HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-17 City Commission Packet Materials - A2. UDC Update Continued Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner Martin Matsen, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Unified Development Code (UDC) Update Public Hearing MEETING DATE: December 4, 2017 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDED MOTION: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: Continue review of the draft revised Chapter 38 Unified Development Code. On August 24, 2017 the City Commission began consideration of the Unified Development Code (UDC) update, dated July 28, 2017. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A motion to table discussion was made and seconded. The Commission voted 2:2 on the motion to table. The excused Commissioner will consider and vote on the motion to table discussion on the revised development on Thursday, September 7, 2017. On September 7, 2017 the Commission voted not to table the discussion on the UDC, final vote 3:2. On September 11, 2017 the Commission continued consideration of the UDC update. The Commission completed review of Article 1 and began consideration of Article 2. The Commission continued the review to Monday, September 18, 2017. On September 18, 2017 the Commission continued the public hearing to October 2, 207. No action was taken at the September 18, 2017 hearing. On October 2, 2017 the Commission completed review of Article 2 and began consideration of Article 3. Two motions were made to amend the development code. Staff is maintaining a summary of all motions to track what changes will be made. The Commission continued the public hearing to October 23, 2017 with intention to focus on Articles 3 and 4. Staff held a meeting on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 with a group of design community to discuss and improve the minimum design standards in Article 5. The discussions with the design community are ongoing. On October 16, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. Staff presented numerous illustrations describing the current and proposed zone edge transitions requirements and illustrations covering floor area ratios (FAR). No motions were made at this hearing. Review will continue with Article 3. On October 23, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. Staff completed presenting Article 3. The Commission continued their discussion and focused on zone edge transitions, zoning authority and communication, lot dimensions, accessory dwelling units and cottage housing standards. Public comment on ADU and affordable housing incentives. Allow 310 ADU on ground floor, remove ADU restrictions on subdivision approved before 1997, and remove restrictions for small sized lots only for affordable units. No motions were made at this hearing. On October 30, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. The Commission continued their discussion and focused on regulatory communication, lot dimensions, accessory dwelling units, cottage housing standards, and other standards. Public comment was heard on ADU and the B-3 District. Fourteen motions were made to amend the draft development code. The subject of some the motions were not included with the official public notice for the UDC update. A copy of the notice contents are included with this memo. Staff will consider all the motions that are outside of the scope of the current notice as direction to the City manager to initiate a zone text amend that include these items. On November 6, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. No action was taken. The meeting was continued to Monday, November, 13, 2017. No action was taken on November 13, 2017. The meeting was continued to Wednesday, November, 15, 2017. On November 15, 2017 the Commission continued their review of the draft development code. Numerous amendments were made to the draft development code. The meeting was continued to Monday, November 27, 2017. Two proposed amendment to the development code ended in tie votes (2:2). Those two issues relate to the following, time stamp to video recording included: 1. 07:05:22 PM (01:04:24) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to add to 38.360.240,2(c) to state, “Individual garages facing the street are not allowed for townhouse or rowhouse dwellings in the B-3 District.” Motion is tied 2-2. 2. 08:49:39 PM (02:48:41) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to add a phrase to paragraph 3 in section 38.340.090.C after the existing “Whether the subsequent development complies with 38.340.050” add, “; and the neighborhood’s historic significance.” Motion is tied 2-2. No action was taken on Monday, November 27, 2017. The Commission continued the review to Monday, December 4, 2017. Based on comments received from the design community on November 4, 2017, staff has created a revised section 38.530, Building Design, for the Commission to consider. The suggested revisions were included with the November 27, 2017 Commission packet. Suggested modification are linked HERE. There is considerable agreement on the changes suggested by the design community and the revised draft reflects that agreement. Standards and issues staff is not in agreement with are clearly indicated with margin notes to draw attention to those points. For ease of management, Staff respectfully suggests that the Commission move to replace this section in its entirety and then begin amending subsections, if desired. LINK TO ORIGINAL AUGUST 24, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING MATERIALS (STAFF REPORT) LINK TO SEPTEMER 7, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING LINK TO SEPTEMER 11, 2017 CITY COMMISISON MEETING LINK TO SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING LINK TO OCTOBER 2, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING LINK TO OCTOBER 16, 2017 CITY COMMISISON MEETING 311 LINK TO OCTOBER 23, 2017 CITY COMMISISON MEETING LINK TO OCTOBER 30, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING LINK TO NOVEMBER 15, 2017 CITY COMMISSION MEETING Web link to the DRAFT block frontage map is provided below. Default designations are described in section 38.510.020 (page 359). Draft Block Frontage Map UNRESOLVED ISSUES: Described in the UDC Update staff report. ALTERNATIVES: As determined by the City Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: None identified. Report compiled on: November 28, 2017 Attachments: Drive access standards 312 November 29, 2017 Staff proposal for residential drive access and separation standards. Section 38.400.090.C (page 301 – 302). Delete: Section 38.400.090.C.3.a(2) Section 38.400.090.C.3.a(3) Table 38.400.090.C.3.a(3) Section 38.400.090.C.3.a(4) Table 38.400.090.C.3.a(4) Section 38.400.090.C.3.a(4) (numbering error, should have been (5)). Replace with: Section 38.400.090.C.3.a(2). Residential drive access standards apply to all residential development with drive access facing a street, except apartment buildings. i. Individual residential drive accesses facing the street with a single internal parking bay meeting the standard of table 38.540.020 may not exceed 12 feet in width measured at the right-of-way line and 18 feet in width measured at the curb line. ii. Individual residential drive accesses facing the street with two or more internal parking bays meeting the standard of table 38.540.020 may not exceed 20 feet in width measured at the right-of-way line and 26 feet in width measured at the curb line. iii. Individual and shared drive accesses must be physically separated by means of a landscaped area greater than or equal to ten feet in width between paved areas and extending from the front line of the building to the right-of-way line. iv. Residential complexes with 25 or more dwelling units must meet the commercial access standards in 38.400.090.C.3.b. Delete: Staff suggests deleting section 38.400.090.D.2 – standards for developments approved before July 10, 2002. Reasoning - This section was created to deal with non-conforming situations. After 15 years these situations are infrequent. Section 38.400.090.H allows for deviations with justification reviewed by the City Engineer. Also, this section is duplicative to City Engineering standards and is no longer necessary. Finally this will remove additional text and simplify the code. 313