HomeMy WebLinkAboutFiscal Years 2016-2020 Capital Improvements Program, City of Bozeman Fiscal Years 2016-2020 City of Bozeman, Montana Capital Improvements Program City of Bozeman, Montana Adopted Capital Improvements Program For Fiscal Years 2016-2020 Presented And Adopted During Public Meetings held November – December 2014 City Commission Jeff Krauss, Mayor Carson Taylor, Deputy Mayor Cynthia Andrus, Commissioner Chris Mehl, Commissioner I-ho Pomeroy, Commissioner Chris Kukulski, City Manager Anna Rosenberry, Administrative Services Director Stacy Ulmen, City Clerk 2 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Contents CITY OF BOZEMAN - Vision, Mission, and Goals ......................................................................................... 5 Adopted Work Plan – Adopted at the Commission Meeting held April 14, 2014………………….....................6 What is a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Why Adopt One? ........................................................ 7 Definition of Capital Improvement. ............................................................................................................ 7 The City’s Charter Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7 Municipal Code Requirements ....................................................................................................................8 State Law Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 8 City’s CIP Process—Calendar .......................................................................................................................9 City’s CIP Process – Ranking Criteria ............................................................................................................9 General Fund Criteria .................................................................................................................................10 Impact Fee Funds Criteria (Street, Fire, Water & Wastewater Impact Fees) .............................................11 Our Current Facilities and their Condition: ................................................................................................12 Level of Service (LOS) Standards ............................................................................................................... 12 Policies for the Physical Development of our Community......................................................................... 12 Our Community’s Ability to Pay for Planned Improvements .................................................................... 12 Current Events for the FY16-FY20 Plan...................................................................................................... 13 SUMMARY……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14 BUILDING INSPECTION CIP…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CIP………………………………………………………….……………….……………………………..21 COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM (CTEP) CIP….…….…………………………………….25 FIRE EQUIPMENT & CAPITAL FUND CIP………………………………………………………………………………………………….29 FIRE IMPACT FEE CIP………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………37 FORESTRY CIP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…41 GENERAL FUND CIP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….45 LIBRARY DEPRECIATION FUND CIP……………………………………………………………………………………………………….118 PARKING CIP………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..127 SOLID WASTE FUND CIP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….140 STORM WATER FUND CIP…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….154 STREET & CURB RECONSTRUCTIONS……………………………………………………………………………………………………176 STREET IMPACT FEE CIP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….186 STREET MAINTENANCE FUND CIP………………………………………………………………………………………………………..218 3 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN VEHICLE MAINTENANCE CIP...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..243 WASTEWATER FUND CIP……………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………247 WASTEWATER IMPACT FEE CIP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………288 WATER FUND CIP…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………296 WATER IMPACT FEE CIP……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….338 4 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CITY OF BOZEMAN - Vision, Mission, and Goals Vision: Bozeman, Montana: The most livable place. Mission: To enhance the quality of life through excellence in public service. Goals: 1. Encourage and promote opportunities for citizenship. 2. Provide and communicate quality customer service. 3. Build a strong team of staff, elected officials and citizens. 4. Anticipate future service demands and resource deficiencies and be proactive in addressing them. 5. Develop a visually appealing and culturally rich community. 6. Commit to a strong financial position. 7. Provide excellent and equitable public services which are responsive to the community within available resources. 5 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Adopted Work Plan – Adopted at the Commission Meeting held April 14th, 2014 1. Landfill Remediation Project - Continue with landfill vapor intrusion study, including: monitoring mitigation systems; installation and sampling of additional groundwater wells; design and construction of landfill soil gas remediation system; finalize SRF loan for system; and develop protocols for educating real estate, appraisal, and financing industries. 2. Police/Municipal Courts Building - Complete the land swap and building design, educate the public, and receive voter approval for a new police station and municipal courts building. 3. Transportation System - Develop a sustainable transportation management and funding model. 4. Trails & Open Space Bond - Execute approved projects successfully and carry proposals and the associated staff analysis to Commission for consideration. 5. Stormwater - Complete the next phase of the Stormwater utility implementation by developing an assessment methodology and developing a budget for Commission review and adoption. 6. Family Aquatics Center - Determine the location and options for partnerships, complete preliminary design and receive voter approval to build a family aquatics center replacing Bogert Pool. 6 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN What is a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Why Adopt One? One of the primary responsibilities of local government is to properly preserve, maintain, and improve a community’s stock of buildings, streets, parks, water and sewer lines, and equipment. Planning for these capital improvements is a matter of prudent financial management, as well as sound development practice. At times of rapid growth, as we experienced during the decade beginning 2000, the need for expanded public facilities and services was at its peak. A carefully developed CIP planned for these expansions and communicated our intent to citizens and the development community. In times of economic contraction, like the current prolonged recession, capital improvements are often put off (deferred) as a way of trimming budgets. While this can be appropriate in cases, an annual analysis and focus on necessary capital improvements helps to ensure that capital deferrals, and their impact on the community, are fully vetted. Definition of Capital Improvement: The CIP includes any planned expenditure of $10,000 or greater, that results in the acquisition of an asset with a useful life of 1 year or more. There are a couple of “exceptions” or “extensions” of this definition that we have found helpful and necessary in past years:  General Planning Documents (master plans, community surveys, etc.) are NOT included in our CIP;  Specific plans that involve pre-engineering or preliminary design of facilities are often (but not always) included in the CIP. The City’s Charter Requirements In Article 5.06 of the adopted City Charter, the City Manager is responsible for preparing and submitting a multi-year capital program to the City Commission no later than December 15 for the ensuing fiscal year. The plan must be revised and extended each year with regard to projects not yet completed. This plan is required to include: 1. A clear general summary of contents; 2. Identification of the long-term goals of the community; 3. A list of all capital improvements and other capital expenditures which are proposed to be undertaken during the fiscal years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for each; 4. Cost estimates and recommended time schedules for each improvement or other capital expenditure; 5. Method of financing upon which each capital expenditure is to be reliant; 7 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 6. The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired; 7. A commentary on how the plan addresses the sustainability of the community or region of which it is a part; and 8. Methods to measure outcomes and performance of the capital plan related to the long-term goals of the community. Municipal Code Requirements Because the City has engaged in a Capital Improvement Program process for more than two decades, it has come to be relied upon as an important part of our annual budgeting process. Customarily adopted before the budget development process begins, Capital Improvement items form the basis of department budget requests. In addition, the Municipal Code allows for the “re-appropriation” of prior year budget amounts for Capital Improvement Plan items that have been budgeted but not completed. Bozeman Municipal Code §2.06.160(C) – BUDGET ADMINISTRATION AND OVERSIGHT C. Through the annual appropriation resolution each year, the city commission will authorize and re-appropriate the unexpended balance of capital improvement program items and building repair and maintenance items previously budgeted which have not been completed. State Law Requirements In addition to our local requirements for an annual CIP, State Law requires the City to maintain a Capital Improvement Plan for our Development Impact Fee programs. Under Montana Code Annotated (MCA), this Capital Improvement Plan provides the schedules and cost projections required under MCA §7-6-1602(2)(k)(i-iv): 7-6-1602. Calculation of impact fees -- documentation required -- ordinance or resolution -- requirements for impact fees. (1) For each public facility for which an impact fee is imposed, the governmental entity shall prepare and approve a service area report. (2) The service area report is a written analysis that must: … (k) have a component of the budget of the governmental entity that: (i) schedules construction of public facility capital improvements to serve projected growth; (ii) projects costs of the capital improvements; (iii) allocates collected impact fees for construction of the capital improvements; and (iv) covers at least a 5-year period and is reviewed and updated at least every 2 years 8 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN City’s CIP Process—Calendar Each year, we begin the process of updating our Capital Improvements Plan in September. The process is completed when the Commission adopts a final budget with capital items approved, usually in the following August. September:  Departments make requests for new CIP items.  Staff reviews existing CIP projects and makes note of any changes. October/November:  City Manager and staff meet to review new and existing projects; modify any timing, cost or revenue estimates.  Impact Fee Advisory Committee receives and reviews proposed Impact Fee CIP schedules and forwards comments to City Commission. November/December:  City Manager presents Draft CIP to City Commission prior to December 15th.  City Commission holds public hearings, takes public comment and adopts CIP Plan for ensuing fiscal year. January:  Adopted CIP is integrated into City Manager’s Recommended Budget for ensuing fiscal year. June:  Commission, via adopting a final budget, appropriates dollars for CIP projects for the fiscal year. City’s CIP Process – Ranking Criteria Prior to 2008, the City had not formally adopted criteria upon which the Capital Improvement Plan projects would be ranked or rated for funding approval. It was often unclear to city staff and members of the public as to what the important elements or factors for funding were. In the fall of 2008, for preparation of the Fiscal Year 2010-2014 CIP, we developed criteria used to score the capital projects and equipment in the General Fund. Because the General Fund contains, by far, the largest quantity and diversity of projects requested, we believed that specific expressed criteria could be helpful in making decisions for the plan. The Criteria were approved by the Commission, and have been used for development of the General Fund CIP since that time. 9 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN General Fund Criteria Criteria Rating Notes Project Score 1. Level of Service Up to 20 pts 20 - Corrects a health or safety hazard or prevents a critical breakdown of an existing city facility or equipment. 15 - Repairs, rehabilitates, or replaces physically deteriorated or functionally obsolete existing city facility or equipment. 10 - Brings an area up to the basic level of service as identified in an adopted city wide plan. 5 – Expands an approved City service. 0 – Other. 2. Operating Budget Impact Up to 10 pts 10 - Provides a significant decrease in city operating and/or maintenance expenses. 5 – Has a neutral or small impact on operating and/or maintenance expenses. 0 – Provides a significant increase in city operating requirements. 3. Service Area Up to 10 pts 10 – Direct Benefit to entire city. 5 – Direct benefit to roughly half city or indirect benefit to entire city. 2 – Direct benefit to small area of the city or indirect benefit to several areas. 4. Departmental Priority Up to 10 pts 10 – Critical to Department’s Mission 7 – High 3 – Moderate 0 – Questionable/Very Difficult to Complete 5. Commission Work Plan Up to 10 pts 10 – Identified project in Adopted Commission Work Plan 5 – Contributes to an indentified project in the Adopted Commission Work Plan. 0 – Not identified in Adopted Commission Work Plan. 6. Municipal Climate Protection (Municipal Climate Action Plan – MCAP) Up to 5 pts 5 – Is recommended by MCAP and will accomplish a stated MCAP goal. 3 – Will assist in meeting MCAP goal. 0 – No relation to MCAP. 7. Seasonal Use Up to 5 pts 5 – Year Round. 3 – Six to Eleven months per year. 1 – Five or fewer months per year. TOTAL Up to 70 pts. 10 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Impact Fee Funds Criteria (Street, Fire, Water & Wastewater Impact Fees) Criteria were developed for ranking projects in the Impact Fee Funds in order to better communicate to the public about the use of Impact Fee money and to allocate scarce resources to the most worthwhile project. The following Criteria were developed by the Impact Fee Advisory Committee and adopted by the Commission in the fall of 2011. Criteria Rating Notes Project Score 1. REQUIRED Yes/No Infrastructure, Capital, or Debt Payment on Infrastructure or Capital Purchase. (Cannot be used for operations or maintenances costs.) MCA 7-6-1602(e)  2. REQUIRED Yes/No Useful Life of 10 Years or more. MCA 7-6-1601(1)(a)  3. REQUIRED Yes/No Improvements or Equipment made necessary by New Development since the inception of the Impact Fee Program. (MCA 7-6-1602 (7) & 7- 6-1603(3)  4. Benefits to Impact Fee Payers Up to 20 pts 20 – Project facilitates development of numerous city properties, or potential city properties, in the immediate or near future (1-2 Years.) 10 – Project facilitates development of numerous properties in 3-5 Years, or immediate development of a small area of property. 5 – Project will likely facilitates development within 5-10 Years. 0 – Project will address development that has occurred since 1995, but will not likely facilitate new development. 5. Direct Benefits Up to 10 pts 10 – Direct Benefit to all system users, or Provides a “final link” in a piece of existing system infrastructure. 5 – Direct benefit to roughly half, or indirect benefit to all system users. 2 – Direct benefit to small area of the system users or indirect benefit to several areas of system users. 6. Funding Up to 10 pts 10 – Certain. No other funding options are available and/or All other required project funding is ready-to-proceed. 5 – Uncertain. Project is dependent on a mix of other funding sources that are not ready-to-proceed. 0 – Extremely Uncertain or Unlikely. Elements of Funding are deemed very unworkable or unlikely. 7. Commission Work Plan Up to 10 pts 10 – Identified project in Adopted Commission Work Plan 5 – Contributes to an indentified project in the Adopted Commission Work Plan. 0 – Not identified in Adopted Commission Work Plan. TOTAL Up to 50 pts. 11 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Our Current Facilities and their Condition: The City has recently completed a number of long-range (20-year) facility plans:  Water Treatment & Distribution Facilities  Wastewater Collection & Treatment Facilities  Fire Station, Equipment & Staffing  Police Station & Staffing  Parks, Recreation, Trails & Open Space  Transportation Plan These studies examine the condition and placement of existing facilities, area growth projections and pattern, regulatory changes, and possible funding mechanisms. The plans analyze various alternatives and make recommendations for implementation. Level of Service (LOS) Standards Most of the City’s long range plans establish level of service standards. These standards are critical to planning for the needs of future city residents. In some cases, such as water quality or wastewater discharge, these standards are often established or guided by outside regulating bodies. The CIP does not frequently reference specific LOS, but the underlying facility and staffing plans will contain detailed discussions of levels of service, and how the City should address increasing or decreasing levels of service through infrastructure and staffing recommendations. Policies for the Physical Development of our Community The City’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is a combination of both Subdivision and Zoning regulations for development within the City. The Ordinance is subject to amendment by the Commission, after public notices and hearings are held. The UDO applies to both private and city-owned projects, and is available online at http://www.bozeman.net/planning/unified_development_ordinance.aspx. Our Community’s Ability to Pay for Planned Improvements In a community with relatively high cost of living, the ability of citizens to afford the needed utility rate, fee, and assessment levels is of concern. At the same time, the City strives to keep existing facilities properly maintained — and not pass deferred maintenance costs and problems on to future generations. The City has recently adopted a Utility Rate Studies for Water and Wastewater services. These studies give us an indication of how and when utility rates must be increased to pay for the needed water and wastewater system improvements. For General Fund (Administration, Parks, Recreation, Library, Police, and Fire) facilities and Street construction, the City does not have the ability to easily increase tax levels for funding. Any tax levy increase must be approved by the City’s voters, and maximum debt levels are established by state law. 12 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN In November 2007, the City of Bozeman voters approved a 4 mill perpetual levy to establish a Fire Equipment and Capital Replacement fund. This fund has been added to the CIP plan, and will address our need to plan for and to replace fire engines, our ladder truck, and other capital improvements to fire stations. At the same time, the voters also approved a perpetual levy for staffing and equipping additional police officers. In that levy, $74,560 in vehicle replacements per year were approved; it is intended to purchase one patrol vehicle and one detective vehicle, although as needs change, a different mix vehicle mix may be warranted. It is anticipated that levy increases for the police station will be proposed in the future, with their adoption critical to our plans to expand our facilities. The City does have a couple outside sources of funding available for street construction; State Urban Funds and Special Improvement District Assessments. State Urban Funds are available for use on Urban Routes within the City. Special Improvement District Assessments can be levied on property owners within an area whose property directly benefits from the improvements being built. CURRENT EVENTS for the FY16-FY20 Plan: 1. The Rouse Justice Center: While the bond issue to fund this building was not passed in the November 2014 election, the project is still a priority for the City. Even though this project was in a previous CIP, was approved by the City Commission, and was included in an approved budget, it is back on the CIP plan as a placeholder for further discussion. The City will have to address this project and how they wish to move forward in the next 5 years. 2. Light Vehicle Replacements throughout the plan: The City is undergoing a study to determine how best to move the City’s vehicle fleet in a “green” direction, including replacing vehicles with hybrids. While the vehicle replacements are in the CIP as they usually are, the actual replacement vehicles and costs could change during the budget season depending on the outcome of the study. 3. Stormwater Utility: With the adoption of a new rate model scheduled for the spring of 2015, the Stormwater Fund will begin multiple projects around the City to improve impervious surfaces and current Stormwater infrastructure, as well as installing new and improved infrastructure. Once the rate model is adopted, the Stormwater’s CIP will evolve to incorporate the approved level of funding. 4. Public Works 15 year plan: While the CIP only shows the projects scheduled for the next 5 years, the Public Works department (Streets, Stormwater, Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, CTEP) has undertaken a project to put together a 15 year capital plan. This plan will assist the City staff in scheduling projects that go together in the same years. For example, if a street is scheduled to be replaced, the water, wastewater and stormwater pipes underneath would likely also be scheduled for replacement in that year. This will help reduce wasted time and money for future projects and planning. The increased use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) department has also helped to make these projects available to the public and City staff in a user friendly interactive map. 13 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS. Amended Capital Improvement Plan FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 TOTAL SCHEDULED PROJECTS Unscheduled Building Inspection Fund 11,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 11,000$ 325,000$ Community Development 300,000$ -$ 25,000$ -$ -$ 325,000$ -$ CTEP - Community Transportation 239,548$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 239,548$ -$ Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement 40,000$ 215,000$ 309,500$ 1,800,500$ -$ 2,365,000$ 160,000$ Fire Impact Fee -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,500,000$ Forestry -$ -$ -$ -$ 27,000$ 27,000$ 70,000$ General Fund 908,400$ 1,011,000$ 1,506,496$ 1,056,104$ 1,501,783$ 5,983,783$ 49,251,300$ Library Depreciation 98,000$ -$ 20,000$ -$ -$ 118,000$ -$ Parking 388,000$ 170,000$ 205,000$ 20,000$ 5,000$ 788,000$ 2,050,000$ Solid Waste Collection & Recycling 1,098,043$ 185,000$ 75,000$ 290,000$ 700,000$ 2,348,043$ 100,000$ Storm Water Utility 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 3,250,000$ 404,300$ Street & Curb Reconstructions 1,584,000$ 2,089,000$ 921,000$ 1,045,000$ 1,891,000$ 7,530,000$ -$ Street Impact Fee 5,422,317$ 2,247,746$ 1,509,144$ 2,513,289$ 1,732,977$ 13,425,474$ (18,758,000)$ Street Maintenance District 3,541,710$ 980,000$ 1,090,000$ 820,000$ 890,000$ 7,321,710$ 500,000$ Vehicle Maintenance 30,500$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 30,500$ -$ Wastewater Fund 1,621,819$ 1,745,359$ 2,399,549$ 496,759$ 1,585,863$ 7,849,349$ 13,294,755$ Wastewater Impact Fee 2,000,000$ 7,376,000$ 10,742,000$ 450,000$ 1,120,000$ 21,688,000$ 24,101,840$ Water Fund 2,504,697$ 3,101,683$ 5,784,500$ 150,022$ 1,315,834$ 12,856,736$ 61,890,566$ Water Impact Fee 6,732,000$ 420,000$ 2,618,000$ 420,000$ 420,000$ 10,610,000$ 40,941,600$ Total 27,170,034$ 20,190,788$ 27,855,189$ 9,711,674$ 11,839,457$ 96,767,143$ 178,831,361$ Scheduled Projects $27,170,034 $20,190,788 $27,855,189 $9,711,674 $11,839,457 $96,767,143 $178,831,361 $0 $20,000,000 $40,000,000 $60,000,000 $80,000,000 $100,000,000 $120,000,000 $140,000,000 $160,000,000 $180,000,000 $200,000,000 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 TOTAL SCHEDULED PROJECTS Unscheduled Summary - All Projects & Equipment 14 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Building Inspection Fund Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 160,000$ 110,000$ 99,000$ 99,000 $ 99,000$ 99,000 $ Plus: Building Inspection Revenues Dedicated to CIP -$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (50,000)$ (11,000)$ - $ - $ - $ - $ (325,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 110,000$ 99,000$ 99,000$ 99,000 $ 99,000$ 99,000 $ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Building Inspection Revenues 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ Estimated Growth in Revenues - 0%0%0%0%0% Total Estimated Revenues 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ 1,190,050$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Capital Improvements %0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP -$ -$ -$ - $ - $ - $ Projected Projected CURRENT 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Building Inspection Projects & Equipment 15 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Bu i l d i n g   In s p e c t i o n BI 0 1 BU I L D I N G  IN S P ST A F F  VE H I C L E  ‐   RE P L A C E M E N T S $292,500 BI 0 3 BU I L D I N G  IN S P ST A F F  VE H I C L E  ‐   AD D I T I O N $32,500 BI 0 4 BU I L D I N G  IN S P PR I N T E R / S C A N N E R $1 1 , 0 0 0 $1 1 , 0 0 0 $325,000 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Bu i l d i n g  In s p ec t i o n  (3  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $1 1 , 0 0 0 $325,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 FY 1 8 16 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Building Inspection PROJECT NUMBER BI01 DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION PROJECT NAME STAFF VEHICLE - REPLACEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $292,500 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This item is for the scheduled replacement of Building Inspection vehicles based on age and use of the vehicle. Vehicles will be replaced according to the City's Vehicle Replacement policy; generally, 150,000 miles/20 years before replacement of non- emergency vehicles. This program will address the long term vehicle needs of the Building Division by allowing careful replacement of vehicles as vehicle conditions and department needs warrant. Right now, all vehicles are in use by Department staff, averaging approx 5,000 miles per year. Vehicle Mileage updated October 2013. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Utilize vehicles beyond the recommendations of the vehicle use policy; consider replacements of different model of vehicle. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Based on the age and use of the vehicle a new vehicle will be purchased as replacement. In the past, vehicles were replaced after 5 years. We are stretching the useful life within the division to match the newly-revised vehicle purchase/replacement policy. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Generally, annual operating and maintenance costs are expected to decrease when older vehicles are replaced with newer ones. More fuel efficiency and lower repair costs are financial benefits. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Building Inspection Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 17 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Bu i l d i n g I n s p e c t i o n V e h i c l e s - D e t a i l s Pr o j e c t  Nu m b e r As s e t  # Ma k e Mo d e l  Yr Cu r r e n t  Mi l e a g e FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled Notes FY 1 8 FY 1 9 FY 2 0 BI 0 1 31 4 4 Je e p  Li b e r t y 20 0 3 54 , 3 8 7 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 32 1 8 Gr a n d  Ch e r o k e e 20 0 4 49 , 3 9 2 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 33 5 3 Je e p  Li b e r t y 20 0 6 32 , 1 7 3 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 33 2 8 Do d g e  Du r a n g o 20 0 6 58 , 6 8 2 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 33 5 4 Je e p  Li b e r t y 20 0 6 44 , 3 6 0 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 34 0 5 Do d g e  Du r a n g o 20 0 8 44 , 8 6 2 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 34 0 4 Do d g e  Du r a n g o 20 0 8 17 , 5 8 7 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 33 2 9 Do d g e  Du r a n g o 20 0 8 47 , 6 1 5 $32,500 Beyond  FY20 36 7 4 Je e p  Pa t r i o t 20 1 4 2, 2 1 7 $32,500 New  in  2013 $292,500 To t a l  By  Ye a r  fo r  Ve h i c l e  Re p l a c e m e n t s 18 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Building Inspection PROJECT NUMBER BI03 DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION PROJECT NAME STAFF VEHICLE - ADDITION FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $32,500 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The existing vehicle fleet is assigned to current staff (see BI01 - Replacements). When a new Building Inspector is hired, a new vehicle will need to be purchased. We are hoping to make improvements to existing Inspector efficiency with in-the-field mobile applications and equipment; however, the point will come when an additional inspector is needed on a full or part-time basis. Regardless of whether their work schedule, a vehicle is a criticial piece of equipment for an inspector that needs. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Have inspectors/staff share vehicles (not likely to be efficient use of inspector time.) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Staff will be adequately equipped to perform building inspections around town. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Because this is an addition to the fleet, additional gas and maintenance costs will be paid by the Building Inspeciton Fund. Currently, vehicles average 5,000 - 8,000 miles per year. Routine maintenance will be performed as necessary. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Building Inspection Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 19 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Building Inspection PROJECT NUMBER BI04 DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION PROJECT NAME PRINTER/SCANNER FY16 $11,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Purchase large format printer/scanner for Building Inspection. To be used for implementation of the e-plan review, scanning plans, and for future scanning of historical archives. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not purchase and continue with a lower level of the e-plan review adoption. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The scanner is needed as a second phase of the implementation of the e-plan review which has been operational for the last 8 months. The scanner will allow paper plans to be routed through e-plan review. As the division more fully implements electronic plan review, this machine will allow us to serve customers who do not have the ability to submit plans in an electronic format. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Servicing, Maintenance and costs for Supplies will be paid from the Building Fund. FUNDING SOURCES Building Inspection Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 20 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Co m m u n i t y  De v e l o p m e n t  Fu n d Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t  Pl a n Fi n a n c i a l  Su m m a r y Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 F Y 1 6 F Y 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 U n s c h e d u l e d Pr o j e c t e d  Be g i n n i n g  Re s e r v e  Ba l a n c e  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 21 5 , 0 0 0 $                       (4 8 , 8 7 3 ) $                 (1 2 , 7 4 5 ) $         (1 , 6 1 8 ) $                 34,510 $           Pl u s :    Pl a n n i n g  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 36 , 1 2 8 $                           36 , 1 2 8 $                   36 , 1 2 8 $              36 , 1 2 8 $               36,128 $       ‐$                  Le s s :    Sc h e d u l e d  CI P  Pr o j e c t  Co s t s ‐ $                                 (3 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) $                     ‐ $                                 (2 5 , 0 0 0 ) $         ‐ $                           ‐ $                           Pr o j e c t e d  Ye a r ‐En d  Ca s h  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P ‐ $                                 (4 8 , 8 7 3 ) $                         (1 2 , 7 4 5 ) $                 (1 , 6 1 8 ) $               34 , 5 1 0 $               70,638 $        As s u m p t i o n s  Ma d e  fo r  Re v e n u e  Es t i m a t e s : Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  Co m m u n i t y  De v e l o p m e n t  Re v e n u e s 72 2 , 5 5 0 $                     72 2 , 5 5 0 $                             72 2 , 5 5 0 $                   72 2 , 5 5 0 $             72 2 , 5 5 0 $               722,550 $                Es t i m a t e d  Gr o w t h  in  Re v e n u e s ‐                                            0% 0% 0% 0% 0% To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s 72 2 , 5 5 0 $                     72 2 , 5 5 0 $                             72 2 , 5 5 0 $                   72 2 , 5 5 0 $             72 2 , 5 5 0 $               722,550 $             Cu r r e n t  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P  % 0. 0 % 5. 0 % 5. 0 % 5 . 0 % 5 . 0 % 5 . 0 %    Pl u s :    In c r e a s e  De d i c a t e d  to  Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t s  % 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 %    To t a l  % De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 0. 0 % 5. 0 % 5. 0 % 5 . 0 % 5 . 0 % 5 . 0 % To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P ‐ $                                       36 , 1 2 8 $                                 36 , 1 2 8 $                         36 , 1 2 8 $                 36 , 1 2 8 $                   36,128 $                   Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d CU R R E N T 35 0 , 0 0 0 30 0 , 0 0 0 25 0 , 0 0 0 20 0 , 0 0 0 15 0 , 0 0 0 10 0 , 0 0 0 50 , 0 0 0 0 Co m m u n i t y  De v e l o p m e n t  Pr o j e c t s  &  Eq u i p m e n t 21 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Pl a n n i n g GF 0 6 4 CO M M U N I T Y  D VE H I C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T $2 5 , 0 0 0 PL 0 1 CO M M U N I T Y  D UN I F I E D  DE V E L O P M E N T  CO D E $3 0 0 , 0 0 0 $3 0 0 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Pl a n n i n g  (2  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $3 0 0 , 0 0 0 FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $2 5 , 0 0 0 FY 1 8 22 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Planning PROJECT NUMBER GF064 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NAME VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of the current vehicle, a Honda CRV purchased in 2005. The vehicle is used by Planning Staff for site visits to projects, posting notices on-site, in-town meetings and other department activities (WL01-WL32) . Replacement would be with a fuel efficient small vehicle, possibly a hybrid. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to operate the existing vehicles with increasing maintenance costs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provide functional transportation with reduced maintenance costs. Because of the age of the existing vehicle, maintenance costs are likely to increase to keep it functional. Recent repairs include power windows and routine maintenance. The vehicle needs numerous minor repairs, including dashboard lights, that continue to be deferred. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: No new costs are expected as maintenance is already performed on the existing vehicle. However, maintenance and repair costs are anticipated to increase due to the age of the vehicle. FUNDING SOURCES PLANNING FUND New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $25,000 FY19 FY20 23 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Planning PROJECT NUMBER PL01 DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT NAME UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE FY16 $300,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT For several years, the City has been discussing creating a revised Unified Development Code that is clear, understandable, and addresses the growing list of Code provisions that are outdated or no longer suit the community. This project would look at all provisions within the code that address, transportation, stormwater, and physical layout of developments to ensure the City of Bozeman has a development code that is understandable, reasonable, encourages sustainable practices, and implements the vision of this community in the future. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leave the code as it is. We are currently amending the code provision by provision using staff and the services of professional planners as time and funding allows. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This is an expensive and time consuming process, that being said, it should not keep the City from undertaking the work that will be a benefit to staff, residents, existing and new businesses, and the development community. In 2013 the City Commission made improving customer service one of its primary goals. The update of the UDC is important part of improving customer service. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES PLANNING FUND, ENGINEERING FUND, STORMWATER FUND, WATER FUND, WASTEWATER FUND, New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 24 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN MTAP - Community Transportation Enhancement Program (CTEP) Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 124,000$ 239,548$ - $ - $ - $ - $ Plus: Annual Federal Allocation (86.58%)239,548$ -$ - $ - $ - $ - $ Less: Match Required from General Fund (13.42%)(32,147)$ - $ - $ - $ -$ Plus: Match Required Other (13.42%) Plus: TA Reimbursement 12,690$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (104,543)$ (239,548)$ - $ - $ - $ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 239,548$ -$ - $ - $ - $ - $ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates: FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual CTEP Allocation -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Plus: Estimated Increase/Decrease in Federal Allocation 0%0%0%0%0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ NEW: This program has changed at the Federal Level. We no longer receive an annual allocation. We are now required to submit applications to the State and compete for funding, under the "MTAP" program. We have a remaining balance of previous CTEP allocation that must be allocated to projects by September 2015. Note: These monies are NOT in the custody of the City of Bozeman. They are a Federal allocation of Gas Tax Dollars that are held in an account at the State and reimbursed to the City for state-approved projects. Projects must meet Montana Department of Transportation and other Federal requirements. Projected Projected CURRENT 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 City of Bozeman CTEP Projects & Equipment 25 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 CT E P CT 0 1 0 EN G I N E E R I N G SH A R E D ‐US E  PA T H  ‐   N  19 T H  AV E  (B A X T E R   TO  VA L L E Y  CE N T E R ) $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 CT 0 1 1 EN G I N E E R I N G DE F I C I E N T  CU R B S  & CR O S S W A L K S $1 3 9 , 5 4 8 $2 3 9 , 5 4 8 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    CT E P  (2  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $2 3 9 , 5 4 8 FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 FY 1 8 26 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund CTEP PROJECT NUMBER CT010 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME SHARED-USE PATH - N 19TH AVE (BAXTER TO VALLEY CENTER) FY16 $100,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will install asphalt shared use pathway along North 19th Avenue between Baxter Lane and Valley Center Drive. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing. This alternative was not chosen given the opportunity for significant contribution from the CTEP program and the existing need for the facility ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Finishes the multi-modal transportation infrastructure along the city's principal arterial. Enhances safety for non-motorized users of the corridor by separating them from vehicular traffic. CTEP funds 86.58% of the projects with13.42% being funded by a local match. In kind work by City staff can be considered part of the local match. This funding source allows for local transportation enhancement projects to be funded with only a portion of the cash coming from direct city dollars. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES CTEP New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 27 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund CTEP PROJECT NUMBER CT011 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME DEFICIENT CURBS & CROSSWALKS FY16 $139,548 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Using any money which remains in our current CTEP balance after installation of the shared use pathway on North 19th, install ADA compliant curbs, signage, striping, curb and gutter for the following intersections: College & 9th, College & 10th, College & 13th, 12th and Story, 12th and Dickerson, 13th and Story, 13th and Dickerson,14th and Story, 14th and Dickerson, 10th and Alderson. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Use city funds to install the same improvements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Fully utilizes the remaining balance fo CTEP funds to bring more intersections into ADA compliance. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Some street department maintenance may be required over time. FUNDING SOURCES CTEP New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 28 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 18,070$ 337,320$ 661,843$ 818,655$ 888,405$ 274,739$ Plus: Dedicated Tax Revenues 4 Mills 356,250$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ 394,571$ -$ Plus: Anticipated Grant Revenue 800,000$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (37,000)$ (40,000)$ (215,000)$ (309,500)$ (1,800,500)$ (160,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 337,320$ 661,843$ 818,655$ 888,405$ 274,739$ 669,310$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Tax Revenues 357,375$ 357,375$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ Estimated Annual Increase - 2%2%2%2%2% Total Estimated Revenues 357,375$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ 394,571$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 357,375$ 364,523$ 371,813$ 379,249$ 386,834$ 394,571$ Projected Projected CURRENT 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Fire Equipment & Capital Replacements 29 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Fi r e  Eq u i p  &  Ca p i t a l   Re p l a c e m e n t FE 0 6 FI R E PO R T A B L E  RA D I O  RE P L A C E M E N T   PR O G R A M $1 7 5 , 0 0 0 FE 0 7 FI R E FI R E  ST A F F  VE H I C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T S $4 0 , 0 0 0 $160,000 $4 0 , 0 0 0 FE 0 8 FI R E FI R E  ST A T I O N  #1  RE M O D E L $1 , 5 4 0 , 0 0 0 FE 1 0 FI R E SE L F ‐CO N T A I N E D  BR E A T H I N G  AP P A R A T U S   (S C B A )  RE P L A C E M E N T S $3 0 9 , 5 0 0 FE 1 1 FI R E BO I L E R  RE P L A C E M E N T  AT  FI R E  ST A T I O N   #1 $2 6 0 , 5 0 0 $4 0 , 0 0 0 $2 1 5 , 0 0 0 $3 0 9 , 5 0 0 $1 , 8 0 0 , 5 0 0 $160,000 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Fi r e  E q ui p  & Ca p it a l  Re p la c e m e n t  (5  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $4 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 1 5 , 0 0 0 $160,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $1 , 8 0 0 , 5 0 0 $3 0 9 , 5 0 0 FY 1 8 30 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE06 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME Portable Radio Replacement Program FY16 FY17 $175,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This plan allows for aging fire portable radios to be replaced, including all of the software, programming and peripheral accessories. This is a planned replacement of radios at the end of their predicted usable life, estimated between six and ten years. This will provide for seamless communication and response capabilities as the radios become less reliable and repair is no longer a financially prudent option. Portable (or handheld) radios are an essential item in the operation of the Bozeman Fire Department. Fire radios must be available for fire use 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These radios are assigned to the three stations, captains and management staff and are used daily. These radios will be replaced only when they are unserviceable which could result in pushing the anticipated purchase date out a year or two. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Replace radios as they fail. This ultimately results in a broad mix of different manufacture / make/ model radios in service and can ultimately result in higer long term maintenance costs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This ensures safe and reliable emergency communications and response. Program allows for planned and predictable need for equipment replacement. Clear and dependable communication allows for quick and efficient emergency deployment and the required level of firefighter safety. We potentially may see some trade in value or resale value for some of the replaced units depending on their condition. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED As these are replacement radios we anticipate very little increases operating costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 31 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE07 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME FIRE STAFF VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS FY16 $40,000 FY17 $40,000 Unscheduled $160,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Fire Department utilizes numerous vehicles for Department needs. As we continue to implement the Battalion Chief positions we are evaluating the needs of the command vehicles on this list. Several of the utility type vehicles and some of the command vehicles will be used for their serviceable life span and then ultimately not replaced. See attached Table on the following page. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Could continue to utilize existing vehicles longer. However, many of these vehicles are emergency response vehicles for the Fire Department. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The Department will have adequate, properly sized vehicles for emergency response and other operational functions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Newer vehicles are expected to be more fuel efficient. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 32 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Fi r e D e p ar t m e n t L i g ht V e h i c l e R e p la c e m e n t s As s e t  # Cu r r e n t   Ma k e / F e a t u r e s Mo d e l  Yr Cu r r e n t   Mi l e a g e Re p l a c e m e n t FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY19 Unscheduled FY20 Cu r r e n t l y  As s i g n e d   to Un i t  # 30 7 6 Ch e v y  Su b u r b a n 20 0 2 12 8 , 8 2 4 T o  be  re p l a c e d  wi t h  Fo r d   In t e r c e p t o r $4 0 , 0 0 0 Op e r a t i o n s  Ch i e f F2 27 6 4 Ch e v y  Ta h o e 20 0 0 12 1 , 6 6 0 4 x 4 ,  SU V  st y l e ,  mi d ‐si z e d  ve h i c l e ,   wi t h  em e r g e n c y  li g h t i n g ,  ra d i o s ,   MD T . Fi r e  In s p e c t o r  (F Y 1 5 ) F1 27 6 0 Ch e v y  Ta h o e 20 0 0 11 6 , 9 7 0 R e p l a c e  wi t h  a  4x 4 ,  SU V  st y l e ,  mi d ‐ si z e d ,  co d e ‐ca p a b l e  (l i g h t s  &  si r e n s )  ve h i c l e . Tr a i n i n g  Of f i c e r F5 32 4 7 Ch e v y  Ta h o e 20 0 4 11 5 , 4 3 1 4 x 4 ,  SU V  st y l e ,  mi d ‐si z e d  ve h i c l e ,   wi t h  em e r g e n c y  li g h t i n g ,  ra d i o s ,   MD T . $40,000 Em e r g e n c y   Ma n a g e m e n t  St a f f   Ca p t a i n F4 31 5 3 Ch e y  Su b u r b a n 20 0 3 94 , 2 7 8 T o  be  re p l a c e d  wi t h  Fo r d   In t e r c e p t o r $4 0 , 0 0 0 Ba t a l l i o n  Ch i e f s BC 1 33 3 2 Ch e v y  Ta h o e 20 0 7 58 , 4 4 3 4 x 4 ,  SU V  st y l e ,  mi d ‐si z e d  ve h i c l e ,   wi t h  em e r g e n c y  li g h t i n g ,  ra d i o s ,   MD T . $40,000 Fi r e  In s p e c t o r F6 32 7 5 Fo r d  F1 5 0 20 0 5 41 , 9 5 0 P i c k u p  wi t h  fu l l ‐si z e d  bo x ,  4x 4 ,  to w   ca p a c i t y . $40,000 Pl o w i n g / F i r e   In v e s t i g a t i o n s / P r e v e nt i o n  Tr u c k U4 33 6 3 Do d g e  Du r a n g o 20 0 7 33 , 4 0 2 4 x 4 ,  SU V  st y l e ,  mi d ‐si z e d  ve h i c l e . Fi r e  Ma r s h a l l F3 31 5 8 Ch e v y  Si l v e r a d o  ‐   Cr e w  Ca b 20 0 3 28 , 5 1 6 P i c k u p  wi t h  fu l l  si z e d  bo x ,  4x 4 ,  to w   ca p a c i t y . $40,000 Pu b l i c  Ed /   In v e s t i g a t i o n s U3 15 3 5 Fo r d  Tr u c k 19 9 3 17 , 9 7 9 Ha z m a t B1 32 6 0 Tr a i l e r 20 0 4 Ha z m a t HM  T $160,000 $4 0 , 0 0 0 $4 0 , 0 0 0 To t a l s 33 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE08 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME FIRE STATION #1 REMODEL FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The purpose of this project is to expand the second floor of Fire Station One out to the existing building foot print and remodel the interior spaces increasing facility size and functionality, decreasing maintenance costs and increasing energy efficiency. Also included in this project is a significant seismic upgrade to the entire structure, including the office area on the first floof. The second floor of this station has been remodeled many times. Windows do not completely close, electrical and plumbing maintenance is becoming more frequent and kitchen cabinetry is beginning to fail. Office space is limited and safety hazards have been identified in the recent facility surveys. The living quarters upstairs are not conducive to female firefighters. Separate and equal restroom, bath and sleeping facilities are needed should we hire a female firefighter. The station remodel will include sleeping quarters, bathrooms, and living spaces for up to ten firefighters of either sex. All standard areas commonly found in modern stations will be included in this facility such as kitchen space, office space and physical training area. As our 2007 station location and staffing study showed, the location of this station is ideal for the area it serves. We intend to remain here for the foreseeable future. We are proposing this remodel to improve the current living conditions, increase space for existing Firefighters and our new Battalion Chiefs and prepare for future increases in staffing as our community continues to grow. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with utilizing the existing station as is. Maintain facility as reasonably as possible. