HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-17 City Commission Packet Materials - C15. Amendment 1 to TO 9 with DOWL for Fowler Lane Extension ROW Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Rick Hixson, City Engineer SUBJECT: Amendment #1 to Task Order 9 Right of Way Acquisition Professional Services Agreement AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent MEETING DATE: December 4, 2017 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment #1 to Task Order 9 with Dowl to provide Right-of-Way acquisition services for the Fowler Lane extension as part of the current term contract. BACKGROUND: In an effort to proactively acquire the right-of-way (R/W) needed to make road and intersection improvements to the transportation network, public works and engineering executed a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Dowl to provide acquisition services. Task Order 9 of that PSA was for the acquisition of R/W needed for the Fowler Lane extension. An agreement for an easement had been secured for parcel 5 of that effort, but before it could be filed the parcels legal description changed, requiring the easements to be updated. This amendment compensates Dowl for the additional work needed to prepare and file the new easement. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. FISCAL EFFECTS: Fees for the preparation and filing of the revised easement are $2,495.00, bringing the total cost for this Task Order to $43,899.00, an increase of an increase of 5.7%. Fees will be paid for from the Transportation Impact Fee Right-of-Way fund. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. Attachments: Amendment #1 to Task Order Number 9 (2 originals) 261 262 263 264 265 266