HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-17 City Commission Packet Materials - MP1. Key to the City to Allan Lien AWARD OF THE KEY TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ALLAN LIEN In medieval times cities were walled and gated for security. Those that wished to enter through the gates were carefully screened for security. However, trusted and valued members of a community were granted the right to enter by bestowing the key to the City upon them. While this tradition has become symbolic, it is not to be considered insignificant. Thus, in our City, the Key to the City of Bozeman shall be awarded to citizens who have become trusted and valued members of our community. It is, therefore, with great pleasure that I award the Key to the City of Bozeman to Allan Lien. The Key is given because his life has been devoted to the betterment of his community, our community. Al has lived and ranched in Gallatin County since 1962. As far back as anyone can remember he has been devoted to the preservation of agricultural traditions and teaching children and adults about the culture of agriculture. For at least ten years he has invited fourth graders from Bozeman schools to learn about milk production, agriculture, irrigation, and horse history. He has participated in the program at the Tinsley Living Farm at the Museum of the Rockies, and he has volunteered himself for the sake of 4-H and the Montana Winter Fair. Within the agriculture and irrigation community Al has been the President of the West Gallatin Canal and Vice-President of the Association of Gallatin Agricultural Irrigators. He has also served on the Gallatin County Fair Board. From the City of Bozeman’s perspective, Al’s contributions are equally important. When the City first began consideration of its Integrated Water Resources Plan, Al was there to help in his unique way. In one Commission meeting, when I was articulating frustration with hearing about water quantities in acre feet, gallons and miner’s inches, it was Al whose voice intoned the equivalents, for which I was eternally grateful. Al then became a sounding board for me as to whether or not and when the City was reaching too far in its need to balance rural interests with urban interests. Judge Holly Brown will tell you that Al could always be relied upon to help out with her Water Walks. These annual events are dedicated to education and understanding of water and local 288 water features. They are regularly attended by City and County officials concerned with our precious water supply. Despite being unwell at the time, Al consented to be interviewed by artists who were producing a performance art project about water. Those of us who watched FLOW at the Story Mill silos could not fail to recognize his voice and eloquent description of our irrigation ditch system. That unmistakable voice also spoke movingly about cooperation among water users at GABRIEL CANAL, a performance art piece, this past summer. For Allan Lien’s desire and ability to remind us of the culture and history of agriculture, for his willingness to be patient and kind to those of us who know less, and for his devotion to our large community, whether urban or rural, I award Allan Lien the Key to the City. Every community needs people that model the kind of behavior to which all should aspire. We award him the Key to the City of Bozeman so as to forever memorialize him as the kind of citizen that we would all like to be. Allan Lien you inspire us to be better community members. And we thank you for that inspiration and for your years of dedicated work in our community. Signed this 4th day of December, 2017 in Bozeman, Montana. ______________________________________________ Carson Taylor Mayor Bozeman, Montana 289