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Lamme 2016Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 10/3/2016 Modification Date: 7/11/2014 10:59:52 AM Time: 15 Property Address: number W Lamme St Property Address: street Historic Address: Bozeman City/Town: Site Number: Gallatin County Intl: Deaconess Hospital Historic Name: Original Owner Private Current Ownership: Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Current Property Name: Mountain View Investors LLC Owner: PO Box 699, Spearfish, SD Owner Address: Phone: Hospital Historic Use: Public housing and nursing home Current Use: 1920, 1944, 1957, 1961, and 1977 Estimated Construction Date: Original Location Date Moved: WGS84UTM Reference 497032 Easting: 5058673 Northing: 12TUTM Zone: Legal Location PM: Montana 2 Township: South 6 Range: East NE 1/4 SW 1/4 NW 1/4 7Section Lot 1 & 2, AMND Plat C-18-D Lots: Tracy's Third Addition to Bozeman Addition: 1883/1883 Year of Addition: Bozeman, MT 7.5 min. topographic USGS Quad Name: 2014 Date: Block A Blocks Other GPS Accuracy: 5-10 m GoogleEarth ProGPS Equipment: 24 SW corner of front steps/porchUTM Location Pt: UTM Reference Site Name 15 W Lamme St Property Address InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: Historic District: 02/14/2015 Date of this document: Scott L. Carpenter Form Prepared by: Address: Daytime Phone: InteResources Planning, Inc. 505 Bond St., Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406-587-9477 Yes NRHP Eligible Recommendation: MT SHPO USE ONLY Eligible for NRHP: □ yes □ no Criteria: □ A □ B □ C □ D Date: Evaluator: Comments: MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 2 Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 3 Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman ARCHITECTYURAL DESCRIPTION See Additional Information Page Health Care Property Type: Classical Revival Architectural Style: and 20th century addition If Other, specify: Specific Property Type: Fred F. Willson Architect: Willson Architect Architectural Firm: MT State Bozeman City Town unknown Builder/Contractor:Company: MT State Bozeman City Town Architectural drawing (1918), Fred Willson, Bozeman Deaconness Hospital. Montana State University, Special Collections, Montana Architectural Drawings, Collection Number 2143, Drawing Set No. 322. Source of Information: T Plan (Side Facing) Architectural Form: Flat-asymmetrical Roof Form: 4 Stories: Brick Materials: Overall Dimensions: 160 feet North - South 300 feet East - West Original central mass with rear projecting "L", later north-south projection on west end, 1970s mass on east. Each component mass of building has numerous and various small projections, especially at rear and on west elevation. Projection InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Concisely, accurately, and completely describe the property and alterations with dates. Number the buildings and features to correlate with the Site Map. This hospital complex is a detached three-and-one-half/four-story building constructed on an irregular plan with four large Roman Doric columns supporting the raised two-story porch with a heavy ornamental cornice and a flat roof. The Doric columns are made of white glazed tiles (of terra-cotta or metal) pieced together to form each column, base, and capital. The three-bay asymmetrical façade is of brick and faces south to W. Lamme St. The original plans for the building was for the central entry bay, with extension to north, on the east and flanked on the west by another bay. It is presumed that the original design and plan was to supplement an additional symmetrical bay to the east as expansion was needed. Exposures of the east elevation of the central bay show in-fill bricks with no decorative detail, indicating position for future addition. The addition of the future bay would eventually make a symmetrical façade, but this wing was never undertaken. The third bay at the far west of the lot was a later addition, and a modern addition was added to the east end of the lot in the 1960s, with a completely different design. The windows on all stories of of the original (central) and early addition (west) 3-over-1 and 6-over-one double-hung wood sash windows. Windows on the newer addition to the east are modern sliding and fixed windows. The bearing wall construction of the older portion of the building to the west is finished in running bond brick and rests on a raised concrete foundation that exhibits a terra cotta belly band at the level of the first floor. The flat built-up roof of the original portion of the building has a heavy, ornamental cornice on the older portion of the building and a concrete band around the roofline of the additions. The axis of the roof is parallel to W. Lamme St. the rear (north) elevation has a broken face of projections and entries. The exterior wall of the second-floor operating room has a full-height glass-block window for light. The new addition to the east is an asymmetrical one-bay mass of two-stories, flat roof, with brick in-fill between vertical concrete buttresses. The far southeast corner of the building is removed to form an entry way and outdoor seating/approach. Basement level of original building has exposed upper portion of wall and "daylight" windows. Main entry single door is set in substantial stone border capped with segmented arch, dental molding, and central crest. Substantial stone cornice with dental molding is topped with band of brick work with alternating circle and diamond motif patterns of stone. The west wing has simpler, less classical cornice and decorative treatments. (cont.) Concrete. Foundation Flat built-up materials. Roof Large two story porch central to façade on south has 12 concrete steps and center. Porches/Outbuildings MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 4 Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Older building at center and west end of lot are 3-over-1 (west wing) and 6-over-one (original central mass of building) double-hung wood sash windows. Windows on the newer addition to the east are modern sliding and fixed windows. Windows have bricks in soldier pattern with glazed terra-cotta keystones, stone sills. Fenestration: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 5 Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman The 1904 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map for Bozeman, Sheet 14, shows the 2-1/2 story wood-frame building