HomeMy WebLinkAbout34 N. Bozeman 2016Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 3/16/2015 Modification Date: 11/19/2014 2:49:00 PM Time: 34 Property Address: number N Bozeman Ave Property Address: street 26-34 N Bozeman Historic Address: Bozeman City/Town: Site Number: Gallatin County SLC Intl: Haaland Furniture Co. Historic Name: Stanley J. Haaland Original Owner Private Current Ownership: vacant Current Property Name: Haj Javad LLC (2014) Owner: PO Box 186, Bozeman, MT 59770 Owner Address: Phone: Commercial - Furniture Store Historic Use: vacant Current Use: 1950-1953 Estimated Construction Date: Original Location Date Moved: WGS84UTM Reference 497333.4 Easting: 5058512.9 Northing: 12TUTM Zone: Legal Location PM: Montana 2 Township: South 6 Range: East NE 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 7Section South 100' Lots 34-38 Lots: Bozeman, Original Plat Addition: 1870 Year of Addition: Bozeman, MT 7.5 min. topographic USGS Quad Name: 1987, 2014 Date: Block D Blocks Other GPS Accuracy: 10m Google EarthGPS Equipment: 24 NW corner entranceUTM Location Pt: UTM Reference Site Name 34 N Bozeman Ave Property Address InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: Bozeman Overlay District Historic District: 11/10/2014 Date of this document: Scott L. Carpenter Form Prepared by: Address: Daytime Phone: InteResources Planning, Inc. 505 Bond St., Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406-587-9477 Yes NRHP Eligible Recommendation: MT SHPO USE ONLY Eligible for NRHP: □ yes □ no Criteria: □ A □ B □ C □ D Date: Evaluator: Comments: MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 2 Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 3 Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman ARCHITECTYURAL DESCRIPTION See Additional Information Page Commercial Property Type: 20th Century Modern Architectural Style:If Other, specify: Retail Specific Property Type: Bill Grabow Architect: Bill Grabow Architectural Firm: StateCity Town Builder/Contractor:Company: StateCity Town Architect info from: C. Kramer, 2014. Architectural drawings not found. Source of Information: Simple Rectangle Architectural Form: Flat Roof Form: Single Stories: Concrete Block Materials: Overall Dimensions: 52 ft North - South 140 ft East - West Simple rectangular plan, no projections.Projection InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Concisely, accurately, and completely describe the property and alterations with dates. Number the buildings and features to correlate with the Site Map. The building is a one-story commercial building with a rectangular plan and a recessed diagonal front entry with fixed windows and glass door. Building height is taller at façade (west) creating the appearance of a two-story building, but windows on south wall near alley indicate one story. The one-bay façade is asymmetrical and consists of store front windows across the street level. The diagonal main entry at the north end of the façade has full height fixed windows. Shorter fixed windows with additional entry door is placed central at the south end of the façade. Additional large fixed window with brick trim is places at west end of south wall. Façade and west end of south wall have brick veneer on piers at sides of windows (standard running bond), with in-fill panels of red bricks in stacked bond beneath windows. The building is constructed of concrete block finished with brick veneer and stucco on the façade. Façade is topped with straight parapet wall extending above roof-line, with a faux cornice integral to the façade's stucco. South wall of building is exposed to adjacent parking lot and is exposed concrete block with short parapet wall above roof-line. Small, 16 x 16 ft patio roof is attached to east end of south wall, covering rear service entrance. Industrial shop windows and entry doors exist on south wall. Roof drainage ports exist on south wall. North wall is immediately adjacent to building to north, so is not visible. East wall is topped with stepped parapet above roof-line. The flat built-up roof lies parallel to North Bozeman Street. Not visible, presumed concrete Foundation Flat, of built-up composition materialsl. Roof Small, approximately 16 x 16 ft shed-roofed supported by steel posts is attached to east corner of south wall of building, at rear service entrance. Porches/Outbuildings MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 4 Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman The diagonal main entry at the north end of the façade has full height fixed windows. Shorter fixed windows with additional entry door is placed central at the south end of the façade. Industrial shop windows and entry doors exist on south wall. Fenestration: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 5 Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Early Bozeman Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (1884, 1889, 1890) show large boarding house on lot to north (extending into subject lot), as well as various smaller dwellings and shops on the subject property. The 1891 Sanborn Map shows various one-story frame structures on the subject lots including a Chinese Laundry with "sleeping room," another detached dwelling, and a detached structure labeled as "Chinese" (presumably a boarding house). The 1904, 1912, and 1927 Sanborn Maps show earlier structures removed, with the addition of a larger one-story Chinese Laundry on the southwest corner of subject lots and the western portion of a separate detached structure labeled "Chinese" (probably rooming house) on the southeast corner. The 1927 Sanborn Map that was revised in 1943 shows a single one-story sturcure at the extreme southwest corner of the subject lots, labeled as a "Cremery" with adjacent storage extension attached to the north of the building. No physical remains of any of these earlier structures exist today. The 1927 (revised 1957-59) Sanborn Map (Sheet 16) is the first such map to depict the current building located on the South 100 ft of Lots 34-38 of Block D. The map indicates the one-story concrete block rectangular building with labeled as "Furniture". The building is also noted to have a wood-truss roof supported by concrete pilasters, with a concrete floor. This depiction closely, if not exactly, matches the building that exists on the lot today. The 1957-59 revision of the 1927 map also shows the one-story brick creamery/confectionary building located at the southwest corner of the lot, and is the same as depicted on the 1943 revision, but is nonexistent today. Polk City Directories for Bozeman for 1950 and a few earlier years show no building at the