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This project would significantly improve the living conditions and operational functionality of Fire Station One. This project remedies the safety hazards identified in recent facility surveys. This project will decrease ongoing maintenance costs compared to the existing facility. New construction will be “green” and more energy efficient. Creates sleeping quarters and office space for Battalion Chiefs. Separate and equal restroom, bath and sleeping facilities for when we hire a female firefighter in the future. In House Physical fitness area - firefighters currently have to leave the station for physical fitness activities. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Operating cost should maintain similar to what is currently budgeted. Although the facility will be getting larger, a more energy efficient newer facility will balance with the increase in size. FUNDING SOURCES Total Costs, including Boiler, is $1.8 Million. Would be constructed concurrently with GF170 - Boiler Replacement at Fire Station #1.(estimated $260,500.) Depending on features of the project,the Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement, potentially Impact Fees, and Federal Pre-Disaster New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $1,540,000 FY20 34 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE10 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Replacements FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will fund the replacement of the department’s SCBA units. The useable service life of our existing SCBA’s is 8 -10 years. The units being replaced were purchased in FY 10. Repair and maintenance is a consideration when deciding when to replace existing equipment. We currently expend approximately $5000 per year on preventative maintenance and minor repairs. As the equipment gets older we will no longer be able to repair minor failures, we will have to completely replace parts. Replacement parts for our existing SCBA are extremely expensive and take a significant amount of time to be delivered. This project will completely replace all SCBA harnesses, spare tanks and backup regulators on our engines. Also individual fire fighter personal masks, and Rapid Intervention Crew kits will get replaced in this project as well. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use current SCBA units until they fail or spare parts become unavailable. Used units are not a viable alternative as departments typically upgrade when old units become obsolete or fail to meet annual testing requirements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Firefighters use SCBA’s to enter hazardous atmospheres in all aspects of their jobs; firefighting, confined space entry, and hazmat response. The health and safety of our personnel, as well as the ability of our fire department to perform its function, is greatly dependent on these units. The new SCBA units are safer than current units as they are certified for chemical, biological, and radiological emergencies. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The department spends about $5,000 annually on SCBA maintenance. Yearly checks and certification is required regardless of SCBA age although maintenance costs would decline with new units as replacement parts would not be needed. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $309,500 FY19 FY20 35 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Fire Equip & Capital Replacement PROJECT NUMBER FE11 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME BOILER REPLACEMENT AT FIRE STATION #1 FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT **This project is most ideally timed with the Station #1 Remodel in the Fire Equipment & Capital Replacement Fund.** The old steam boiler at Fire Station #1 has reached the end of its useful cycle. The fact that the unit is no longer serving the old City Hall means that is working even less efficient because it is now oversized. The current plan was to replace the existing boiler with another steam boiler. When the steam lines were disconnected from old City Hall the condition of the pipes could be assessed. The pipes were found to be severely corroded and in poor condition. An engineer was hired to size the boiler for servicing only Fire Station #1 and to assess other features of the 1964 vintage system. Three options were proposed to upgrade the system for both building comfort and energy efficiency. The third option proposed in the study is the most efficient and has the best payback. This project significantly effects building occupant comfort/quality (PM05) and potentially generates emergency and non- emergency repairs (PM01-3). Staff has been working to keep the boiler running properly, and monitoring the chemical condition of the boiler water to try to increase the useful life of the boiler. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Replacement of the current boiler with another steam boiler is no longer an option after assessing the condition of the steam distribution lines and other components of the older system. Three options were reviewed and a summary report for each option was included in the analysis done by the engineer. The least expensive solution is to stay with a stem system. The project will now include boiler replacement, distribution line replacement, and changing out the old pneumatic controls with a digital ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The proposed option will better address the variable heating needs of the building – work areas, living areas, and fire bays. The proposed system is designed for the current configuration of the building and could be supplemented to handle the additional square footage proposed when the dorm area of the station is increased. The proposed system is in line with the Municipal Climate Action Plan. Planning for the replacement of the current boiler prior to failure of the unit will be most cost effective. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The recommended system would result in an approximate $9,000 per year in energy savings at current utility rates. The payback would be about 28 years. FUNDING SOURCES Fire Equipment and Capital Replacement New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $260,500 FY20 36 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Fire Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 678,819$ 1,025,174$ 1,378,456$ 1,738,804$ 2,106,358$ 2,481,264$ - $ Plus: Impact Fee Revenues Dedicated to CIP 346,355$ 353,282$ 360,348$ 367,555$ 374,906$ 382,404$ - $ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs - $ -$ - $ - $ - $ - $ (4,500,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 1,025,174$ 1,378,456$ 1,738,804$ 2,106,358$ 2,481,264$ 2,863,668$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Fire Impact Fee Revenues 346,355$ 346,355$ 353,282$ 360,348$ 367,555$ 374,906$ Estimated Annual Increase 0.0%2%2%2%2%2% Total Estimated Revenues 346,355$ 353,282$ 360,348$ 367,555$ 374,906$ 382,404$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Fire Capacity Expansion CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 346,355$ 353,282$ 360,348$ 367,555$ 374,906$ 382,404$ Projected Projected 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Fire Impact Fee Projects 37 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 CI P  PR O J E C T  FU N D : Im p a c t  Fe e s  Fi r e So r t e d  by  Fu n d i n g  Ye a r  an d  Ra t i n g FI F 0 6 FI R E  IF FI R E  ST A T I O N  #4 $3,900,000 30 FI F 0 7 FI R E  IF FI R E  EN G I N E ,  ST A T I O N  #4 $600,000 30 Su m m a r y  fo r    Im p a c t  Fe e s  Fi r e  (2  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $4,500,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 Unscheduled FY19 38 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Fire PROJECT NUMBER FIF06 DEPARTMENT FIRE IF PROJECT NAME FIRE STATION #4 FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $3,900,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is identified as a priority in the adopted Fire Facility Plan because most of the City's north and west areas are located such that our response time exceeds four to six minutes for fire and medical emergencies. Land acquisition costs are not included. The City currently owns the site on the southwest corner of 19th Avenue and Graf Street, which is ideally situated for this station. This station will be needed as our community grows in its South West quadrant. We will need to watch annexations and subdivisions within the area and schedule this project accordingly. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Many are available: Scale down the project size and/or materials used in construction to accommodate a residential type facility similar to Station #2; require automatic sprinkler systems as built-in protection for all new construction located outside of existing stations' response time service districts; continue operating under current resources; relocated existing stations; accept longer-than-historical response times and high life and fire losses; acquire fire district's fixed facilities as annexation by the City continues. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The completion of this project would enhance our ability to respond to growing parts of the community within a time frame that has been historically acceptable to the citizens of Bozeman. Station #1 and #2 are located in areas which ineffectively serve the area station 4 would be placed in. Current response times to the areas South of Kagy are approaching being out of our desired response time of 6 minutes or less 90% of the time. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Impact Fees can not be spent on operations and maintenance costs. The City’s General Fund will bear the annual operating and maintenance expenses associated with this facility, estimated at $1,200,000, including all crew personnel. FUNDING SOURCES 75% Fire Impact Fees ($2,925,000), 25% other source ($975,000.) New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 39 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Fire PROJECT NUMBER FIF07 DEPARTMENT FIRE IF PROJECT NAME FIRE ENGINE, STATION #4 FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $600,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is the purchase of an engine and accompanying equipment for use out of new Fire Station 4. It will be necessary to have this engine at the Station when it opens. There is an estimated 12 month lead time in delivery of this type of equipment. This engine will be needed for Station #4, which will be required as our community grows in its South West Quadrant. We will need to watch annexations and subdivisions within the area and schedule this project accordingly. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Use of 1989 Pierce Reserve Pumper Darley; buy a used engine; lease/purchase an engine. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Purchase of this unit will adequately equip Station #4 for fire and other emergency responses. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Impact Fees can not be used for annual operating and maintenance costs. The City’s General Fund will pay for the increased fuel, maintenance and insurance costs associated with this engine, estimated at less than $30,000 per year. FUNDING SOURCES 75% Fire Impact Fees ($450,000), 25% other source ($150,000). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 40 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Fo r e s t r y Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t  Pl a n Fi n a n c i a l  Su m m a r y Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 UNSCHEDULED Pr o j e c t e d  Be g i n n i n g  Re s e r v e  Ba l a n c e  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 45 , 6 4 9 $                     70 , 2 8 7 $                             83 , 8 6 0 $                     97 , 5 6 9 $              111,415 $           125,399 $     ‐$                      Pl u s :    Tr e e  Mt c  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 24 , 6 3 8 $                     13 , 5 7 3 $                             13 , 7 0 9 $                     13 , 8 4 6 $              13,984 $               14,124 $       ‐$                      Pl u s :  CI P  Ca r r y o v e r  fr o m  pr e v i o u s  ye a r s  ‐   Ch i p p e r 50 , 0 0 0 $                        Le s s :    Sc h e d u l e d  CI P  Pr o j e c t  Co s t s  ‐   Ch i p p e r (5 0 , 0 0 0 ) $                   ‐ $                                 ‐ (27,000)$      (70,000)$           Pr o j e c t e d  Ye a r ‐En d  Ca s h  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 70 , 2 8 7 $                     83 , 8 6 0 $                             97 , 5 6 9 $                     11 1 , 4 1 5 $          125,399 $           112,524 $     (70,000)$           As s u m p t i o n s  Ma d e  fo r  Re v e n u e  Es t i m a t e s : Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  Tr e e  Mt c  Re v e n u e s 44 7 , 9 6 0 $                       44 7 , 9 6 0 $                             45 2 , 4 4 0 $                     45 6 , 9 6 4 $             461,534 $               466,149 $            Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  In c r e a s e  ‐   At t r i b u t e d  to  An n e x a t i o n s ‐                                              1% 1% 1% 1%1% To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s 44 7 , 9 6 0 $                       45 2 , 4 4 0 $                             45 6 , 9 6 4 $                     46 1 , 5 3 4 $             466,149 $               470,810 $         Cu r r e n t  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P  % 5. 5 % 5. 5 % 3. 0 % 3 . 0 % 3 . 0 % 3 . 0 %    Pl u s :    In c r e a s e  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 0. 0 % ‐2. 5 % 0. 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 %    To t a l  % De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 5. 5 % 3. 0 % 3. 0 % 3 . 0 % 3 . 0 % 3 . 0 % Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 24 , 6 3 8 $                           13 , 5 7 3 $                                   13 , 7 0 9 $                         13 , 8 4 6 $                 13,984 $                   14,124 $           CU R R E N T 80 , 0 0 0 70 , 0 0 0 60 , 0 0 0 50 , 0 0 0 40 , 0 0 0 30 , 0 0 0 20 , 0 0 0 10 , 0 0 0 0 Tr e e  Ma i n t e n a n c e  Pr o j e c t s  & Eq u i p m e n t 41 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Tr e e   Ma i n t e n a n c e   Di s t r i c t FO R 0 7 FO R E S T R Y 1/ 2  TO N  TR U C K $27,000 FO R 0 8 FO R E S T R Y BA C K H O E  RE P L A C E M E N T $70,000 $27,000 $70,000 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Tr e e  Ma i n t e n a n c e  Di s t r i c t  (2  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $27,000 $70,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 FY 1 8 42 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Tree Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER FOR07 DEPARTMENT FORESTRY PROJECT NAME 1/2 TON TRUCK FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace a 1999 Ford F150 pickup. This would be a scheduled replacement of a department vehicle greater than 20 years of age. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use existing vehicle. As directed by Commission. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Replacing this equipment provide the division with more reliable equipment, imporved safty, lower exhaust emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Tree Maintenance District Fund Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $27,000 43 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Tree Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER FOR08 DEPARTMENT FORESTRY PROJECT NAME BACKHOE REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $70,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace existing 1970's era small backhoe. While the existing backhoe is still functioning, we want to budget for a replacement of a small, reliable machine with modern safety features. This piece of equipment is used largely for digging and removing trees throughout the City. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use the existing machine. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Less breakdowns, less difficulty in finding replacement parts, modern safety features ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Similar as current operating costs. FUNDING SOURCES Tree maintenance district Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 44 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN General Fund Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Balance Dedicated to CIP 1,340,627$ -$ (58,225)$ 4,121$ (147,275)$ 165,271$ Plus: General Fund Revenues Dedicated to CIP 831,300$ 850,175$ 1,073,346$ 1,355,100$ 1,368,651$ 1,382,337$ - $ Plus: Bond Issue: Indoor/Outdoor Aquatics Facility Less: Carry-over Capital Projects from FY14 (1,340,627)$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (831,300)$ (908,400)$ (1,011,000)$ (1,506,496)$ (1,056,104)$ (1,501,783)$ (49,251,300)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP -$ (58,225)$ 4,121$ (147,275)$ 165,271$ 45,825$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates: FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual General Fund Revenues 26,304,925$ 26,304,925$ 26,567,974$ 26,833,654$ 27,101,991$ 27,373,010$ Estimated Growth in General Fund Revenues 1%1%1%1%1% Total Estimated General Fund Revenues 26,304,925$ 26,567,974$ 26,833,654$ 27,101,991$ 27,373,010$ 27,646,741$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %3.2%3.2%3.2%4.0%5.0%5.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Capital Improvements %0.0%0.8%1.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 3.2%4.0%5.0%5.0%5.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 850,175$ 1,073,346$ 1,355,100$ 1,368,651$ 1,382,337$ Projected Projected - 250,000 500,000 750,000 1,000,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 1,600,000 49,000,000 50,000,000 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Current General Fund Projects & Equipment 45 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY19 CI P  PR O J E C T  FU N D : Ge n e r a l  Fu n d So r t e d  by  De p a r t m e n t  an d  Ra t i n g GF 2 3 1 CE M E T E R Y CE M E T E R Y  IR R I G A T I O N  PR O J E C T $5 0 , 0 0 0 44 $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 GF 0 8 3 CE M E T E R Y BA C K H O E $110,000 42 GF 1 1 6 CE M E T E R Y CE M E T E R Y  VE H I C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T S $42,500 34 GF 0 1 0 CE M E T E R Y CE M E T E R Y  MO W E R  RE P L A C E M E N T S $16,000 25 $1 6 , 0 0 0 $1 6 , 0 0 0 GF 2 3 2 EC O N O M I C  DE V E BO Z E M A N  FI B E R  IN I T I A T I V E $5 0 , 0 0 0 35 GF 2 3 7 FA C I L I T I E S  ‐   ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M  EN H A N C E M E N T   PR O G R A M  ‐   CI T Y  SH O P S  CO M P L E X $5 0 , 0 0 0 36 GF 1 3 0 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   CH CI T Y  HA L L  SI T E  IM P R O V E M E N T S  ‐   PH A S E  2 38 $4 2 , 0 0 0 GF 2 1 9 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   CH AD D I T I O N  TO  CI T Y  HA L L ,  CO N S O L I D A T I O N  OF  SE R V I C E S $5,500,000 28 GF 2 0 1 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   FR 2 FI R E  ST A T I O N  #2  SI D I N G  RE P L A C E M E N T $2 4 , 0 0 0 29 GF 2 2 2 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   FR 3 PA I N T I N G  PE R G O L A  AT  FI R E  ST A T I O N S  #3 $1 0 , 0 0 0 24 GF 0 0 1 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   PR O F PR O F E S S I O N A L  BU I L D I N G  EL E V A T O R  RE P L A C E M E N T $66,600 33 GF 1 8 6 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   PR O F RE P L A C E  EN T R A N C E  LO C K S  AT  TH E  PR O F E S S I O N A L   BU I L D I N G  WI T H  FO B  UN I T S $1 2 , 0 0 0 27 GF 1 9 9 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   PR O F PR O F E S S I O N A L  BU I L D I N G  RE C O N F I G U R A T I O N  AN D   MA I N  FL O O R  CA R P E T  RE P L A C E M E N T $4 9 , 0 0 0 27 GF 1 0 4 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   SC EN E R G Y  UP G R A D E S  AT  TH E  SE N I O R  CE N T E R $3 0 , 0 0 0 47 GF 1 8 7 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   SC RE P L A C E  WO R N  SI D I N G  ON  TH E  BO Z E M A N  SE N I O R   SO C I A L  CE N T E R 39 $2 6 , 2 5 0 GF 2 2 1 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   SC BO Z E M A N  SE N I O R  SO C I A L  CE N T E R  BA S E M E N T   RE S T R O O M  LA Y O U T $2 0 , 0 0 0 38 GF 1 5 7 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   SC SE N I O R  CE N T E R  EL E V A T O R 37 $6 8 , 0 0 0 GF 2 0 3 FA C I L I T Y  ‐   SC BO Z E M A N  SE N I O R  SO C I A L  CE N T E R  EX T E R I O R  EN V E L O P E   IM P R O V E M E N T S . 32 $3 8 , 5 0 0 46 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY19 GF 1 0 3 FA C I L I T Y  MG M T . AM E R I C A N ' S  WI T H  DI S A B I L I T I E S  AC T  (A D A )   CO M P L I A N C E  IM P R O V E M E N T S $25,000 $2 0 , 0 0 0 42 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 GF 2 2 0 FA C I L I T Y  MG M T . RE P L A C E  WO R N  OV E R H E A D  DO O R S  AN D  SE A L S  AT  TH E   SH O P  CO M P L E X $1 0 , 0 0 0 33 PW 0 1 FA C I L I T Y  MG M T . SH O P S  FA C I L I T Y  EX P A N S I O N  PL A N $1 2 , 0 0 0 GF 2 2 7 FI N A N C E ER P  RE P L A C E M E N T  "S U N G A R D   RE P L A C E M E N T / U P G R A D E " $83,333 50 GF 2 2 4 FI N A N C E CO P I E R  RE P L A C E M E N T  ‐   FI N A N C E  OF F I C E 37 $1 5 , 0 0 0 GF 2 2 6 FI N A N C E NA V I L I N E  ED G E  (U P G R A D E ) $1 5 , 0 0 0 32 GF 2 2 5 FI N A N C E CO G N O S  ‐   BU S I N E S S  IN T E L L I G E N C E  UP G R A D E $1 4 , 4 0 0 26 GF 1 6 2 FI R E LI V E ‐FI R E  TR A I N I N G  PR O P $3 0 , 0 0 0 45 GF 2 2 8 HU M A N  RE S O U R HR  YE A R L Y  EV A L U A T I O N  SO F T W A R E $2 0 , 0 0 0 GF 0 7 9 I. T . NE T W O R K  CO R E  SW I T C H E S $2 5 , 0 0 0 50 GF 0 8 0 I. T . RE M O T E  CL O S E T  SW I T C H E S ,  RO U T E R  AN D  WI R E L E S S  AP   RE P L A C E M E N T $40,000 $4 0 , 0 0 0 50 $4 0 , 0 0 0 $4 0 , 0 0 0 $4 0 , 0 0 0 GF 2 2 9 I. T . CI T Y  HA L L  IS C S I  ST O R A G E  RE P L A C E M E N T 50 $4 0 , 0 0 0 GF 1 9 6 I. T . BA C K U P  RO O F T O P  CO O L I N G  UN I T  FO R  TH E   PR O F E S S I O N A L  BU I L D I N G $20,000 47 GF 0 6 2 I. T . SE R V E R  & PE R S O N A L  CO M P U T E R  (P C )  RE P L A C E M E N T $60,000 $6 5 , 0 0 0 45 $9 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 GF 2 3 3 I. T . VE H I C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T $23,000 $23,000 38 GF 1 9 7 I. T . MI C R O S O F T  OF F I C E  VE R S I O N  UP G R A D E  TO  OF F I C E  20 1 3 $7 0 , 0 0 0 37 GF 1 1 5 PA R K S PA R K  VE H I C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T S $90,000 63 $2 4 , 0 0 0 $4 5 , 0 0 0 GF 0 3 4 PA R K S LA R G E  DE C K  MO W E R $5 4 , 0 0 0 $56,000 43 $8 0 , 0 0 0 GF 0 3 1 PA R K S PA R K  IM P R O V E M E N T  GR A N T S $0 37 $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 GF 0 8 4 PA R K S PA R K S  RE S T R O O M  UP G R A D E S $130,000 $340,000 37 $1 3 0 , 0 0 0 GF 0 9 2 PA R K S PL A Y G R O U N D  EQ U I P M E N T $70,000 37 $6 0 , 0 0 0 $7 0 , 0 0 0 GF 1 9 0 PA R K S 4 ‐WH E E L E R  AT V  RE P L A C E M E N T $14,000 37 GF 1 9 4 PA R K S PA R K  EN T E R A N C E  SI G N S $1 0 , 0 0 0 37 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 47 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY19 GF 0 3 0 PA R K S AR T I C U L A T I N G  TR A C T O R $65,000 35 $6 0 , 0 0 0 GF 2 0 5 PA R K S PR O S T  PL A N  UP D A T E 35 $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 GF 1 0 8 PA R K S PA R K  SI D E W A L K  RE P L A C E M E N T S $82,000 $69,200 27 $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 GF 2 0 6 PA R K S BR O N K E N  PA R K  PA T H W A Y 27 $8 8 , 2 4 6 GF 1 4 8 PA R K S BM X  PA R K I N G  LO T $85,000 25 GF 1 9 1 PA R K S UP G R A D E  SO F T B A L L  CO M P L E X  LI G H T I N G $825,000 22 GF 1 9 5 PA R K S AE R A T O R 19 $1 7 , 0 0 0 GF 2 3 4 PA R K S NE W  PA R K  IN F R A S T R U C T U R E  ‐   SI D E W A L K S ,  CU R B S ,   GU T T E R S ,  ET C $250,000 GF 1 6 5 PO L I C E PA T R O L  MO T O R C Y C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T S $3 0 , 0 0 0 66 GF 0 5 3 PO L I C E PA T R O L  VE H I C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T $165,000 $1 6 2 , 0 0 0 $220,000 63 $2 1 6 , 0 0 0 $1 6 5 , 0 0 0 $2 2 0 , 0 0 0 GF 0 5 1 PO L I C E AN I M A L  CO N T R O L  VE H I C L E $3 3 , 0 0 0 60 GF 1 6 6 PO L I C E PO R T A B L E  RA D I O  RE P L A C E M E N T S $52,500 $50,000 57 $4 8 , 0 0 0 $4 9 , 5 0 0 $5 1 , 0 0 0 GF 2 3 5 PO L I C E EV I D E N C E  BA R  CO D I N G  SY S T E M 45 $2 0 , 0 0 0 GF 0 5 0 PO L I C E PO L I C E  AN D  MU N I C I P A L  CO U R T  FA C I L I T Y $23,800,000 GF 1 4 0 RE C R E A T I O N LI N D L E Y  CE N T E R  PA R K I N G  LO T  RE N O V A T I O N $47,000 47 GF 1 4 2 RE C R E A T I O N SW I M  CE N T E R  GU T T E R  RE P L A C E M E N T 47 $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 GF 1 3 7 RE C R E A T I O N SW I M  CE N T E R  PO O L  FI L T R A T I O N  SY S T E M $135,000 45 GF 0 5 6 RE C R E A T I O N DE S I G N  & CO N S T R U C T  IN D O O R / O U T D O O R  FA M I L Y   AQ U A T I C S  CE N T E R $18,000,000 44 GF 1 8 1 RE C R E A T I O N SW I M  CE N T E R  DE C K  TI L E  RE P L A C E M E N T 43 $1 4 1 , 4 2 3 GF 2 3 8 RE C R E A T I O N BO G E R T  PO O L  RE N O V A T I O N 40 $3 0 0 , 0 0 0 GF 2 0 9 RE C R E A T I O N LI N D L E Y  CE N T E R  FU L L  UP G R A D E :  RE S T R O O M S ,   WI N D O W S ,  SI D I N G ,  BA S E M E N T ,  KI T C H E N ,  RO O F ,   FL O O R I N G $197,950 38 GF 2 3 9 RE C R E A T I O N RE P L A C E M E N T  OF  CE I L I N G  TI L E S  AT  SW I M  CE N T E R 34 $1 2 0 , 6 8 1 GF 2 3 6 RE C R E A T I O N BE A L L  PA R K  RE C R E A T I O N  CE N T E R :  WO O D  FL O O R   RE P L A C E M E N T 31 $3 4 , 0 0 0 GF 2 1 6 RE C R E A T I O N 12  PA S S E N G E R  VA N $1 5 , 0 0 0 25 48 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY19 Su m m a r y  fo r    Ge n e r a l  Fu n d  (6 5  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $9 0 8 , 4 0 0 $ 1 , 0 1 1 , 0 0 0 $ 1 , 5 0 6 , 4 9 6 $1 , 0 5 6 , 1 0 4 $49,251,300 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 9 Unscheduled FY20 $1,501,783 49 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF001 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - PROF PROJECT NAME PROFESSIONAL BUILDING ELEVATOR REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $66,600 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The elevator in the Professional Building is a three stop Otis elevator. The elevator was installed when the second floor was added in 1972. Since the City purchased the building re-modeling has occurred on both the main floor and second floor. The elevator is to the point where many technological improvements have been made in elevator technology and a change out would yield both improved service and some reductions in energy savings. While the elevator is still a safe system, there are some inherent problems with the operation of the elevator. Of the four elevators owned by the City, this system experiences the most downtime. One big problem is the leveling systems and the way the rails and tracks are mounted in the building. If someone loads the elevator heavy to one side or another the balance alarm will engage and the elevator has to be reset. A new car and track system would solve the nuisance trips associated with this elevator. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to maintain and adjust the elevator operating systems throughout the year. The current electronics for the building are also a source of increased vigilance on the system and the electrical components on the system had to be traced back this year on two occasions to determine the problems of uneven voltages associated with the system. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A new car, rail system and control package would add to the reliability of the elevator operation and the address the accessibility requirements for a municipal building. Building energy demands would also benefit as the newer elevator systems have more energy saving features built into them. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: A new system would reduce some of the maintenance costs currently associated with this elevator. A new system would also include a number of technological improvements such as a solid state slow start motor yielding reduced energy costs associated with the high demand motors used in elevator systems. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund and Building Inspection Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:33 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 50 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF010 DEPARTMENT CEMETERY PROJECT NAME CEMETERY MOWER REPLACEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Ongoing Cemetery mower replacement. Scheduled on a five year replacement program. If a machine should be functioning well and is deemed more efficient to keep in service past five years we will. These mowers are used to complete the mowing of 53 Formal Turf Acres, and support the Cemetery Divisions performance measures - Mowing the cemetery and adjacent trails. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep older mowers for extended periods of time. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Less down time, Decreased repair /maintenance costs, High trade –in value, Increased productivity, Less emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Routine maintenance, oil changes, fuel. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:25 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):5 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 $16,000 FY19 $16,000 $16,000 FY20 51 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF030 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME ARTICULATING TRACTOR FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The eventual replacement of the 1992 MT articulating tractor, which does the bulk of the sidewalk snow removal for the Parks Division, encompassing over 12 miles of sidewalks and two routes to plow. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Repair and maintain the 1992 MT as needed or explore the potential of sharing the costs of new Wacker/Neuson, Maclean MV2 or Bobcat municipal machines with the Street Division. These machines are a fairly new development in regards to sidewalk snow removal and can handle numerous implements as well. Depending on the machine of choice prices range from $60,000 to $110,000. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Less down time and maintenance/repair costs, A new MT tractor will be able to support more implements, Less emissions and better fuel economy, Faster more efficient use of time, which will be a factor with the expanding sidewalk and trial snow removal routes. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Better fuel economy and less emissions= less maintenance costs and operating costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:35 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 $60,000 FY19 $65,000 FY20 52 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF031 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME PARK IMPROVEMENT GRANTS FY16 FY17 $100,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contribute every other year from the General Fund towards improving park infrastructure through implementation of park master plans. This grant program is a matching funds program in which the City receives a minimum 1 to 1 match from the recipient. The Commission has established a formal grant policy by resolution. By switching to every other year, and also increasing the allocation, bigger projects can be accomplished, though these projects will take more time to complete. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Handle park equipment and improvement requests on an adhoc basis, as various donors or service groups bring them forward. Allocate more or fewer dollars to the program. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This matching funds program provides critical infrastructure to the park system by utilizing the talents of our community members through matching funds, donations, labor in lieu of and numerous specialized services. All of the above can be used as a match in this program ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: New infrastructure and facilities bring on increased maintenance and labor costs. The nature of each project funded will determine the continued costs. Some projects have very low ongoing costs, others have relatively higer costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:37 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):7 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 FY19 $100,000 $0 FY20 53 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF034 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME LARGE DECK MOWER FY16 $54,000 FY17 Unscheduled $56,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Eventual replacement of the 1998 (in FY16) Toro 455 series mowers, which are difficult to repair due to lack of parts (these mowers are not manufactured anymore) and are currently used as back-up mowers and/or are used sparingly in un-developed and smaller park areas. The mower request in FY18 would be an addition of a large-deck sports turf mower, anticipated to be needed for additional land purchases from Park and Trail Bond and future annexations. The city currently maintains over 125 acres of Formal Turf in the parks system. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to repair as break downs occur, Replace mowers as they breakdown, Lease mowers on a 3 - year program. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Proper mowing of sports fields and formal parks are imperative to safety. Regular replacement will reduce maintenance costs and decrease the number of breakdowns we have been experiencing. Well mowed parks are an important reflection on our City and how it is perceived by visitors and citizens. New mowers will be more reliable, safer, productive, and will reduce the workload on the vehicle maintenance shop personnel. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Improve scheduling of mowing and increase crew efficiency because of reliable equipment. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:43 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 $80,000 FY19 FY20 54 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF050 DEPARTMENT POLICE PROJECT NAME Police and Municipal Court Facility FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $23,800,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT <div>Even though this item has already been included in a past CIP and budgets, and was approved by the Commission, we have included it as unscheduled based on the voter results. A decision as to how to proceed with this facility is needed.</div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Voter approved general obligation bond. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING: LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20): OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10): SERVICE AREA (Up to 10): DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10): COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10): ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5): FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5): FY18 FY19 FY20 55 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF051 DEPARTMENT POLICE PROJECT NAME ANIMAL CONTROL VEHICLE FY16 $33,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT FY16 - Replace vehicle Asset 3230, 2004 Dodge 4-wheel drive with an expected mileage of 130,000. This vehicle will be replaced with a new extended cab, 4wd truck. A drop-in animal carrier control box will be placed in the back, which will provide the ability to hold and transport several dogs and cats at the same time. This allows for safe and efficient means to transport animals. The department responds to nearly 2,000 Animal Complaints each year. During the winter months it is very difficult to navigate the city streets and transport animals to the Heart of the Valley Animal Shelter with a 2 wheel drive pickup and need to continue use of a 4wd vehicle. The current vehicle has already had an increase in repairs and maintenance costs. Purchase of a new truck would ensure many years of service without incurring high maintenance costs. A hybrid fuel vehicle will be examined for suitability to assignment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED The purchase of a newer lease return vehicle is a viable option and one that will be looked at before a final decision to purchase is made. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL 4-wheel drive is important for 12-month access in difficult weather. 4-wheel drive vehicles are often used for evidence retrieval and transport. A flex-fuel vehicle would provide better gas mileage. The drop-in box will provide a more appropriate holding area for transporting and segregating multiple animals. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Reduction in costs expected. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:60 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):17 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):10 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):1 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 56 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF053 DEPARTMENT POLICE PROJECT NAME PATROL VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FY16 $162,000 FY17 $216,000 Unscheduled $220,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This plan allows for a number of patrol cars to be replaced each year, including all of the necessary vehicle equipment (top lights, sirens, radio, mobile data terminals, video cameras, electronic reporting / ticketing systems, etc.) Costs are based on anticipated increase in FY16 and FY17 to $54,000/fully outfitted vehicle, and for FY18,19 and 20 to $55,000/vehicle. Patrol vehicles are an essential item in the operation of the Bozeman Police Department, being the primary tool used for over 50,000 Response to Calls each year. Police vehicles must be available for police patrol and emergency call response 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These vehicles are used to respond to both emergency and non-emergency calls for service, investigate vehicle crashes, conduct traffic enforcement and for general patrol duties. These patrol vehicles average approximately 20,000 miles annually. The table on the following page is an outline of the replacement schedule. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This helps us plan for safe and reliable emergency response vehicles for patrol use, as well as projected lower annual maintenance costs due to lower annual miles driven per vehicle per year. This program would allow for the replacement of older, higher mileage patrol cars that become less reliable and more costly to repair. Equipment components mounted inside the car can sometimes be transferred from the old car to the new car, depending on the condition. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED These are replacement vehicles. Recurring costs frequently decline as newer cars replace older ones. Maintenance costs have stabilized due to regularly scheduled service, even though calls for service have increased and additional officers have been hired. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:63 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $165,000 FY19 $220,000 $165,000 FY20 57 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Po l i c e V e h i c l e D e t a i l s Pr o j e c t   Nu m b e r Cu r r e n t   Mi l e a g e As s e t  # Ma k e FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Un s c h e d u l e dNotes FY 1 8 FY 1 9 FY 2 0 GF 0 5 3 58 , 8 7 3 35 9 0 11  Ch e v y  Im p a l a $5 4 , 0 0 0 Mileage  Sept  14 61 , 8 0 1 35 8 9 11  Ch e v y  Im p a l a $5 4 , 0 0 0 Mileage  Sept  14 78 , 0 6 7 33 7 0 07  Ch e v y  Im p a l a $5 4 , 0 0 0 Mileage  Sept  14 51 , 0 9 8 34 9 8 09  Ch e v y  Im p a l a $5 4 , 0 0 0 Mileage  Sept  14 50 , 2 4 4 34 9 9 09  Ch e v y  Im p a l a $5 4 , 0 0 0 Mileage  Sept  14 47 , 2 7 5 36 2 7 12  Ch e v y  Im p a l a $5 4 , 0 0 0 Mileage  Sept  14 36 , 8 6 8 35 9 5 11  Ch e v y  Im p a l a $5 4 , 0 0 0 Mileage  Sept  14 21 , 9 3 3 36 3 1 12  Ch e v y  Ta h o e Mileage  Sept  14  – K9 $5 5 , 0 0 0 31 , 3 9 6 36 2 8 12  Ch e v y  Im p a l a Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 33 , 7 1 4 36 3 0 12  Ch e v y  Im p a l a Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 17 , 9 8 2 36 5 9 13  Ch e v y  Im p a l a Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 9, 3 3 4 36 9 8 14  Fo r d  In t e r c e p t Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 8, 2 1 1 36 9 7 14  Fo r d  In t e r c e p t Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 7, 6 4 3 36 6 1 13  Ch e v y  Im p a l a Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 3, 2 0 0 36 6 0 13  Ch e v y  Ta h o e Mileage  Sept  14  – K9 $5 5 , 0 0 0 8, 0 2 8 36 9 6 14  Fo r d  In t e r c e p t Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 5, 7 2 1 36 9 9 14  Fo r d  In t e r c e p t Mileage  Sept  14 $5 5 , 0 0 0 $1 6 2 , 0 0 0 $ 2 1 6 , 0 0 0 $ 1 6 5 , 0 0 0 $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 To t a l s $1 6 5 , 0 0 0 58 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF056 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME DESIGN & CONSTRUCT INDOOR/OUTDOOR FAMILY AQUATICS CENTER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $18,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Indoor/Outdoor Aquatics Center. This item was identified as a “Top Ten Capital Facility Recommendation” in the PROST plan, adopted October 2007. In 2007, the estimated cost of this project was 12,000,000. This project will need to be approved by the voters. It is estimated that an election would be offered after the Rouse Justice Center is approved. With that project in limbo until voter approval, we have moved the Aquatics Center to unscheduled pending. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not build a community aquatics center. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Community Benefits of an Aquatics Center: safe and healthy place for families to play, connected families, strong vital involved community, support for youth at risk, and increased community programs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs to include additional aquatic staff: Cost undetermined at this time. FUNDING SOURCES Bond and General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:44 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):0 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):8 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):8 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 59 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF062 DEPARTMENT I.T. PROJECT NAME SERVER & PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC) REPLACEMENT FY16 $65,000 FY17 $90,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a general item for replacement of personal computers and Servers for General Fund related jobs and services. (Enterprise and Special Revenue fund services pay for their own pc’s and servers.) As of FY10, Personal Computers’s moved to a 4 year rotation and servers continued to be minimal of a 5 year asset before replacement. PC Replacements are one of the primary drivers of Help Desk Calls (PM01 & WL01) - aging computers can have more software and technical conflicts, and replaced PC's often require user support for newer versions of software, etc. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Not replace computer/server hardware as frequently. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL City technology needs will be better met and the IT department will be able to more efficiently support employees and citizens. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:45 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):7 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):8 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $50,000 FY19 $50,000 $60,000 FY20 60 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF079 DEPARTMENT I.T. PROJECT NAME NETWORK CORE SWITCHES FY16 $25,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a scheduled replacement of switches that provide the backbone of the entire network. These provide the technology platform for the entire organization. The switches at the Professional Building will be replaced in FY15. This equipment is critical to the City's technology network, suporting all of the department's performance measures related to system "uptime" (PM02- PM06) and workload measures related to number of hours the network and various software is "in service" (WL02-W06). ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Maintain current switches without critical support or maintenance. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Continued maintaining network stability and ensure phone services and data without interruption. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: FUNDING SOURCES General Fund – with costs shared with Enterprise, as location warrants. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:50 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 61 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF080 DEPARTMENT I.T. PROJECT NAME REMOTE CLOSET SWITCHES, ROUTER AND WIRELESS AP REPLACEMENT FY16 $40,000 FY17 $40,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Wan Site end of life replacements for switches and router throughout City to include City Hall, Professional Building, City Shops, Landfill, L&J, Library, WWTP, WTP, Swim Center, Beall Park, Cemetery. Smaller sites will be consolidated in one year. FY 15 - Prof-Building, Vehicle Maint. This equipment is critical to the City's technology network, suporting all of the department's performance measures related to system "uptime" (PM02-PM06) and workload measures related to number of hours the network and various software is "in service" (WL02-W06). ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Maintain current switches without critical support or maintenance. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Maintain uptime for all WAN locations throughout the City to include phone services as well as data. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES General Fund – with costs shared with Enterprise, as location warrants. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:50 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $40,000 FY19 $40,000 $40,000 FY20 62 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF083 DEPARTMENT CEMETERY PROJECT NAME BACKHOE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This piece of equipment would replace the current cemetery backhoe (2001) that is used for burials an average of 2 times per week. This is the main piece of equipment utilized for cemetery burials. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to utilize the older backhoe and repair and maintain as necessary. Borrow from another department. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff and the families relying on cemetery services. The old cemetery backhoe could potentially be transitioned to the Parks Division. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Operating and repair costs are expected to be lower than the existing vehicle. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:42 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $110,000 FY20 63 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF084 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME PARKS RESTROOM UPGRADES FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $340,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is the general replacement and upgrading of the City Park’s public restroom facilities. Other restrooms that need to be replaced- and/or built are: BMX- Westlake Park ($130,000) in FY18 - Rose Park ($130,000) in FY 20- Beall Park ($40,000)and a new addition, the Softball Complex ($300,000 - Large Facility plus Concession Stand.) &nbsp;are unscheduled.</div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to try to maintain existing facilities. The Rose and BMX Park projects will provide restroom facilities in areas where currently none exist. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Ease and efficiency of maintaining new restrooms, increased cleanliness of public facilities. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Operating and repair costs are expected to be lower than the existing facilities. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:37 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $130,000 FY19 $130,000 FY20 64 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF092 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT <div>The following playground equipment will eventually need to be replaced due to its age and condition: Replacement will bring equipment up to today’s standards and reduce safety and liability concerns. Beall Park (FY18)- Jarrett Park (FY19)- Christie Park (FY20), are identified as the playgrounds that need replacement, in that priority. In general, safety recommendations for playgrounds address: playground site elements, sight lines, equipment features and materials, surfacing materials, hardware, paints and finishes, and any other hazards that might be present. Playground repairs require same-day; response given their critical safety implication. Currently, the Parks Division inspects and &nbsp;maintains 17 playgrounds city-wide and assists with another 18 HOA- maintained playgrounds</div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep existing equipment in place, maintain as we go ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased safety for community members. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $60,000 FY19 $70,000 FY20 $70,000 65 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF103 DEPARTMENT FACILITY MGMT. PROJECT NAME AMERICAN'S WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COMPLIANCE IMPROVEMENTS FY16 $20,000 FY17 $20,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace or install ADA upgrades in various city-owned buildings. Work examples include: door hardware, handrails, parking signage and stalls, building access, etc. The newly formed ADA advisory committee is anticipated to provide recommendations to the city on priority order for any upgrades or improvements that we might make in order to make our facilities or programs more accessible. Having this money available to begin improvements will show our priorities have already been in place to address special needs concerns for the City of Bozeman. Based on the initial review of the work to be done the dollar amount should be increased in order to complete the improvements within the needed timeframe. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED When remodels are initiated on buildings they are brought up to current ADA requirements as per regulations. There are changes to the ADA that took effect in March 2011. We will continue to make upgrades as changes are made to buildings but this budget item would accelerate the compliance for city buildings. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL It has been the policy of the city to meet the full spirit of the law as outlined in the ADA regulations. By taking the initiative to bring all our buildings up to current standards we can provide a positive example to the community in meeting the needs of people with restricted or limited mobility. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: No real costs foreseen with these improvements. Future costs could be reduced if the upgrades are made prior to any remodeling of the building FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:42 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $25,000 FY19 $25,000 $25,000 FY20 66 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF104 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - SC PROJECT NAME ENERGY UPGRADES AT THE SENIOR CENTER FY16 $30,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Install occupancy sensors in areas that are occupied at irregular times; install programmable thermostats; replace plumbing fixtures with low-water fixtures; replace single glaze windows with double glazed units. Work would occur on all city owned buildings after an analysis of the work that would have the best payback and energy savings. Some consultation with an electrical engineer would be needed to develop some energy modeling to determine which improvements would have the best payback. This funding is expected to become available just as our federal Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant money has been fully utilized. This project may change if the City decides to move forward on the Performance Contracting Energy Improvement work that has been bid. The Performance Contracting will address the major energy improvements identified by the city and the contractor. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Currently upgrades are made as equipment reaches its useful life. This approach would be more proactive, replacing Items that have a reasonable pay-back on energy savings. This money will also be used for energy upgrades done by the city that are not going to be part of the McKinstry Energy Projects. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This work would be in line with the Mayor’s energy initiative. Some rebates are currently available through NorthWestern Energy which would help offset the cost of the change-outs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Improvements that would result in the shortest payback would receive priority. Changes that would improve the work environment for employees and the public would also be given a priority. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:47 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 67 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF108 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME PARK SIDEWALK REPLACEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $69,200 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Identified for replacement due to deteriorating cement, missing sections and heaving from weather and roots from trees. Approx $7/ square foot for rip and replace. New sidewalks must meet or exceed city code. Replacing the old sidewalk will result in a safer sidewalk year round and enable the sidewalks plows to better meet the snow removal municipal code. Project 1: $100,000 - Southside Park - replace 730' of sidewalk along South 5th Avenue and along West Alderson Street with new 6' (six foot) wide concrete sidewalk, and the related retaining wall. Project 2: $82,000 - Cooper Park - replace the sidewalk around the entire block. This sidewalk serves as a main route to and from the University. Approximately 1875' total. The addition of Story Mansion sidewalk replacements ($69,200) ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased safety for community members. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: no estimate at this time FUNDING SOURCES General Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:27 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):0 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $100,000 FY19 $82,000 FY20 68 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF115 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME PARK VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS FY16 FY17 $24,000 Unscheduled $90,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Parks Department utilizes vehicles for mowing, fertilization, irrigation, inspections, snow plowing and repairs of the city parks, comprising over 125 acres of formal turf and 220 acres of natural parkland. All vehicles are utilized until service related down- time for equipment and staff become problematic or safety is compromised. FY’17 represents an inspection vehicle which will be a hybrid for fuel efficiency. FY ’19 represents a one ton replacement. Dodge has ceased making parts for this particular vehicle and while not a major representation of the fleet, one tons are used in plowing of parking lots, ice rinks, stone and materials hauling, among other duties. The unscheduled is for continued replacement of aging fleet vehicles. A detailed listing of the replacement plan, with vehicle mileage, has been sent to Finance. mileage updated October 2014. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This insures safe and reliable vehicles for park use. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: These are replacements; recurring costs frequently decline as newer cars replace older ones. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:63 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $45,000 FY20 69 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Pa r k s V e h i c l e R e p l a c e m e n t s - D e t a i l s Pr o j e c t   Nu m b e r As s e t  # Ma k e Mo d e l   Yr Cu r r e n t   Mi l e a g e FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled Notes FY 1 8 FY 1 9 FY 2 0 GF 1 1 5 26 9 1 FO R D 19 9 0 19 4 , 4 7 4 10/2014 MILEAGE $3 0 , 0 0 0 32 5 1 DO D G E 20 0 1 18 6 , 7 5 0 $30,000 10/2014 MILEAGE 16 0 8 FO R D 19 8 6 18 6 , 7 0 2 $30,000 10/2014 MILEAGE 55 6 1 FO R D 19 9 7 18 3 , 4 8 6 $3 0 , 0 0 0 10/2014MILEAGE 16 9 1 DO D G E 19 8 5 16 5 , 6 0 3 $30,000 10/2014 MILEAGE $3 0 , 0 0 0 $3 0 , 0 0 0 $90,000 To t a l s 70 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF116 DEPARTMENT CEMETERY PROJECT NAME CEMETERY VEHICLE REPLACEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $42,500 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Cemetery Vehicle Replacement Plan. The Cemetery Department utilizes 1-Ton trucks for operations and maintenance of the Sunset Hills Cemetery. Asset# 1213, 1989 1Ton 4x4, 40,865 miles. This 1-Ton is critical to providing prompt burial services (loading and unloading dirt) roughly twice a week, and sanding/plowing cemetery roads. While it has relatively low mileage, the cost of repairs and its extremely low fuel economy (460 engine) drive our recommendation to replace this 25 year old vehicle. *Mileage as of 11/2014 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep maintaining #1213 until a new replacement is funded or replacement parts are no longer available. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This insures safe and reliable vehicles for cemetery use. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: These are replacements; recurring costs frequently decline as newer cars replace older ones FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:34 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):5 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 71 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF130 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - CH PROJECT NAME CITY HALL SITE IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE 2 FY16 FY17 $42,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A general landscape plan was prepared for the building remodel. It included planting beds, irrigation upgrades for a dated system and modifications to provide water coverage for the revised site and better use of treated city water. Improvement items include: Irrigation upgrade and new irrigation lines to all parts of the site, Reclamation of the abandoned alley to the south of the City Commission meeting room, Trees to provide screening and shading on the south facing elevation, A storm water detention area on the north east end of the alley to protect the creek from site run-off and any added siltation, Planting beds and screening from the parking lot to the south of City Hall, Benches and or picnic tables for staff and citizen use, Better amenities for bike racks will also be included. If approved the landscaping plan will be presented to the Commission for final review and approval. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The site improvements will add to the overall character of the building as an important municipal facility. Commitments were made in the LEED application for future site development that will address lower maintenance needs, less water use, and other green practices. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: The replacement of the irrigation system with a properly zoned system will make better use of treated city water. The landscape plan that has been initially developed for the site includes both native plantings and other vegetation requiring less water. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:38 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 FY19 FY20 72 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF137 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME SWIM CENTER POOL FILTRATION SYSTEM FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $135,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT We are moving the Swim Center filter replacement project to an unscheduled time. During this time we are going to address the safety concerns associated with the open pit filtration system. Staff must climb into the filtration pit onto slick wood rails to scrub the filter grids on a weekly to daily basis. Once per month staff must climb to the bottom of the pit to clean out all of the old filter media. The filter pit holds approximately 60,000 gallons of water, which gets flushed down the drain during the cleaning process. One new filter option is a regenerative media system. The system is contained in a pressurized tank that will hold 400 gallons of water. Cleaning a regenerative system reduces the potential hazard to staff, and some of the current maintenance burdens. We are going to work with McKinstry and an engineering company to find a filter system that will clean the water to a high standard, as well as reduce the risks associated with the maintenance of an open pit filtration system. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use current system ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Tthis project will decrease the work place hazards for staff, and reduce staff time needed to clean filters and replace media. Another advantage of a regenerative filter system is an annual savings of approximately 700,000 gallons of water. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Maintenance and Operating cost will be equal or less then current system. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:45 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):7 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):7 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 73 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF140 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME LINDLEY CENTER PARKING LOT RENOVATION FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Curb and overlay the parking lot at the Lindley Center and include ADA parking stalls. Install parking lot lights and bases, a dumpster pad and dumpster enclosure fence. This project aligns with section 10.10.1 of the PROST plan (adopted October 2007) that recommends that City parks, recreation facilities and trails are accessible to the greatest extent possible. It would reduce some of the current maintenance burdens (PM07), and mitigate some of the items contained in Risk Management reports - Recreation Facilities (PM06). Includes permit fees. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Sealing and striping lot and not installing lights ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Comply with city codes, allow for more cars to be parked in the lot at a time, more organized parking which will make the lot safer and reduced liability, lights will help with public safety and parking lot/facility security, ADA spots will be designated which will make the lot accessible, the dumpster would be enclosed. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs to include stripping and periodic overlays. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:47 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):13 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):9 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $47,000 FY20 74 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF142 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME SWIM CENTER GUTTER REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The pool gutter system is from the original construction of the pool in 1974. The tiles are made of concrete and are beginning to wear thin. The tiles are no longer made, so they would be very difficult to replace if they broke. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Replace with stainless steel gutters ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A new gutter system would provide more stability. The current gutter system has minimal skimming capacity with overflow breaks every 24 inches. New gutter systems have overflow gaps every two inches. 80% of dirt, debris, and oil collects at the surface of the water. Having a more continuous overflow would provide cleaner water. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:47 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):10 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $150,000 FY20 75 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF148 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME BMX PARKING LOT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of parking lot at Westlake BMX park. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not install a parking lot ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Also access for Childrens Memorial Park Accessible area to park Christmas tree dumping ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Minimal. Clean-up, possible snow plowing, painting lines every few years FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:25 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $85,000 FY20 76 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF157 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - SC PROJECT NAME SENIOR CENTER ELEVATOR FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The elevator at the Bozeman Senior Social Center is a three stop Otis elevator. The elevator was installed in early 1980. The elevator is to the point where many technological improvements have been made in elevator technology and a change out would yield both improved service and some reductions in energy savings. While the elevator is still a safe system, the elevator is used often due to the special needs of the members of the Senior Center. Planning ahead for the replacement of the elevator will be more cost effective and avoid unnecessary down time during the replacement process. I requested a detailed analysis of the elevator by the maintenance contractor we have for the elevator and they agreed that the Senior Center elevator is the one that is most in need of replacement amongst all the city elevators. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to maintain and adjust the elevator operating systems throughout the year. Wait to replace the elevator until it physically breaks down or continue to monitor the operation and hold off on the replacement until the routine repair and maintenance costs exceed acceptable limits ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A new car, rail system and control package would add to the reliability of the elevator operation and the address the accessibility requirements for a municipal building. Building energy demands would also benefit as the newer elevator systems have more energy saving features built into them. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: A new system would reduce some of the maintenance costs currently associated with this elevator. A new system would also include a number of technological improvements. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:37 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):7 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $68,000 FY19 FY20 77 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF162 DEPARTMENT FIRE PROJECT NAME LIVE-FIRE TRAINING PROP FY16 $30,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will complete the Fire training facility at the lower yards. It will be constructed of modular container units that will be configured and replaced when needed. The modular components of this prop allow for future transportation to another training location should one be secured in the future. This facility will be used year round. The following types of training would occur: Live Fire, Flashover, Ventilation, Forcible Entry, Confined Space, Hazardous Materials Response, and Trench Rescue. The facility will be available to the City Police Department for their training needs (Special Response Team, etc.) and to the Water and Sewer Department for continued Trench Rescue training. In recent budgets we have purchased the containers and have stacked them at the training site. The ongoing request is to continue to complete the passage doorways, stairways, roof props, burn rooms and eventually a standalone flash over prop. This project trains firefighters to respond to Fires, Rupture/Explosion , and Hazardous Conditions and various other call types. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with utilizing the existing site and Central Valley Fire training center out of the city. We also have a strong relationship with Sourdough Fire and potentially will be training with them. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Firefighters can train when on-duty, reducing overtime costs. Required for ISO compliance.. Located within the City Limits, firefighters would be close for call-outs. Available when needed (unlike Central Valley Fire site.) Shared facility with City Police and Water/Sewer Operations ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Operating costs are minimal and are within our existing operational budgets. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:45 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 78 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF165 DEPARTMENT POLICE PROJECT NAME PATROL MOTORCYCLE REPLACEMENTS FY16 $30,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Originally in FY15, we identified the need to trade in 3 higher mileage motorcycles for 2 new motorcycles for our traffic division, at a total end-price of $60,000. Authorization was given to purchase one of the two motorcycles, which resulted in trading in two 2003 Harley Motorcycles for one new Harley motorcycle. In FY16, we will trade in a 2002 Harley Davidson Motorcycle for a new motorcycle. With trade in value and re-use of the police radio, the total cost will be $30,000. The end result of this purchase leaves the department with 2 new primary patrol motorcycles fully outfitted. Patrol motorcycles are an essential item in the traffic enforcement division, used for a portion of the over 13,000 traffic stops, crashes, and citations each year. These motorcycles are used from March to October each year and are responsible for a portion of the response to both emergency and non-emergency calls for service, investigate accidents, conduct traffic enforcement and general patrol duties. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None.. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This ensures safe and reliable emergency response vehicles for patrol use, as well as lower annual maintenance costs. For the traffic division to be effective, this equipment must be kept in top operating condition. Police motorcycles are available for police patrol use during the day and when the city streets are clear enough to ride. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Maintenance costs are stable due to regularly scheduled service. Officers assigned to the motorcycle division are also assigned to their own motorcycle. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:66 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):10 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 FY19 FY20 79 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF166 DEPARTMENT POLICE PROJECT NAME PORTABLE RADIO REPLACEMENTS FY16 FY17 $48,000 Unscheduled $50,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This plan allows for 9 police portable radios to be replaced each year, including all of the software, programming and peripheral accessories. This is planned replacement of radios at the end of their predicted usable life, estimated between six and ten years. This will provide for seamless communication and response capabilities as the radios become less reliable and repair is no longer a financially prudent option. Portable (or hand-held) radios are an essential item in the operation of the Bozeman Police Department, being a critical communication tool used for over 50,000 Response to Calls each year. Police radios must be available for police use 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. These radios are individually assigned, allowing for greater longevity, and department-wide communication in the event of a need for major response. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None. Previously had this rotation beginning in FY15. Radios are working to a degree that this entire planned purchase moved back beginning FY17 ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This insures safe and reliable emergency communication and response. Program allows for a planned and predictable need for equipment replacement. Clear and dependable communication allows for quick and efficient deployment and the required level of officer safety. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:57 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $49,500 FY19 $51,000 $52,500 FY20 80 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF181 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME SWIM CENTER DECK TILE REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The tile on the Bozeman Swim Center’s deck is the original tile. In many places the grout has worn away and the tile is cracked. We replace individual tiles around the deck as they break or come loose. Replacement with a current, non-skid tile will not only increase the visual appeal of the facility, but will help reduce the number of slips that occur at the facility. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increase safety by installing non-skid tile. This project would reduce some of the current maintenance burdens associated with replacing old, broken tiles. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:43 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):10 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $141,423 FY20 81 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF186 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - PROF PROJECT NAME REPLACE ENTRANCE LOCKS AT THE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING WITH FOB UNITS FY16 $12,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT There are 6 main entrance doors at the Professional Building on the south, north, and west sides of the building. The current door locks would be replaced with the radio frequency fob locks that are being used for other city buildings. It might be good to move this installation up to FY 15. There is more activity and this would help with some of the concerns that have come up with the doors getting locked in the evening with the activities related to the MSU Computer Training Lab in the basement of the building. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Stay with the existing key locks. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Replacement of the key locks with fobs would be consistent with the other locks that have been installed on all new city projects. This is one of the last primary city buildings that is not equipped with the fob units. These locks would allow for easier access for the various employees and multiple departments that occupy the building. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% general fund unless the building department fund would be charged separately for a portion of the cost. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:27 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):0 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 82 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF187 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - SC PROJECT NAME REPLACE WORN SIDING ON THE BOZEMAN SENIOR SOCIAL CENTER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The original siding on the Senior Center is wide flat boards installed in a clap board pattern. The board are showing signs of wear and many are split and exposing the underlayment. Areas of the building that were damaged in the 2010 hail storm were resided with a cement based siding that is more durable. While the current siding does add character to the building it will be difficult to replace or refinish and the proposed material will be more durable. Addition work is being included in the CIP requests for exterior work on the building. Other areas of the building are in need of repair due to the age and condition of the materials. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Repair, replace, and repaint the existing wide board siding. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Install a more durable type of siding that will seal the building envelope and provide for a material that will have a longer life. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Long term maintenance costs will be reduced. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:39 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $26,250 FY19 FY20 83 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF190 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME 4-WHEELER ATV REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $14,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace the ATV (2000 Yamaha Grizzley) used for sidewalk snow removal and is the main piece of equipment that is used to spray approx 300 acres with herbicides and biostimulants for the Parks Division. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use the 2000 Yamaha Grizzley and repair as needed. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Maximize efficiency, minimize down time, proactive replacement of aging equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Routine maintenance FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:37 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 84 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF191 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME UPGRADE SOFTBALL COMPLEX LIGHTING FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $825,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace the current lights at the Softball Complex with appropriate stadium lights. Estimate provided by MUSCO, would be bid at the time of construction. Existing lights have light spillage and this is the only way to make the lights Dark Skies Compliant. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep existing lights ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The new lights can offer 50% less light spillage and glare and reduce energy costs by up to 50%. Additionally, upgraded lights could help to reduce or eliminate complaints regarding light pollution. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Reduction in electrical use. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund, or fundraising by user groups - Cost estimates range from $750,000 to $825,000 in August 2012. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:22 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):6 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):0 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):1 FY18 FY19 FY20 85 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF194 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME PARK ENTERANCE SIGNS FY16 $10,000 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project to replace existing park signs and add park entrance signs where none currently exist with an updated, identifiable, uniform, maintenance-free park sign. This project would provide for approximately 5 double-sided signs per year. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to make our own wooden routered park signs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A uniform signing system creating easily identifiable park properties, continuity, and reduction in labor costs due to constant upkeep of our wooden signs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:37 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $10,000 FY19 $10,000 FY20 86 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF195 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME AERATOR FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT An additional aerator into Parks and Recreation inventory of turf equipment. This would be used to maintain the 125 acres of turf in the park inventory. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to operate with one aerator. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Proactively and aggressively aerate parks and sports fields within the City to create a finer and healthier product. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:19 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):5 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):1 FY18 FY19 $17,000 FY20 87 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF196 DEPARTMENT I.T. PROJECT NAME BACKUP ROOFTOP COOLING UNIT FOR THE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $20,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Add a redundant cooling unit to the current APC cooling system in the professional building Data Center. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep using the current 10 year old system and spend $6,000 to replace bearings. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL We would have a system that is properly sized for the room and heat load. It would be a redundant system that would allow failover in the event that one of the unit fails. The new system would be more energy efficient. We have had to put money into the unit multiple times over the last year and we are looking at a sizable expenditure now to keep using this unit going forward. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED 1 Year warranty out of the gate with roughly $100 per year for Freon replacement and maintenance. Repairs and issues beyond basic maintenance after the first year would have to be paid at that time. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:47 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):7 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 88 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF197 DEPARTMENT I.T. PROJECT NAME MICROSOFT OFFICE VERSION UPGRADE TO OFFICE 2013 FY16 $70,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Licenses with Software Assurance program. ;Certain vendors are asking us to upgrade our software version. ;We are currently using Microsoft Office 2007. ;This needs to be accomplished in FY16 or FY17. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Microsoft Cloud System Office 365. $62,000 ongoing/year; We haven't fully investigated this option and have concerns about meeting our discovery and records retention requirements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A coordinated migration to Office 2013 that can be occur during planned roll-out. Less disruption to the organization. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES General Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:37 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 89 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF199 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - PROF PROJECT NAME PROFESSIONAL BUILDING RECONFIGURATION AND MAIN FLOOR CARPET REPLACEMENT FY16 $49,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The users of the Stiff Building will undertake a renovation of the building in order to accommodate positions and programs that were approved in the FY15 budget, and future staffing needs over the course of the next 10 years. The creation of the Stormwater Utility and the increase in the number of staff within GIS will necessitate changes to the building, in the coming year. The study of the use of the building and future uses to accommodate growth in the next 10 years is underway. This also provides the opportunity to have Building and Planning located on the same floor to offer better customer service through the coordinated delivery of services. The Commission approved $50,000 in funding for reconfiguration of the customer service area in the building in previous budgets. The work was never undertaken. Hallway carpet on the main floor of the Professional Building is starting to show wear. Also there have been problems with static build up causing problems with computer use. New carpet will be static free. Most of the carpet areas are the hallways by the offices for Planning and Engineering. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Fund only the alterations to the building that are necessary to accommodate expension of the GIS department and the creation of the stormwater utility. Carpet - Replace small sections of carpet a little at a time over multiple years to work from standard budget verses CIP money. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This funding will allow Community Development to continue to move toward an integrated customer focused service delivery model. It will also provide Public Works with the ability to co-locate complimentary services in the Stiff Building. Finally it will help the City to take a planned thought out approach to building utilization and optimization. Replace worn carpet with static free carpet. Maintain the character of the building and offices and avoid trip hazards from worn carpet areas. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Standard costs for annual carpet cleaning, but no added costs for static guard application. No additional operating costs for building reconfiguration. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund, Stormwater, Water, Buildling New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:27 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):0 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 90 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF201 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - FR2 PROJECT NAME FIRE STATION #2 SIDING REPLACEMENT FY16 $24,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The exterior of Fire Station #2 is showing signs of aging. Improvements have already been done on parts of the building – re-roof due to hail damage, and replacement of windows and doors due to age and for improved energy efficiency. Now that the windows are replaced it will be a good time to replace the building siding. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None identified at this time. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Replacement of the siding will improve the appearance of the building and stabilize the rest of the building envelope. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The proposed siding is a cement based material that is pre-colored. This will be a durable materials and reduce the amount of repainting that will need to be done to maintain the condition of the material. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:29 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):0 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 91 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF203 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - SC PROJECT NAME BOZEMAN SENIOR SOCIAL CENTER EXTERIOR ENVELOPE IMPROVEMENTS. FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Due to the age and condition of the Bozeman Senior Social Center building a number of exterior materials will be replaced. Work will include the replacement of the rough board siding with cement based clapboard siding. The soffit area of the building is open in many areas and lots of birds have been getting into the attic areas. New fascia boards and soffit boards will be installed. The gutter sections are leaking and torn on many areas of the building. The entrance columns on the northeast entrance of the building are also starting to rot out and will be replaced. There is foam material on the foundation area of the building that is broken and not providing the needed moisture protection. This will also be replaced. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Phasing the various repairs over time will increase the cost as some things need to be done before other work is done. For example replacing the fascia boards before the gutter system is installed. Replacing the soffits before the fascia boards are installed. One other consideration would be upgrading some of the single glazed windows with more energy efficient windows before the siding is installed. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Now that the building is over 30 years old, the repairs will address the deterioration of the building exterior envelope. The roofing was all replace due to the 2010 hail damage. The west side of the building was also resided due to hail damage and the proposed replacement materials will match what has already been upgraded on the building. In addition to improving the overall appearance of the building, the new materials will have a longer life expectancy and protect the condition of the building. There has been some water leaking in through the windows in the basement. The gutters will be set up so that the water from the roof does not drain into the window wells keeping the water from getting into the building. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The new materials will have a longer projected life expectancy. We will step up the ongoing maintenance and requirements for painting when needed. FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:32 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $38,500 FY19 FY20 92 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF205 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME PROST PLAN UPDATE FY16 FY17 $100,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Update the 2007 Parks Recreation Open Space Trail (PROST) Plan. The current plan is nearing 10 years old. Since adoption, the city has grown in size, new park properties have come into the system, and local demographics may have changed. This project anticipates hiring an outside party to update the Plan. If funded in FY17, the Community Plan update will have occurred, and much of the Parks Trails bond will likely be allocated. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not update the plan. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The update would record and reference new and accurate information that has been developing over the last 10 years. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:35 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):0 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 93 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF206 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME BRONKEN PARK PATHWAY FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT INSTALLATION OF NEW SIDEWALK FOR PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC BETWEEN DURSTON AND CLASSICAL WAY, ALONG COTTONWOOD ROAD. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Safe pedestrian travel for park users and vehicle traffic. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:27 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 $88,246 FY19 FY20 94 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF209 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME LINDLEY CENTER FULL UPGRADE: RESTROOMS, WINDOWS, SIDING, BASEMENT, KITCHEN, R FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is the combination of requests for upgrade of the Restrooms ($50,000), Window Replacement ($22,000), Siding Replacement ($24,000), Kitchen Upgrade ($50,000), East Roof Insulation ($24,000), Floor support ($12,700), Roof support ($15,250). This is a heavily used community center that could benefit from substantial improvements. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED As suggested by the Commission ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL 1. Brings restroom up to current ADA requirements; 2. Brings restroom up to current City of Bozeman building codes; 3. Improves sanitation in the restooms and kitchen facilities; 4. Rehabs and secures the building envelope for years to come; 5. Reduced energy consumption from improved windows and insulation. 6. Addresses deficiencies that were identified in the 2014 structural analysis and 2012 facility condition inventory ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:38 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $197,950 FY20 95 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF216 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME 12 PASSENGER VAN FY16 $15,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Parks and Recreation Department has no participant transportation options between our facilities and to offsite program areas. ;The Recreation Division continues to expand programs that will utilize offsite locations and needs to be able to transport participants and supplies. Currently, the YMCA trades the Recreation Department transportion services of program participants in exchange for pool use. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Contract for other transportation option. Continue with the YMCA, if they are available. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Expanded program options and potential revenue, participant safety when offsite i.e. if a storm rolls in, we could transport kids to indoor locations. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Routine maintenance FUNDING SOURCES General Fund, potential sponsorship with local service organization. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:25 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):5 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 96 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF219 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - CH PROJECT NAME ADDITION TO CITY HALL, CONSOLIDATION OF SERVICES FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $5,500,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project would relocate the functions currently housed in the Stiff Building (Community Development/Engineering/IT/Building Inspection) into an expansion of City Hall on Lamme Street. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep operations at the Stiff Building. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Centralizing more services in one location at City Hall. Staff and citizens spend time migrating between the buildings. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The new facility should have lower operating costs than the Stiff Building. FUNDING SOURCES Potential Funding Sources include: General Fund, Enterprise Fund (for public works), Building Inspection Fund (Building Inspection Division), sale of the Stiff Building. This is a very rough estimate, based on building square footage and current construction costs. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:28 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):12 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):3 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 97 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF220 DEPARTMENT FACILITY MGMT. PROJECT NAME REPLACE WORN OVERHEAD DOORS AND SEALS AT THE SHOP COMPLEX FY16 $10,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace worn door parts and components on 14 overhead garage doors at the Shop Complex. The doors are old enough that the parts are worn and the seals no longer function properly. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Doors will be more operable and the seals will help control the temperature in the building areas. Often the doors stop working and departments have difficulty getting their vehicles out of the building. The upgrades will keep the doors in operation. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED General repair costs will be reduced if doors are more functional. FUNDING SOURCES SPLIT EVENLY: GENERAL FUND, WATER FUND, WASTEWATER FUND New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:33 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 98 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF221 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - SC PROJECT NAME BOZEMAN SENIOR SOCIAL CENTER BASEMENT RESTROOM LAYOUT FY16 $20,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Senior Center members have expressed concerns over the current layout of the restrooms in the basement of the building. Access is limited for some people the stall walls and doors are not well attached and are difficult to move through and to move around in. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Some folks have actually fallen in the stall areas and someone installed a grab bar from the floor to the ceiling in one stall to provide some stability. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% general fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:38 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 99 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF222 DEPARTMENT FACILITY - FR3 PROJECT NAME PAINTING PERGOLA AT FIRE STATIONS #3 FY16 $10,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The paint on the metal areas on the building at Fire Station #3 on the west side of the building near the patio area has cracked a bid and the metal is rusting in some areas. The areas will need to be scraped down, the rust needs to be removed, and the areas primed and painted with more durable paint. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The cleaning and repainting will help protect the metal from rusting out and maintain the overall character of the exterior of the building. There is quite a bit of public traffic at the building with the County Park area, Dino Park Playground area, and the Community Meeting Room. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:24 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):2 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 100 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF224 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME COPIER REPLACEMENT - FINANCE OFFICE FY16 FY17 $15,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace the existing Konica Minolta 550 printer/scanner/copier with a similar model. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep it. Consider leasing a model. Use another departments old copier. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Replace a critical piece of equipment in the Finance department. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. We intend to use a service contract similar to the current contract FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:37 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 101 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF225 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME COGNOS - BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE UPGRADE FY16 $14,400 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Upgrade current QREP software. The new software has a wider variety of reports. The newer version is web-based with greater dashboard capability. This software currently produces our expenditure approval list, budget status reports, and general operating reports for multiple departments. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue using current version of QREP (v. 7.5) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More functionality for end users, easier access, more user friendly. Fuels creativity with built in communication tools and social netowrking options encouraging collaboration. Evolution of open government - SunGard's Public Sector consultants can help provide the level of transparency and data that meets citizens' expectations. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund - 33%; Water Fund - 33%; Wastewater Fund - 33% New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:26 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):5 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):1 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 102 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF226 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME NAVILINE EDGE (UPGRADE) FY16 $15,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project migrates our current Naviline interface to make the product more univesally accessible. Eliminates the Java aspect of the software. Windows based product increases functionality. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep using the current version. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More user friendly. Easier access. Eliminate Java related problems. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:32 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):10 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 103 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF227 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME ERP REPLACEMENT "SUNGARD REPLACEMENT/UPGRADE" FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacing/upgrading the current system installed in 1999. This is the system that runs all the financial, community development, land records, utility and business license, applications. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue running current SunGard package. Use SunGard.net as an improvement to the current system, but not a full replacement. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Simplified package. Easier to integrate the various applications/programs. Easier to pull out information for end users. Easier compiliation of Commission reports and packets for Community Development. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Unknown. Dependent on the option chosen. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund 33%; Water Fund 33%; Wastewater Fund 33% New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:50 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $83,333 FY20 104 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF228 DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES PROJECT NAME HR YEARLY EVALUATION SOFTWARE FY16 $20,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Purchase of a module to facilitate performance evaluations for all City employees. Currently we use word documents and fillable PDFs for creation and distribution of evaulations ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING: LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20): OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10): SERVICE AREA (Up to 10): DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10): COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10): ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5): FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5): FY18 FY19 FY20 105 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF229 DEPARTMENT I.T. PROJECT NAME CITY HALL ISCSI STORAGE REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 $40,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT All of the virtual servers that reside at city hall use this device as their storage device. It is a critical piece of infrastructure that allows us to not only host the city hall servers but also other city servers in the event of failure. It will no longer be under warranty and will need to be replaced. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep Running the existing device beyond 2017 out of warranty. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Will allow us to replace a critical piece of infrastructure before it can no longer be covered under warranty. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:50 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):10 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 106 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF231 DEPARTMENT CEMETERY PROJECT NAME CEMETERY IRRIGATION PROJECT FY16 $50,000 FY17 $200,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Phased Project to move irrigation of cemetery and park lands off treated municipal supply onto raw surface supply previously decreed to irrigate cemetery lands from the Story Mill Ditch .The planned improvements dramatically reduce the amount of man hours required to monitor watering during season.Improved irrigation system reduces/eliminates water loss and water is applied in the most efficient manner, maximizing the use of the resource. More specifically: FY 16: Phase I Monitoring and Pre-Design Feasibility Analysis: • Historic Flows of Sourdough Creek to measure reliability • Ditch survey to understand overflow and flooding issues • Headgate assessment and repair/replace • Cost assessment for city to operate and maintain diversion works, pump and screen • Haggerty Fields Extension FY 17: Phase II Design for Irrigation of Cemetery Lands • Inlet structure and piping • Pump house • Main and laterals • Electrical • Irrigation System Components FY 18:* Phase III Installation of Diversion Works Project to Cemetery Lands. *If awarded, grant funding through the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART Program would offset total project costs. FY 19:* Phase IV Extension to Haggerty Fields •Design •Installation. *If awarded, grant funding through the Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART Program would offset total project costs. Subject to DNRC/Water Court approval. U h d l d $50 000 00 N (10 )ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use treated water for cemetery land irrigation. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The Parks & Rec Department would no longer pay for large quantities of treated water for irrigation. It protects and preserves the city’s most valuable decreed surface water right and makes available for sale treated water that would otherwise have irrigated the cemetery. The treated water that is no longer applied to the cemetery and parks irrigation would be available for sale to new water customers enabling future growth and/or improving the reliability of the City’s water supplies for use in times of drought. Makes available approximately 258 AF of treated water, valued at $1,548,000.00 available for retail sale for approximately 1,121 SF homes or 2,080 MF homes. Reduces numbers of seasonal workers required to be hired by Parks Department and increases the reliability of domestic water supplies in times of drought. The life of the project: 10 years for the pump and 100 years for the pipes and pumphouse structure If necessary the system can easily be reconnected to city water ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Pump replacement FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:44 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):10 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 $200,000 FY19 FY20 107 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF232 DEPARTMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/COMMUNITY SER PROJECT NAME BOZEMAN FIBER INITIATIVE FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Bozeman Fiber Master Plan Construction – Phase 1 The Bozeman Fiber Master Plan recommends four phases of construction for a community fiber optic network. Four sources of funding are proposed for the construction of Phase 1. Downtown TIF and North 7th TIF will contribute funds for construction in the Main Street and North 7th corridors, respectively. Meanwhile, a project already slated for connecting City Hall and the Shops complex along Montana Avenue will supplement the construction of the North Side and Fairgrounds link to Interstate Fiber; an additional $50,000 in general fund dollars will support creation of the enterprise entity. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Don't build the project. Wait for the private sector to build the project. Look for other partners to fully fund the project. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Bozeman Fiber Initiative Program Summary Affordable broadband access is essential for creating high-paying jobs in Bozeman and Gallatin County. Technology firms, film makers, medical providers, banks, businesses, and startups require fast, reliable, and secure connections to their clients. Educational institutions increasingly depend on broadband to provide high quality instruction and meet standards for integrating technology into the classroom to prepare students to be career ready. Broadband connectivity, however, is only available at high prices or is simply unavailable. This initiative seeks to increase access and significantly lower the cost of broadband for business by stimulating private sector service delivery through public infrastructure investment. Business, Education and Economic Development Benefits Entrepreneurs, who need fast and secure access to national clients will be able to focus on growing their businesses and creating jobs rather than paying crushing ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED It is intended that the operation of the system will NOT be supported by the City's general fund. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund; Phase 1 - Funding Partners include: City of Bozeman, Downtown TIF, N. 7th TIF, Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Phase 2 Funding Partners include: Bozeman Public Schools (TIFs, Street Reconstruction, Water Fund Projects, Sewer Fund Projects), City of Bozeman, and Community Banks Phase 3 – TBA Phase 4 – TBA New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:35 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):5 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 108 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF233 DEPARTMENT I.T. PROJECT NAME VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $23,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of IT Vehicles ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Buy new or Do nothing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provide functional transportation with reduced maintenance costs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:38 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):5 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $23,000 FY20 109 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN IT Ve h i c l e De t a i l s Pr o j e c t   Nu m b e r As s e t  # Ma k e Cu r r e n t   Mi l e a g e FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 FY 2 0 Un s c h e d u l e d No t e s GF 2 3 3 17 8 4 '9 5  Do d g e  Da k o t a 65 , 4 8 8 $2 3 , 0 0 0 If  ou r  cu r r e n t  vehicle  is  still   ru n n i n g  we l l  an d  maintenance   co s t s  ar e  no t  high  we  would   ke e p  it  beyond  2020 GF 2 3 3 26 9 7 '9 4  Je e p  Ch e r o k e e 72 , 3 2 7 $2 3 , 0 0 0 GF 2 3 3 27 0 7 '9 9  Do d g e  Da k o t a 10 1 , 0 7 3 GF 2 3 3 32 7 3 '0 5  Ch e v y  Co l o r a d o 32 , 7 7 0 To t a l s $2 3 , 0 0 0 $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 Tu e s d a y ,  De c e m b e r  09 ,  20 1 4 Pa g e  1  of  1 11 0 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF234 DEPARTMENT PARKS PROJECT NAME NEW PARK INFRASTRUCTURE - SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS, etc FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT There are numerous existing community parks that do not have complete curb, gutter, sidewalk, pedestrian ramp and street infrastruture. Examples include Rose Park, Bronken Park, and the new Bozeman Ponds Park. This item is intended to provide funding for the completion of this critical infrastructure. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased pedestrian and vehicle safety. Increased enjoyment of park areas by pedestrians. Improved functioning of related street network. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED There will be impacts for snow-plowing of both sidewalks and street lanes added. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund, grants, potential TOP Bond money in some cases. New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING: LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20): OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10): SERVICE AREA (Up to 10): DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10): COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10): ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5): FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5): FY18 FY19 $250,000 FY20 111 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF235 DEPARTMENT Police PROJECT NAME EVIDENCE BAR CODING SYSTEM FY16 FY17 $20,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This evidence barcode system is a mix of software and hardware that provides a secure and efficient method of entering, tracking and managing evidence. &nbsp;This system includes the bar code reader, label printer, labels, software and software licenses, initial training and 1st year of maintenance to handle the existing 10,000+ items of evidence and input and control of evidence gathered from this point forward. &nbsp;This barcode system is an essential addition to a new facility that integrates technology with design improvements and improve overall efficiency of the evidence process. &nbsp;&nbsp;</div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Can continue with existing process which is not efficient and is difficult to use for conducting inventories and audit processes and involves increased staff time. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved integrity of evidence control for prosecution, to minimize existing staff time and to improve overall management of all property held as evidence. Extremely important with potential move to Rouse Justice Center in Fall of FY17. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED $2,500 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FEE FUNDING SOURCES GENERAL FUND New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:45 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):10 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 112 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF236 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME BEALL PARK RECREATION CENTER: WOOD FLOOR REPLACEMENT FY16 FY17 $34,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The fir floor in the Beall Park Recreation Center is warn beyond repair. It is too thin to sand and recoat, is splintering, and must be patched annually. The majority of the floor is original and was installed in 1927. During the building remodel in 2007 a portion of the floor was replaced (hallway and one office) because the original floor could not be saved. The main room of the center is a very popular public rental space (250-300 rentals per year) and is also used for Parks and Recreation Department recreation programs. Because the floor is too thin to be sanded again, we have been adding layers of finish annually to build strength. The last time the finish was added (FY14) the wood floor professionals doing the work recommended we replace the floor and said there is not much more they can do with the floor with the state it is in. The flooring and substrate under the front desk/reception area is damaged and weak and was identified as a top priority (1) in the 2012 facility condition inventory. This project would remedy this concern and replace the existing laminate flooring that is warn and damaged. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to add layers of finish annually until floor becomes unsafe, only replace original 1927 floor leaving the hallway and one office as is ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Addresses safety concerns, decreases annual maintenance, historic preservation ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED When needed and depending on wear, $2,500 annually for applying finish FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:31 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):4 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 FY20 113 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF237 DEPARTMENT FACILITIES - STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - CITY SHOPS COMPLEX FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of two stormwater treatment devices at the City Shops Complex significantly reducing the rate of discharge and concentration of pollutants flowing from the site. This industrial facility is a heavily trafficked area that accumulates large amounts of pollution from leaking equipment, chemical/paint spills, and vehicle wash stations. Planned improvements include a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on the east side of the property treating a 75,000 square foot drainage area. The second improvement is the installation of an underground detention basin on the west side of the complex. This pond will hold stormwater on site until infiltration occurs capturing a 50,000 square foot drainage area. Cleanouts have been incorporated into both designs to ensure long-term efficiency. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater from the City Shops Complex directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Installation of these devices will treat stormwater originating throughout the entire Shops Complex, offer quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provide a significant improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment systems completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:36 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):2 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):3 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):5 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):3 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 FY19 FY20 114 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF238 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME BOGERT POOL RENOVATION FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The shell and gutter system at Bogert Pool needs to be replaced in order for Bogert Pool to continue to be safely operated. The walls of the gutter system are thinning to a point that the rust from the rebar is staining the pool walls. It has been recommended that the surface of the pool be sand blasted prior to being plastered. The shell of Bogert pool would be replaced with Diamond-Brite, a plaster surface like that at the Swim Center. It is a non-paintable surface, so painting Bogert Pool would no longer be a concern. If the whale were to remain, it would need to be tiled into the wading pool. If it is determined at a later point that Bogert pool is not to remain in its current state and an alternative aquatic option is made at Bogert Park, we recommend the usage of some or all of these funds to be used to design and construct the new aquatic option. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A new gutter system would mitigate entrapment issues caused by the current gutter system. The current gutters are disintegrating between the gutter and the ledge of the pool where there gutter sits. Several gutter tiles need to be re-adhered to the pool ledge every spring and often during the pool season. If a tile is still attached but loose, it can easily be pulled from the wall. Several of the gutter tiles have been replaced through the years. In many places, a space was not left between the tiles. This doesn’t allow the water to flow into the gutter system. A modern gutter system would greatly improve water quality. The current gutter system has minimal skimming capacity with overflow breaks every 24 inches, sometimes longer. New gutter systems have overflow gaps every two inches. 80% of dirt, debris, and oil collects at the surface of the water Having a more continuous overflow would provide cleaner water Resurfacing the shell of the pool and replacing the ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. Could have positive impacts on maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:40 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):20 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):7 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):3 FY18 $300,000 FY19 FY20 115 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF239 DEPARTMENT RECREATION PROJECT NAME REPLACEMENT OF CEILING TILES AT SWIM CENTER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This Project will replace all of the ceiling tiles at the Swim Center. Most of the tiles are from the original construction. Numerous tiles are warped, cracked, and/or stained. They have lost their reflective ability, limiting the amount of light reflected down into the pool. Replacement of the tiles will increase the visibility on the bottom of the pool. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increase safety of swimmers by reflecting more light off the ceiling tiles. This will also increase the aesthetics of the facility. Ceiling tiles are now manufactured to resist water damage and stains, and are more energy efficient. Increased safety for the public with more sound structure. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING:34 LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20):15 OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10):5 SERVICE AREA (Up to 10):5 DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10):4 COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10):0 ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5):0 FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5):5 FY18 FY19 $120,681 FY20 116 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund General Fund PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT FACILITY MGMT. PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY16 FY17 $12,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks & Cemetery departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Most of the reconfiguration for the existing buildings is now complete. Also the improvements for the Laurel Glen building are complete. This work would access future needs for the departments at the current Shop location at 814 N. Bozeman. We could also determine whether there is space for additions at both the 814 N. Bozeman location and the new Vehicle Maintenance building site at 1812 N. Rouse. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project General Fund Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL RATING: LEVEL OF SERVICE (Up to 20): OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (Up to10): SERVICE AREA (Up to 10): DEPARTMENT PRIORITY (Up to 10): COMMISSION WORKPLAN (Up to 10): ADOPTED CLIMATE PLAN (Up to 5): FREQUENCY OF USE (Up to 5): FY18 FY19 FY20 117 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Library Depreciation Reserve Fund Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 366,902$ 327,898$ 244,898$ 260,198$ 255,804$ 271,722$ Plus: Estimated Annual Unspent Appropriations 1,200$ 15,000$ 15,300$ 15,606$ 15,918$ 16,236$ -$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (40,204)$ (98,000)$ - $ (20,000)$ - $ - $ -$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 327,898$ 244,898$ 260,198$ 255,804$ 271,722$ 287,958$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates: FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Library Budget 1,500,000$ 1,530,000$ 1,560,600$ 1,591,812$ 1,623,648$ Estimated Amount of Budget left Unused 1%1%1%1%1% Estimated Annual Unspent Appropriations 15,000$ 15,300$ 15,606$ 15,918$ 16,236$ Current Budget Amount Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Capital Improvements %0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 15,000$ 15,300$ 15,606$ 15,918$ 16,236$ Projected Projected CURRENT 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Library Depreciation Fund Projects & Equipment 118 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Li b r a r y   De p r e c i a t i o n   Re s e r v e LI B 0 4 LI B R A R Y UP G R A D E  CI R C U L A T I O N  BO O K  DR O P   SO F T W A R E ;  RE P L A C E  3  SE L F ‐CH E C K   MA C H I N E S $3 8 , 0 0 0 LI B 0 6 LI B R A R Y PU B L I C  PC / L A P T O P  RE P L A C E M E N T S $5 0 , 0 0 0 LI B 0 9 LI B R A R Y BA N N E R  RE P L A C E M E N T ,  LI B R A R Y   EX T E R I O R $2 0 , 0 0 0 LI B 1 0 LI B R A R Y WA I N S C O T I N G  ‐   AD D E D  TO  ME E T I N G   RO O M S ,  RE S T R O O M  AR E A S $1 0 , 0 0 0 LI B 1 2 LI B R A R Y PE D E S T R I A N  AC C E S S  ‐   LI B R A R Y  PA R K I N G   LO T $0 LI B 1 3 LI B R A R Y RE C O N F I G U R A T I O N  OF  EX I S T I N G   BU I L D I N G  SP A C E $0 LI B 1 4 LI B R A R Y IM P L E M E N T A T I O N  OF  LA N D S C A P E   MA S T E R  PL A N $0 $9 8 , 0 0 0 $2 0 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Li b r a r y  De p re c i a t i o n  Re s e r v e  (7  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $9 8 , 0 0 0 FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $2 0 , 0 0 0 FY 1 8 11 9 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Library Depreciation Reserve PROJECT NUMBER LIB04 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY PROJECT NAME UPGRADE CIRCULATION BOOK DROP SOFTWARE; REPLACE 3 SELF-CHECK MACHINES FY16 $38,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Library has automated check-in at the book drops; this software was installed in 2006 and needs to be updated to continue to be effective. We have three, 3M self-check machines that allow Library patrons to check their own materials out. These are controlled by software that will be outdated in the next year, so we need to replace them with three new self-check machines. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED We can choose not to update the check-in software or the self-checks, but this would mean that the automated check-in ceases to work and the self-checks will become less reliable and ultimately out of order. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Updating this check-in software and self-check machines allows the Library to continue to offer efficient, accurate service to our patrons. We will be able to continue to monitor the whereabouts of our Library books and materials accurately and responsibly. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Library Depreciation fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 120 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Library Depreciation Reserve PROJECT NUMBER LIB06 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY PROJECT NAME PUBLIC PC/LAPTOP REPLACEMENTS FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Library provides 28 public computers in a lab setting as well as 16 checkout laptops. The majority will have been in place with daily use for 4 years. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Alternatively, the computers and laptops will be pushed for an additional year. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Keeping a public service up to date with technology. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Library Depreciation Reserve New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 121 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Library Depreciation Reserve PROJECT NUMBER LIB09 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY PROJECT NAME BANNER REPLACEMENT, LIBRARY EXTERIOR FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The colorful banners that hang on the front of the Library’s exterior are a key focal point for the Library and an important part of its beauty. The banners will be twelve years old in FY18. We would like to be able to replace them before they become worn and shabby. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Replacing the banners in a timely manner will keep the Library’s appearance up and maintain its beauty. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Library Depreciation Reserve New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $20,000 FY19 FY20 122 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Library Depreciation Reserve PROJECT NUMBER LIB10 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY PROJECT NAME WAINSCOTING - ADDED TO MEETING ROOMS, RESTROOM AREAS FY16 $10,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Add wainscoting to the meeting rooms’ walls and to the hallway in the public restroom area, off of the lobby, to prevent scarring and gouging of the walls. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The walls are damaged accidentally by chairs, tables, wheelchairs and routine activity. The wainscoting would prevent damage to the plaster and protect the paint on the walls. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Library Depreciation Reserve New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 123 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Library Depreciation Reserve PROJECT NUMBER LIB12 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY PROJECT NAME PEDESTRIAN ACCESS - LIBRARY PARKING LOT FY16 $0 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation and re-construction of pedestrian-friendly features in the Library Parking lot. Patrons parking on the west side of the parking lot have to cross through vehicle traffic and around curbing/medians to access the Library entrance. In addition, proposed renovations of the old Harrington Building adjacent to the Library have included adding a pedestrian pathway, crossing from Wallace to the Library parking lot. This improvement to pedestrian access to the parking lot is expected to have consequences for how many people will be crossing through this heavily used lot. &nbsp;Accessability requirements for line-of-travel and the need to navigate the existing curbs are a concern. Some parking spaces may have to be eliminated. Will require re-design of the parking lot (a Facilites Management General Fund request) with construction costs coming from the Library Depreciation Reserve. Without design work completed, Costs are UNKNOWN at this point. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leave parking lot configuration the way it is - without a pedestrian path from Wallace. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved safety for pedestrians trying to access the Library or cross the library property. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. FUNDING SOURCES Library Depreciation Reserve New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 124 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Library Depreciation Reserve PROJECT NUMBER LIB13 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY PROJECT NAME RECONFIGURATION OF EXISTING BUILDING SPACE FY16 $0 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Library’s Strategic Plan for 2013-2017 includes reviewing current Library space usage and ensuring that we are using it as efficiently and effectively as possible. We are working with local architect, Rob Pertzborn, to see what options we have for possibly reconfiguring some of our existing space. The Strategic Plan also calls for more space that can be used by local businesspeople and patrons for planning and creative purposes. We have begun meeting with the architect but no decisions have been made and the project is still in initial phases, so no dollar amount has been determined yet. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leaving the interior space utilization as it currently exists. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The Library’s two public meeting rooms are booked months in advance, so people ask the Library staff for quiet space to have small meetings frequently. One of our goals is to have a public work space that would include a 3-D printer and other materials conducive to creativity. That could only be accomplished by making some changes to the current space configuration, and would answer the requests from the public. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Library Depreciation Reserve New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 125 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Library Depreciation Reserve PROJECT NUMBER LIB14 DEPARTMENT LIBRARY PROJECT NAME IMPLEMENTATION OF LANDSCAPE MASTER PLAN FY16 $0 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Library currently has no completed Grounds Master Plan. We want to work with a landscape architect to develop a plan that will replace high-maintenance plants with low-maintenance, drought-resistant plantings that will enhance the Library’s grounds and maintain the Library’s appearance as a community jewel. This would also complement the landscaping that has been done by the owners of the Harrington building on south Wallace, adjacent to the Library’s west property line, and accommodate any upgrades to the parking lot that would be made this year. Because the project is in the initial phases, there is no estimate of cost yet. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Maintain the current grounds appearance. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The Library staff gets regular complaints and comments from our customers regarding the weeds in the ‘dog bones” of the parking lot, and the sometimes unkempt flower beds and grounds. City Facilities staff do their best to keep the grounds mowed but weeding the current rocky spaces is almost impossible due to their design. The current plantings are high-maintenance and time-intensive, which makes keeping them healthy and attractive very difficult. We would like to keep the Library’s appearance up and remain a place that community members are proud of; a landscaping master plan will help us do that. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Library Depreciation Reserve New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 126 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Pa r k i n g  Fu n d Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t  Pl a n Fi n a n c i a l  Su m m a r y Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 Unscheduled Pr o j e c t e d  Be g i n n i n g  Ba l a n c e  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 14 6 , 6 1 6 $               34 0 , 8 4 4 $                       26 2 , 8 4 4 $               40 2 , 8 4 4 $             25 7 , 8 4 4 $           297,844 $      Ca s h  In  Li e u  of  Pa r k i n g 12 4 , 2 2 8 $               ‐$                     Pl u s :    Pa r k i n g  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  Ca p i t a l 60 , 0 0 0 $                     50 , 0 0 0 $                           50 , 0 0 0 $                     50 , 0 0 0 $                 50,000 $               50,000 $     ‐$                     Pl u s :    Do w n t o w n  TI F  In t e r e s t  Co n t r i b u t i o n 10 , 0 0 0 $                     10 , 0 0 0 $                           10 , 0 0 0 $                     10 , 0 0 0 $                 10,000 $               10,000 $         Pl u s :  Do w n t o w n  TI F  Mc K i n s t r y  Pr o j e c t  Co n t r i b u t i o n 18 0 , 0 0 0 $                  Pl u s :  TI F  Co n t r i b u t i o n  fo r  pa r k i n g  lo t  re d e s i g n  an d  im p r o v 25 0 , 0 0 0 $                       25 0 , 0 0 0 $                  Le s s :    Sc h e d u l e d  CI P  Co s t s (1 8 0 , 0 0 0 ) $             (3 8 8 , 0 0 0 ) $                   (1 7 0 , 0 0 0 ) $             (2 0 5 , 0 0 0 ) $           (2 0 , 0 0 0 ) $             (5,000) $     (2,050,000)$     Pr o j e c t e d  Ye a r ‐En d  Ca s h  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 34 0 , 8 4 4 $               26 2 , 8 4 4 $                       40 2 , 8 4 4 $               25 7 , 8 4 4 $             29 7 , 8 4 4 $           352,844 $   As s u m p t i o n s  Ma d e  fo r  Re v e n u e  Es t i m a t e s : Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0  An n u a l  Pa r k i n g  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  Ca p i t a l 60 , 0 0 0 $                           50 , 0 0 0 $                                 50 , 0 0 0 $                         50 , 0 0 0 $                       50,000 $                     50,000 $           Pl u s :    Do w n t o w n  TI F  In t e r e s t  Co n t r i b u t i o n 10 , 0 0 0 $                           10 , 0 0 0 $                                 10 , 0 0 0 $                         10 , 0 0 0 $                       10,000 $                     10,000 $        To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  Ca p i t a l 70 , 0 0 0 $                           60 , 0 0 0 $                                 60 , 0 0 0 $                         60 , 0 0 0 $                       60,000 $                     60,000 $        Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d CU R R E N T 2, 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1, 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 1, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 1, 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 75 0 , 0 0 0 50 0 , 0 0 0 25 0 , 0 0 0 0 Pa r k i n g  Fu n d  Ca p i t a l  Pr o j e c t s   12 7 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Pa r k i n g  Fu n d P0 0 1 PA R K I N G WI L L S O N  LO T  RE D E S I G N  AN D   IM P R O V E M E N T S $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 P0 0 4 PA R K I N G SU R F A C E  PA R K I N G  LO T  HA R D W A R E  &  SO F T W A R E  SY S T E M S $5 0 , 0 0 0 $50,000 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 P0 0 5 PA R K I N G PO R T A B L E  RA D I O  RE P L A C E M E N T $1 8 , 0 0 0 P0 0 7 PA R K I N G SI D E W A L K  RE P L A C E M E N T  AN D  LI G H T I N G   IN S T A L L  – IN C L U D E D  IN  SI D  – BL A C K ,   AR M O R Y  AN D  WI L L S O N  LO T S $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 P0 1 2 PA R K I N G AR M O R Y  LO T  RE D E S I G N  AN D   IM P R O V E M E N T S $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 P0 1 3 PA R K I N G BL A C K  (C A R N E G I E )  LO T  RE D E S I G N  &  IM P R O V E M E N T S $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 P0 1 4 PA R K I N G PA R K I N G  GA R A G E  CR A C K  MA I N T E N A N C E   AN D  RE P A I R $5,000 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $5 , 0 0 0 $5 , 0 0 0 $2 0 , 0 0 0 P0 1 5 PA R K I N G PA R K I N G  GA R A G E  RO O F  PR O J E C T $350,000 P0 1 6 PA R K I N G PU R C H A S E  OF  AD D I T I O N A L  SU R F A C E   LO T S  IN  TH E  DO W N T O W N  PA R K I N G   DI S T R I C T . $1,500,000 P0 1 7 PA R K I N G RO U S E  PA R K I N G  LO T  RE ‐DE S I G N  AN D   IM P R O V E M E N T S $150,000 P0 2 0 PA R K I N G PA R K I N G  VE H I C L E  RE P L A C E M E N T S $1 5 , 0 0 0 $5,000 $3 8 8 , 0 0 0 $1 7 0 , 0 0 0 $2 0 5 , 0 0 0 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $2,050,000 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Pa r k i n g  Fu n d  (11  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $5,000 $3 8 8 , 0 0 0 $ 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 $2,050,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $2 0 5 , 0 0 0 FY 1 8 12 8 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P001 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Willson Lot Redesign and Improvements FY16 $150,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Layout, set-backs, landscaping, signage, lighting, storm water requirements. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep lot as-is. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved functioning of parking lot. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contribution New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 129 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P004 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Surface Parking Lot Hardware & Software Systems FY16 $50,000 FY17 $50,000 Unscheduled $50,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT In the event that Downtown Parking Lots are transitioned to a fee-lot, we will need kiosks for payment . Each system is estimated to be $50,000, with the necessary curbing and electrical improvements; one system required for each lot. Lots are projected to be changed when each lot redesign in done. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep lots as they are: permit holders and free transient parking for up to 2 hours. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Revenue will be derived from the use of lots by transient, daily parkers which will cover costs of future maintenance. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minor operational costs. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contributions New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $50,000 FY19 FY20 130 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P005 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Portable Radio Replacement FY16 $18,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of all four department radios and add 1 additional radio. Existing radios are old and have seen a lot of wear and tear. These will need to be replaced as current equipment fails or becomes obsolete. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Hand-me-downs from the Police or Fire Departments as they replace first-responder equipment. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 131 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P007 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Sidewalk replacement and Lighting Install – included in SID – Black, Armory and Willson Lots FY16 $150,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of sidewalks adjacent to surface parking lot as part of the SID for Mendenhall Street work ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep as is ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Addition of street lights, and consistent with other streets in Bozeman ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED minimal FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 132 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P012 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Armory Lot Redesign and Improvements FY16 FY17 $100,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will be needed after the Etha Hotel construction is completed. Layout, set-backs, landscaping, signage, lighting, storm water requirements are being considered. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep the lot as-is. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Better functioning parking lots. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contributions- the Etha Hotel will help fund these improvements also. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 133 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P013 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Black (Carnegie) Lot Redesign & Improvements FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Improve the parking lot with layout, set-backs, landscaping, signage, lighting, and sufficient storm water infrastructure. Potential for major underground storm water retention system on site. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep the lot as-is. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Better functioning parking lots. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contribution. Potential for Stormwater program funding. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $150,000 FY19 FY20 134 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P014 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Parking Garage Crack Maintenance and Repair FY16 $20,000 FY17 $5,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Routine repairs and patching of concrete parking garage decks. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not patch (not advised). ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Will extend the life of the parking garage deck surfaces. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $5,000 FY19 $20,000 FY20 $5,000 135 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P015 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Parking Garage Roof Project FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $350,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Increased demand for leased space in the Garage has forced the Parking Commission to consider alternatives that would allow coverage of the upper deck for winter use. Currently, the roof has limited use in the winter months because of the difficulties of snow removal. This option would install a roof on the current top parking deck, making space useable year-round. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased useable space in the Parking Garage facility. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund and TIF Contributions New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 136 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P016 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Purchase of Additional Surface Lots in the Downtown Parking District. FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $1,500,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Parking Commission has the sole responsibiltiy for providing public parking spaces in the Downtown district. It is thought that as Downtown grows we will need additional parking spaces - in the form of Surface Lots. Cost is Unknown. Our current Black (Carnegie) Parking lot was appraised at $1.5M in 2011. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Structured Parking (garaged) - generally thought to be much more expensive than surface lot purchase costs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Additional parking resources, critical to the downtown economy. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Additional lot maintenance each year/season. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 137 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P017 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Rouse Parking Lot Re-design and Improvements FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $150,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Rouse Lot Improvements - Layout, set-backs, landscaping, signage, lighting, storm water requirements. These improvements are separate from any creek restoration project and will only involve the surface lot. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep the lot as-is. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Better functiong parking lots. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund, TIF contribution for lot improvements. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 138 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Parking Fund PROJECT NUMBER P020 DEPARTMENT PARKING PROJECT NAME Parking Vehicle Replacements FY16 FY17 $15,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Currently, the Parking Fund uses hand-me-down Police Vehicles that are no longer suitable for first-responder use. The cost to convert one of these used vehicles to a Parking Vehicle is $5,000 each. The cars are painted and light systems converted. Currenlty, there are three vehicles used for parking enforcement. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Buy brand-new cars. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Low cost vehicles that are suitable for the Parking Enforcement function; re-use of police vehicles once they are no longer suitable for first- responder use. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Additional maintenance is expected to be lower than existing fleet. However, because these are heavily used police vehicles, annual maintenance is difficult to predict. FUNDING SOURCES Parking Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 139 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Solid Waste Collection & Recycling Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 496,500$ 685,695$ (32,412)$ 195,842 $ 538,228$ 669,788 $ - $ Plus: Revenues Dedicated to CIP 347,238$ 379,936$ 413,254$ 417,386 $ 421,560$ 425,776 $ - $ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (158,043)$ (1,098,043)$ (185,000)$ (75,000)$ (290,000)$ (700,000)$ (100,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 685,695$ (32,412)$ 195,842$ 538,228 $ 669,788$ 395,564 $ (100,000)$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Revenues 2,893,650$ 2,893,650$ 2,922,587$ 2,951,812$ 2,981,330$ 3,011,144$ Estimated Annual Increase in Revenues - 1%1%1%1%1% Total Estimated Revenues 2,893,650$ 2,922,587$ 2,951,812$ 2,981,330$ 3,011,144$ 3,041,255$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %10.0%12.0%13.0%14.0%14.0%14.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to CIP 2.0%1.0%1.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 12.0%13.0%14.0%14.0%14.0%14.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 347,238$ 379,936$ 413,254$ 417,386$ 421,560$ 425,776$ Note: 2012 Rate Study identifies $367,000 in total annual depreciation expense. Projected Projected CURRENT 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Solid Waste Projects & Equipment 140 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 So l i d  Wa s t e PW 0 1 CO L L E C T I O N SH O P S  FA C I L I T Y  EX P A N S I O N  PL A N $1 0 , 0 0 0 SW 3 2 CO L L E C T I O N FR O N T L O A D  RE P L A C E M E N T  TR U C K $270,000 $2 7 0 , 0 0 0 SW 3 6 CO L L E C T I O N SI D E  LO A D  NE W  ‐   (A D D I T I O N A L  RO U T E ) $290,000 SW 3 7 CO L L E C T I O N SI D E  LO A D  PA C K E R  RE P L A C E M E N T $140,000 $1 3 8 , 0 4 3 $1 4 0 , 0 0 0 SW 3 8 CO L L E C T I O N SI D E  LO A D  TR U C K  RE P L A C E M E N T $2 9 0 , 0 0 0 $2 9 0 , 0 0 0 SW 3 9 CO L L E C T I O N UP D A T E  SO L I D  WA S T E  RA T E  ST U D Y $3 5 , 0 0 0 SW 4 0 CO L L E C T I O N OV E R L A Y  LA N D F I L L  RO A D $2 0 , 0 0 0 SW 4 1 CO L L E C T I O N CO N V E N I E N C E  SI T E  RE L O C A T I O N  DE S I G N $1 0 , 0 0 0 SW 4 2 CO L L E C T I O N ST O R A G E  BU I L D I N G $7 5 , 0 0 0 SW 4 3 CO L L E C T I O N CO N V E N I E N C E  SI T E  RE L O C A T I O N   CO N S T R U C T I O N $100,000 SW 4 4 CO L L E C T I O N CO M P O S T  TU R N E R $8 0 , 0 0 0 $700,000 $8 0 8 , 0 4 3 $1 8 5 , 0 0 0 $7 5 , 0 0 0 $2 9 0 , 0 0 0 $100,000 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T So l i d  Wa s t e SW 3 5 CU R B S I D E CU R B S I D E  RE C Y C L I N G  TR U C K   RE P L A C E M E N T $2 9 0 , 0 0 0 $2 9 0 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    So l i d  Wa s t e  (12  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $700,000 $1 , 0 9 8 , 0 4 3 $ 1 8 5 , 0 0 0 $100,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $2 9 0 , 0 0 0 $7 5 , 0 0 0 FY 1 8 14 1 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY16 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks & Cemetery departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 142 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW32 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME FRONTLOAD REPLACEMENT TRUCK FY16 $270,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This truck is a replacement for existing front-load truck currently collecting residential and commercial refuse. The new truck will ensure continued efficient, cost-effective refuse collection that will allow the Division to meet the demands of a growing city while maintaining the standards the Bozeman residents expect. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leasing a front-load truck. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Reliable equipment to ensure routes completed in an efficient manner. Maintenance costs of new equipment will be lower. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Average maintenance costs: $10,000/year FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $270,000 143 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW35 DEPARTMENT CURBSIDE PROJECT NAME CURBSIDE RECYCLING TRUCK REPLACEMENT FY16 $290,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This truck and side-load packer is used in the collection of residential/commercial single stream recycling. This single stream program started in October 2013 and has experienced tremendous growth. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leasing a side-load truck ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Reliable equipment to ensure routes completed in an efficient manner. Maintenance costs of new equipment will be lower. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs = $30,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 144 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW36 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SIDE LOAD NEW - (ADDITIONAL ROUTE) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Additional Side Load truck for new route ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leasing a side-load truck ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Reliable equipment to ensure routes completed in an efficient manner. Maintenance costs of new equipment will be lower. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs = $30,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $290,000 145 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW37 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SIDE LOAD PACKER REPLACEMENT FY16 $138,043 FY17 $140,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This replacement packer will be placed on an existing chassis, thus extending the life of the overall unit. The old packer will be traded in or kept for replacement parts. New packers advancement in materials used have led to extend the life of the packer. New packers wear out within 4 years (7,000 hours) of use. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED To continue to operate existing packer with increased repair costs and down time. Leasing side-load equipment. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL To minimize repair costs and having reliable equipment to provide high customer service expectations. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs = $6,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $140,000 146 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW38 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME SIDE LOAD TRUCK REPLACEMENT FY16 $290,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This truck is a replacement for existing side-load truck currently collecting residential refuse. The new truck will ensure continued efficient, cost-effective refuse collection that will allow the Division to meet the demands of a growing city while maintaining the standards the Bozeman residents expect. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED To continue to operate existing truck with increased repair costs and down time. Leasing side-load truck. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Reliable equipment to ensure routes completed in an efficient manner. Maintenance costs of new equipment will be lower. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs = $30,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $290,000 FY20 147 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW39 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME UPDATE SOLID WASTE RATE STUDY FY16 FY17 $35,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Update to 2012 Rate Study. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue basing rates on 2012 Study ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Updating the rate study every 5 years will allow the division to ensure that they can continue operating and providing services at a fair rate ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 148 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW40 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME OVERLAY LANDFILL ROAD FY16 $20,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Overlay Landfill Road, as it extends through the property from Story Mill Road to the Solid Waste Division Shop. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Let the road continue to deteriorate which will require constant patching; eventually have to reconstruct ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL An overlay will extend the life of the road ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Reduce maintenance costs for many years FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 149 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW41 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME CONVENIENCE SITE RELOCATION DESIGN FY16 $10,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project would identify a more suitable location for the existing Logan Landfill Convenience Station, located at the City Landfill property on Story Mill Road. The first year would fund the engineering work to determine a more suitable site on the Landfill property; likely to include features such as below grade roll-off containers for more convenient disposal. The second year would fund the actual construction costs related to the relocation of the existing equipment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to operate at its existing site. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The Site would have easier-to-use disposal options, like grade-level disposal containers. The Convenience Station would become less-obtrusive use on the property; less of the activities would be visible to ajacent properties. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Make the site less visible and make use of the site more convenient. FUNDING SOURCES Solid Waste Fund, with potential reimbursement from the Solid Waste District. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 150 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW42 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME STORAGE BUILDING FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This pole construction cold storage building would shelter some equipment and many of the containers currently stored outside. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to store items outside ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Protect equipment from the elements of weather; All of our containers can be stored inside, not collecting water, exposure to sun and be less visible to adjacent properties. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Operating costs, electricity for lights = < $1,000/ year FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $75,000 FY19 FY20 151 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW43 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME CONVENIENCE SITE RELOCATION CONSTRUCTION FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $100,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project would identify a more suitable location for the existing Logan Landfill Convenience Station, located at the City Landfill property on Story Mill Road. The first year would fund the engineering work to determine a more suitable site on the Landfill property; likely to include features such as below grade roll-off containers for more convenient disposal. The second year would fund the actual construction costs related to the relocation of the existing equipment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to operate at its existing site. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The Site would have easier-to-use disposal options, like grade-level disposal containers. The Convenience Station would become less-obtrusive use on the property; less of the activities would be visible to adjacent properties. Allow City of Bozeman residents access to discard of refuse, compost, brush, household hazardous waste, white goods and recycling commodities. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Operations financed by the Gallatin Solid Waste Management District FUNDING SOURCES Solid Waste Fund, with potential reimbursement from the Solid Waste District. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 152 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Solid Waste PROJECT NUMBER SW44 DEPARTMENT COLLECTION PROJECT NAME COMPOST TURNER FY16 $80,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Purchase of a used 100 horsepower tractor and windrow turner. Currently compost operations takes about 3 years to fully develop compost. The current equipment used is a front-end loader, which is not very efficient to mix the compost thoroughly. The tractor/windrow turner will accelerate the composting process allowing the windrows to compost more quickly(estimated time 6 months). Compost piles will be turned three times per week. The fall leaf cleanup brings in over 1,000 tons per year of leaves, Various City departments bring in about 400 tons per year, residential compost collection during summer months brings in about 250 tons per year and the general public self-haul compost to the Bozeman Convenience Site, off Story Mill Road, 150 tons per year. Total compost processed is about 1,800 tons per year. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with current operations; Use a smaller tractor/windrow turner (will need more flat land area to compost upon) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Compost would be produced more quickly and efficiently utilizing the current composting area; Finished compost would be tested and potentially used in City parks to improve soil structure; ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs = $2,000 FUNDING SOURCES 100% Solid Waste Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 153 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Storm Water Utility Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP - $ -$ - $ - $ - $ - $ Plus: Storm Water Utility Fees Dedicated to Capital - $ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ 650,000$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs - $ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (650,000)$ (404,300)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP - $ -$ - $ - $ - $ - $ (404,300)$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Storm Water Utility Revenue 718,125$ 1,200,000$ 1,212,000$ 1,272,600$ 1,336,230$ 1,416,404$ Estimated Annual Increase - Attributed to Growth 1%1%1%2%2% Estimated Annual Increase - Rate Increase 4%4%4%4%4% Total Estimated Revenues 718,125$ 1,212,000$ 1,272,600$ 1,336,230$ 1,416,404$ 1,501,388$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %0.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Capital 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 0.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0%50.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP -$ 606,000$ 636,300$ 668,115$ 708,202$ 750,694$ Projected Projected 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Storm Water Projects 154 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 St o r m  Wa t e r   Fu n d ST R M 0 1 ST O R M W A T E R VA L L E Y  UN I T  PA R K $8 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 0 2 ST O R M W A T E R RO C K Y  CR E E K  ST O R M W A T E R   IM P R O V E M E N T S $2 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 0 4 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  PI P E   RE H A B I L I T A T I O N  PR O G R A M  DE S I G N $22,500 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 ST R M 0 8 ST O R M W A T E R RO U S E  AV E N U E  IN F R S A T R U C T U R E $279,300 ST R M 1 0 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EH N A H A N C E M E N T S  DE S I G N $22,500 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 ST R M 1 1 ST O R M W A T E R CO N T R A C T E D  SE R V I C E S $25,000 $2 5 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 2 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  DE F E R R E D   MA I N T E N A N C E  PR O G R A M $161,000 $1 0 4 , 0 0 0 $1 4 2 , 0 0 0 $1 5 2 , 0 0 0 $1 6 4 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 3 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  PI P E   RE H A B I L I T A T I O N  PR O G R A M $241,500 $2 0 6 , 0 0 0 $2 8 8 , 0 0 0 $2 2 8 , 0 0 0 $2 4 6 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 4 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   N  11 T H  AN D   W  LA M M E   $2 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 5 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   S  RO U S E   AN D  E  LI N C O L N $4 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 6 ST O R M W A T E R ST O R M W A T E R  FA C I L I T Y  PL A N $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 7 ST O R M W A T E R CI T Y W O R K S  PL L  PE R M I T  SO F T W A R E $3 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 8 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   CO U N T Y   FA I R  GR O U N D S $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 1 9 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   N  BL A C K   AN D  E  ME N D E N H A L L $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 2 0 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   N  WA L L A C E   AN D  E  TA M A R A C K $5 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 2 1 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   S  BL A C K  AN D   W  CL E V E L A N D $5 0 , 0 0 0 15 5 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 ST R M 2 2 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   S  BO Z E M A N   AN D  E  CL E V E L A N D $4 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 2 3 ST O R M W A T E R AN N U A L  ST O R M W A T E R  SY S T E M   EN H A N C E M E N T S $177,500 $6 0 , 0 0 0 ST R M 2 4 ST O R M W A T E R ST O R M W A T E R  TV  VA N  RE F U R B I S H M E N T $125,000 $650,000 $6 5 0 , 0 0 0 $6 5 0 , 0 0 0 $6 5 0 , 0 0 0 $6 5 0 , 0 0 0 $404,300 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    St o r m  Wa t e r  Fu n d  (19  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $650,000 $6 5 0 , 0 0 0 $ 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 $404,300FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $6 5 0 , 0 0 0 $6 5 0 , 0 0 0 FY 1 8 15 6 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM01 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME VALLEY UNIT PARK FY16 $80,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Improvements to the detention pond at Valley Unit Park, as described on page 6-5 in the Stormwater Facility Plan. A new outlet structure and overflow is required to alleviate the current flooding issues. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to experience localized flooding as a result of the detention ponds deficiencies. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Will reduce flooding along Meagher Avenue and Durston Road ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 157 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM02 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ROCKY CREEK STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Improvements to increase and restore the native vegetation cover and diversity, thereby reducing sedimentation and improving water quality in Rocky Creek, as described on page 6-7 of the Stormwater Facility Plan. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED N/A ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Reduced sedimentation and improved water quality. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $20,000 FY20 158 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM04 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION PROGRAM DESIGN FY16 $22,500 FY17 $22,500 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm to complete engineering design for rehabilitation projects scheduled each individual fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Utilize internal engineering design services. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Professional design will be incorporated into all rehabilitation projects allowing for the accurate assessment and selection of repair type. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $22,500 FY19 $22,500 FY20 $22,500 159 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM08 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ROUSE AVENUE INFRSATRUCTURE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $279,300 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to be completed in coordination with the MDOT improvements to Rouse Avenue. It entails the upsizing of Stormwater Infrastructure on Rouse. We will need to be prepared to fund this project in according the construction timeline established by MDOT, which is fairly fluid at this point. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED MDOT covers the cost for all improvements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The pipe segment under Rouse Avenue has seen past failures and continues to function in a severely degraded state. Improvements to this section of pipe are necessary to avoid future structural and public safety issues. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 160 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM10 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM EHNAHANCEMENTS DESIGN FY16 $22,500 FY17 $22,500 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm to complete engineering design for system enhancement projects scheduled each fiscal year. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Utilize internal engineering design services. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Professional design will be incorporated into all system enhancement projects ensuring an effective improvement and reduction of pollutants is achieved. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $22,500 FY19 $22,500 FY20 $22,500 161 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM11 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME CONTRACTED SERVICES FY16 $25,000 FY17 $25,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Annual funding appropriated for contracted services including public relations consulting, community outreach material development, and infrastructure modeling. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leverage internal resources necessary to complete tasks. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Consistent program branding, a professionally developed community education campaign, and an improved technical understanding (through annual modeling) of the City’s stormwater pipe network. These services are all critical in supporting the Stormwater Programs goals, maximizing efficiency, and ensuring MS4 Permit compliance. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $25,000 FY19 $25,000 FY20 $25,000 162 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM12 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER DEFERRED MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY16 $104,000 FY17 $142,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm on an annual basis to complete city-owned stormwater infrastructure deferred maintenance. Historically, the City has completed minimal system maintenance allowing its contained pipes, inlets, and detention ponds to accumulate excessive amounts of sediment, vegetation, rocks, and debris. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED City staff completes all backlogged stormwater system maintenance in addition to recurring annual operating activities. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The use of contracted services to clean and dredge deferred issues will reduce the strain on internal resources allowing crews to focus on typical recurring maintenance activities, pollution response, and structural spot repairs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stornwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $152,000 FY19 $164,000 FY20 $161,000 163 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM13 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER PIPE REHABILITATION PROGRAM FY16 $206,000 FY17 $288,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracting of a qualified firm on an annual basis to conduct underground pipe repair. Types of work include full replacement and slip lines. Condition scoring, underground assessment video, and close coordination with other utility improvemetns will determine the type of repair(s) necessary for each individual pipe segment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to administer a response based program limited to staff addressing issues as they become apparent or obvious through system failures. Past failures include flooding, pipe collapse, and regulatory warnings. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Funding will allow the City to be proactive in the repair of stormwater infrastructure that has or is likely to fail reducing flooding, meeting permit requirements, and improving public safety. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $228,000 FY19 $246,000 FY20 $241,500 164 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM14 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - N 11TH AND W LAMME FY16 $20,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of N 11th and W Lamme. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 4-Acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Mandeville Creek. In addition, this device will be located adjacent to the Bozeman High School Property and be leveraged as a public outreach tool through the use of educational signage. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Mandeville Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in an urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Mandeville Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 165 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM15 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - S ROUSE AND E LINCOLN FY16 $40,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of S Rouse and E Lincoln. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 100 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek. In addition, this device will be located adjacent to the Christie Fields Park and be leveraged as an outreach tool through the use of educational signage. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 166 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM16 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME STORMWATER FACILITY PLAN FY16 $100,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A planning update and modeling effort that will identify insufficiencies within Bozeman’s current Stormwater Program, update past recommendations, and identify components of the City’s pipe network that requires improvement. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use and implement recommendations established in Bozeman’s 2008 Stormwater Facility Plan. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Receipt of an updated Stormwater Facility Plan that will contain recommendations and guidance to ensure Bozeman is on track to meet regulatory compliance, is making cost effective investments, is strategically addressing infrastructure issues, and is staying consistent with industry standard codes and requirements. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 167 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM17 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME CITYWORKS PLL PERMIT SOFTWARE FY16 $30,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Stormwater Program is in the process of developing and implementing a new Construction Site Inspection Program. This program will require permit management software and reporting capabilities that allows for custom development, maximization of efficiencies, spatial capabilities to leverage existing GIS data, and the ability to integrate with historic asset management information. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Exploration of alternative software options. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Leverages existing city-owned software (Cityworks AMS) and manages all stormwater construction site permits, inspections, reports, and local response practices. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual maintenance fees may be required. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 168 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM18 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS FY16 FY17 $150,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a regional detention pond, designed to hold accumulated stormwater until it infiltrates into the ground, on Gallatin County Fairground property treating an 80 acre residential urban drainage area and a portion of the fairgrounds that currently discharges directly into Bozeman Creek. This project will offer a collaborative opportunity between the City/County and be leveraged as a highly visible educational space. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Pursue other alternatives such as acquiring the land to the south of the proposed Rouse Justice Center or installing localized treatment solutions throughout the contributing system. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Installation will allow the City to implement an effective treatment system, leverage rare green space within the downtown core, offer a quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provide a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 169 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM19 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - N BLACK AND E MENDENHAL FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater underground regional detention pond, designed to hold and infiltrate polluted runoff, collected from a 250 acre urban drainage area encompassing the downtown core. This project will be completed in coordination with the Parking Commission’s planned reconstruction of the N Black and E Mendenhall parking lot. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Installation of numerous system improvements throughout the network upstream that would achieve a similar pollutant reduction. Decisions regarding the long-term plan for this parking lot must be considered prior to moving this project forward. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within the City’s largest urban drainage area while maintain the parking lots size and functionality, leverages rare available space within the downtown core, offers a quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $150,000 FY19 FY20 170 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM20 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - N WALLACE AND E TAMARA FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of N Wallace and E Tamarack. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 71 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $50,000 FY19 FY20 171 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM21 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - S BLACK AND W CLEVELAND FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of S Black and W Cleveland. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 121 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $50,000 FY20 172 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM22 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM - S BOZEMAN AND E CLEVELAN FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a stormwater sediment, garbage, and oil separation system on city-owned property in close proximity to the intersection of S Bozeman and E Cleveland. This unit will treat stormwater originating from a 20 acre urban drainage area prior to being discharged into Bozeman Creek ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to discharge untreated stormwater directly into Bozeman Creek. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treatment of stormwater originating within in a large urban drainage area, quantifiable pollutant reduction in Bozeman Creek, and provides a system improvement reportable within the City’s MS4 Permit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Biannual maintenance of the treatment system completed by internal crews. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $40,000 FY20 173 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM23 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME ANNUAL STORMWATER SYSTEM ENHANCEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The allocation of annual funding for stormwater system enhancements necessary to comply with permit requirements, meet federal water quality standards, reduce pollutant discharge into local rivers, and protect community health. Improvements will include the installation of treatment devices, pervious surfaces, regional detention ponds, and other industry best practice treatment solutions designed to clean stormwater runoff. Individual projects will be selected and formally introduced through future CIP processes. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to administer a program that does not proactively address known issues and continues to be in violation of both state and federal requirements. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Appropriating funding will allow the installation of system enhancements on an annual basis. In addition, having a defined funding level will allow City staff to proactively identify and pursue unique collaborative opportunities with local organizations, developers, residents, and businesses. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $60,000 FY20 $177,500 174 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Storm Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER STRM24 DEPARTMENT STORMWATER PROJECT NAME STORMWATER TV VAN REFURBISHMENT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $125,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Refurbishment of existing Stormwater TV Van routinely completed every 5 years to replace worn parts and remain consistent with new technology. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Purchase a new TV Van at an estimated cost of $250,000. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the timely replacement of critical maintenance equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 175 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN St r e e t  an d  Cu r b  Re c o n s t r u c t i o n s  (c o m b i n e d )   Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t  Pl a n Fi n a n c i a l  Su m m a r y Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 Unscheduled Pr o j e c t e d  Be g i n n i n g  Re s e r v e  Ba l a n c e  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 1, 2 2 2 , 4 3 3 $         30 7 , 1 5 2 $                       32 , 6 2 9 $                     11 9 , 3 3 0 $             504,571 $           626,667 $            Pl u s :    St r e e t  Ma i n t e n a n c e  As s e s s m e n t s  De d i c a t e d   63 4 , 7 1 9 $               64 7 , 4 7 7 $                       65 3 , 9 5 2 $               66 0 , 4 9 1 $             667,096 $           673,767 $            Pl u s :    SI D  or  ot h e r  lo c a l  co n t r i b u t i o n 20 0 , 0 0 0 $               66 2 , 0 0 0 $                       1, 5 2 1 , 7 5 0 $         64 5 , 7 5 0 $             500,000 $           626,500 $           Le s s :    Ca r r y o v e r  Ca p i t a l  Pr o j e c t s (9 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) $                Le s s :    Sc h e d u l e d  CI P  Pr o j e c t  Co s t s (8 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) $             (1 , 5 8 4 , 0 0 0 ) $             (2 , 0 8 9 , 0 0 0 ) $       (9 2 1 , 0 0 0 ) $           (1 , 0 4 5 , 0 0 0 ) $   (1,891,000)$   ‐$                   Pr o j e c t e d  Ye a r ‐En d  Ca s h  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 30 7 , 1 5 2 $               32 , 6 2 9 $                           11 9 , 3 3 0 $               50 4 , 5 7 1 $             626,667 $           35,934 $           As s u m p t i o n s  Ma d e  fo r  Re v e n u e  Es t i m a t e s : Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 4 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  St r e e t  As s e s s m e n t  Re v e n u e 2, 8 2 0 , 9 7 3 $               2, 8 4 9 , 1 8 3 $                       2, 8 7 7 , 6 7 5 $             2, 9 0 6 , 4 5 1 $           2, 9 3 5 , 5 1 6 $           2,964,871 $           Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  In c r e a s e  ‐   At t r i b u t e d  to  An n e x a t i o n s 1% 1% 1% 1%1% To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s 2, 8 2 0 , 9 7 3 $               2, 8 7 7 , 6 7 5 $                       2, 9 0 6 , 4 5 1 $             2, 9 3 5 , 5 1 6 $           2, 9 6 4 , 8 7 1 $           2,994,520 $        Cu r r e n t  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  St r e e t  & Cu r b  CI P  % 22 . 5 % 22 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 %    Pl u s :    In c r e a s e  De d i c a t e d  to  Re c o n s t r u c t i o n  & Cu r b s 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0 . 0 % 0.0%    To t a l  % De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 22 . 5 % 22 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 % 2 2 . 5 % Tl Ei d R Dd i d CI P 63 4 7 1 9 $ 64 7 4 7 7 $ 65 3 9 5 2 $ 66 0 4 9 1 $ 667 096 $ 673 767 $ Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 63 4 , 7 1 9 $                   64 7 , 4 7 7 $                           65 3 , 9 5 2 $                   66 0 , 4 9 1 $                 667,096 $               673,767 $          CU R R E N T 2, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 2, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 50 0 , 0 0 0 0 St r e e t  Re c o n s t r u c t i o n  Pr o j e c t s   17 6 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 St r e e t  an d   Cu r b   Re p l a c e m e n t   Fu n d SC R 0 1 EN G I N E E R I N G AN N U A L  CU R B  RE P L A C E M E N T  &  CO N C R E T E  RE P A I R  PR O G R A M $60,000 $6 0 , 0 0 0 $6 0 , 0 0 0 $6 0 , 0 0 0 $6 0 , 0 0 0 SC R 0 3 EN G I N E E R I N G W  OL I V E  (8 T H  TO  TR A C Y ) $1 , 3 2 4 , 0 0 0 SC R 0 4 EN G I N E E R I N G S  GR A N D  (O L I V E  TO  HA Y E S ) $2 , 0 2 9 , 0 0 0 SC R 0 5 EN G I N E E R I N G N  GR A N D  (M E N D E N H A L  TO  PE A C H ) $8 6 1 , 0 0 0 SC R 0 6 EN G I N E E R I N G E  OL I V E  (T R A C Y  TO  CH U R C H ) $9 8 5 , 0 0 0 SC R 0 7 EN G I N E E R I N G N.  WA L L A C E  (L A M M E  TO  TA M A R A C K ) $1,253,000 SC R 0 8 EN G I N E E R I N G W  CO L L E G E  (8 T H  TO  11 T H ) $578,000 SC R 0 9 EN G I N E E R I N G SO U T H  CH U R C H  (S T O R Y  TO  BA B C O C K ) $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $1,891,000 $1 , 5 8 4 , 0 0 0 $2 , 0 8 9 , 0 0 0 $9 2 1 , 0 0 0 $1 , 0 4 5 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    St r e e t  an d  Cu r b  Re p la c e m e n t  Fu n d  (8  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $1,891,000 $1 , 5 8 4 , 0 0 0 $ 2 , 0 8 9 , 0 0 0 FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $1 , 0 4 5 , 0 0 0 $9 2 1 , 0 0 0 FY 1 8 17 7 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR01 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME ANNUAL CURB REPLACEMENT & CONCRETE REPAIR PROGRAM FY16 $60,000 FY17 $60,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT When a pedestrian ramp is installed, many times the adjacent curbs need to be replaced in order to get drainage to not stop at new ramp. Smaller curb repairs can be necessary rather than replacing a whole block ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue current operations ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This will allow completion of smaller projects instead of waiting for an entire block to be repaired ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Cost of Materials FUNDING SOURCES Street & Curb Replacement Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $60,000 FY19 $60,000 FY20 $60,000 178 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR03 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME W OLIVE (8TH TO TRACY) FY16 $1,324,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of West Olive Street from 8th Street to Tracy, including repairs to failed curbs and gutters. For planning purposes, project estimates West Olive to function as a Minor Collector, which would require a 50% contribution from property owners via a Special Improvement District Assessment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Enhances safety and drainage, preserves pavement ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street and Curb Replacement Fund - 50%. Local SID - 50%. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 179 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR04 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME S GRAND (OLIVE TO HAYES) FY16 FY17 $2,029,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of South Grand Street from Olive to Hayes, including repairs to failed curbs and gutters. For planning purposes, project estimates South Grand to function as a Local Street, which would require a 75% contribution from property owners via a Special Improvement District Assessment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Enhances safety and drainage, preserves pavement ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street and Curb Replacement Fund - 25%. Local SID - 75%. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 180 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR05 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME N GRAND (MENDENHAL TO PEACH) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of North Grand from Mendehal to Peach, including repairs to failed curbs and gutters. For planning purposes, project estimates North Grand to function as a Local Street, which would require a 75% contribution from property owners via a Special Improvement District Assessment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Enhances safety and drainage, preserves pavement ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street and Curb Replacement Fund - 25%. Local SID - 75%. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $861,000 FY19 FY20 181 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR06 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME E OLIVE (TRACY TO CHURCH) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of East Olive Street from Tracy to Church, including repairs to failed curbs and gutters. For planning purposes, project estimates East to function as a Minor Collector, which would require a 50% contribution from property owners via a Special Improvement District Assessment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Enhances safety and drainage, preserves pavement ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street and Curb Replacement Fund - 50%. Local SID - 50%. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $985,000 FY20 182 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR07 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME N. WALLACE (LAMME TO TAMARACK) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of North Wallace from Lamme to Tamarack, including repairs to failed curbs and gutters. For planning purposes, project estimates North Wallace to function as a Minor Collector, which would require a 50% contribution from property owners via a Special Improvement District Assessment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Enhances safety and drainage, preserves pavement ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street and Curb Replacement Fund - 50%. Local SID - 50%. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $1,253,000 183 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR08 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME W COLLEGE (8TH TO 11TH) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruction of West College Street from 8th to 11th, including repairs to failed curbs and gutters. For planning purposes, project estimates W. College to function as an Arterial, which would require no contribution from property owners. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Enhances safety and drainage, preserves pavement ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street & Curb Replacement Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $578,000 184 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street and Curb Replacement Fund PROJECT NUMBER SCR09 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PROJECT NAME SOUTH CHURCH (STORY TO BABCOCK) FY16 $200,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT South Church Street from Story to Babcock. Replace the curb and gutter on both sides of Church Street from Story to Babcock, including ADA compliant pedestrian ramps at all intersections. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not replace the curbs at this time ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This improvement will enhance storm drainage, better define and protext the street edge as well as the boulevard and make snow removal easier ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street & Curb Replacement Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 185 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Street Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 9,793,964$ 10,441,733$ 5,422,317$ 2,247,746$ 1,509,144$ 2,513,289$ Plus: Impact Fee Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,872,769$ 1,910,224$ 1,948,429$ 1,987,397$ 2,027,145$ 2,067,688$ -$ Plus: Urban Funds: SIF09, Kagy (Willson to 19th) 4,000,000$ Plus: Urban Funds: SIF46, Oak (New Holland to Ferguson)2,000,000$ Plus: Local Share of Intersections (40% of Total)792,000$ 396,000$ 264,000$ 396,000$ Plus: SID or other sources 525,000$ 1,242,000$ - $ 495,000$ 1,000,000$ Plus: County Funds 300,000$ Plus: TOP Funds for SIF55 & 56, Baxter/Cottonwood 1,800,000$ Plus: Developer Contribution for SIF40 - Broadway /Main 396,000$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (1,225,000)$ (8,150,640)$ (11,157,000)$ (3,122,000)$ (1,782,000)$ (8,044,000)$ (18,758,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 10,441,733$ 5,422,317$ 2,247,746$ 1,509,144$ 2,513,289$ 1,732,977$ (18,758,000)$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Street Impact Fee Revenues 1,872,769$ 1,872,769$ 1,910,224$ 1,948,429$ 1,987,397$ 2,027,145$ Estimated Annual Increase 0.0%2%2%2%2%2% Total Estimated Revenues 1,872,769$ 1,910,224$ 1,948,429$ 1,987,397$ 2,027,145$ 2,067,688$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Street Capacity Expansion CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,872,769$ 1,910,224$ 1,948,429$ 1,987,397$ 2,027,145$ 2,067,688$ Projected Projected CURRENT 26,000,000 21,000,000 16,000,000 11,000,000 6,000,000 1,000,000 Street Impact Fee Projects 186 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 CI P  PR O J E C T  FU N D : Im p a c t  Fe e s  St r e e t s So r t e d  by  Fu n d i n g  Ye a r  an d  Ra t i n g SI F 0 1 ST R E E T  IF RI G H T  OF  WA Y  AC Q U I S I T I O N $132,000 $1 3 2 , 0 0 0 25 $1 3 2 , 0 0 0 $1 3 2 , 0 0 0 $1 3 2 , 0 0 0 SI F 4 0 ST R E E T  IF BR O A D W A Y  & MA I N  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) $6 6 0 , 0 0 0 35 SI F 4 8 ST R E E T  IF CO T T O N W O O D  (F A L L O N  TO  AL P H A ) $2 , 5 4 3 , 6 4 0 40 SI F 4 9 ST R E E T  IF OA K  ST R E E T  (1 5 T H  TO  19 T H ) $3 3 0 , 0 0 0 40 SI F 5 0 ST R E E T  IF LA U R E L  PA R K W A Y  (D U R S T O N  TO  BA B C O C K ) $7 0 0 , 0 0 0 20 SI F 5 2 ST R E E T  IF KA G Y  (W I L L S O N  TO  19 T H )  ‐   EN G I N E E R I N G  SE R V I C E S $8 5 8 , 0 0 0 25 SI F 5 3 ST R E E T  IF OA K  (L  ST R E E T  TO  CO T T O N W O O D )  ‐   EN G I N E E R I N G   SE R V I C E S $5 0 0 , 0 0 0 25 SI F 5 4 ST R E E T  IF FE R G U S O N  (B A X T E R  TO  OA K ) $9 0 0 , 0 0 0 40 SI F 5 9 ST R E E T  IF DU R S T O N  (F O L W E R  TO  WE S T  CI T Y  LI M I T )  ‐   EN G I N E E R I N G  SE R V I C E S $2 6 5 , 0 0 0 25 SI F 6 3 ST R E E T  IF CO T T O N W O O D  (F A L L O N  TO  BA X T E R )  ‐   EN G I N E E R I N G   DE S I G N $2 5 0 , 0 0 0 SI F 6 4 ST R E E T  IF DU R S T O N  (W E S T E R N  CI T Y  LI M I T S  TO  CO T T O N W O O D ) $1 , 0 1 2 , 0 0 0 SI F 0 9 ST R E E T  IF KA G Y  (W I L L S O N  TO  19 T H ) 32 $7 , 9 2 0 , 0 0 0 SI F 3 9 ST R E E T  IF FE R G U S O N  & DU R S T O N  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) 35 $9 9 0 , 0 0 0 SI F 4 7 ST R E E T  IF N  27 T H  (O A K  TO  CA T T A I L ) 35 $1 , 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 SI F 5 8 ST R E E T  IF N.  27 T H  &O A K  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) 30 $9 9 0 , 0 0 0 SI F 5 6 ST R E E T  IF CO T T O N W O O D  (F A L L O N  TO  BA X T E R ) 40 $2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 SI F 6 0 ST R E E T  IF N.  27 T H  & TS C H A C H E  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) 30 $9 9 0 , 0 0 0 SI F 2 7 ST R E E T  IF CO T T O N W O O D  & DU R S T O N  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) 30 $6 6 0 , 0 0 0 SI F 3 6 ST R E E T  IF CO T T O N W O O D  (B A B C O C K  TO  OA K ) 40 $9 9 0 , 0 0 0 18 7 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 SI F 4 6 ST R E E T  IF OA K  (N E W  HO L L A N D  TO  FE R G U S O N ) $2,500,000 40 SI F 5 5 ST R E E T  IF BA X T E R  (1 9 T H  TO  CO T T O N W O O D ) $4,422,000 40 SI F 6 1 ST R E E T  IF OA K  & FE R G U S O N  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) $990,000 30 SI F 0 5 ST R E E T  IF CO L L E G E  (1 1 T H  TO  19 T H ) $3,168,000 7 SI F 2 3 ST R E E T  IF HI G H L A N D  (M A I N  TO  KA G Y ) $10,032,000 30 SI F 2 4 ST R E E T  IF HI G H L A N D  & EL L I S  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) $660,000 30 SI F 3 3 ST R E E T  IF 7T H  & GR I F F I N  (I N T E R S E C T I O N ) $660,000 30 SI F 5 1 ST R E E T  IF N  27 T H  (O A K  TO  CA T T A I L )  ‐   EN G I N E E R I N G  SE R V I C E S $125,000 25 SI F 5 7 ST R E E T  IF OA K  (F E R G U S O N  TO  CO T T O N W O O D ) $2,500,000 40 SI F 6 2 ST R E E T  IF DU R S T O N  (C O T T O N W O O D  TO  FO W L E R ) $1,613,000 Su m m a r y  fo r    Im p a c t  Fe e s  St r e e t s  (2 9  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $8,044,000 $8 , 1 5 0 , 6 4 0 $ 1 1 , 1 5 7 , 0 0 0 $ 3 , 1 2 2 , 0 0 0 $18,758,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 Unscheduled FY19 $1 , 7 8 2 , 0 0 0 18 8 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF01 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION FY16 $132,000 FY17 $132,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Annual allocation available for right-of-way purchases as they become available. Purchasing additional right-of-way is critical to expanding the capacity of streets in the city. This is deemed to be 100% impact fee eligible – as additional right-of-way is not required if we are not expanding the capacity of the street. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Condemn property for right-of-way; pay court costs as well as appraised value of property. Time consuming for city staff and a relatively expensive process. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides dollars for the purchase of necessary right-of-way as it becomes available on the market. Avoids the expensive, antagonistic condemnation process where possible. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Street Impact Fees can not be spent on operating and maintaining facilities. There is expected to be a very minimal, incremental cost to the Street Maintenance District from this expenditure. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:25 FY18 $132,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)10 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 $132,000 FY20 $132,000.00 189 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF05 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME COLLEGE (11TH TO 19TH) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $3,168,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Reconstruct West College Street from 8th Avenue to 19th Avenue to a minor arterial standard as shown in the Transportation Plan. This section of West College has already exceeded the volume of traffic it was projected to carry in 2020 according to the Transportation Plan. Improvements to South 19th and increased development in the South 19th corridor will only further increase traffic demand on this facility. Additionally this facility lacks pedestrian and bicycle facilities. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Use of Urban funds for full financing, CTEP grants if available. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved safety and capacity, both for motorized vehicles as well as bicycles and pedestrians. The use of street impact fee funds enables the community to leverage the available State Urban transportation funds to complete other projects and address more of the city’s pressing transportation needs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Improved safety and capacity, both for motorized vehicles as well as bicycles and pedestrians. The use of street impact fee funds enables the community to leverage the available State Urban transportation funds to complete other projects and address more of the city’s pressing transportation needs. FUNDING SOURCES 60% - Street Impact Fees = $2,000,000, 40% Urban, CTEP or other Funds - $1,300,000 New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:7 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)0 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)2 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 190 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF09 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME KAGY (WILLSON TO 19TH) FY16 FY17 $7,920,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of widening Kagy Boulevard from the intersection of S. 19th Avenue to Willson Avenue to a three lane urban arterial standard. This includes one travel lane in each direction, bike lanes on each side, curb and gutter throughout, boulevard, sidewalks and a raised median. Kagy serves as an important element of Bozeman's perimeter street system connecting Highland Blvd., Willson Ave. and S.19th. It also serves as the primary access to Montana State University and the University's major athletic facilities. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SID for full financing, Urban funds or incremental construction by developers. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Kagy is a State Urban Route and is eligible for expenditure of State urban funds designated annually for the City of Bozeman; however, the availability of urban funds cannot match the pace of the City's transportation improvement needs. The need for this project comes from increased traffic due to growth in the Bozeman area and the project is eligible for Impact Fee Funds. Use of Street Impact Funds enables the community to leverage the available State Urban transportation funds to complete projects and address more of its pressing transportation needs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in sweeping, plowing and general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $8,725 per street mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES Total Project: $6,650,000. 60% - Street Impact Fees = $3,990,000; 40% - Urban Funds = $2,660,000 New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:32 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)7 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 191 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF23 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME HIGHLAND (MAIN TO KAGY) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $10,032,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of widening Highland Boulevard from the intersection with Main Street to the intersection with Ellis Street to a five-lane urban arterial standard, and from the intersection with Ellis Street south to the intersection with Kagy Boulevard to a three-lane urban arterial standard. This roadway is currently a minor arterial roadway with one travel lane in each direction. This project serves as a long-term need that will be necessary to accommodate future development patterns in the region and serve north-south traffic flow. It is expected that a minimum of two travel lanes in each direction from Main Street to Ellis Street, one travel lane in each direction from Ellis Street to Kagy Boulevard, bike lanes on each side, curb and gutter, boulevard, sidewalk, and a raised median will be required. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Use of Urban Funds, developer contributions and/or creation of an SID for full financing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety in this corridor, both for motorized vehicles as well as bicycles and pedestrians. The use of street impact fees enables the community to leverage the available State Urban Funds to complete other needed projects. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in sweeping, plowing and general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $8,725 per street mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES Estimated: 50% Street Impact fees ($3,600,000.00), and 50% Urban Funds, Special Improvement District (SID) or Other, $3,600,000.00. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 192 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF24 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME HIGHLAND & ELLIS (INTERSECTION) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $660,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Identified as TSM -20 in the 2007 Transportation Plan Update. Includes installation of a traffic signal, roundabout or other adequate traffic control device when warrants are met. Highland Boulevard is currently a two-lane minor arterial roadway and Ellis Street is a two-lane local street. This intersection currently has stop control on Ellis Street. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or consider other alternatives as suggested by MDT. Create an SID or identify other and apply for other potential sources of funding (CMAQ…) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: None FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 193 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF27 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME COTTONWOOD & DURSTON (INTERSECTION) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Includes installation of a traffic signal, roundabout or other adequate traffic control device when warrants are met. Cottonwood Road is currently a two-lane principal arterial roadway and Durston Road is a three-lane minor arterial. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or consider other alternatives as suggested by MDT. Create an SID or identify other and apply for other potential sources of funding (CMAQ…) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: None FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 $660,000 FY20 194 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF33 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME 7TH & GRIFFIN (INTERSECTION) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $660,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Control of the intersection of 7th Avenue and Griffin Drive. Includes the installation of a traffic signal or roundabout. Future development and the resulting increased traffic indicate that intersection improvements will be needed. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or consider other alternatives as suggested by the Montana Department of Transportation. Create an SID or identify and apply for other potential sources of funding (CMAQ…) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved traffic flow and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 195 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF36 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME COTTONWOOD (BABCOCK TO OAK) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of widening Cottonwood Road from West Babcock Street to Oak Street to a three lane urban arterial standard. This includes one travel lane in each direction, bike lanes on each side, curb and gutter throughout, boulevard, sidewalks and a raised median. Cottonwood Road serves as an important element in Bozeman's west side street system and serves as a primary north-south corridor on the west side of the city. