HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-17 City Commission Packet Materials - C3. Parking CIP FY2019-2023 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Kristin Donald, Finance Director SUBJECT: Adopt the Parking Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent MEETING DATE: December 4, 2017 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Parking Fund Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2019-2023. BACKGROUND: Each year, the City Manager is required to prepare a 5 Year Capital Improvements Plan and submit it to the Commission by December 15th. The Assistant City Manager and other city staff met in October & November to develop the attached Capital Plan for the equipment and capital needs of the Parking Fund. The plan was given at the Parking Commission’s meeting on November 9, 2017 where there was no quorum. Item of Note:  P001 Willson Lot Redesign – While originally funded in FY17, we will not be completing the project due to the timeframes related to its use as a construction staging site. Instead, we have added the project back into the plan in FY19.  P017 Rouse Parking Lot redesign – This is planned to be funded in FY21 16  Revenue: Parking Revenues are unpredictable; a large portion of the funds (roughly 50%) comes from parking enforcement (ticket/fine) revenues. Parking operations do not generate adequate revenues to fund capital replacement or expansion projects. The Parking Fund must rely heavily on the Downtown Tax Increment Finance (TIF) District to support its capital plan. The Downtown TIF is planning to contribute $1,000,000 to Parking Capital between FY18-FY21. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. If the Commission does not wish to adopt this schedule tonight, it can be scheduled for approval on a later agenda. Year Revenues Change 2011 427,272.00$     2012 395,914.00$     ‐7.3% 2013 431,128.00$     8.9% 2014 619,319.00$     43.7% 2015 584,593.00$     ‐5.6% 2016 647,708.63$     10.8% 2017 788,713.00$     21.8% Average FY13‐ FY17 614,292.33$     10.1% 640 ‐ Parking Fund Revenue history 17 FISCAL EFFECTS: This step in the process has no fiscal effect. Once adopted, the Capital Improvements Plan becomes the basis of the City Manager’s Recommended Budget for FY19. Report compiled on: November 22, 2017 Attached: Parking Fund CIP 18 Parking FundCapital Improvement PlanFinancial Summary Current YearFY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23UnscheduledProjected Beginning Balance Dedicated to CIP 710,702$          323,373$              642,697$          701,771$         675,798$        497,684$       Plus:  Parking Revenues Dedicated to CIP43,835$             46,027$                48,329$            50,745$           53,282$           55,946$            Cash In Lieu of Parking  Plus:  Parking Revenues Dedicated to Capital 43,835$             48,329$                50,745$            53,282$           53,604$           53,604$          ‐$                         Plus:  Downtown TIF Interest Contribution 10,000$             10,000$                10,000$            10,000$           10,000$           10,000$            Plus:  TIF Contribution for parking lot redesign and improv. 250,000$          300,000$              280,000$          170,000$         ‐$                 ‐$                  Plus:  Grant funding for P024 27,000$                 Less:  Scheduled CIP Costs (adjusted) (735,000)$         (112,031)$             (330,000)$         (310,000)$        (295,000)$       (30,000)$         (1,900,000)$    Projected Year‐End Cash Dedicated to CIP 323,373$          642,697$              701,771$          675,798$         497,684$        587,235$       Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current YearFY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23Estimated Annual Parking Fund Revenues730,590$             730,590$                 767,120$            805,475$           845,749$          888,037$           Estimated Growth in Revenues0% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%Total Estimated Revenues730,590$             767,120$                 805,475$            845,749$           888,037$          932,439$         Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %0.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0%  Plus:  Increase Dedicated to Capital Improvements %6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%  Total % Dedicated to CIP6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0% 6.0%Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to Capital43,835$               46,027$                   48,329$               50,745$              53,282$             55,946$            ProjectedProjectedCURRENT$(112,031)$(330,000)$(310,000)$(295,000)$(30,000)$(1,900,000)FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 UNSCHEDULEDPARKING FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS 19 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY19UnscheduledFY23FY20FY21FY22Parking FundGF199PARKINGPROFESSIONAL BUILDING RECONFIGURATION - PHASE 2$37,031P001PARKINGWILLSON LOT REDESIGN$300,000P004PARKINGSURFACE PARKING LOT HARDWARE & SOFTWARE SYSTEMS$15,000$15,000$15,000$15,000$15,000P012PARKINGARMORY LOT REDESIGN AND IMPROVEMENTS$250,000P014PARKINGPARKING GARAGE CRACK MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR$5,000$20,000$5,000$5,000$20,000P015PARKINGPARKING GARAGE ROOF PROJECT$400,000P016PARKINGPURCHASE OF PROPERTY FOR FUTURE PARKING FACILITIES IN THE DOWNTOWN PARKING DISTRICT.