labeled Bozeman Sanitarium located at the west end of block 108 near the intersection of W. Lamme St. and N. Tracy Ave. The central north portion of the lot has two small storage buildings. The 1912 Sanborn Map, Sheet 8, shows the same building as depicted on the 1904 map. The 1927 Sanborn Map, Sheet 8, shows the original wood-frame sanitarium building at the east and the 3-story brick hospital "L" plan at the center. A two-and-one-half story wood-frame Queen Anne Style hospital was built at the east end of the existing lot. This building was the first centralized healthcare in Gallatin Valley created as the Bozeman Sanitarium of Dr. Foster. In 1902, Dr. J.F. Blair purchased the building and created Blair Sanitarium. In 1911, Bozeman Deaconess purchased the sanitarium from Dr. Blair and renamed the facility Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, managed by the Methodist deaconesses. By 1920, growth in Bozeman's population (15,864 in 1920) necessitated the expansion of the hospital. Local architect, Fred Willson was retained to develop a design for a 50-bed hospital and then state-of-the-art surgery and care facility. The original sanatarium building at the east end of the the lot was retained as quarters for nurses and staff. The last of the Methodist Deaconesses retired in 1944, and management transferred to the hospital organization. In 1944, the 3-story west-wing of the building was added to serve as a nurses' dormitory but was converted to patient services in 1944 -- increasing the capacity to 104 beds. In 1955, a full-time radiologist was hired and a modern x-ray department opened at the hospital. In 1956, the hospital administrators understood the future potential growth in Bozeman and purchased 500 acres at the east end of Bozeman. In 1957, the hospital on West Lamme St. created a modern equipped physical therapy department and two years later created a modern medical laboratory. In 1969, an intensive care unit was built at the east end of the brick hospital, in the location of the original wood-frame sanitarium. By 1971, new construction at the east end of the lot was completed. By 1980, the population of Bozeman had grown to 42,865 and the health-care facility at W. Lamme and Tracy had outgrown its space. In 1986 a new 86-bed hospital was built at the new location east of Bozeman near Sunset Hills Cemetery. The newer additions of the original hospital at W. Lamme St. were then converted to a senior nursing care facility. The original portions of the central and west wing buildings were converted to public housing. (information from Bozeman Deaconess Hospital archives, Celebrating a Century of Commitment, Caring and Service - Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, 2011) History of Property: See Additional Information Page InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 See Additional Information Page Bozeman Deaconess Hospital archives, Celebrating a Century of Commitment, Caring and Service - Bozeman Deaconess Hospital, 2011 Information Sources/Bibliography Sanborn Maps:Structure appears on these Bozeman Sanborn Maps: Nov 1884 Jan 1889 Jul 1890 Nov 1891 Jan 1904 Sep 1912 XSep 1927 XSep 1927/Rev Aug 1943 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 6 Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman City Sewer Hook-up Records City Water Hook-up RecordsDate Date City Directory Deeds not researched. Deeds Sep 1927/Rev 1957 X XSep 1912/Rev Feb 1921 XSep 1927/Rev 1960 InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PAGE 7 Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman National Register of Historic Places NRHP Listing Date: NRHP Eligibility: Yes No Individually Contributing to Historic District Noncontributing to Historic District Historic development and community health servicesArea of Significance: Bozeman's Progressive Phase (1913-1929)Period of Significance: See Additional Information PageStatement of Significance The property exhibits significance under Critera A, B, and C. Under Criterion A, the property is clearly associated with events that form a significant contribution to the broad patterns of Bozeman's History during the Progressive Phase. The property is the first substantial community operated hospital to serve the growing population of Gallatin County. Under Criterion B, the property is associated with the life and profession local architect Fred Willson. The original first part of the building was designed by locally and regionally renowned Bozeman architect Fred Willson, depicting one of his larger community purpose buildings, and only hospital designed in Bozeman. Under Criterion C, the property exhibits distinctive and unique characteristics of type, period, method of construction and style represented by the professional design expertise of Willson and local construction. The building's façade possesses high artistic value with adaptation of classical styles as exhibited by the cornice, porch columns, symmetrical window placement, and other details. Willson's design is a special adaptation of then period application of classical architectural materials, incorporating design elements of the time. The eastern portion of the property, built in the 1970s, is not a contributing element of the historic property due to an age of less than 50 years plus a lack of significance due to no association with important historical events, people, or workmanship. NRHP Criteria:XA XB XC D See Additional Information PageIntegrity (location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, association) Although the building has undergone some changes through time, the property retains elements of historic materials, workmanship, design, setting, workmanship, feeling and association to justify a recommendation for defining the property as a contributing element as a historic property typifying Bozeman's developments during the Progressive Phase. Willson's design of the is a special adaptation of then period application of classical architectural materials, incorporating design elements of the time. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PAGE Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Desription (continued): The west elevation of the west wing of the building has a two-story central projecting addition with gable roof (not typical of rest of building). InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Façade Photo IRP_B3_IPADPhoto 7-11-2014 110153 AM_p.jpgExposure/File #: NorthFacing: FaçadeFeature: View to north at façade of central (original) mass of building showing main entrance, porch with glazed terra-cotta Doric columns, window treatment (stone sills and keystones), stone belly-band at first floor, massive cornice, and brick parapet wall above cornice with decorative stone emblems. Note central steps leading to porch is not orriginal. Original stairs were formerly bi-derectionsl with two flights parallel to porch on either side of porch entry. Note southwest corner of more recent 1970s addition to hospital is at extreme right. Description: 7/11/2014 10:59:52 AMTime: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_158-061514_R0011338.jpg North View to NNW at façade on south side of main/original mass of building, with west extension of original mass behind tree at left. Original southwest corner of building is located behind red wooden shed at far left (note color change in bricks from main mass to west wing at far left). InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_158-061514_R0011336.jpgExposure/File #:Time: NorthFacing: Façade of west wingFeature: Vies to north at façade of later (1940s) west wing addition to Deaconess Hospital. Note different style window (3/1 double hung), no decorative lintels, and less substantial/decorative cornice and other treatments. Description: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_158-061514_R0011335.jpg Northeast Southwest corner View to northeast from intersection of W. Lamme St. and N. Willson Ave. showing later (1940s) west wing addition. Original 1920s portion of hospital is hidden behind tree at right. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Reference Photo Exposure/File #: Facing: Feature: Description: Time:IRP_B3_158-061514_R0011341.jpg East Portion of west elevation View to east from N. Willson St. at central portion of west elevation of 1940s west wing, with later projecting 2-story addition with slightly gabled roof and 1/1 double hung windows of different size than rest of building. MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_158-061514_R0011343.jpgExposure/File #: SouthFacing: North elevation of west wingFeature: View to south from W. Beall St. at 4-story north elevation of later west wing (on right) showing projecting stair and elevator tower. North elevation of earlier central portion of building is largely hidden behind tree to left of center. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_158-061514_R0011344.jpgExposure/File #: SoutheastFacing: North elevation and east wingFeature: View to SSE from W. Beall St. at 4-story north elevation of original central and east wing (center and on left). North elevation of later west wing is partially in view at extreme right. Note full-height glass block window of operating room on fourth floor of north elevation, east wing. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_158-061514_R0011345.jpgExposure/File #: SouthwestFacing: Northeast cornerFeature: View to southwest from W. Beall St. at 4-story north elevation of original east wing (on left) and later west wing at extreme right. Central east-west mass is hidden from view between east and west wings. Two-story brick addition at extreme left is northwest corner of 1970's period hospital addition. Note lighter color bricks on south end of east elevation and lower portion of east stair tower, denoting planned location of original symmetrical expansion of the hospital form that was never undertaken. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo IRP_B3_122-021515_IRPO2088.jpgExposure/File #: NorthwestFacing: Southeast cornerFeature: View to northwest from intersection of W. Lamme St. and N. Tracy Ave at southeast corner and east entrance façade of later 1970's period two-story hospital addition. Note wall construction of brick panels between full-height buttresses. Awning covers main entrance of former most recent hospital (now Mountain View Care Center). Note portion of fourth floor and roof line of original hospital façade left of center and east elevation of original east wing at center. Note lighter color bricks on south end of east elevation and lower portion of east stair tower, denoting planned location of original symmetrical expansion of the hospital form that was never undertaken. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 Reference Photo Courtesy of Bozeman Deaconess Hospital ArchivesExposure/File #: NorthFacing: 1911 Blair SanitariumFeature: Historic photo, ca. 1911, view to north from E. Lamme St., immediately west of N. Tracy Ave. at façade of original Blair Sanitarium/Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Description: Time: MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Reference Photo courtesy of Bozeman Deaconess Hospital ArchivesExposure/File #: NortheastFacing: Historic Photo ca. 1920Feature: Historic photo, ca. 1920 taken from intersection of N. Willson Ave. and W. Lamme St., showing newly constructed brick hospital designed by Fred Willson. Original Deaconess Hospital (nurses quarters in 1920, formerly Blair Sanitarium) is seen in background at right. Note main "central" entrance with columns at center. Building was planned to eventually be a symmetrical plan with entry portico and center, but east portion was never completed in same design. Note west-wing addition of hospital (built in 1944) does not appear at far left. Description: Time: InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD USGS Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Portion of USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map, Bozeman, MT, 2014, scale 1:24,000 (red square indicates approximate location of property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD General Location Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman General Location Map Red shape denotes project boundary, red arrow indicates property location. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Detailed Location Photo-Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Detailed Location Map Red shape denotes subject property. InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477 Montana Historic Property Record Bozeman Historic Structures Inventory - 2014 MONTANA HISTORIC PROPERTY RECORD Building Sketch Map Property Name: Site Number: 24 15 W Lamme St Bozeman Property/Building Sketch Map InteResources Planning, Inc.505 Bond Street, Suite B Bozeman, MT 59715 406.587.9477