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SID for full financing, Urban funds or incremental construction by developers. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved traffic flow and safety in this corridor. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street Impact Fees, SID for upgrade of existing roadway portion, Urban funds or incremental construction by developers. Current estimate is 50% SID/50% Impact Fees. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 $990,000 FY20 196 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF39 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME FERGUSON & DURSTON (INTERSECTION) FY16 FY17 $990,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Intersection Control ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Accept the current level of service (do nothing). Alternative financing could be provided by creating an SID or Payback District. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved traffic flow and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:35 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 197 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF40 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME BROADWAY & MAIN (INTERSECTION) FY16 $660,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Intersection Control ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or consider other alternatives as suggested by the Montana Department of Transportation. Create an SID, Payback or identify and apply for other potential sources of funding (CMAQ…). Developer Contribution. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved traffic flow and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:35 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)10 FY19 FY20 198 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF46 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME OAK (NEW HOLLAND TO FERGUSON) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This Project is the completion of the street segment of Oak Street, from New Holland to Ferguson. Currently, the south half of the street is missing, creating a bottleneck in the street network. &nbsp;We anticipate that by the time this project is built, the City will have designated Oak Street as an Urban Route, eligilbe for Urban Funds.</div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leave as-is. Wait for the developer to build the street. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This project will expand the capacity of our street network and improve safety for drivers and pedestrians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED minimal FUNDING SOURCES Street Impact Fees - 60%, Developer Contribution for local share - 40%. Total cost estimates are shown. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)10 FY19 FY20 $2,500,000.00 199 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF47 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME N 27TH (OAK TO CATTAIL) FY16 FY17 $1,125,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This Project is the completion of the street segment of N 27th Avenue, between Oak Street and Cattail Street. This project area contains a completed section of 27th (from Tschache to Baxter) that will be able to be utilized once north and south portions are added. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leave as-is. Wait for the developer to build the street ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This project will expand the capacity of our street network and improve safety for drivers and pedestrians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES Street Impact Fees - 60%, Developer Contribution for local share - 40%. Total cost estimates are shown. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:35 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)15 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 200 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF48 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME COTTONWOOD (FALLON TO ALPHA) FY16 $2,543,640 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Widen Cottonwood Road from 2 and 3 lane sections to five lanes. This will match the section presently existing from Babcock to Fallon Street. This widening is required to ensure the configuration of Cottonwood Road on either side of Huffine Lane is consistent as required by the Montana Department of Transportation who have jurisdiction over Huffine Lane and south Cottonwood Road. This project will also include installation of bicycle lanes and completion of sidewalk connections on both sides of Cottonwood Road. This will complete the full build out of a principal arterial in a rapidly developing area of the community and leverage private development improvements. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED This project is needed to enable a Commission approved site development to proceed. The City could take no action which would prevent the private development from being constructed. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Traffic on Cottonwood Road is rapidly increasing with four new subdivisions in near proximity at different stages in the review and development process. As a principal arterial, Cottonwood Road is one of the primary routes for travel within Bozeman and becomes a state highway south of Huffine Lane. The proposed project will provide additional traffic capacity in a rapidly growing area and will create a more functional roadway with a consistent cross section through its largest intersection at Huffine Lane. The overall project will also coordinate improvements in association with adjacent private development to complete key links in ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Routine O&M will be required once constructed. FUNDING SOURCES Impact fees are estimated at $1,702,000. Private development south of Huffine Lane will construction approximately $100,000 of project related improvements. Street maintenance funds (gas tax) may contribute approximately $125,000 for simultaneous coordinated repair work on existing lanes of Cottonwood Road north of Huffine Lane. The exact extent of the maintenance component has not been decided. These companion funds have not yet been committed. Three adjacent developments which deferred installation of sidewalks with prior development will be required to install those at the same time as the widening New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 201 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF49 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME OAK STREET (15TH TO 19TH) FY16 $330,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 202 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF50 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME LAUREL PARKWAY (DURSTON TO BABCOCK) FY16 $700,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Expand 0.78 miles of Laurel Parkway from Durston Road to Fallon Street from 2 lanes to 3 lanes with initial construction of the street. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Defer widening until a future date when it will be more costly as existing road improvements will be damaged and require repair. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The project would allow the construction of the new street with the center turn lane as depicted in the City’s adopted Transportation Plan. The turn lane adds approximately 33% additional capacity per Table 9-1 of the transportation plan compared to a two lane road. To later widen a street from 2 lanes to 3 lanes after it is constructed is one of the most costly ways to add capacity. Therefore, it is very cost advantageous to the City to fund this widening now to occur with the initial street construction. This amendment will support the next phases of the Norton East Ranch Subdivision and Valley West Subdivision. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Routine O&M will be required once constructed. FUNDING SOURCES Impact fees $152,400, the balance of the work will be a subdivision project improvement. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:20 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 203 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF51 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME N 27TH (OAK TO CATTAIL) - ENGINEERING SERVICES FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $125,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Engineering work for street design. This project area contains a completed section of 27th (from Tschache to Baxter) that will be able to be utilized once north and south portions are added. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:25 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 204 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF52 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME KAGY (WILLSON TO 19TH) - ENGINEERING SERVICES FY16 $858,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Engineering work to design the street. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:25 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 205 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF53 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME OAK (L STREET TO COTTONWOOD) - ENGINEERING SERVICES FY16 $500,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Engineering work for design of this street. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Street Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:25 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 206 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF54 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME FERGUSON (BAXTER TO OAK) FY16 $900,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of South Ferguson Road from Baxter Lane to Oak Street. This will be the last piece that connects Huffine Lane to West Oak Street. The funding will come from Impact Fees, the creation of an SID and the County, split equally. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provide an alternative route from Huffine to Oak Street. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Maintenance FUNDING SOURCES 1/3 Impact Fees, 1/3 SID, 1/3 County New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 207 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF55 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME BAXTER (19TH TO COTTONWOOD) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Impact Fees and Developer contributions (TOP Funds for areas ajacent to Sports Complex.) New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)10 FY19 FY20 $4,422,000.00 208 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF56 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME COTTONWOOD (FALLON TO BAXTER) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Impact Fees and Developer Contributions (TOP Funds for roadway ajacent to Sports Complex) New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 $2,000,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 209 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF57 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME OAK (FERGUSON TO COTTONWOOD) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $2,500,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This Project is the completion of the street segment of Oak Street, from New Holland to Ferguson. Currently, the south half of the street is missing, creating a bottleneck in the street network. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Leave as-is. Wait for the developer to build the street. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This project will expand the capacity of our street network and improve safety for drivers and pedestrians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED minimal FUNDING SOURCES Street Impact Fees, Developer Contribution for local share, other. Total cost estimates are shown. Design $800,000. Construction $4,000,000. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:40 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 210 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF58 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME N. 27th &OAK (INTERSECTION) FY16 FY17 $990,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Includes installation of a traffic signal, roundabout or other adequate traffic control device when warrants are met. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or consider other alternatives as suggested by MDT. Create an SID or identify other and apply for other potential sources of funding (CMAQ…) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: None FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 211 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF59 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME DURSTON (FOLWER TO WEST CITY LIMIT) - ENGINEERING SERVICES FY16 $265,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Engineering design work for 1.75 miles of urban arterial. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing . ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved safety and capacity, both for motorized vehicles as well as bicycles and pedestrians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in sweeping, plowing and general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $8,725 per street mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:25 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 212 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF60 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME N. 27th & TSCHACHE (INTERSECTION) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Includes installation of a traffic signal, roundabout or other adequate traffic control device when warrants are met. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or consider other alternatives as suggested by MDT. Create an SID or identify other and apply for other potential sources of funding (CMAQ…) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: None FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 $990,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 213 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF61 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME OAK & FERGUSON (INTERSECTION) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Includes installation of a traffic signal, roundabout or other adequate traffic control device when warrants are met. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or consider other alternatives as suggested by MDT. Create an SID or identify other and apply for other potential sources of funding (CMAQ…) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety at this intersection. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: None FUNDING SOURCES Proposed 60% Impact Fees and 40% Local Share (other). New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 $990,000.00 214 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF62 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME DURSTON (COTTONWOOD TO FOWLER) FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $1,613,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Complete Durston Road from Fowler Lane to Cottonwood to an urban minor arterial standard. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with the facility as is. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety in this corridor, both for motorized vehicles as well as bicycles and pedestrians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in sweeping, plowing and general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $8,725 per street mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES Street Impact Fees, SID New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE: FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts) DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts) FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts) COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts) FY19 FY20 215 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF63 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME COTTONWOOD (FALLON TO BAXTER) - ENGINEERING DESIGN FY16 $250,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Design of Cottonwood Road from Fallon Street to Baxter Lane ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Wait for adjacent development to occur and build in conjunction with it. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Cottonwood Road serves as an important element in Bozeman's west side street system and serves as a primary north-south corridor on the west side of the city. Design and completion of this facility will greatly improve the level of service for vehicles as well as bicycles and pedestrians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in sweeping, plowing and general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $8,725 per street mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES Impact Fees, Parks and Open Space Bond Funds. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE: FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts) DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts) FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts) COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts) FY19 FY20 216 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF64 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME DURSTON (WESTERN CITY LIMITS TO COTTONWOOD) FY16 $1,012,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Complete Durston Road from Cottonwood Lane to the current western city limit to an urban minor arterial standard. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with the facility as is. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased capacity and safety in this corridor, both for motorized vehicles as well as bicycles and pedestrians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in sweeping, plowing and general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $8,725 per street mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES Street Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE: FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts) DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts) FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts) COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts) FY19 FY20 217 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Street Maintenance District Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 268,000$ 396,751$ 8,171$ 68,318$ 45,226$ 355,901$ Plus: Street Mtc Revenues Dedicated to CIP 338,751$ 414,920$ 440,147$ 466,908$ 530,674$ 577,374$ -$ Plus: Gas Tax 662,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ 600,000$ Plus: SID - Mendenhall Streetscape 2,076,210$ Plus: Intercap Loan for McKinstry LED Street Lights 226,642$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (436,642)$ (3,541,710)$ (980,000)$ (1,090,000)$ (820,000)$ (890,000)$ (500,000)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 396,751$ 8,171$ 68,318$ 45,226$ 355,901$ 643,274$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Undesignated Annual Street Mtc Revenues 2,820,973$ 2,905,602$ 3,082,263$ 3,269,664$ 3,468,460$ 3,537,829$ Estimated Annual Increase - Attributed to Annexations - 2%2%2%2%2% Total Estimated Revenues 2,820,973$ 2,963,714$ 3,143,908$ 3,335,058$ 3,537,829$ 3,608,586$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %14.0%14.0%14.0%14.0%14.0%15.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%1.0%1.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 14.0%14.0%14.0%14.0%15.0%16.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 394,936$ 414,920$ 440,147$ 466,908$ 530,674$ 577,374$ Projected Projected CURRENT 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 Street Maintenance Projects & Equipment 218 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 St r e e t   Ma i n t e n a n c e   Di s t r i c t PW 0 1 ST R E E T S SH O P S  FA C I L I T Y  EX P A N S I O N  PL A N $1 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 2 0 ST R E E T S BI K E  PA T H  IM P R O V E M E N T S $25,000 $2 5 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 ST R 2 2 ST R E E T S GR A D E R  LE A S E $50,000 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 3 0 ST R E E T S AN N U A L  ME D I A N  & BO U L E V A R D   MA I N T E N A N C E $50,000 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 3 3 ST R E E T S AS P H A L T  PA T C H  TR U C K $1 5 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 3 4 ST R E E T S SW E E P E R S $75,000 $7 5 , 0 0 0 $7 5 , 0 0 0 $7 5 , 0 0 0 $7 5 , 0 0 0 ST R 3 5 ST R E E T S RE G E N E R A T I V E  AI R  SW E E P E R $250,000 ST R 3 8 ST R E E T S MI N I  LO A D E R $7 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 4 0 ST R E E T S DU M P  TR U C K  WI T H  PL O W  & SA N D E R $200,000 $1 6 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 4 3 ST R E E T S SE L F  PR O P E L L E D  SE L F  LO A D I N G  AS P H A L T   MI L L I N G  MA C H I N E  W/  TR A I L E R $3 7 5 , 0 0 0 ST R 4 4 ST R E E T S RE P L A C E  #3 0 8 1  ‐   19 9 2  1  TO N  2W  DR I V E   MA N U A L  FO R D  F ‐35 0  FO R  SI G N  &  SI G N A L S .    CU R R E N T  MI L E A G E  IS  80 , 5 0 0   WI T H  6, 1 8 0  HO U R S . $4 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 4 5 ST R E E T S SM A L L  VA C U U M  UN I T  FO R  PE D E S T R I A N   RA M P S  & SI D E W A L K S $4 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 4 6 ST R E E T S RE P L A C E  #1 1 3 4  ‐   19 8 8  1  TO N  2  WH E E L   DR I V E  CH E V Y  C ‐35 0 0 $2 8 , 5 0 0 ST R 4 7 ST R E E T S ST O R A G E  BU I L D I N G S  RE P L A C E M E N T  AT   VE H I C L E  MA I N T E N A N C E  SH O P  SI T E $5 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 4 8 ST R E E T S US E D  GR A I N  BO D Y  TR U C K S $5 0 , 0 0 0 $50,000 ST R 4 9 ST R E E T S SA N D E R S $10,000 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 5 0 ST R E E T S PL O W S $10,000 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 5 1 ST R E E T S ST R E E T  IM P R O V E M E N T S  ‐   MI L L  &  OV E R L A Y $400,000 $4 6 2 , 0 0 0 $4 0 0 , 0 0 0 $4 0 0 , 0 0 0 $4 0 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 5 2 ST R E E T S ST R E E T  IM P R O V E M E N T S  ‐   CH I P  SE A L $200,000 $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 5 3 ST R E E T S ME N D E N H A L L  & BA B C O C K  ST R E E T S C A P E $2 , 0 7 6 , 2 1 0 21 9 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 ST R 5 5 ST R E E T S RE P L A C E  #1 4 5 6  – 19 9 2  FO R D  1  TO N  FL A T   BE D  2  WH E E L  DR I V E $4 0 , 0 0 0 ST R 5 6 ST R E E T S TA C K  OI L  DI S T R I B U T I O N  UN I T $70,000 $890,000 $3 , 5 4 1 , 7 1 0 $9 8 0 , 0 0 0 $1 , 0 9 0 , 0 0 0 $8 2 0 , 0 0 0 $500,000 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    St r e e t  Ma i n t e n a n c e  Di s t r i c t  (22  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $890,000 $3 , 5 4 1 , 7 1 0 $ 9 8 0 , 0 0 0 $500,000FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $8 2 0 , 0 0 0 $1 , 0 9 0 , 0 0 0 FY 1 8 22 0 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY16 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks & Cemetery departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 221 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR20 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME BIKE PATH IMPROVEMENTS FY16 $25,000 FY17 $25,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This item would provide for bike-related infrastructure including (but, not limited to) racks, signs, striping, curb-cuts, and separated pathways. The Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan (2007 Update) Section 5.4 Recommended Bicycle Facility Improvements outlines many facilities. The Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB) gave the City their top 2 priorities: They are listed with City Engineering cost estimates: North 11th Ave - Mendenhall to Durston, $14,500; Willson Ave - Main Street to Kagy Blvd, $54,300. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with existing infrastructure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Safety will likely be improved. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED No additional operating costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $25,000 FY19 $25,000 FY20 $25,000 222 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR22 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME GRADER LEASE FY16 $50,000 FY17 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to establish at a minimum a 20 year replacement schedule for our graders. Currently our fleet is comprised of a 1994, 1998, 2003, 2007 and 2014. The '94 will be replaced in FY16. Although the industry standard schedules a 15 year replacement we believe with our extensive preventative maintenance schedule will allow us to get 20 years out of a grader. The old grader would be traded in or auctioned. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Budget 250k every 5 years to purchase. Cut back on our use of graders in the residential areas. Continue to use what we have and replace when we have complete failure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Much more reliable and fuel efficient equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in costs due to newer equipment. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $50,000 FY19 $50,000 FY20 $50,000 223 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR30 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME ANNUAL MEDIAN & BOULEVARD MAINTENANCE FY16 $50,000 FY17 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for money to use for maintaining and upgrading our medians. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Making our currently unmaintained medians into weed free low maintenance show pieces. We are partnering internally with the Water Conservation Manager and externally with MSU to design and install low water easily maintained medians. Also contract out the maintenance on our established medians. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. Lower water use means lower utility costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $50,000 FY19 $50,000 FY20 $50,000 224 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR33 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME ASPHALT PATCH TRUCK FY16 FY17 $150,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace our 1991 patch truck. At the time of replacement it will be 26 years old. Before we decide on a particular model we will demo several different types to decide which is best for our operations. With advancements in emission reduction this new truck will emit less than ½ the emissions that the truck it replaces. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Contract out patching. Continue to use this truck. Increase response time to pothole requests. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Less emissions. More efficient operations. Decrease response time to pothole requests. Better safety systems on new unit. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED No increase in costs. Decrease in costs expected. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 225 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR34 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SWEEPERS FY16 $75,000 FY17 $75,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace a sweeper every 5 years. In the past we depended on the State for funds through the MACI program to purchase a sweeper every five years if funding was available. Funding is very sporadic. Industry standards recommend replacing municipal street sweepers every 4-5 years. We will always pursue a sweeper through the MACI program when it becomes available. Our current fleet of sweepers include a 2009 and two 2012 models. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Budget 200k every year until all sweepers are replaced. Cut back on our sweeping There are no local contractors at this time. Continue to use what we have. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Much improved operations. Better air quality. Improved storm water discharge. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $75,000 FY19 $75,000 FY20 $75,000 226 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR35 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REGENERATIVE AIR SWEEPER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $250,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request for a new regenerative air (RA) sweeper. This would an addition to our sweeper fleet. RA sweepers use a blast of air to dislodge the street debris and suck it into the hopper. It reuses the air so no polluted or particulate air is released into the atmosphere. These type of sweepers help us to comply with air quality requirements (particulate matter of 2.5 microns or less) and storm water Best Management Practices. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Only use mechanical sweepers which discharge dust when sweeping. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL We could improve our discharge into the storm water system. Spring sweeping of the winter sand would generate less dust therefore eliminating complaints from citizens and DEQ. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Normal sweeper maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 227 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR38 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME MINI LOADER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This request is for a mini loader that would be used for sidewalk maintenance including plowing, removal and repairs. Currently we are using 30+ year old CJ5 Jeeps to plow the sidewalks because they fit on the 5 foot wide sidewalks. Replacing these is getting tougher because of availability. This loader would accept many attachments that we already have such as brooms, sweepers and plows. This loader would be available for use in other departments. It would be useful in tight situations where a full size loader wouldn’t fit such as when the mini excavator is being used and material needs to be moved off site. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED No comparable equipment is available for rent. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL If we are going to continue to maintain city owned sidewalks in the manner we require businesses and residents to then we need to find some sort replacement of the Jeeps for the over 2 miles of sidewalks we plow. This does not include what the Parks Department plows. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Less than what is spent on the Jeeps. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $70,000 FY19 FY20 228 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR40 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME DUMP TRUCK WITH PLOW & SANDER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $200,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This request is for a single axle dump truck with a 4 yard box. A plow and sander would also be included. This will replace a 1990 underpowered gasoline engine dump truck that averages about 3 MPG when used for plowing operations. The new truck could be fueled with alternative fuels such as Biodiesel. Estimates shows that the 1990 spews over 30 tons of CO2 into the air per year and by removing this from our fleet will help us in our goal of reducing municipal greenhouse emissions 15% below 2000 levels by 2020. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue with 1990 model. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Efficiency, less emissions, safety, fuel savings and more reliable equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Less than current model. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $160,000 FY19 FY20 229 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR43 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SELF PROPELLED SELF LOADING ASPHALT MILLING MACHINE W/ TRAILER FY16 $375,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will be a milling machine to do projects larger than patching. This machine grinds off the top 2” of asphalt so that a new layer can be replaced. We would be able to pave larger areas of streets and alleys. Repairs of streets with multiple utility cuts could be done without waiting to contract it out or just let it deteriorate. We will need to rent a truck to pull this or borrow the tractor/truck from the WRF. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Contract out or wait until street needs to be reconstructed. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Savings to street budget from doing large repairs before street falls apart. Repave a single block when only the one block needs to be repaved. Mill intersections so pavement crossings can be replaced with hot tape. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Operating costs plus the additional asphalt that will be used in our expanded street repair programs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 230 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR44 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3081 - 1992 1 TON 2W DRIVE MANUAL FORD F-350 FOR SIGN & SIGNALS. Current FY16 $40,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will replace the sign installation response truck. This truck is used to replace downed signs and install new signs. 4 Wheel drive is needed as sometimes it is necessary to get off the road to replace or install signs. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue using current truck. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A 4 wheel drive truck can be used year round. Newer technology will give the truck better fuel mileage and less emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 231 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR45 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SMALL VACUUM UNIT FOR PEDESTRIAN RAMPS & SIDEWALKS FY16 $40,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This a request for a self propelled vacuum unit to vacuum up the winter sand and debris from the pedestrian ramps and sidewalks. Currently when the temperatures are above freezing we wash the sand into the street and then sweep it up with a sweeper. The process involves 3 workers and 2 pieces of equipment. With the vacuum unit it could be done with one person. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue as we do now. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Cost savings. Can be done at lower temperatures and use little or no water. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Maintenance on unit. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 232 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR46 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #1134 - 1988 1 TON 2 WHEEL DRIVE CHEVY C-3500 FY16 $28,500 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will replace a worn out inefficient 2 wheel drive one ton pickup that is used for fueling equipment on site and also picking up dead animals with the Tommy Lift®. Currently has 118,795 miles. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Drive it until it dies. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A much more useable truck that is more fuel efficient and lower emissions. We will downsize to a ¾ ton 4 wheel drive truck. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 233 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR47 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME STORAGE BUILDINGS REPLACEMENT AT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP SITE FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The four rusted buildings that were moved from the old Public Works site on Rouse in 1975 are in need of replacement. Three are used by the Street Department and one by the Water Department. Three of the buildings are used for storage of equipment and one is storage of winter deicing material. We would hire a firm to evaluate the options of replacing these buildings at the current location (Entry Way Corridor) or at a different site. These would include a design of the new buildings. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Let them become historic buildings or rust away. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Clean up the Rouse corridor and make the buildings more usable. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES Possible split between Water and Streets New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 234 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR48 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME USED GRAIN BODY TRUCKS FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled $50,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is a request to replace one of the two grain body trucks we use for hauling sweepings, leaves and snow. The current trucks are retired 1987 garbage trucks with 15,000+ hours on them. We need something more reliable and efficient. With the future development on Mendenhall we see the need to haul snow on possibly a weekly basis. We think a used 2000 or newer will fit our needs. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use what we have. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable, more fuel efficient and less emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 235 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR49 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME SANDERS FY16 $10,000 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Sanders wear out every 5 years depending on the winter. We have seven sanders so we will make them last 7 years. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable sanders. Less failures in the middle of a storm. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $10,000 FY19 $10,000 FY20 $10,000 236 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR50 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME PLOWS FY16 $10,000 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is to replace the worn plow blades. We have 7 large plows so they will be on a 7 year replacement schedule. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A straight blade is easier to replace the cutting edge and is quieter when plowing. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $10,000 FY19 $10,000 FY20 $10,000 237 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR51 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME STREET IMPROVEMENTS - MILL & OVERLAY FY16 $462,000 FY17 $400,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Mill and Overlay Projects ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increase the life of our streets. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Gas Tax New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $400,000 FY19 $400,000 FY20 $400,000 238 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR52 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME STREET IMPROVEMENTS - CHIP SEAL FY16 $200,000 FY17 $200,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This money will be used to increase our pavement preservation program. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increase in the life of the streets. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $200,000 FY19 $200,000 FY20 $200,000 239 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR53 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME MENDENHALL & BABCOCK STREETSCAPE FY16 $2,076,210 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT <div>The streetscapes will be replaced between Rouse and Grand Avenues. The new streetscape design will replicate those in place along Main Street and many of downtown's north-south side streets. Streetscape elements will include new concrete sidewalks; &quot;historic&quot; streetlamps; street or boulevard trees; pedestrian benches; trash receptacles; and bike racks. </div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL "Complete Streets" to better serve all modes of transportation. Increased pedestrian amenities. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal annual maintenance costs FUNDING SOURCES 100% SID New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 240 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR55 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #1456 – 1992 Ford 1 TON FLAT BED 2 WHEEL DRIVE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This will replace a 2 wheel drive truck with a 4 wheel drive truck. The current truck is a manual transmission and the worn out clutch linkage is no longer available. Mileage is 81433. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Drive it until it dies. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL A much more useable year round truck. Better fuel mileage and lower emissions. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Decrease in maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $40,000 FY19 FY20 241 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Street Maintenance District PROJECT NUMBER STR56 DEPARTMENT STREETS PROJECT NAME TACK OIL DISTRIBUTION UNIT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This is to replace a 1971 unit. This unit is obsolete. This is used to spray tack oil on asphalt patches and paving. Currently we are doing it by hand with our patch truck. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use what we have when it runs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable and safer unit. Less chance of major spill. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Costs will be less with the newer unit. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Street Maintenance District Revenue New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $70,000 242 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Ve h i c l e  Ma i n t e n a n c e  Fu n d Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t  Pl a n Fi n a n c i a l  Su m m a r y Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 UNSCHEDULED Pr o j e c t e d  Be g i n n i n g  Re s e r v e  Ba l a n c e  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P ‐ $                                   ‐ $                                           1, 1 8 1 $                         1, 1 8 1 $                  1,181 $                   1,181 $              Pl u s :    In t e r n a l  Al l o c a t i o n / B i l l i n g  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 15 , 5 0 0 $                     31 , 6 8 1 $                             ‐ $                                 ‐ $                           ‐ $                             ‐$              ‐$                      Le s s :    Sc h e d u l e d  CI P  Co s t s (1 5 , 5 0 0 ) $                   (3 0 , 5 0 0 ) $                           ‐ $                                 ‐ $                           ‐ $                             ‐$              ‐$                   Pr o j e c t e d  Ye a r ‐En d  Ca s h  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P ‐ $                                   1, 1 8 1 $                                 1, 1 8 1 $                         1, 1 8 1 $                  1,181 $                   1,181 $           As s u m p t i o n s  Ma d e  fo r  Re v e n u e  Es t i m a t e s : Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  Ve h i c l e  Mt c  Bi l l i n g s 41 7 , 5 5 0 $                       42 1 , 7 2 6 $                             42 5 , 9 4 3 $                     43 0 , 2 0 2 $             434,504 $               438,849 $         Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  Ve h i c l e  Mt c  Al l o c a t i o n 41 7 , 5 5 0 $                       42 1 , 7 2 6 $                             42 5 , 9 4 3 $                     43 0 , 2 0 2 $             434,504 $               438,849 $         To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s 83 5 , 1 0 0 $                       84 3 , 4 5 1 $                             85 1 , 8 8 6 $                     86 0 , 4 0 4 $             869,008 $               877,698 $         Cu r r e n t  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P  % 1. 9 % 1. 9 % 3. 8 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 %    Pl u s :    In c r e a s e  (D e c r e a s e )  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 0. 0 % 1. 9 % ‐3. 8 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 %    To t a l  % De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 1. 9 % 3. 8 % 0. 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 % 0 . 0 % Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 15 , 5 0 0 $                           31 , 6 8 1 $                                   ‐ $                                     ‐ $                               ‐ $                                 ‐$                 No t e :    Th e  Ve h i c l e  Ma i n t e n a n c e  Fu n d  is  an  internal  service  fun d th a t  op e r a t e s  en t i r e l y  fr o m  co s t  re c o v e r y  paid  by  City  Departments. Ca p i t a l  it e m s  ar e  fu n d e d  as  ne e d e d ,  wi t h o u t  the  accumulation of  an y  re s e r v e  fo r  ca p i t a l .   CU R R E N T 35 , 0 0 0 30 , 0 0 0 25 , 0 0 0 20 , 0 0 0 15 , 0 0 0 10 , 0 0 0 5, 0 0 0 0 Ve h i c l e  Ma i n t e n a n c e  Pr o j e c t s  & Eq u i p m e n t   24 3 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Ve h i c l e   Ma i n t e n a n c e VM 0 1 VE H I C L E  MA I N T HE A V Y  DU T Y  TW O  PO S T  LI F T $1 5 , 0 0 0 VM 0 2 VE H I C L E   MA I N T E N A N C E IN S T A L L  IR R I G A T I O N  SY S T E M  AN D   CO M P L E T E  SI T E  LA N D S C A P I N G  FO R  TH E   LO W E R  YA R D $1 5 , 5 0 0 $3 0 , 5 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Ve h i c l e  Ma i n t e n a n c e  (2  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $3 0 , 5 0 0 FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 FY 1 8 24 4 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Vehicle Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER VM01 DEPARTMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PROJECT NAME HEAVY DUTY TWO POST LIFT FY16 $15,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT When we built the new Shop in 2010 we planned on installing another hoist when the need arose. We are now in need of the hoist. We have one hoist for ¾ ton and above trucks. When it is in use and parts are needed for that truck it ties up the hoist until parts arrive. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Give us the ability to work on more than one large service truck at a time. Increased productivity. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. FUNDING SOURCES Vehicle Maintenance Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 245 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Vehicle Maintenance PROJECT NUMBER VM02 DEPARTMENT VEHICLE MAINTENANCE PROJECT NAME INSTALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND COMPLETE SITE LANDSCAPING FOR THE LOWER YARD FY16 $15,500 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Lower Yard Area (located at 1812 N. Rouse) was renovated for the Vehicle Maintenance Facility and the HRDC Bus Barn, including the Sand Shed on E Griffin Drive. The site improvement work was not done in this first phase of construction. This work will include the installation of a sprinkler irrigation system that uses well water for a water source. The work will include landscape planting to complete the balance of the required site improvements. The design for both projects is complete so the work will be for the actual installation of the system and plantings. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED The Street Department has agreed to pay for a portion of the project since Vehicle Maintenance is under their department. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This work will address the needed site improvements required by the Planning Department. Work was scheduled for later until we knew what the final design layout was for the planned improvements on North Rouse by the MT Dept. of Transportation. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED The source of water will be from a well which has been installed. This will keep the water costs down. We will look at a good deal of native landscaping which will help reduce the initial costs and overall site maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES Vehicle Maintenance Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 246 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Wastewater Fund Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 42,000$ (5,660)$ (136,204)$ (345,549)$ (1,163,004)$ (30,207)$ -$ Plus: Wastewater Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,447,840$ 1,491,275$ 1,536,013$ 1,582,094$ 1,629,557$ 1,678,443$ -$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (1,495,500)$ (1,621,819)$ (1,745,359)$ (2,399,549)$ (496,759)$ (1,585,863)$ (13,294,755)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP (5,660)$ (136,204)$ (345,549)$ (1,163,004)$ (30,207)$ 62,374$ (13,294,755)$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Wastewater Revenues 7,239,200$ 7,239,200$ 7,456,376$ 7,680,067$ 7,910,469$ 8,147,783$ Estimated Annual Increase 0.0%3%3%3%3%3% Total Estimated Revenues 7,239,200$ 7,456,376$ 7,680,067$ 7,910,469$ 8,147,783$ 8,392,217$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,447,840$ 1,491,275$ 1,536,013$ 1,582,094$ 1,629,557$ 1,678,443$ Projected Projected CURRENT 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 Wastewater Fund Projects & Equipment 247 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Wa s t e w a t e r   Fu n d GF 2 2 0 FA C I L I T Y   MG M T . RE P L A C E  WO R N  OV E R H E A D  DO O R S  AN D   SE A L S  AT  TH E  SH O P  CO M P L E X $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa s t e w a t e r   Fu n d GF 2 2 5 FI N A N C E CO G N O S  ‐   BU S I N E S S  IN T E L L I G E N C E   UP G R A D E $1 4 , 4 0 0 GF 2 2 7 FI N A N C E ER P  RE P L A C E M E N T  "S U N G A R D   RE P L A C E M E N T / U P G R A D E " $83,333 $83,333 $1 4 , 4 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa s t e w a t e r   Fu n d WW 2 7 WR F  PL A N T WA T E R S H E D  ST U D Y  & ST R E A M  MO D E L I N G $62,000 $6 0 , 0 0 0 $6 0 , 0 0 0 $6 0 , 0 0 0 $6 1 , 0 0 0 WW 2 8 WR F  PL A N T DE S I G N  PH A S E  II  ‐   WR F  PL A N T   IM P R O V E M E N T S $5,230,000 WW 2 9 WR F  PL A N T ME T H A N E  CO G E N E R A T I O N  PR O J E C T   DE S I G N $350,000 WW 3 3 WR F  PL A N T SC R E W  PR E S S $2 2 0 , 0 0 0 WW 3 5 WR F  PL A N T CO M M E R C I A L  MO W E R $1 3 , 0 0 0 WW 3 8 WR F  PL A N T #3  PE R F O R A T E D  SC R E E N  & WA S H E R   CO M P A C T O R $1 4 0 , 0 0 0 WW 3 9 WR F  PL A N T SA N D B L A S T  & PA I N T  CL A R I F I E R  DR I V E S ,   BE A C H ,  BA F F L E S  & WE I R S $8 5 , 0 0 0 $8 5 , 0 0 0 WW 4 2 WR F  PL A N T PR I M A R Y  CL A R I F I E R  CO V E R $350,000 $350,000 $3 5 0 , 0 0 0 WW 4 4 WR F  PL A N T FL O T A T I O N  TH I N K E N E R $500,000 WW 4 5 WR F  PL A N T FI N A L  CL A R I F I E R  LA U N D E R  CO V E R $4 0 , 0 0 0 $4 0 , 0 0 0 $4 0 , 0 0 0 WW 4 9 WR F  PL A N T RO L L ‐OF F  ST O R A G E  BU I L D I N G   CO N S T R U C T I O N $2 5 0 , 0 0 0 24 8 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 WW 5 0 WR F  PL A N T RE F R I G E R A T E D  AU T O M A T I C  SA M P L E R S $20,000 $1 0 , 0 0 0 WW 5 3 WR F  PL A N T PO S I T I V E  DI S P L A C E M E N T  LO B E  PU M P $30,000 $1 5 , 0 0 0 WW 5 7 WR F  PL A N T WR F  FI S H I N G  AC C E S S  ‐   LA T R I N E $10,000 WW 5 8 WR F  PL A N T TO P C O A T  AS P H A L T $100,000 WW 5 9 WR F  PL A N T SP L I T T E R  ST R U C T U R E  AI R  DI F F U S E R $30,000 WW 6 0 WR F  PL A N T NU T R I E N T  RE C O V E R Y  PR O C E S S   CO N S T R U C T I O N $2,000,000 WW 6 1 WR F  PL A N T ON L I N E  AM M O N I A  PR O B E S $30,000 WW 6 2 WR F  PL A N T ME T H A N E  CO G E N E R A T I O N  PR O J E C T   CO N S T R U C T I O N $2,200,000 $412,000 $3 2 5 , 0 0 0 $6 6 5 , 0 0 0 $1 1 3 , 0 0 0 $4 2 6 , 0 0 0 $10,850,000 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa s t e w a t e r   Fu n d PW 0 1 WW  OP S SH O P S  FA C I L I T Y  EX P A N S I O N  PL A N $1 0 , 0 0 0 WW 0 7 WW  OP S AN N U A L  WA S T E W A T E R  PI P E   RE P L A C E M E N T  PR O G R A M $22,500 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 WW 0 8 ‐16 WW  OP S WA S T E W A T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T   PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 1 6 $1 , 0 7 4 , 9 1 9 WW 0 8 ‐17 WW  OP S WA S T E W A T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T   PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 1 7 $1 , 0 4 7 , 8 5 9 WW 0 8 ‐18 WW  OP S WA S T E W A T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T   PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C I T O N  IN  20 1 8 . $1 , 9 8 9 , 6 1 1 WW 0 8 ‐19 WW  OP S WA S T E W A T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T   PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 1 9 $4 8 , 2 5 9 WW 0 8 ‐20 WW  OP S WA S T E W A T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T   PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 2 0 $940,030 WW 0 8 ‐UN WW  OP S WA S T E W A T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T   PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N   UN S C H E D U L E D $2,444,755 WW 4 7 WW  OP S BU R R U P  LI F T  ST A T I O N  RE H A B $1 0 0 , 0 0 0 WW 4 8 WW  OP S SL R A T  AC O U S T I C  SE W E R  PI P E  AS S E S M E N T   TO O L $2 5 , 0 0 0 WW 5 1 WW  OP S RE F U R B I S H  #3 4 0 6  ‐   20 0 7  CH E V Y  TV  VA N $1 6 9 , 4 3 8 24 9 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 WW 5 2 WW  OP S RE P L A C E  #2 6 8 3  ‐   19 9 9  JO H N  DE E R E  31 0 S E   BA C K H O E $1 0 5 , 0 0 0 WW 5 4 WW  OP S RE P L A C E  #1 7 8 3  ‐   19 9 5  FO R D  DU M P  TR U C K $95,000 WW 5 5 WW  OP S RE P L A C E  #3 2 3 2  ‐   20 0 4  3/ 4  TO N  FO R D   PI C K U P $33,000 WW 5 6 WW  OP S LA U R E L  GL E N  VE H I C L E  ST O R A G E $5 0 , 0 0 0 $1,090,530 $1 , 2 7 2 , 4 1 9 $1 , 0 8 0 , 3 5 9 $2 , 2 8 6 , 5 4 9 $7 0 , 7 5 9 $2,444,755 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Wa s t e w a t e r  Fu n d  (37  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $1,585,863 $1 , 6 2 1 , 8 1 9 $ 1 , 7 4 5 , 3 5 9 $13,294,755FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $4 9 6 , 7 5 9 $2 , 3 9 9 , 5 4 9 FY 1 8 25 0 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF220 DEPARTMENT FACILITY MGMT. PROJECT NAME REPLACE WORN OVERHEAD DOORS AND SEALS AT THE SHOP COMPLEX FY16 $10,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace worn door parts and components on 14 overhead garage doors at the Shop Complex. The doors are old enough that the parts are worn and the seals no longer function properly. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Doors will be more operable and the seals will help control the temperature in the building areas. Often the doors stop working and departments have difficulty getting their vehicles out of the building. The upgrades will keep the doors in operation. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED General repair costs will be reduced if doors are more functional. FUNDING SOURCES SPLIT EVENLY: GENERAL FUND, WATER FUND, WASTEWATER FUND New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 251 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF225 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME COGNOS - BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE UPGRADE FY16 $14,400 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Upgrade current QREP software. The new software has a wider variety of reports. The newer version is web-based with greater dashboard capability. This software currently produces our expenditure approval list, budget status reports, and general operating reports for multiple departments. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue using current version of QREP (v. 7.5) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More functionality for end users, easier access, more user friendly. Fuels creativity with built in communication tools and social netowrking options encouraging collaboration. Evolution of open government - SunGard's Public Sector consultants can help provide the level of transparency and data that meets citizens' expectations. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund 33%; Water Fund 33%; Wastewater Fund 33% New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 252 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF227 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME ERP REPLACEMENT "SUNGARD REPLACEMENT/UPGRADE" FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacing/upgrading the current system installed in 1999. This is the system that runs all the financial, community development, land records, utility and business license, applications. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue running current SunGard package. Use SunGard.net as an improvement to the current system, but not a full replacement. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Simplified package. Easier to integrate the various applications/programs. Easier to pull out information for end users. Easier compiliation of Commission reports and packets for Community Development. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Unknown. Dependent on the option chosen. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund 33%; Water Fund 33%; Wastewater Fund 33% New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $83,333 253 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY16 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks & Cemetery departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 254 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW07 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME ANNUAL WASTEWATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FY16 $22,500 FY17 $22,500 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This item provides for design work to be completed every-other year, in anticipation of the Annual System Upgrades. As the Wastewater Operations Division televises (views) the existing system, maintenance projects become apparent. As annual televising continues, other more-urgent projects may be identified and designed under this project heading. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for design of necessary sewer system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $22,500 FY19 $22,500 FY20 $22,500 255 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW08-16 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME WASTEWATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2016 FY16 $1,074,919 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: Interstate/walmart: N. Rouse Ave - N. 3rd Ave Pea Cannery Line: N. Rouse Ave - End Juniper Street: N. Rouse Ave - E. Tamarack St N. Rouse Ave: Humane Society - Bridger Center Dr Bridger Center Main: Bridger Drive - N End of Main Industrial Dr: Trunk Main - Half way to Griffin. After budget approval July 1, 2015, this project would complete design, bid and begin construction in the Spring/Summer of 2016, at the end of FY16. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary sewer system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 256 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW08-17 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME WASTEWATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2017 FY16 FY17 $1,047,859 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: Alley N of Story: S 5th Ave - E. End Alley N of Dickerson: S 5th Ave - E. End, Alley N of Alderson: S 5th Ave - E. End W. College St: S 5th Ave - E. End, W. College St: S 4th Ave - S. 3rd Ave Alley N. of Harrison: S. 5th Ave - S. 4th Ave, Alley N. of Cleveland: S. 5th Ave - S. 4th Ave S. 6th Ave: W. Babcoc St - Alley N. of Olive, S. 6th Ave: W. Story St - W. Grant St S. 7th Ave: Alley N of Olive - W. Story St, S. 7th Ave: W. Story St - W. Harrison W. Olive St: S. 6th Ave - S. 7th Ave, W. Story St: S. 6th Ave - S. 7th Ave Alley btwn 7th & 8th: Alley N of Olive - Alley N. of Koch Alley btwn 7th & 8th: Alley N of Dickerson - W. Harrison St.. After budget approval July 1, 2016, this project would complete design, bid and begin construction in the Spring/Summer of 2017, at the end of FY17. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary sewer system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 257 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW08-18 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME WASTEWATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construciton in 2018. FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Alley N of Babcock: S. 11th Ave-Alley E. of 7th: W Babcock St: S. 11th- S. 10th Ave.: Alley N of Olive: S. 6th Ave-S 7th Ave.: Alley N Of Olive: S. 11th Ave.- Alley E of 8th: Alley btwn 8th&9th: Alley N of Olive-W. College St: S. 9th St.: W. Main St.-Alley N of Olive: Alley btwn 9th&10th: Alley N of Olive- W. College St: S. 10th Ave: W. Main St – W. Harrison St: W. Harrison St: S. 6th Ave – S 10th Ave. After budget approval July 1, 2017, this project would complete design, bid and begin construction in the Spring/Summer of 2018, at the end of FY18. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary sewer system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $1,989,611 FY19 FY20 258 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW08-19 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME WASTEWATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2019 FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: Alley W of S 10th Ave: Alley N of Olive- W. Koch St. Alley W of S 10th Ave: N of Dickerson – W. Alderson St. Alley W of S 10th Ave: N of College- W. College St. W. Curtiss St: S. 10th Ave-Alley W of S. 10th. W. Curtiss St.: Alley W of S. 11th. Chequamegon Village: All internal mains. W. Koch St: Alley W of S. 10th- Alley W of S. 12th. Alley W of S 11th Ave: Alley S of Alderson – University. W. Villard St: N. 7th Ave- N. 8th Ave. N. 8th Ave: W. Villard – W. Beall St. N. 8th Ave: W. Beall St – W. Mendenhall St. Alley N of Main St: N. 9th Ave _ N. 7th Ave. Alley W of 8th Ave: W. Durston Rd – W. Villard St. W. Villard St : Alley W of N 8th – N. 9th Ave. N. 9th Ave: W. Villard St – W. Main St. W. Beall St: N. 8th Ave – N. 9th Ave. Alley W of 9th Ave: W. Durston Rd – W. Villard St. W. Villard St: Alley W of 9th Ave – N. 10th Ave. N. 10th Ave : W. Villard St- W. Main St. Alley W. of 10th Ave: W. Durston Rd – W. Mendenhall St. W. Lamme St: N. 9th Ave – N. 11th Ave. After budget approval July 1, 2018, this project would complete design, bid and begin construction in the Spring/Summer of 2019, at the end of FY18. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary sewer system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $48,259 FY20 259 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW08-20 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME WASTEWATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2020 FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: S. Black: E Main St-E. College St; S, Black Ave: E. College St.-Southern Cul-de-sac: E. Dickerson S. Black Ave-End 3 Cul-de-sacs: S. Bozeman Ave: E Main St- E. Story St: E. Story St: S. Bozeman Ave-Bonner Ln: Dell Place: E. Story St-End: E. Babcock St: W of Bozeman- E of Bozeman: E. Olive St: S. Bozeman Ave.- S Rouse Ave.: Lindley Place: E. Olive St- E. Koch St.: S Church Ave: E Main St- All but last run: E. Babcock St: S. Church Ave- E half a block :E. Olive St: S. Church Ave- S. Rouse Ave: Parkside Main: S. Church Ave- W. end: E. Story St: S, Church Ave- Bonner Ln ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the necessary sewer system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Utility New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $940,030 260 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW08-UN DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME WASTEWATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction Unscheduled FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $2,444,755 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 261 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW27 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME WATERSHED STUDY & STREAM MODELING FY16 $60,000 FY17 $60,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Develop a comprehensive, multi-year watershed study and computer model for the East Gallatin River which would enable the City and DEQ to better determine stream load allocations and develop a more scientifically valid TMDL for the river segment we discharge to. This will require annual field sample collection, laboratory analytical work and detailed computer modeling using calibrated data. This multi-year study would consist of $45,000 in consulting and computer modeling fees for at least two fiscal years (FY14 and FY15) and stream sampling/lab fees of $15,000 each year. Craig recommends we should be prepared to continue this work beyond FY15 as necessary. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Not undertake this work and risk having to accept the TMDL and waste load allocations the DEQ has proposed in their original draft documents. This decision could greatly limit our ability to appeal future nutrient limitations and could result in non- compliance. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This watershed study will greatly enhance the City’s understand of our impact on the East Gallatin River and enable us to more successfully negotiate future permit limitations with the DEQ. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None, unless additional stream sampling is desired in subsequent years. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $60,000 FY19 $61,000 FY20 $62,000 262 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW28 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME DESIGN PHASE II - WRF PLANT IMPROVEMENTS FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $5,230,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT In January 2006 Morrison & Maierle Consulting Engineers completed a comprehensive Wastewater Facilities Plan. The plan recommends the City proceed with a 3-phased project schedule that includes the construction of the new Water Reclamation Facility (WRF), capable of handling our increased flows while also reducing the amount of Total Nitrogen discharged to the East Gallatin River. Phase two is expected to include one new primary clarifier, more BNR reactor basins, clarifiers, tertiary membrane filtration, liquid sludge storage tanks, anaerobic digestion, and an effluent re-use pumping station. The capacity expanding (impact fee eligible) elements are: bioreactor basins, clarifiers, and pumping station. It is possible that this phase of the project could be further divided into phase 2A and phase 2B, if necessary. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED A variety of treatment technologies and alternatives are presented in the January 2006 Wastewater Facilities Plan. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Major capital expansion of the Bozeman WRF will enable the City to meet its estimated demand for wastewater services and still produce a high quality effluent that is in full compliance with the City’s MPDES discharge permit. Expansion of the Bozeman WRF is consistent with the City’s long-term need to accommodate rapid growth and economic development in the Gallatin Valley. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: no estimates at this time. FUNDING SOURCES Total Design Cost: $5,230,000. We estimate the majority of the project costs are related to regulation and maintenance issues and would be borne by the Utility Fund. Half are related to capacity expansion, and would be borne by Impact Fees. 50% Wastewater Fund, 50% Wastewater New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 263 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW29 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME METHANE COGENERATION PROJECT DESIGN FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $350,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Consistent with the goals of the City’s Climate Action Plan &amp; Sustainability Programs, the Bozeman WRF staff and Public Works Director recommend we move forward with our proposed investigation and installation of a methane recovery and co- generation system. This system will produce an average of 175 kW of electricity and 974,000 BTU/hour of thermal output using a generator powered entirely by WRF digester gas. This project has the potential to save the City at least $180,000 in electricity costs and substantially lower the carbon footprint of the new Bozeman WRF. This project would be implemented in 3 phases including (1) a feasibility / cost effectiveness study, (2) project engineering / design and (3) the purchase and installation of appropriate technology for the co-generation of electricity at the Bozeman WRF. Year 1: Project Feasibility Study. Year 2: Project Engineering Design - $350,000. Year 3: Equipment Purchase and Installation - $2,200,000. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to flare our digester methane gas. Micro-turbines and fuel-cells have been analysed and continue to be possible alternative energy recovery technologies for this project. Our research to date suggests the most proven technology currently available to help us accomplish our energy recovery goals is likely to be a GE Jenbacher internal combustion engine and heat recovery system.ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Current plant waste gases will be captured and utilized to reduce plant operating costs. The project has an estimated net dollar savings of $230,000 per year. It supports the City's Municipal Climate Action Plan goals. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Once construction is funded, this project results in an estimated net dollar SAVINGS of $230,000/year. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Fund, other grants or community partners. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 264 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW33 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME SCREW PRESS FY16 FY17 $220,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Engineering study and installation of screw press with or without an enclosure. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Increase sludge storage to delay the problem of limited processing capacity. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The second screw press would provide needed redundancy if a screw press breaks down. It would provide extra sludge processing capacity now and for future needs. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED If used to increase processing capacity, the extra operating costs would include electricity, polymer use and additional cake hauling. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 265 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW35 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME COMMERCIAL MOWER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacement of 2001 Mower for use on the WRF grounds. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue replacing parts as needed. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Replacement parts will become more difficult to find as the mower ages. The increasing maintenance will mean less time for groundskeeping. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED No additional operating costs. May reduce maintenance costs. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Funds. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $13,000 FY19 FY20 266 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW38 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME #3 PERFORATED SCREEN & WASHER COMPACTOR FY16 $140,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Extensive Engineering will be needed to install an additional influent huber screen in head works building because of limited space. Additional screening capacity is needed because during a storm event this summer the influent flow meter pegged out over 15 mgd. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL THE TWO EXISTING SCREENS ARE RUNNING MOST OF THE YEAR SO IF ONE GOES DOWN THERE IS NO REDUNDANCY. HAVING A THIRD SCREEN WOULD PREVENT A HIGH FLOW EVENT FROM OVER FLOWING THE BYPASS CHANNEL INFLUENT GATE. THIS UNSCREENED FLOW CONTAINS MATERIAL THAT CAN PLUS PIPING AND PUMPS CAUSING DAMAGE & EXTRA MAINTENANCE. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED IF PLACED IN A TWO SCREEN ROTATION, THE ONLY EXTRA COSTS WOULD BE AN ANNUAL INSPECTION WITH PARTS REPLACEMENT PLUS CLEANING OF THE SCREEN & CHANNEL IT IS IN. IF USED TO INCREASE CAPACITY, EXTRA ELECTRICITY WOULD BE USED BUT LESS CHANNEL CLEANING WOULD NEED TO BE PERFORMED. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 267 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW39 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME SANDBLAST & PAINT CLARIFIER DRIVES, BEACH, BAFFLES & WEIRS FY16 $85,000 FY17 $85,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Sandblast and paint old clarifier drives, beaches, baffles weirs. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Replace lost & chipping paint on old clarifiers to prevent deterioration of existing infrastructure. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED No new operating costs. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 268 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW42 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME PRIMARY CLARIFIER COVER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $350,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT INSTALLING A GEODESIC DOME COVER WITH 8 FOOT SIDE WALLS ON A PRIMARY CLARIFIER. THE INSTALLATION WOULD INCLUDE A DOOR, TWO SKYLIGHTS AND A VENT TUBE. ALSO CLARIFIER DRIVE MOTOR AND CONTROLS WOULD HAVE TO BE EXPLOSION PROOF. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL COVERING THE PRIMARY CLARIFIERS WILL ALLOW ODOR CONTROL & ELIMINATE CLEANING & PAINTING. CLEANING & PAINTING OF ALL RAILINGS AND CATWALKS IS AN ON-GOING MAINTENANCE ISSUE TO REMOVE GREASE & DROPPINGS DEPOSITED BY BIRDS. COVERS ON PRIMARY CLARIFIERS WOULD ALLOW SOME CLARIFIERS NOT TO BE USED DURING THE WINTER ALLOWING MORE NEEDED CARBON TO ENTER THE BIO-TRAINS. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Only maintenance of odor control would be additional. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $350,000 FY20 $350,000 269 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW44 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME FLOTATION THINKENER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $500,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Modify the existing flotation thickener to improve WRF processes. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED INCREASE THE BIO-TRAIN MASS, ADD MG(OH)2 AND MICRO C 2000 TO THE BIO-TRAINS TO TREAT THE INCREASED AMMONIA LOAD ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Treating the return side stream will reduce the load on the bio-trains and reduce chemical costs associated with these loads. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Electrical costs for compressor, mixer and pumps. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 270 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW45 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME FINAL CLARIFIER LAUNDER COVER FY16 $40,000 FY17 $40,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT To cover effluent launder of one final clarifier a year (4 total) to eliminate algal growth in the launder. THE BRUSH SYSTEM REQUIRES CONTINUAL MAINTENANCE. THERE IS RISK OF BRUSHES BREAKING OFF AND FALLING INTO THE CLARIFIER THAT MAY BLOCK THE WASTING HOPPER ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED CURRENTLY A BRUSH SYSTEM IS USED TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF ALGAL GROWTH WHICH REQUIRES CONTINUAL MAINTENANCE. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL COVERING THE CLARIFIERS WILL ELIMINATE CURRENT MAINTENANCE AND HELP REDUCE POTENTIAL HAZZARDS. MAINTENANCE WOULD BE CUT TO TWICE A YEAR ALLOWING OPERATORS TO SPEND TIME ON OTHER DUTIES AT THE PLANT. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Reduce oeprating costs (time & materials) FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $40,000 FY19 FY20 271 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW47 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME BURRUP LIFT STATION REHAB FY16 $100,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project would involve replacing the 2 existing above grade pumps and primer pumps with 2 submersible pumps in the wet well. This would also involve a new vault with piping and electrical work. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Would replace 2-30 plus year old pumps that have become unreliable. The submersible pumps are far more reliable and do not have to be primed. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 272 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW48 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME SLRAT ACOUSTIC SEWER PIPE ASSESMENT TOOL FY16 $25,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will include purchasing of a Acoustic Sewer Pipe assessment tool. This technology can provide a rapid assessment of the need for pipe cleaning and an overall pipe‐condition assessment. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL By not cleaning all sewers there will be savings in fuel, emissions, and water. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Waste Water Fund. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 273 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW49 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME ROLL-OFF STORAGE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FY16 FY17 $250,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE ROLL-OFF LOADING BAY THAT WILL STORE ROLL-OFFS. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED MODIFING THE TRUCK STORAGE BUILDING TO HAVE A HEATED AREA TO STORE ROLL-OFFS. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL AN ADDITION TO THE ROLL-OFF LOADING BAY TO STORE A ROLL-OFF DURING FREEZING WEATHER WOULD BE HEATED BY EXHAUST AIR FROM THE SOLIDS DE-WATERING BUILDING. THIS WOULD SAVE ENERGY BY ELIMINATING THE COST OF FUEL FOR HEATING THE ROLL-OFF AREA IN THE TRUCK STORAGE BARN. A NEEDED BIOLOGICAL ODOR CONTROL PROCESS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THIS ADDITION. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED OPERATING COSTS COULD BE REDUCED. FUNDING SOURCES WASTEWATER FUNDS New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 274 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW50 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME REFRIGERATED AUTOMATIC SAMPLERS FY16 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled $20,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PURCHASE (3) NEW REFRIGERATED SAMPLERS FOR THE INFLUENT, PRIMARY AND EFFLUENT ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED DO NOTHING. KEEP RUNNING AND REPAIRING THE OLD SAMPLERS UNTIL THEY FAIL COMPLETELY. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL THE SAMPLERS WE ARE USING HAVE BEEN IN SERVICE SINCE 2000 AND WE HAVE BEEN REPLACING WORN OUT PARTS. WE NEED TO START REPLACING THEM BEFORE THE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS FAIL. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED NO ADDITIONAL COSTS. FUNDING SOURCES WASTEWATER FUNDS New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 275 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW51 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME REFURBISH #3406 - 2007 CHEVY TV VAN FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Refurbishment of existing Sewer TV Van routinely replaced every 5 years. Current Van purchased in FY07. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the timely replacement of critical maintenance equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Waste Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $169,438 FY19 FY20 276 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW52 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #2683 - 1999 JOHN DEERE 310SE BACKHOE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This vehicle replaces a 1999 John Deere backhoe with 2,904 hours on it. This vehicle is used to dig and backfill ditches that we dig to maintain our distribution and collection systems. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Waste Water utility. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $105,000 FY19 FY20 277 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW53 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT LOBE PUMP FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $30,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REPLACE UNDERSIZED MOYNO WASTING PUMPS WITH PROPER SIZED LOBE PUMPS. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED DO NOTHING. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL LOBE PUMPS HAVE A WIDER RANGE OF PUMPING SPEED MAKING THEM A BETTER FIT FOR THE NEEDS OF THE PLANT. THE LOBE PUMPS ARE EASIER TO WORK ON AND THE PARTS ARE NOT AS EXPENSIVE. THE REBUILD PARTS FOR A MOYNO PUMP RUN AROUND $1300 AND THE LOBE PUMPS RUN BETWEEN $500 AND $600 FOR EACH PUMP. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED NO CHANGE IN OPERATING COSTS. FUNDING SOURCES WASTEWATER FUNDS New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $15,000 FY20 278 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW54 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #1783 - 1995 FORD DUMP TRUCK FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace a 1995 Ford Dump Truck that has 25,117 miles on it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Will be a more fuel efficient and lower emissions vehicle. The new vehicle will improve safety of the crews, there would be lower repair costs and it would help maintain current operations levels. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Waste Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $95,000 279 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW55 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3232 - 2004 3/4 TON FORD PICKUP FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace a 2004 Ford Pickup truck with 43,355 miles on it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Waste Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $33,000 280 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW56 DEPARTMENT WW OPS PROJECT NAME LAUREL GLEN VEHICLE STORAGE FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will give us the ability to build 2 heated building each containing 3 to 4 bays for needed vehicle and equipment storage. These buildings will be built on city owned land in the Laurel Glen Subdivision. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Ability to storage several hundred thousand dollars of city equipment that is currently store outside in a heated and secure space. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Electricity and natural gas costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Waste water total cost 100,000 split with Water Ops. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 281 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW57 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME WRF FISHING ACCESS - LATRINE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $10,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT INSTALL A LATRINE AT THE FISHING ACCESS SITE AT THE BOZEMAN WRF ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED THERE ARE TWO PUBLIC BATHROOMS IN THE LAB/ADMIN BUILDING 100 YDS. OR LESS FROM THE FISHING ACCESS. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL NONE ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED N/A FUNDING SOURCES ?? New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 282 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW58 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME TOPCOAT ASPHALT FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $100,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT TOP COATING ALL ASPHALT ON THE BOZEMAN WRF SIGHT. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED NO ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL EXTEND THE LIFE OF THE ASPHALT ROADS THAT ARE ALREADY IN PLACE. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED NA FUNDING SOURCES WASTEWATER FUNDS New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 283 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW59 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME SPLITTER STRUCTURE AIR DIFFUSER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $30,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PURCHASE AND INSTALL DIFFUSERS ON THE AIR LANCES IN THE BIO-TRAIN EFFLUENT SPLITER STRUCTURE. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED DO NOTHING. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL AIR IS NEEDED IN THE FLOW SPLITTER STRUCTURE TO PREVENT SECONDARY PHOSPHORUS RELEASE. AIR DIFFUSERS PROVIDE A HIGHER OXYGEN TRANSFER RATE TO THE FLOW AND THEREFORE WILL REDUCE THE LOAD ON THE AIR TURBINES SAVING ELECTRICITY. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED WILL SAVE ENERGY AND LOWER OPERATING COSTS. FUNDING SOURCES WASTEWATER FUNDS New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 284 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW60 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME NUTRIENT RECOVERY PROCESS CONSTRUCTION FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION OF NUTRIENT RECOVERY PROCESS TO CAPTURE NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS FROM ANAEROBICLY DIGESTED SLUDGE. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED DO NOTHING AND LOOSE A COMMODITY THAT IS A BI-PRODUCT OF ANAEROBIC DIGESTION ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL THE PRODUCTION OF MAGNESIUM AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE TO BE SOLD AS A SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER WILL RECYCLE LIMITED NUTRIENTS BACK INTO THE ECOSYSTEM. THIS PROCESS WILL REDUCE THE NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS IN OUR SIDESTREAM RETURNING TO THE HEAD OF THE PLANT WHICH WILL IN TURN REDUCE THE LOADING ON THE PROCESS. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING COSTS THAT WILL BE OFF SET BY INCOME FROM THE SALE OF THE SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER. FUNDING SOURCES WASTEWATER FUNDS New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 285 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW61 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME ONLINE AMMONIA PROBES FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $30,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PURCHASE TWO ONLINE AMMONIA PROBES ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED DO NOTHING AND ALWAYS WAIT 24 HOURS TO SEE IF THE AMMONIA LIMIT WAS MET. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL AN ONLINE AMMONIA PROBE WOULD INSTANTLY SHOW THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF TOXIC POLLUTANTS, EXCESS WASTING AND COLD TEMPERATURES BEFORE THE 24 HOUR COMPOSITE SAMPLE WAS COMPLETE AND ANALYZED. CONTENTIOUS READOUTS OF AMMONIA LEAVING THE PROCESS WOULD HELP TREMENDOUSLY IN PREVENTING PERMIT VIOLATIONS DUE TO EXCEEDING THE EFFLUENT AMMONIA LIMITS. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED MAINTENANCE COSTS OF THE PROBES AND A SMALL ADDITIONAL AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY. FUNDING SOURCES WASTEWATER FUNDS New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 286 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Wastewater Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW62 DEPARTMENT WRF PLANT PROJECT NAME METHANE COGENERATION PROJECT CONSTRUCTION FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $2,200,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Consistent with the goals of the City’s Climate Action Plan &amp; Sustainability Programs, the Bozeman WRF staff and Public Works Director recommend we move forward with our proposed investigation and installation of a methane recovery and co- generation system. This system will produce an average of 175 kW of electricity and 974,000 BTU/hour of thermal output using a generator powered entirely by WRF digester gas. This project has the potential to save the City at least $180,000 in electricity costs and substantially lower the carbon footprint of the new Bozeman WRF. This project would be implemented in 3 phases including (1) a feasibility / cost effectiveness study, (2) project engineering / design and (3) the purchase and installation of appropriate technology for the co-generation of electricity at the Bozeman WRF. Year 1: Project Feasibility Study. Year 2: Project Engineering Design - $350,000. Year 3: Equipment Purchase and Installation - $2,200,000. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to flare our digester methane gas. Micro-turbines and fuel-cells have been analyzed and continue to be possible alternative energy recovery technologies for this project. Our research to date suggests the most proven technology currently available to help us accomplish our energy recovery goals is likely to be a GE Jenbacher internal combustion engine and heat recovery system.ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Current plant waste gases will be captured and utilized to reduce plant operating costs. The project has an estimated net dollar savings of $230,000 per year. It supports the City's Municipal Climate Action Plan goals. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Once construction is funded, this project results in an estimated net dollar SAVINGS of $230,000/year FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Fund, other grants or community partners. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 287 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Wa s t e w a t e r  Im p a c t  Fe e   Ca p i t a l  Im p r o v e m e n t  Pl a n Fi n a n c i a l  Su m m a r y Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 F Y 1 8 F Y 1 9 F Y 2 0 Unscheduled Pr o j e c t e d  Be g i n n i n g  Re s e r v e  Ba l a n c e  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P ‐ $                                 64 6 , 2 3 5 $                       1, 6 7 1 , 6 3 6 $         34 1 , 5 4 5 $               1, 2 2 2 , 3 7 2 $       1,860,536 $    ‐$                      Pl u s :    Im p a c t  Fe e  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 1, 0 0 5 , 2 9 5 $         1, 0 2 5 , 4 0 1 $               1, 0 4 5 , 9 0 9 $         1, 0 6 6 , 8 2 7 $       1, 0 8 8 , 1 6 4 $       1,109,927 $    ‐$                      Pl u s :    Lo a n  fo r  WW I F 1 5  ‐   Fl a n d e r s  Mi l l  Tr u n k  an d  Li f t  St n . 2, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 $               5, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 $         10 , 5 5 6 , 0 0 0 $      Le s s :  WR F  De b t  Pa y m e n t s (1 5 9 , 0 6 0 ) $                Le s s :    Sc h e d u l e d  CI P  Pr o j e c t  Co s t s (2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) $             (2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) $             (7 , 3 7 6 , 0 0 0 ) $       (1 0 , 7 4 2 , 0 0 0 ) $  (4 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) $           (1,120,000)$  (24,101,840)$    Pr o j e c t e d  Ye a r ‐En d  Ca s h  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 64 6 , 2 3 5 $               1, 6 7 1 , 6 3 6 $               34 1 , 5 4 5 $               1, 2 2 2 , 3 7 2 $       1, 8 6 0 , 5 3 6 $       1,850,462 $     As s u m p t i o n s  Ma d e  fo r  Re v e n u e  Es t i m a t e s : Cu r r e n t  Ye a r FY 1 5 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 FY20 Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  Wa s t e w a t e r  Im p a c t  Fe e  Re v e n u e s 1, 0 0 5 , 2 9 5 $               1, 0 0 5 , 2 9 5 $                       1, 0 2 5 , 4 0 1 $             1, 0 4 5 , 9 0 9 $             1, 0 6 6 , 8 2 7 $           1,088,164 $          Es t i m a t e d  An n u a l  In c r e a s e 0. 0 % 2% 2% 2% 2%2% To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s 1, 0 0 5 , 2 9 5 $               1, 0 2 5 , 4 0 1 $                       1, 0 4 5 , 9 0 9 $             1, 0 6 6 , 8 2 7 $             1, 0 8 8 , 1 6 4 $           1,109,927 $       Cu r r e n t  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P  % 10 0 . 0 % 10 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 %    Pl u s :    In c r e a s e  De d i c a t e d  to  Wa s t e w a t e r  Ca p a c i t y  Ex p a n s i o n  CI P 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0. 0 % 0.0%0.0%    To t a l  % De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 10 0 . 0 % 10 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 % 1 0 0 . 0 % Tl Ei d R Dd i d CI P 1 0 0 5 2 9 5 $ 1 0 2 5 4 0 1 $ 1 0 4 5 9 0 9 $ 1 0 6 6 8 2 7 $ 1 0 8 8 1 6 4 $ 1 109 927 $ Pr o j e c t e d Pr o j e c t e d To t a l  Es t i m a t e d  Re v e n u e s  De d i c a t e d  to  CI P 1, 0 0 5 , 2 9 5 $             1, 0 2 5 , 4 0 1 $                     1, 0 4 5 , 9 0 9 $             1, 0 6 6 , 8 2 7 $           1, 0 8 8 , 1 6 4 $         1,109,927 $      CU R R E N T 30 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 25 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 20 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 15 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 10 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 5, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 Wa s t e w a t e r  Im p a c t  Fe e  Pr o j e c t s   28 8 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 CI P  PR O J E C T  FU N D : Im p a c t  Fe e s  Wa s t e w a t e r So r t e d  by  Fu n d i n g  Ye a r  an d  Ra t i n g WW I F 1 5 WW A T E R  IF FL A N D E R S  MI L L  ‐   HI D D E N  VA L L E Y  TR U N K  MA I N  AN D   LI F T  ST A T I O N  ‐   IN F R A S T R U C T U R E $2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 30 $5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 5 5 6 , 0 0 0 WW I F 1 1 WW A T E R  IF RE P L A C E  FR O N T  ST R E E T :  TA M A R A C K / R O U S E 27 $2 , 3 7 6 , 0 0 0 WW I F 1 6 WW A T E R  IF FL A N D E R S  MI L L  ‐   HI D D E N  VA L L E Y  TR U N K  MA I N  DE B T   RE T I R E M E N T $1,120,000 $20,700,000 30 $1 2 0 , 0 0 0 $4 5 0 , 0 0 0 WW I F 1 2 WW A T E R  IF GR A F  ST R E E T  EX T E N S I O N 35 $6 6 , 0 0 0 WW I F 1 7 WW A T E R  IF #4  DI G E S T E R $2,000,000 30 WW I F 0 5 WW A T E R  IF HO S P I T A L  TR U N K  LI N E :    HA G G E R T Y  TO  KA G Y $1,401,840 27 Su m m a r y  fo r    Im p a c t  Fe e s  Wa s t e w a t e r  (6  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $1,120,000 $2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 $ 7 , 3 7 6 , 0 0 0 $ 1 0 , 7 4 2 , 0 0 0 $24,101,840FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 Unscheduled FY19 $4 5 0 , 0 0 0 28 9 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Wastewater PROJECT NUMBER WWIF05 DEPARTMENT WWATER IF PROJECT NAME HOSPITAL TRUNK LINE: HAGGERTY TO KAGY FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $1,401,840 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Construct ~7,900 LF of 12" and 15" sewer collector from manhole C0507 to 1E22. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Limit future development in the area. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL If constructed to the line sizes master planned in the City’s Wastewater Facilities plan, capacity will be provided for anticipating the long-term future growth in this area. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Impact fees can not fund operating and maintenance costs. The city’s wastewater utility will pay for these costs, which are estimated to be a small increment of the city’s system as a whole. FUNDING SOURCES 70% Wastewater Impact Fees = $743,400 30% Developer Contribution = $318,600 New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:27 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)2 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 290 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Wastewater PROJECT NUMBER WWIF11 DEPARTMENT WWATER IF PROJECT NAME REPLACE FRONT STREET: TAMARACK/ROUSE FY15 FY17 $2,376,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of construction of ~11,000 LF 18", 21" & 24" sewer pipe from manhole F0330 to C0507. The lower portion of the existing sewer is at capacity. Additional capacity is needed to serve the future Bozeman Deaconess Hospital development and lands to the south. It is estimated that 70% of this project costs will be due to capacity expansion and will be eligible for Wastewater Impact Fees. The remaining 30% of the project costs will need to be provided by a developer contribution or other source. At this time, the City’s Wastewater Utility does not have a need to replace the existing facility; as such, no utility dollars are scheduled to be spent. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Limit development to only that capacity of the existing sewer. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This project will significantly increase the service area and capacity of the trunk sewer. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs: Impact fees can not fund operating and maintenance costs. The city’s wastewater utility will pay for these costs, which are estimated to be a small increment of the city’s system as a whole. FUNDING SOURCES 70% Wastewater Impact Fees = $1,260,000 30% Developer Contribution = $540,000 New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:27 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)2 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 291 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Wastewater PROJECT NUMBER WWIF12 DEPARTMENT WWATER IF PROJECT NAME GRAF STREET EXTENSION FY15 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to extend Wastewater Mains below Graf Street approximately ¼ mile in order to connect infrastructure east from 19th Avenue. This is an important connection for public safety purposes – allowing fire service to meet their response time requirements in areas where they currently cannot. The Wastewater infrastructure should be installed at the same time the street connection is made. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing and wait for development to connect the infrastructure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved traffic flow and better emergency response to the local area. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Wastewater Impact Fee – to be recovered by developer payback. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:35 FY18 $66,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 292 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Wastewater PROJECT NUMBER WWIF15 DEPARTMENT WWATER IF PROJECT NAME FLANDERS MILL - HIDDEN VALLEY TRUNK MAIN AND LIFT STATION - INFRASTRUCTURE FY15 $2,000,000 FY17 $5,000,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project consists of the installation of large diameter sewer from Huffine Lane to the City Water Reclamation Facility along the Cottonwood-Flanders Mill- Hidden Valley alignment as identified in the Wastewater Facility Plan. It also includes a Regional Lift Station located at the north of the alignment and the installation of the force-main necessary to complete the project. $200,000 in design costs and $13,300,000 in construction costs ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Limit development in the area served by this trunk sewer to that which can currently be served. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This project will significantly increase the area which can be served by the City’s wastewater treatment infrastructure making development in this corridor possible. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual operating and maintenance costs. Impact fees may not be used to finance those costs. The City’s wastewater utility will pay for these costs which are estimated to be a small increment of the City’s system as a whole. FUNDING SOURCES 70% Wastewater Impact Fees (est.) = $9.3M 30% Development contribution =$4M New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 $10,556,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 293 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Wastewater PROJECT NUMBER WWIF16 DEPARTMENT WWATER IF PROJECT NAME FLANDERS MILL - HIDDEN VALLEY TRUNK MAIN DEBT RETIREMENT FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $20,700,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This items reflects the amount of Impact Fee dollars that are estimated to be available for retirement on the debt used to financine the Flanders Mill - Hidden Valley sewer trunk main and lift station. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 $120,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 $450,000 FY20 $1,120,000.00 294 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Wastewater PROJECT NUMBER WWIF17 DEPARTMENT WWATER IF PROJECT NAME #4 DIGESTER FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Fund the design and construction of a fourth anaerobic digester. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Additional Capacity for wastewater treatment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Not known at this time. FUNDING SOURCES Wastewater Impact Fee Fund New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 295 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Water Fund Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP 1,725,000$ 801,538$ (238,749)$ (1,832,089)$ (1,062,996)$ 387,183$ - $ Plus: Water Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,421,758$ 1,464,411$ 1,508,343$ 1,553,593$ 1,600,201$ 1,648,207$ - $ Plus: SRF Loan for Lyman Tank Project 5,000,000$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (2,345,220)$ (2,504,697)$ (3,101,683)$ (5,784,500)$ (150,022)$ (1,315,834)$ (61,890,566)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP 801,538$ (238,749)$ (1,832,089)$ (1,062,996)$ 387,183$ 719,556$ (61,890,566)$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Water Revenues 7,108,789$ 7,108,789$ 7,322,053$ 7,541,714$ 7,767,966$ 8,001,005$ Estimated Annual Increase 0.0%3.0%3.0%3.0%3.0%3.0% Total Estimated Revenues 7,108,789$ 7,322,053$ 7,541,714$ 7,767,966$ 8,001,005$ 8,241,035$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0%20.