HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-22-17 Public Comment - A. Kociolek - Strategic PlanFrom:Angie Kociolek To:Agenda Subject:Draft Strategic Plan Comments Date:Wednesday, November 22, 2017 4:40:17 AM Attachments:AK comments Strat Plan 11.22.17.pdf Importance:High Hello, please confirm receipt and that this will be passed along in time for the Monday, Nov 27th meeting. Thank you! Dear Mayor and Commissioners, Attached please find my comments and questions on the Draft Strategic Plan. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Angie Kociolek 11/21/17 Dear Mayor and City Commission, Thank you for extending the time for which we, the public, could comment on this draft Strategic Plan. I recognize the time and effort put into it thus far and think it’s a good start but needs more work before it can function as intended to guide the City over the next five or so years. Here are my suggestions and questions. I’d like to know to what extent I could expect a reply to my questions because in the past when I have submitted them, I’ve had no direct reply. Overall impression: There is a lot of emphasis on enhancing the economy and drawing more people to Bozeman to live, recreate and/or work. I’d like to see the scales tip a little to add more emphasis on maintaining or enhancing the quality of life of those who already live here by protecting the neighborhoods and assets we love (e.g. wetlands) and by focusing on finding creative ways to provide more of the health and human services we need. Page 334 1. Vision Statements – strike the word “with” at the end of the sentence. 2. Questions How is the Bozeman Community Plan different from this Strategic Plan? How is it decided when to use one plan over the other? How will we know when a plan can be trumped by another plan? Page 335 1. Missing a comma after “thriving” in Vision Statement. 2. Recommend re-ordering this list and associated sections to more closely align with the order in the Vision Statement: 1. A safe, welcoming community 2. An engaged community 3. A creative, learning culture 4. An innovative economy 5. A sustainable environment 6. A well-planned city 7. A high performance organization 3. In the description for “An engaged community,” what is meant by “based on innovation?” Do you mean to say updated technology and information sharing? 4. Fix orphan in the description for “A well-planned city.” 5. ** As regards the statement under “A sustainable environment,” how can we possibly achieve this if we allow more growth than water resources allow? ** Page 336 1. Move up the description of “dashboards” which comes later in the document. 2. I welcome the “Invite the Stranger” concept, however, what the stranger says should not be weighted higher than those who already live and pay taxes here and plan to stay here for the long haul. Page 337 1. It amazes me that regular City-County meetings aren’t happening already. 2. Missing a lot of partners in 1.4, such as: a. Bozeman Health b. Land trusts – GVLT and TPL c. Prospera and numerous small business and solopreneur networking groups Page 338 1. 2.1.b. and 2.1.e scare me. It tells me you are actively promoting even more people to move here. “Hold on, we can’t control this growth”… “but hey, wanna set up shop here, we’ll even help you through the hurdles.” What kind of business needs this specialized service and resources that would be taking away from other needs? 2. 2.1.d. What happens if there is not enough appropriately zoned land in desired employment areas? Do you start changing the zoning? This makes me feel uncomfortable, too. 3. 2.2.a “New financing strategies” – what does that mean? subsidies? Would this also apply to someone like me, a solopreneur who may want to expand and hire people some day? 4. 2.2.c. Yes, tourism funds (!) but they should be put into schools or social services not more economic development. 5. 2.4 What’s wrong with our business climate? I don’t think this needs to be fixed. Put your attention elsewhere. Page 340 1. **Recommend moving g. up to the top of the list. Also missing in this is the wealth of licensed complementary healthcare professionals who offer safe and evidenced-based alternatives to opioids.** 2. 3.1.c. Why do the firehouses have to be moved? What time delay would there be when there is a fire near those former stations? 3. 3.2.a Again, incorporate other professionals such as licensed acupuncturists as part of the comprehensive strategy. a. https://www.newsanyway.com/2017/11/17/acupuncture-capitol- hill-briefing-presents-powerful-cost-effective-treatment-options- nations-opioid-epidemic/ b. https://bozemanmagazine.com/articles/2016/12/01/26929_acupun cture_a_promising_and_local_option_to_the 4. 3.2.a. Why do we assume we have to pay more for basic services like mental health and housing? Has there been a comprehensive review of budgets and where money is going? Page 342 1. g. Keep Bogert pool where it is so that downtown folks have a place to walk and bike to in the summer without having to drive across town. Page 343 1. 