$1,500,000P017PARKINGROUSE PARKING LOT RE-DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENTS$280,000P020PARKINGPARKING VEHICLE LEASES$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000$10,000P024PARKINGELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION$30,000$30,000$112,031$330,000$310,000$295,000$1,900,000Totals by DEPARTMENTSummary for Parking Fund (10 items)Totals by year:$30,000$112,031$330,000$1,900,000FY23FY19FY20UnscheduledFY22$295,000$310,000FY2120 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF199 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME PROFESSIONAL BUILDING RECONFIGURATION - Phase 2 FY19 $37,031 FY20 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The City is responding to growth by adding staff to meet the increased demand for services in our community. We have also reorganized divisions (Community Development) and created other divisions (Stormwater) to improve efficiency and better serve our community. In order to accommodate this growth, we need to remodel the Stiff Building. In FY16 the City Commission approved a Phase 1 of the remodel that will provide a better use of existing space by relocating certain functions to the basement and reclaiming unused square footage. Approval of Phase II would allow the consolidation of Community Development (Planning and Building) together on one floor and the consolidation of Public Works Services (Engineering, GIS and Stormwater) together on another floor. This will allow better coordination of staff and better service to our public. Phase 1 is anticipated to be completed late spring of 2016. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to operate as we are today ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Community Development would be able to consolidate its operations and services to allow for an integrated customer-focused service delivery model. It will also provide Public Works with the ability to collocate its services in the Stiff Building. Finally it will help the City to take a planned and efficient approach to building utilization and service optimization. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED No additional operating costs anticipated for building reconfiguration. FUNDING SOURCES Building Inspection, Community Development, General Fund, and Parking New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 FY22 FY23 21 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P001 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Willson Lot Redesign FY19 FY20 $300,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Improve the parking lot layout, set-backs, landscaping, signage, lighting, required storm water treatment infrastructure requirements and parking kiosk. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep lot as is ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved functioning of parking lot ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contribution New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 FY22 FY23 22 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P004 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Surface Parking Lot Hardware & Software Systems FY19 $15,000 FY20 $15,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT It is highly likely the Downtown Parking Lots will be transitioned to a fee lots. This will require the purchase and installation of pay-and-display kiosks for each parking lot estimated to cost $60,000. The pads and vehicle protection will be installed as a part of each surface lot’s redesign. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not convert lots to pay lots; continue the current practice of permit holders and free 2-hour parking. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Citizens using the surface lots will pay for the actual time they use the facilities. Revenue from parking charges can be used to support the parking operations and fund additional parking assets. This equipment will improve the efficiency of parking officers monitoring parking rules in the downtown. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minor operational costs. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contributions New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 $15,000 FY22 $15,000 FY23 23 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P012 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Armory Lot Redesign and Improvements FY19 FY20 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is scheduled after the completion of the Etha Hotel construction project. Layout, set-backs, landscaping, signage, lighting, sidewalks, and storm water treatment facilities are being planned. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep the lot as is. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Better functioning and safer parking lot layout. Will reduce a significant amount of untreated stormwater runoff. Increased revenue and parking asset coordination through the implementation of pay kiosks. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED New asphalt will require less maintenance, but plantings and landscaping will require additional maintenance. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contributions - the Etha Hotel may also help fund these improvements. New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 FY22 $250,000 FY23 24 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P014 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Parking Garage Crack Maintenance and Repair FY19 $20,000 FY20 $5,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Includes laser measuring of deck gaps and routine repairs and patching of concrete deck surfaces. Structural gap repair is anticipated every 3 years with routine caulking in between. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Moving to an every other year gap maintenance or reducing the frequency of structural gap filling (not advised). ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Will extend the life of the parking garage deck surfaces. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 $5,000 FY22 $20,000 FY23 25 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P015 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Parking Garage Roof Project FY19 FY20 Unscheduled $400,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construction in the downtown core has increased demand for parking space in the Garage. The demand for additional space is anticipated with construction projects both planned and underway. The top floor of the garage has limited use during the winter months as snow removal is difficult due to limited clearances. Installing a roof on the top floor would allow for maximum utilization of the garage year around. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased utilization of the Parking Garage in all weather conditions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contributions New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 FY22 FY23 26 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P016 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Purchase of property for future parking facilities in the Downtown Parking District. FY19 FY20 Unscheduled $1,500,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan was adopted by the Parking omission and City Commission in July 2016. The plan outlines 26 strategies to address current and future parking issue in the Downtown. Over the next year, the Parking Commission will be working with city staff, downtown stakeholders and the community at large on next steps based on the adopted plan. The acquisition and construction of future parking assets (surface and structured) is a fundamental component. Costs and locations of those needed assets are not know, but our current Black (Carnegie) Parking lot was appraised at $1.5 M in 2011. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Adequate parking resources are critical for the economic health and vibrancy of the Downtown Bozeman. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Additional lot maintenance each year/season. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund, Bonds, TIF, Loans, SID New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 FY22 FY23 27 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P017 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Rouse Parking Lot Re-design and Improvements FY19 FY20 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Rouse Lot Improvements – Layout, set-backs, landscaping, signage, lighting, sidewalks, and stormwater treatment facilities. These improvements are separate from any creek restoration project and will only involve the surface lot. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Maintain current configuration. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Better functioning and safer parking lot layout. Increased revenue and parking asset coordination through the implementation of pay kiosks. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED New asphalt will require less maintenance, but plantings and landscaping will require additional maintenance. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund, TIF contribution for lot improvements. New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 $280,000 FY22 FY23 28 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P020 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Parking Vehicle Leases FY19 $10,000 FY20 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT In the fall of 2016, the Parking Division transitioned from utilizing old Police vehicles to leased Prius hybrids. Initial indications are that these vehicles will work exceptionally well for parking enforcement duties and will reduce the fuel consumption and maintenance costs when compared to the retired patrol vehicles. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use retired patrol vehicles, lease hybrid vehicles at $280/pm. 12,000 mile annual usage. Purchase new cars. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Low cost vehicles that are suitable for the Parking Enforcement function; re-use of police vehicles once they are no longer suitable for first- responder use. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Anticipating maintenance requirements for used police vehicles is difficult at best as their age and condition were the primary reasons they were replaced in the PD. Maintenance and operations for leased vehicles would be limited to oil changes and fuel costs and would be significantly lower than the current fleet. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 $10,000 FY22 $10,000 FY23 29 CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P024 DEPARTMENT Parking PROJECT NAME Electric Vehicle Charging Station FY19 $30,000 FY20 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Sustainability Coordinator is preparing a grant application to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for federal pass-thru grant funding, derived from the Volkswagen settlement, for the purchase and installation of one electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) at the Bridger Park Downtown Garage. The EVCS will be positioned directly outside the parking office, inside the parking garage, and will have the capability to charge two EV’s at once. The amount budgeted ($3,000) is a required 10% match on the project. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED N/A ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Installation and operation of the EVCS will enhance the City of Bozeman’s ability to service multi-modal forms of transportation, and provide additional support to local sustainability efforts. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Increased electric power costs for the parking garage, level of which is unknown at this time. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Services Fund (Operating). It is the intention of Majority of the funding is grant related with a 10% match. Thee parking fund will only be required to contribute $3,000 of the $30,000 total cost. New Replacement Equipment Project FY21 FY22 FY23 30