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,421,758$ 1,464,411$ 1,508,343$ 1,553,593$ 1,600,201$ 1,648,207$ Projected Projected CURRENT 50,000,000 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Water Fund Projects & Equipment 296 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 Wa t e r  Fu n d GF 2 2 0 FA C I L I T Y   MG M T . RE P L A C E  WO R N  OV E R H E A D  DO O R S  AN D   SE A L S  AT  TH E  SH O P  CO M P L E X $1 0 , 0 0 0 $1 0 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa t e r  Fu n d GF 2 2 5 FI N A N C E CO G N O S  ‐   BU S I N E S S  IN T E L L I G E N C E   UP G R A D E $1 4 , 4 0 0 GF 2 2 7 FI N A N C E ER P  RE P L A C E M E N T  "S U N G A R D   RE P L A C E M E N T / U P G R A D E " $83,333 $83,333 $1 4 , 4 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa t e r  Fu n d GI S 0 1 GI S SE R V I C E  RE Q U E S T  SY S T E M  (3 1 1 )  ‐   IN T E R N A L $1 5 , 0 0 0 GI S 0 2 GI S SE R V I C E  RE Q U E S T  SY S T E M  (3 1 1 )  ‐   PU B L I C $1 5 , 0 0 0 GI S 0 3 GI S AS S E T  MA N A G E M E N T  SO F T W A R E $5 0 , 0 0 0 GI S 0 4 GI S AE R I A L  PH O T O G R A P H Y  & IM P E R V I O U S   SU R F A C E  DA T A $7 5 , 0 0 0 $1 5 , 0 0 0 $6 5 , 0 0 0 $7 5 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa t e r  Fu n d WC 0 1 WA T E R   CO N S E R V A T I O LA N D S C A P E  AR C H I T E C T  ME D I A N S  AN D   BO U L E V A R D S  ‐   IN V E N T O R Y $4 5 , 0 0 0 WC 0 2 WA T E R  CO N S E WA T E R  BU D G E T  TO O L S $4 5 , 0 0 0 $4 5 , 0 0 0 $4 5 , 0 0 0 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa t e r  Fu n d PW 0 1 WA T E R  OP S SH O P S  FA C I L I T Y  EX P A N S I O N  PL A N $1 0 , 0 0 0 29 7 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 W0 3 WA T E R  OP S EN G I N E E R I N G / D E S I G N  FO R  AN N U A L   WA T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T  PR O G R A M $22,500 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 $2 2 , 5 0 0 W0 4 ‐16 WA T E R  OP S WA T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 1 6 $2 , 0 1 5 , 7 9 7 W0 4 ‐17 WA T E R  OP S WA T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 1 7 $2 , 7 9 7 , 1 8 3 W0 4 ‐19 WA T E R  OP S WA T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 1 9 $1 0 0 , 5 2 2 W0 4 ‐20 WA T E R  OP S WA T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  IN  20 2 0 $975,001 W0 4 ‐UN WA T E R  OP S WA T E R  PI P E  RE P L A C E M E N T  PR O G R A M  ‐   CO N S T R U C T I O N  UN S C H E D U L E D $61,595,001 W3 4 WA T E R  OP S WA T E R  CO S T  OF  SE R V I C E  AN D  RA T E   ST U D Y $5 0 , 0 0 0 W3 7 WA T E R  OP S PE A R  ST  BO O S T E R  ST A T I O N  RE H A B $2 0 0 , 0 0 0 W3 8 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #2 6 3 3  ‐   19 9 8  1/ 2  TO N  CH E V Y   PI C K U P / B A C K F L O W $2 7 , 0 0 0 W4 0 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #3 1 5 6  ‐   20 0 3  FO R D  VA N $3 3 , 0 0 0 W4 1 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #1 2 8 8  ‐   19 9 0  1/ 2  TO N  FO R D   PI C K U P / P L O W  TR U C K $2 7 , 0 0 0 W4 2 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #2 9 1 5  ‐   20 0 1  1  TO N  DO D G E   FL A T B E D / V A L V E  TR U C K $7 0 , 0 0 0 W4 3 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #1 6 7 7  ‐   19 9 5  CH E V Y  S ‐10  PI C K U P $2 7 , 0 0 0 W4 4 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #5 5 1 5  ‐   20 0 4  LI G H T   TO W E R / W A S  PU R C H A S E D  US E D $1 5 , 0 0 0 W4 5 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #3 4 0 2  ‐   20 0 8  1  TO N  GM C   PI C K U P / N I C K $4 5 , 0 0 0 W4 6 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #3 1 5 7  ‐   20 0 3  ST E R L I N G  DU M P   TR U C K $1 0 5 , 0 0 0 W4 7 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #2 6 4 7  ‐   19 9 8  1/ 2  TO N  CH E V Y   PI C K U P $2 7 , 0 0 0 W4 9 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #3 0 7 8  ‐   20 0 2  1/ 2  TO N  CH E V Y   PI C K U P $2 7 , 0 0 0 W5 0 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #3 0 3 0  ‐   20 0 1  JO H N  DE E R E  SK I D   ST E E R $40,000 29 8 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CI P  PR O J E C T  FU PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 W5 1 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #2 5 2 9  ‐   19 9 7  1  TO N  CH E V Y   TR U C K / V A L V E  TR U C K $45,000 W5 3 WA T E R  OP S RE P L A C E  #3 2 9 3  ‐   20 0 5  CA T  BA C K H O E $105,000 WW 5 6 WA T E R  OP S LA U R E L  GL E N  VE H I C L E  ST O R A G E $5 0 , 0 0 0 $1,187,501 $2 , 3 6 5 , 2 9 7 $2 , 9 8 6 , 6 8 3 $2 1 4 , 5 0 0 $1 5 0 , 0 2 2 $61,595,001 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Wa t e r  Fu n d W2 5 WT P VE H I C L E $45,000 $4 5 , 0 0 0 W3 1 WT P SO U R D O U G H  TA N K  RE P A I R $5 0 , 0 0 0 W3 5 WT P LY M A N  TA N K $5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 W3 6 WT P HY D R O T U R B I N E  FO R  LY M A N  CR E E K   ST O R A G E  TA N K $295,565 W3 9 WT P CA T W A L K  FO R  TH E  PR E T R E A T M E N T  AR E A $1 0 , 0 0 0 W4 8 WT P SO U R D O U G H  TA N K  RE P A I R $4 5 0 , 0 0 0 $45,000 $5 5 , 0 0 0 $5 0 , 0 0 0 $5 , 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 $295,565 To t a l s  by  DE P A R T M E N T Su m m a r y  f or    Wa t e r  Fu n d  (38  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $1,315,834 $2 , 5 0 4 , 6 9 7 $ 3 , 1 0 1 , 6 8 3 $61,890,566FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 Unscheduled FY 1 9 $1 5 0 , 0 2 2 $5 , 7 8 4 , 5 0 0 FY 1 8 29 9 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF220 DEPARTMENT FACILITY MGMT. PROJECT NAME REPLACE WORN OVERHEAD DOORS AND SEALS AT THE SHOP COMPLEX FY16 $10,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replace worn door parts and components on 14 overhead garage doors at the Shop Complex. The doors are old enough that the parts are worn and the seals no longer function properly. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Doors will be more operable and the seals will help control the temperature in the building areas. Often the doors stop working and departments have difficulty getting their vehicles out of the building. The upgrades will keep the doors in operation. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED General repair costs will be reduced if doors are more functional. FUNDING SOURCES SPLIT EVENLY: GENERAL FUND, WATER FUND, WASTEWATER FUND New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 300 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF225 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME COGNOS - BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE UPGRADE FY16 $14,400 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Upgrade current QREP software. The new software has a wider variety of reports. The newer version is web-based with greater dashboard capability. This software currently produces our expenditure approval list, budget status reports, and general operating reports for multiple departments. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue using current version of QREP (v. 7.5) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More functionality for end users, easier access, more user friendly. Fuels creativity with built in communication tools and social netowrking options encouraging collaboration. Evolution of open government - SunGard's Public Sector consultants can help provide the level of transparency and data that meets citizens' expectations. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund 33%; Water Fund 33%; Wastewater Fund 33% New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 301 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER GF227 DEPARTMENT FINANCE PROJECT NAME ERP REPLACEMENT "SUNGARD REPLACEMENT/UPGRADE" FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Replacing/upgrading the current system installed in 1999. This is the system that runs all the financial, community development, land records, utility and business license, applications. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue running current SunGard package. Use SunGard.net as an improvement to the current system, but not a full replacement. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Simplified package. Easier to integrate the various applications/programs. Easier to pull out information for end users. Easier compiliation of Commission reports and packets for Community Development. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Unknown. Dependent on the option chosen. FUNDING SOURCES General Fund 33%; Water Fund 33%; Wastewater Fund 33% New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $83,333 302 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER GIS01 DEPARTMENT GIS PROJECT NAME Service Request System (311) - Internal FY16 $15,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Develop an internal system to record and track service requests between Departments. Several divisions within the City of Bozeman currently lack a mechanism to effectively communicate issues found in the field that are not related to their specific work activities. For example, the City would benefit overall if the Parks Department employees were able to send a notice to the Water Department that a fire hydrant might need maintenance or repair. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue using radios/phones to communicate issues in the field, although this method would be challenging to accurately record/track performance measures. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This solution will complement our existing work order management system (Cityworks) by allowing all City of Bozeman employees the ability to communicate issues found while in the field regardless of their nature. Immediate benefits include increased cooperation and collaboration among Divisions as well as a record of how issues were resolved. Each Department would be able to track their respective service requests as a measure of performance, thus improving our overall accountability and delivery of service. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED If the final solution involves third party software providers, there could be monthly and/or annual maintenance fees associated with this project. FUNDING SOURCES Enterprise Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 303 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER GIS02 DEPARTMENT GIS PROJECT NAME Service Request System (311) - Public FY16 FY17 $15,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Develop a public-facing system to record and track citizen service requests. The residents (and visitors) of the City of Bozeman are currently limited to phone & e-mail as a means to notify City officials of community issues including stormwater violations, graffiti, and encroachments to name only a few. This system will provide users with the ability to submit requests online or by using their smart-phone while also allowing them to review the status/resolution of the issue from beginning to end. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue receiving phone calls & e-mails, although this method would be challenging to accurately record/track performance measures. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL This solution will be integrated directly into our existing work order management system (Cityworks), thus providing a seamless environment for receiving and responding to citizen requests for service. Immediate benefits include engaging the public in a more dynamic manner as well as providing a record of how and when issues were resolved. Citizens would be able to check the status/resolution of the issue while City Departments would be able to track their respective service requests as a measure of performance, thus improving our overall accountability and delivery of service. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED If the final solution involves third party software providers, there could be monthly and/or annual maintenance fees associated with this project. FUNDING SOURCES Enterprise Funds New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 304 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER GIS03 DEPARTMENT GIS PROJECT NAME ASSET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE FY16 FY17 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Managing infrastructure efficiently continues to be one of the top priorities and goals of the Bozeman City Commission. Asset management software will build upon existing datasets and systems to assist in delivering the desired level of service for the lowest life cycle cost. Advanced applications are necessary to analyze condition information and criticality to identify and coordinate overlaps and gaps among various assets. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue managing data and workflow using manual processes with limited potential for effective analysis. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Using technology to support long term capital planning will aid in rehabilitation/repair/replacement decisions and ultimately result in a prolonged asset lifespan. A fully developed asset management program will assist the organization in continuing to deliver a high level of service in the most sustainable way possible. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Maintenance (first year included) = $8,000 FUNDING SOURCES General Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 305 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER GIS04 DEPARTMENT GIS PROJECT NAME AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY & IMPERVIOUS SURFACE DATA FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Acquire aerial photography for the Bozeman planning area and updated impervious surface data within the city limits. Aerial photography benefits both the organization and the community by supplying a clear and accurate representation of current conditions. This information is used on a daily basis in all levels of our operations. Impervious surface information is critical for the accurate assessment of stormwater utility bills. We continue to experience unprecedented demand for digital imagery (i.e., staff reports, Commission presentations, water/sewer utilities, public requests, etc.) while impervious surface data supports multiple aspects of our stormwater program. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Use of lower resolution satellite imagery. Partnerships with other agencies. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Contributes to on-going acquisition of photos at regular intervals for historical archives. Since 1987 we have not gone more than five years without an update. Measurements and land use determinations are made on a local or regional basis without requiring extensive field time. Aerial photographs are used extensively in several on-line and in-house mapping applications. Background information for existing and future GIS & CAD datasets and Facility Plans. Meets public demand for current and accurate aerial photography. Builds on existing impervious surface data to maintain an acceptable level of accuracy for stormwater billing purposes. Provides the data required for complex modeling and surface analysis. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED There are no annual operating or maintenance costs associated with this project. FUNDING SOURCES Water Fund, Stormwater Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $75,000 FY19 FY20 306 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER PW01 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME SHOPS FACILITY EXPANSION PLAN FY16 FY17 $10,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The construction of the new Vehicle Maintenance Shop at the Lower Yards on Rouse Avenue in FY10/FY11 was Phase I in expanding and improving our ability to service equipment, store vehicles, and provide work space for Public Works, Parks, and Facilitiy services. Questions remain about the long-term plan for construction, location, and expansion for: Streets, Sign & Signal, Forestry, Water/Sewer Operations, Solid Waste Collection & Recycling, Facilities, and Parks & Cemetery departments. This project would develop a master plan. In scheduling this project, we are recommending waiting until after the Vehicle Maintenance Division is relocated to its new shop and the interior improvements are made to the Shop at Rouse and Tamarack Street for the remaining divisions. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES From related divisions: General Fund 20% ($10,000), Water Fund 20% ($10,000), Wastewater Fund 20% ($10,000), Street Maintenance Fund 20% ($10,000), Solid Waste Fund 20% ($10,000). New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 307 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W03 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME ENGINEERING/DESIGN FOR ANNUAL WATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM FY16 $22,500 FY17 $22,500 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This item provides for design work to be completed every year, in anticipation of the Annual System Upgrades. As the Water Operations Division operates the existing system, maintenance projects become apparent. Given our knowledge of system conditions today, the following projects are candidates for design funding and were identified in the Facility Plan: 1. Koch: Lindley to Bozeman, 2. Lindley: Olive to Koch, 3. S. Bozeman: Olive to Story As annual operations occur, other more-urgent projects may be identified and designed under this project heading. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the design of necessary water system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $22,500 FY19 $22,500 FY20 $22,500 308 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W04-16 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME WATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2016 FY16 $2,015,797 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: S. Tracy Ave: W. Garfield St - E. Story St N. Willson Ave: W. Lamme St - W. Short St W. Babcock St: S. 10th Ave - S. 8th Ave N. Montana Ave: E. Tamarack St - N End of Existing. After budget approval July 1, 2015, this project would complete design, bid and begin construction in the Spring/Summer of 2016, at the end of FY16. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary water system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $12,500 per water-main mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 309 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W04-17 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME WATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2017 FY16 FY17 $2,797,183 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: W Olive St: S. 5th Ave - S. 3rd Ave W. Olive St: S. 6th Ave - S. 5th Ave N. Grand Ave: W. Lamme St - W. Peach St N. 5th Ave: W. Aspen St - W. Tamarack St S. 3rd Ave: W. Harrison Ave - W. Curtiss St. After budget approval July 1, 2016, this project would complete design, bid and begin construction in the Spring/Summer of 2017, at the end of FY17. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary water system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $12,500 per water-main mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 310 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W04-19 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME WATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2019 FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: S 7th Ave: W. Harrison Ave-W. Story St: W. Harrison Ave: S.8th Ave- S 7th Ave : W. Harrison Ave. S. 5th Ave.- S. 4th Ave: W. Harrison Ave. : S. 4th Ave. _ S. 3rd Ave.: S.5th Ave: W. Garfield St- W. College St. After budget approval July 1, 2018, this project would complete design, bid and begin construction in the Spring/Summer of 2019, at the end of FY18. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary water system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Incremental increases in general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $12,500 per water-main mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $100,522 FY20 311 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W04-20 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME WATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction in 2020 FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT PROJECT AREA: Buttonwood Ave: E. Main –Int. Cemetery: W. Story St: S.5th Ave-S 3rd Ave:W. Dickerson St: S5ht-S3rd Ave:W. Alderson St: 5th-S3rd Ave;N3rd Ave: W. Peach St-W. Aspen St. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides for the construction of necessary water system maintenance work. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $975,001 312 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W04-UN DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME WATER PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM - Construction Unscheduled FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $61,595,001 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 313 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W25 DEPARTMENT WTP PROJECT NAME VEHICLE FY16 $45,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT In FY16, Replace our 1991 Ford 1 ton flat bed, Our 1997 Chevy ¾ ton and our 1992 Toyota pickup with a ¾ Ton Flatbed and a four door Jeep. The ¾ ton Flatbed would accommodate a replacement power endgate and snowplow. In FY20 Replace our Sample vehicle with similar vehicle. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep existing unit in service ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL More reliable, more fuel efficient vehicle ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED none FUNDING SOURCES Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $45,000 314 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W31 DEPARTMENT WTP PROJECT NAME SOURDOUGH TANK REPAIR FY16 FY17 $50,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Sourdough Tank leaks. It has a large crack, the dome is deteriorating. The drain and overflow pipes need replacement. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing or build a new tank. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Repairing the tank will extend the life of the tank and stop the wasting of water from the leak. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None FUNDING SOURCES Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 315 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W34 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME WATER COST OF SERVICE AND RATE STUDY FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Implementation plan for the Integrated Water Resource Plan (IWRP) calls for an updated cost of service and rate study. This is also a best practice for Utility management, especially after a significant system upgrade, such as the Water Treatment Plant project. We expect the plan to also offer options for further water conservation pricing programs. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Keep the existing rate structure and limited conservation pricing (currently, residential only, inclined block rates) ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Our user charges will better match the actual cost of service. Hopefully, we will be able to further incentivize water conservation. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED None. FUNDING SOURCES Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 316 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W35 DEPARTMENT WTP PROJECT NAME LYMAN TANK FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The current water reservoir is at the end of its useful life and leaking badly and cannot be repaired. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES The total cost of this project is estimated at $7 million. $5 million is included in the Water Fund schedule, and because the remaining $2 million is considered "capacity adding", it is included in the Water Impact Fee schedule. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $5,000,000 FY19 FY20 317 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W36 DEPARTMENT WTP PROJECT NAME HYDROTURBINE FOR LYMAN CREEK STORAGE TANK FY16 FY17 Unscheduled $295,565 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT NA ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 318 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W37 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME PEAR ST BOOSTER STATION REHAB FY16 $200,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project would replace 1-4” pump and motor and 2-6” pumps and motors. 2 of the motors are 1950’s era design and consume a high amount of electricity. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED The only alternative is to build a tank higher up from the current Lyman reservoir that would give the North zone more pressure to migrate into the North West and South zones. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Lower electrical costs and a higher amount of reliability. This pump station is critical in transporting Lyman Creek water into the South and North West pressure zones. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 319 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W38 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #2633 - 1998 1/2 TON CHEVY PICKUP/BACKFLOW FY16 $27,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace a 1998 Chevy pickup with 94,687 miles on it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 320 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W39 DEPARTMENT WTP PROJECT NAME CATWALK FOR THE PRETREATMENT AREA FY16 $10,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT It was noticed after construction that an air exchange motor is not accessible for maintenance. A catwalk needs to be added for safety. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing until the motor breaks down ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 321 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W40 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3156 - 2003 FORD VAN FY16 FY17 $33,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project replaces a 2003 Ford with 65,688 miles on it, that is assigned to the meter department. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older piece of equipment which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 322 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W41 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #1288 - 1990 1/2 TON FORD PICKUP/PLOW TRUCK FY16 FY17 $27,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace a 1990 Ford pickup with 89,207. This truck was used for light maintenance jobs and to plow our facility and lift stations. Recently it came to our attention that the frame that held the plow can no longer hold the weight. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Will be a more fuel efficient and lower emissions vehicle. The new vehicle will improve safety of the crews, there would be lower repair costs and it would help maintain current operations levels. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Utility Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 323 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W42 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #2915 - 2001 1 TON DODGE FLATBED/VALVE TRUCK FY16 FY17 $70,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project replaces a 2001 Dodge truck with 51,311 miles on it and also replacement of the water valve mechanical turner. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 324 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W43 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #1677 - 1995 CHEVY S-10 PICKUP FY16 FY17 $27,000 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace a 1995 Chevy Pickup with 60,778 miles on it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 325 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W44 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #5515 - 2004 LIGHT TOWER/WAS PURCHASED USED FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace the light tower we bought used in 2004 that has 3434 hours on it. It is a extremely valuable piece of equipment that allows us to safely repair water and sewer mains in the dark, This is the only light tower the city owns and is available for all city departments to use. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use the older light plant which replacement light bulbs are become harder to find with the new light plant have more efficient light bulbs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL To have a more reliable and energy efficient piece of equipment. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $15,000 FY19 FY20 326 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W45 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3402 - 2008 1 TON GMC PICKUP/NICK FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project replaces a 2008 GMC Pickup with 35,377. This truck is used in doing one call locates and also is a plow truck for our lift stations. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older piece of equipment which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $45,000 FY19 FY20 327 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W46 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3157 - 2003 STERLING DUMP TRUCK FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to replace a 2003 Sterling Dump Truck which has 21,626 miles on it. This is the only front line single rear axle dump truck in our fleet which is advantageous in working in tight areas. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older piece of equipment which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100 % Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $105,000 FY19 FY20 328 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W47 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #2647 - 1998 1/2 TON CHEVY PICKUP FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to replace a 1998 Chevy with 65,903 miles on it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $27,000 FY19 FY20 329 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W48 DEPARTMENT WTP PROJECT NAME SOURDOUGH TANK REPAIR FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This Reservoir has not been off line since it was built in 1953. See description in FY17. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $450,000 FY19 FY20 330 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W49 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3078 - 2002 1/2 TON CHEVY PICKUP FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project replace a 2002 Chevy pickup with 75,373 miles on it. This truck is used in leak detection and fire hydrant flushing. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older piece of equipment which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 $27,000 FY20 331 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W50 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3030 - 2001 JOHN DEERE SKID STEER FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project replaces the 2001 John Deere Skid Steer with 768 hours on it. It is a critical piece of machinery in our department. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older piece of equipment which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $40,000 332 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W51 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #2529 - 1997 1 TON CHEVY TRUCK/VALVE TRUCK FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will replace a 1997 Chevy with 72,996 miles on it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older vehicle which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $45,000 333 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER WW56 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME LAUREL GLEN VEHICLE STORAGE FY16 $50,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project will give us the ability to build 2 heated building each containing 3 to 4 bays for needed vehicle and equipment storage. These buildings will be built on city owned land in the Laurel Glen Subdivision ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Ability to storage several hundred thousand dollars of city equipment that is currently store outside in a heated and secure space. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Electricity and Natural Gas costs. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Fund total cost 100,000 split with Waste Water Ops. New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 334 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER W53 DEPARTMENT WATER OPS PROJECT NAME REPLACE #3293 - 2005 CAT BACKHOE FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project replaces a 2005 Cat Backhoe with 1,969 hours on it. This is a critical front line piece of excavation equipment that we use daily. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Continue to use older piece of equipment which is becoming unreliable and costly to maintain. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased reliability and safety for staff. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100 % Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 $105,000 335 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER WC01 DEPARTMENT WATER CONSERVATION PROJECT NAME LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MEDIANS AND BOULEVARDS - INVENTORY FY16 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Contracted Landscape Architect with knowledge and expertise as to low water use and native plants, irrigation, soil and sun requirements of such plants, the development of designs and maintenance plans to ensure proper care throughout the irrigation season and the contacts and sub-contractors to make sure the work is of high quality and competence. It also provides a means in which to demonstrate water wise plantings to developers, builders, and residents. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED (1) No action. Most of the City’s medians and boulevards remain un-landscaped and unsightly. (2) Traditional turf grass is used and unlike native or low water use shrubs and perennials, requires weekly mowing, fertilizer, chemical weed mitigation and requires, on average, three to four times the amount of water when compared to low water use shrubs and perennials. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The landscape architect provides expertise with regard to the water, soil and sun requirements for native and low water use plants, can draft designs, oversee projects and sub-contractors, draft and manage maintenance plans to ensure the success of attractive, low water use and native landscapes on City medians and boulevards. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED NA FUNDING SOURCES Enterprise Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 $45,000 FY19 FY20 336 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Water Fund PROJECT NUMBER WC02 DEPARTMENT WATER CONSERVATION PROJECT NAME WATER BUDGET TOOLS FY16 $45,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Phased Water Budget Development ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Enables the Water Conservation Division to accurately determine and communicate water usage data city-wide in order to educate and engage decision-makers and residents and to effectively track the effectiveness both in terms of money spent and water saved, of implemented water conservation measures. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES Water Fund New Replacement Equipment Project FY18 FY19 FY20 337 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Water Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Financial Summary Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Unscheduled Projected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP - $ -$ 362,960$ 1,069,965$ (398,490)$ 354,046$ - $ Plus: Impact Fee Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,113,992$ 1,083,242$ 1,127,005$ 1,149,545$ 1,172,536$ 1,195,987$ - $ Plus: Loan for WIF03 - 5.3MG Storage Reservoir 6,600,000$ Less: WTP Debt Service Final Payments (413,992)$ (588,282)$ Less: Scheduled CIP Project Costs (700,000)$ (6,732,000)$ (420,000)$ (2,618,000)$ (420,000)$ (420,000)$ (40,941,600)$ Projected Year-End Cash Dedicated to CIP - $ 362,960$ 1,069,965$ (398,490)$ 354,046$ 1,130,033$ Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current Year FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Estimated Annual Water Impact Fee Revenues 1,113,992$ 1,083,242$ 1,104,907$ 1,127,005$ 1,149,545$ 1,172,536$ Estimated Annual Increase 0.0%2%2%2%2%2% Total Estimated Revenues 1,113,992$ 1,104,907$ 1,127,005$ 1,149,545$ 1,172,536$ 1,195,987$ Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Plus: Increase Dedicated to Water Capacity Expansion CIP 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% Total % Dedicated to CIP 100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0% Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP 1,113,992$ 1,104,907$ 1,127,005$ 1,149,545$ 1,172,536$ 1,195,987$ Projected Projected CURRENT 45,000,000 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 Water Impact Fee Projects 338 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN PR O J . DE P A R T M E N T PR O J E C T  NA M E FY 1 6 Unscheduled FY20 RA T I N G FY 1 7 FY 1 8 FY 1 9 CI P  PR O J E C T  FU N D : Im p a c t  Fe e s  Wa t e r So r t e d  by  Fu n d i n g  Ye a r  an d  Ra t i n g WI F 0 3 WA T E R  IF 5. 3 M G  CO N R E T E  WA T E R  ST O R A G E  RE S E R V O I R $6 , 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 35 WI F 0 8 WA T E R  IF WA T E R  TR E A T M E N T  PL A N T  DE B T  SE R V I C E  PA Y M E N T $5 8 8 , 2 8 2 50 WI F 1 1 WA T E R  IF WA T E R  MA I N  EX T E N S I O N  ‐   FE R G U S O N  AV E  (D U R S T O N   TO  OA K  ST R E E T ) $1 3 2 , 0 0 0 30 WI F 1 4 WA T E R  IF 5. 3 M G  CO N R E T E  WA T E R  ST O R A G E  RE S E R V O I R  ‐   DE B T   PA Y M E N T S $420,000 $6,720,000 35 $4 2 0 , 0 0 0 $4 2 0 , 0 0 0 $4 2 0 , 0 0 0 W3 5 WA T E R  IF LY M A N  TA N K 25 $2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 WI F 0 7 WA T E R  IF GR A F  ST R E E T  EX T E N S I O N 35 $1 9 8 , 0 0 0 WI F 0 5 WA T E R  IF WE S T  WA T E R  TR A N S M I S S I O N  MA I N  LO O P $28,617,600 10 WI F 0 9 WA T E R  IF CO T T O N W O O D / S T U C K Y  TR U N K  MA I N  LO O P $5,544,000 45 WI F 1 6 WA T E R  IF WA T E R  RI G H T S  CH A N G E  AP P L I C A T I O N $60,000 25 Su m m a r y  fo r    Im p a c t  Fe e s  Wa t e r  (9  it e m s ) To t a l s  by  ye a r : $420,000 $7 , 3 2 0 , 2 8 2 $ 4 2 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 , 6 1 8 , 0 0 0 $40,941,600FY20 FY 1 6 FY 1 7 FY 1 8 Unscheduled FY19 $4 2 0 , 0 0 0 33 9 CI T Y OF BO Z E M A N CA P I T A L IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER W35 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME LYMAN TANK FY15 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The current water reservoir is at the end of its useful life and leaking badly and cannot be repaired. Replacement of the existing storage volume will be paid by the Water Fund. However, if the project can allow for added water storage capacity, Impact Fees will pay for that system expansion ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not add water storage capacity to the Lyman Tank. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Additional water capacity for the water system. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES The total cost of this project is estimated at $7 million. $2 million is considered capacity adding, so is included in the Water Impact Fee schedule. The remaining $5 million is included in the Water Fund schedule New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:25 FY18 $2,000,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 340 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF03 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME 5.3MG CONRETE WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR FY15 $6,600,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT <div>According to the 2007 Water Facility Plan, a new 5.3MG partially buried concrete water storage reservoir was to be constructed by 2017. The proposed location of the reservoir is on City property adjacent (to the North) of the proposed new Hyalite/Sourdough water treatment plant. This reservoir is sized to meet the City’s storage needs up to 2025, assuming a 5% annual growth rate. Locating the storage reservoir at the recommended site will raise the hydraulic grade line in the City’s water system, which will increase pressure for the southern part of the City and will allow future development to occur in the south on a gravity system.</div> ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED The water facility plan reviewed numerous options. This is the preferred alternative of the adopted plan. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased water storage to meet the needs of our growth community, and the requirement of MDEQ. Increased system water pressure in the southern part of the City. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Requires minimal operation and maintenance. Checking of valves, level sensors and vents on an annual basis and diver inspection and vacuuming every five years. Estimated at $4,000 annually. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:35 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 341 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF05 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME WEST WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN LOOP FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $28,617,600 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Water Facility Plan identifies this project as the most critical redundancy issue in the City’s water distribution system. 4,525 N/A 12" Install New 12" $ 911,335 2,636 N/A 24" Install New 24" $ 1,101,716 5,154 N/A 36" Install New 36" $ 3,481,785 17,093 N/A 48" Install New 48" $16,187,712 Total Project Cost $21,682,548 The precise location of the required mains is somewhat flexible, but in general will be from Wagonwheel road (extended) in S. 19th to Goldenstein to South 3rd to Nash Road (see exhibit 5.B.3 of the facility plan). Given the priority of the Water Treatment Plant project, the City is not currently planning to complete these projects. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do not build redundant transmission main. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL The city will be assured that water can be supplied even if one transmission main sustains damage and is offline for a number of days. The City receives the majority of its water from the Water Treatment Plant through an existing 30 inch concrete transmission main. If this main is off-line for any reason, the City will need to rely on storage from its three reservoirs. At 2005 water demand levels, storage reserves would be depleted in three days during the average day demand, and in 24 hours during the maximum day demand. Not only will a second transmission main provide the security of redundancy if the existing 30-inch ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual Operating & Maintenance Costs: Impact Fees can not be spent on annual operations and maintenance costs. The Water Utility will see incremental increases in general maintenance costs. Current cost estimate of $12,500 per water-main mile maintained annually. FUNDING SOURCES Impact Fee eligible portions are related to improvement costs beyond an 8” line capacity. At this point in time, it is estimated that the 12” and 24” lines are most likely to be built within the next 5 years; the cost of over-sizing those lines would be eligible for impact fees and is estimated to total $1,874,886. Given the priority of the Water Treatment Plant project, it’s relative size and scope, these improvements have been moved to “unscheduled.” New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:10 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)5 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)0 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 342 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF07 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME GRAF STREET EXTENSION FY15 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is to extend Water Mains below Graf Street approximately ¼ mile in order to connect infrastructure east from 19th Avenue. This is an important connection for public safety purposes – allowing fire service to meet their response time requirements in areas where they currently cannot. The Water infrastructure should be installed at the same time the street connection is made. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Do nothing and wait for development to connect the infrastructure. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Improved traffic flow and better emergency response to the local area. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Impact Fee – to be recovered by developer payback. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:35 FY18 $198,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 343 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF08 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME WATER TREATMENT PLANT DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT FY15 $588,282 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Total adjusted project price for the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) construction of phase one is estimated at $40.7 Million. Of that amount, $13.3 Million is for capacity expanding costs of construction. The impact fee account will not have enough cash on hand to pay the costs of construction when the facility is built. As such, impact fee revenues will be dedicated to pay the outstanding debt in future years, as fee revenues are collected. At this point, approximately $5 Million of impact fee eligible costs will be paid with a long-term loan (20 years, 4%) through the State’s Revolving Loan Fund. A debt schedule will be updated semi-annually with the amount of impact fee dollars that have been dedicated to debt payments until the full amount owed is paid. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Major capital expansion of the Bozeman Water Treatment Plant (WTP) will enable the City to meet its ever growing demand for water services. Expansion of the Bozeman WTP is consistent with the City’s long-term need to accommodate growth and economic development in the Gallatin Valley. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED FUNDING SOURCES FY08 Pilot Testing: $200,000. FY09,FY10, FY11 Design and Membrane equipment deposit, construction $7,267,000. FY12 $16,460,000. FY13 $16,460,000. Of this total, approximately 33% is eligible for payment via impact fees. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:50 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)10 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)10 FY19 FY20 344 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF09 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME COTTONWOOD/STUCKY TRUNK MAIN LOOP FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $5,544,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a trunk water main loop from the intersection of Cottonwood and Huffine Lane south to Stucky Road then east to South 19th Avenue. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Postpone installation to some future time. It is unlikely that such an ambitious and expensive project could or would be installed by the concerted effort of private developers. Even if that were to happen, the City would be asked to participate in the oversizing of these mains, all of which exceed the local 8” diameter requirement. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Provides the water main backbone which will support future growth In a large area of the City. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Incremental increase in the cost of operation and maintenance FUNDING SOURCES Impact fees, developer contribution for local equivalent share. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:45 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)10 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)10 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 345 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF11 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME WATER MAIN EXTENSION - FERGUSON AVE (DURSTON TO OAK STREET) FY15 $132,000 FY17 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Installation of a Water Main along Ferguson Avenue, from Durston to Oak Street. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Expanded water service in this area of town. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Minimal FUNDING SOURCES Water Impact Fees, Developer contribution. New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:30 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)0 FY19 FY20 346 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF14 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME 5.3MG CONRETE WATER STORAGE RESERVOIR - DEBT PAYMENTS FY15 FY17 $420,000 Unscheduled $6,720,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Repayment of debt used to finance construction of WIF03 - 5.3 Million Gallon Concrete Water Storage Reservoir. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED The water facility plan reviewed numerous options. This is the preferred alternative of the adopted plan. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Increased water storage to meet the needs of our growth community, and the requirement of MDEQ. Increased system water pressure in the southern part of the City. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Requires minimal operation and maintenance. Checking of valves, level sensors and vents on an annual basis and diver inspection and vacuuming every five years. Estimated at $4,000 annually. FUNDING SOURCES 100% Water Impact Fees New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:35 FY18 $420,000 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)20 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 $420,000 FY20 $420,000.00 347 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Water PROJECT NUMBER WIF16 DEPARTMENT WATER IF PROJECT NAME WATER RIGHTS CHANGE APPLICATION FY15 FY17 Unscheduled $60,000 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Bozeman Creek Reservoir Company holds two decreed water rights for storage water behind the old Mystic Lake Dam, one for irrigation purposes and one for municipal purposes. Water right 41H 3045900 is a statement of claim for a 6000 acre-foot volume of water for municipal purposes. The City of Bozeman is a stockholder in the Bozeman Creek Reservoir Company. The legal volume claimed by water right 41H 3045900 currently cannot be put to municipal use as the historic diversion structure, Mystic Lake Dam, was breached in 1984 due to a hazardous geologic condition. The water right must proceed through a ‘Change Application’ with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to move the decreed point of diversion to a new point of diversion at a new water impoundment in the Bozeman Creek municipal watershed. Identifying a suitable location, as well as determining the size and character of a new impoundment, is a separate effort that must move in parallel with the Change Application funded through this CIP item. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Change Application to move municipal water right 41H 3045900 to ‘in-stream flow’ to protect the right from claims of abandonment. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Makes water supply legally available to meet the long-range water demands of the City of Bozeman in accordance with adopted recommendations of the Integration Water Resources Plan. Preserves a valuable decreed water right. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Annual O&M costs for a large impoundment (6,000 acre-feet) were estimated at $500,000/yr in the 1999 Sourdough Dam Feasibility Study. An impoundment of smaller size, which more likely to be pursued, would likely be substantially less but the degree of which is presently unknown. FUNDING SOURCES WIF New Replacement Equipment Project Impact Fee Funds Project and Equipment Scoring TOTAL SCORE:25 FY18 REQUIRED - CAPITAL or DEBT SERVICE REQUIRED - USEFUL LIFE 10+ YEARS REQUIRED - CAPACITY EXPANDING BENEFITS TO NEW DEVELOPMENT: (Up to 20 pts)10 DIRECT BENEFITS: (Up to 10 pts)5 FUNDING CERTAINTY: (Up to 10 pts)5 COMMISSION WORK PLAN PRIORITY: (Up to 10 pts)5 FY19 FY20 347 CITY OF BOZEMAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN