer in Missouri to search for gold in the Pike's Peak region of Colorado Territory. He served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and traveled to Kansas and later Nebraska in 1862. In 1863, Huffman went to the Dakota Territory, on to Iowa, then to Virginia City, Montana, in on August 19, 1864. After more traveling through Montana Territory, along the Missouri from Fort Benton to Saint Joseph, Missouri, he returned to Montana via the Bozeman Trail in 1866. He farmed his ranch in the Gallatin Valley for the duration of his life and maintained a residence in Bozeman (A.W. Bowen & Co., "Progressive Men of The State of Montana," Vol. 2 pg. 1691). George Huffman died in Bozeman in 1903, but his family continued to live in the residence on East Mendenhall at least through 1950 when George's son Hugh still lived in the house in 1960 (Polk City Directory for Bozeman, 1950, pg. 78). History of Property: See Additional Information Page InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 See Additional Information Page 1902, Progressive Men of the State of Montana, Volume 2. A. W. Bowen & Co., Chicago, pg. 1619. Polk City Directories for Bozeman, Montana, 1901-02, 1902-1903, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950. City of Bozeman, City Water and Sewer Permits. Information Sources/Bibliography Sanborn Maps:Structure appears on these Bozeman Sanborn Maps: Nov 1884 Jan 1889 XJul 1890 XNov 1891 XJan 1904 XSep 1912 XSep 1927 XSep 1927/Rev Aug 1943 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 6 Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman City Sewer Hook-up Records City Water Hook-up RecordsDate Date 1902-03 Polk City Directory for Bozeman, Montana, pg. 142, "Huffman, George, farmer, 201 [later 503] E Mendenhall." City Directory Deeds Sep 1927/Rev 1957 X XSep 1912/Rev Feb 1921 XSep 1927/Rev 1960 InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 7 Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: NRHP Eligibility:X Yes No Individually Contributing to Historic District Noncontributing to Historic District Association with residential aspect of Civic Phase of Bozeman's historic/architectural developArea of Significance: Late 19th century - Civic Phase (1884-1912)Period of Significance: See Additional Information PageStatement of Significance The property is recommended to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A, based on its clear association with the events that represent the late 19th century Civic Phase of development in Bozeman (1884-1912). The property also meets the evaluation aspects of Criterion B: association with lives of persons significant to the past history of Bozeman and Montana, and Criterion C: embodies distinctive architectural characteristics of materials, location, setting, design, and workmanship. The property maintains a high level of historic and architectural significance as one of the remaining early brick residences in Bozeman. NRHP Criteria:XA XB XC D See Additional Information PageIntegrity (location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, association) The historical and architectural integrity of this building/property has been retained to this day. The building survives in its original design, construction, use of materials, setting, location and setting in the historic area of downtown Bozeman. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PAGE Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Façade Photo IRP_114_110914_01787.jpgExposure/File #: NortheastFacing: 503 E MendenhallFeature: View to northeast at west elevation and west projection of building. Note original main/front entrance to residence is through door at interior corner of projection to right of window, behind "Court Reporter" sign. Description: 9/15/2014 4:17:25 PMTime: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_114_110914_01788 East 503 E Mendenhall St View to east at west elevation and west gable end of west extension of building. Note arched header to first-floor 2-over-2 sash widows. and 1-over-1 windows on second floor. Note shed roof over rear porch to left. North Church Street is in foreground. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_114_110914_01785.jpgExposure/File #:Time: NorthFacing: 503 E Mendenhall StFeature: View to north at front of building with west projection on left. Note wood-framed upper portion of gable end with wood shingles in scalloped pattern. Description: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRTP_114_110914_01789 South 503 E Mendenhall St View to south at rear of building, west projection and rear shed-roofed covered porch at right. Note upper portion of wood-framed gable end and end of porch is covered with scalloped pattern shingles. Sidewalk and N. Church Street is at extreme right. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD USGS Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Portion of USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map, Bozeman, MT, 2014, scale 1:24,000 (red square indicates approximate location of property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD General Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman General Location Map Red shape denotes project boundary, red arrow indicates property location. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Detailed Location Photo-Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Detailed Location Map Red shape denotes subject property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Building Sketch Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 503 E Mendenhall St Bozeman Property/Building Sketch Map InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477