address of 32-34 N. Bozeman Ave. The Polk Bozeman Directory for 1954 (page 75) Indicates Haaland Furniture Co. at that address, Stanley J. Haaland, owner. Subsequent Polk Directories through the year of 1969 reflect the same use of the building by Haaland Furniture Co. The Polk Bozeman Directory for 1970 (pg. 51) shows the building being used as the D. & L. Furniture Co, Leonard Dyk, President. Personal communication from Bozeman Historic Preservation Officer, Courtney Kramer, indicates that the existing building at 34 N. Bozeman Ave. was designed by Bill Grabow. A search for the original drawings for the building has not been successful. Evidence from Sanborn Maps and City Directories estimates the construction date of the existing building to be during the period of 1950 - 1953. History of Property: See Additional Information Page InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 See Additional Information Page Sanborn Fire Insurance Co., Maps, Bozeman, var. dates. On file at Montana Historical Society, Research Library, Helena, MT, and at InteResources Planning, Inc., Bozeman, MT. Polk City Directory for Bozeman, Montana, Including: Belgrade & Gallatin County, var. dates. On file at Bozeman Public Library, Bozeman, MT. Aerial Photo of Bozeman Main Street Area/North (ca. 1942), on file at Gallatin County Museum, Bozeman. Information Sources/Bibliography Sanborn Maps:Structure appears on these Bozeman Sanborn Maps: Nov 1884 Jan 1889 Jul 1890 Nov 1891 Jan 1904 Sep 1912 Sep 1927 Sep 1927/Rev Aug 1943 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 6 Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman City Sewer Hook-up Records City Water Hook-up RecordsDate Date Polk's Bozeman City Directory 1950: no listing for a building at 32-36 N. Bozeman Ave. Polk's Bozeman City Directory 1954 (pg. 75), Haaland Furniture Co., 34-36 N. Bozeman Ave. (Stanley J. Haaland) Polk's Bozeman City Directory 1960 (pg. 83), Haaland Furniture Co., 34-36 N. Bozeman Ave. (S. J. Haaland, owner) Polk's Bozeman City Directory 1965 (pg. 120), Haaland Furniture Co., 34-36 N. Bozeman Ave. Polk's Bozeman City Directory 1970 (pg. 51), D & L Furniture, 34-36 N. Bozeman Ave. (Leonard Dyk, President) City Directory Deeds not researched. Deeds Sep 1927/Rev 1957 X Sep 1912/Rev Feb 1921 XSep 1927/Rev 1960 InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 7 Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: NRHP Eligibility:X Yes No Individually XContributing to Historic District Noncontributing to Historic District Commerce developmentArea of Significance: 20th Century - Postwar Expansion Phase (1946-1970)Period of Significance: See Additional Information PageStatement of Significance The commercial building presently located at 34 N. Bozeman Ave. appears to retain historical significance associated with the late 20th century commercial architecture of Bozeman, MT. It is recommended that the building exhibits significance and integrity to be recommended for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria A, Band C, as an example of late-twentieth century commerce development in Montana and associated with architectural design and workmanship associated with a local architect, Bill Grabow. NRHP Criteria:XA XB XC D See Additional Information PageIntegrity (location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, association) The building exhibits qualities of location, design, setting, and association to be eligible for listing on the National Register. The building is in good condition adhering to its original design and construction. Original layout and fenestration of the façade has been largely retained except for the later application of stucco covering above windows and entrances. Such stucco may in fact be superficial and may cover original materials. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PAGE Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Façade Photo IRP_B3_117_111914_01977_pExposure/File #: EastFacing: 34 N Bozeman AveFeature: View to east at façade (west side) of building. Note angled recessed entrance door at left, additional entrance door right of center. Description: 11/19/2014 2:49:00 PMTime: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_117_111914_01976_p 2:49:00 PM Southeast 34 N Bozeman Ave View to SE at façade and NW corner of building where it butts with adjoining building to the north. Note angled recessed entry door left of center and straight parapet on façade and stepped parapet on north (left). InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_117_111914_01983_pExposure/File #:2:49:00 PMTime: NortheastFacing: 34 N Bozeman AveFeature: View to northeast at façade, southwest corner, and south wall of building. Note shed roof covering area at southeast (rear) corner of building. Description: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_117_111914_01979_p 2:49:00 PM North 34 N Bozeman Ave View to north at south edge of façade (at left) and west end of south. Note extended parapet wall at southwest corner (at left) and industrial windows, and concrete block of south wall. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_117_111914_01980_p 2:49:00 PM North 34 N Bozeman Ave, rear/southeast corner View to north at east end of south wall forming southeast corner of building. Note industrial windows, concrete block wall, and covered entry patio at far right. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_117_111978_01979_pExposure/File #: NorthwestFacing: 34 N Bozeman Ave, south wallFeature: View to northwest at west end of south wall, southwest corner at façade is at far right. Note simple layout of concrete block wall, roof drainage port at roof line bottom of parapet wall, and industrial windows. Description: 2:49:00 PMTime: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD USGS Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Portion of USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map, Bozeman, MT, 2014, scale 1:24,000 (red square indicates approximate location of property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD General Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman General Location Map Red shape denotes project boundary, red arrow indicates property location. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Detailed Location Photo-Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Detailed Location Map Red shape denotes subject property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Building Sketch Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 34 N Bozeman Ave Bozeman Property/Building Sketch Map InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477