4.1.a. Why streamline? Is it to save money or hasten growth? If it’s to save money I am for efficiency for sure but if it is to hasten growth then I must ask about those motivations and who will ultimately benefit. I’d like to see the word conservation included with respect to land use. 2. 4.2.c. At the NENA meeting on 11/16/17 I suggested a solution to clear streets for plowing. Turns out someone in the Bogert neighborhood has a similar idea. I am reaching out to the new Neighborhood Coordinator to address modifying the current 48-hour ordinance which causes more problems than it solves. 3. 4.2.d. What triggers the MPO designation? It’s not clear. 4. 4.2.e. Just guidelines or actual preservation? 5. 4.2.g. What is E/W? 6. 4.3.a When I read this it seems like you want it to be a metro area. Where is the effort to stem the flow by at least not actively attracting more development? 7. 4.3.b. Sounds good but how will you keep Bozeman a real town and not a just tourist town? 8. 4.3.e. Developers should pay for these projects - not the rest of us. Growth should pay for itself. Page 345 1. No to a gas tax unless you can figure out how to exempt locals. It’s not “sharing,” it’s further burdening. We pay enough in taxes. Find another way to tax via hotel tax, AirBnB, VRBO, etc. 2. 4.4.a “Innovative” is overused – what do you mean? And “voluntary compliance,” like the dog leash law? What happens if there is not compliance, do they just pay for a variance like happens already? 3. 4.4.c. Would this transitional zoning have made a difference in the outcome of Black-Olive? Page 346 1. 4.5.a. How do you define affordable? Hopefully it includes working individuals/families and not only federally and state-dependent individuals/families. Page 348 1. 5.3.b. Missed opportunity if you do not also include all the small business educators of music, arts, language, subject tutors, etc. How about providing free marketing for them, thereby, spurring economic development by supporting those already trying to make a living here? Page 349 1. What about capping growth well below the water resource level? Bozeman has many hydrologists to study this and make recommendations. 2. 6.3.b. Yes! Page 350 1. No mention of wetlands: There are other planning documents to which this Draft Strategic Plan refers (p. 334) but it is unclear whether any of them specifically addresses wetlands. Even so, I believe that the preservation/restoration of the Downtown Wetlands should be a stated priority in this document. As a reminder, in 2008, the commissioners unanimously expressed “conceptual support” for these wetlands https://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/news/city-votes-support-for- preserving-wetlands/article_4a9634d7-144d-535e-aece-04335d28fe81.html and now is the time to put that in writing. I believe Section 6. A Sustainable Environment would be the most logical place to add wording such as: “6.6 Wetland Restoration and Preservation. Build on the public's interest in restoring and preserving the unique wetlands complex adjacent to the Montana Department of Transportation’s Wetland Mitigation site, partnering with other groups such as Sacajawea Audubon Society, Northeast Neighborhood Association, and others.” 2. While this Draft Strategic Plan speaks about abundant natural amenities, recreation industry-related revenue, sustainability, climate change, open space, etc., I do not see Bozeman expressing interest in being a leader in regional Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem conservation efforts. While I understand most of the land to be conserved falls within the County, it’s Bozeman that has the name recognition to make a difference. We have so many well-educated and qualified people who live here - why wouldn’t we be able to be a leader in this realm? Page 351 1. 7.2.a. When you say “attract,” I’d rather hear “engage” or “employ” the creative, educated population seeking jobs right here. Why this propensity to attract – presumably from elsewhere? In closing, I believe the next five years need to be focused on a two-pronged approach: 1. Preservation of the things we love – historic buildings and neighborhoods, open space and wetlands, a safe feeling city, good schools, a thriving small business community, still livable traffic volumes, the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and more. 2. Maintenance or enhancement of health and human services such as mental health services for all, true bike lanes, active and passive parklands, etc. It’s precisely because Bozeman is growing at an unprecedented rate and people are already coming here that we must protect/conserve/focus on what we want. Most of us do not want more development so we should not be putting our focus there – it’s going to happen anyway. Everyone says “It’s inevitable.” So that’s why we as a City must focus on our needs and what we want to protect before it gets destroyed or consumed. I look forward to hearing your responses to my questions. Thank you for taking the time. Angela Kociolek