HomeMy WebLinkAbout17- Task Order 14 - DOWL - Right-of-Way Acquisition Services for Durston and Ferguson Intersection Improvements Exhibit A to Master Task Order Agreement for Professional Services TASK ORDER NUMBER 14 Issued under the authority of Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement between the City of Bozeman and DOWL for: Professional and technical services for the acquisition of ri t of wy Xg easements and real property to allow for the construction of various street and utilities improvements within the City of Bozeman Task Order Title: Street and Utilities Land Agent Services—Durston/Ferguson This Task Order is dated October 9,2017 between City of Bozeman (City)and DOWL (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: Bob Murray,P.E. Contractor: Tony Gaddo,P.E. SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work for Task Order No. 14 is detailed in the attached Exhibit A-14 Project Scope of Set-vices. COMPENSATION: Contractor shall be reimbursed on a time and materials basis with a total cost not to exceed$43,330.00. The total cost for Task Order No. 14 is detailed in the attached Exhibit A-14 Project Scope of Services. Contractor shall invoice no more often than monthly for services provided in the prior month. The provisions of the Professional Services Master Task Order Agreement and any Special Terms and Conditions and/or Exhibits or Attachments to this Task Order shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the companies have executed this Task Order: r City of Bozeman Contractor By: By: l Title: Title: Siti2 Date: —Le - 177 Date: Fed.ID.No. 92-0166301 ® OWL Exhibit A-14—Scope of Services October 9, 2017 Professional Services Agreement for Streets and Utilities Land Agent Services Project Scope of Services Task Order No. 14 The scope of services for this City of Bozeman Right-of-Way Acquisition Project is to Appraise, Acquire and successfully conduct and prepare the necessary meetings, agreements, and legal documents to transfer property rights from private land owners to the City of Bozeman (City). The City will be constructing new roadway improvements in the near future and intends to acquire the necessary right-of-way (R/W) prior to construction. This project will serve as the R/W acquisition process for the roadway improvements project at the intersection of Durston Road and N. Ferguson Ave. in Bozeman, Montana(see Figure 1). The intent of this scope of services and corresponding cost estimate is to provide acquisition services on a time and materials, not to exceed basis. Additional costs related to the actual land purchase price, relocation costs paid to property owners, and any costs associated with eminent domain proceedings are not included in this scope of services or cost estimate. The following activities will be conducted as outlined below. 1_0 PROJECT RESEARCH • Obtain and review available preliminary design plans. • Obtain and review available project documentation. • Coordination meeting with the project team members. • Obtain current deeds and ownership information. 2_0 INITIAL PROPERTY OWNER CONTACT • Compile contact information. • Initiate contact with owners. 3_0 SURVEY • This work is not included in this scope. 4.0 R/W MAPPING &EXHIBITS • The City will provide existing and proposed design and right-of-way CADD files for the project area. • Review proposed R/W acquisition areas. Road easements will be acquired on six (6) parcels of land from five (5) adjacent property owners for future road improvements. • Prepare preliminary permanent and/or temporary easement exhibits for six (6) parcels of land, as required. • QA/QC of exhibits. Page 1 of 3 BOWL i Exhibit A-14—Scope of Services October 9, 2017 5_0 TITLE COMMITMENTS • Title commitments will be secured for six (6)parcels requiring property acquisition. • Team coordination. 6_0 APPRAISALS • Full appraisal reports will not be prepared for this project. • Waiver valuations will be completed for six (6)parcels by DOWL. • Team coordination. • QA/QC of waiver valuations. 7_0 PREPARE CONTRACTS • Permanent and temporary easements will be acquired for six (6)parcels, as required. • Prepare preliminary acquisition documents. • Prepare preliminary acquisition costs. • QA/QC of documents. 8.0 ACQUISITIONS • Conduct pre-acquisition meetings. • Conduct meetings with property owners. • Prepare final acquisition documents. • Prepare final acquisition costs. • QA/QC of deliverables. Deliverables: • Final acquisition documents including costs. 9_0 R/W AND DESIGN PLAN UPDATES • Based on acquisitions and agreements, updates to the preliminary easement exhibits will be completed,if required. 10.0 RELOCATION SERVICES • This work is not included in this scope. 11.0 CLOSING • Prepare final title transfer documents, and schedule closing date. • Attend closing meeting. 12.0 FINAL SUBMITTAL AND CLOSEOUT • Deliver completed title transfer documents. • Project closeout. Page 2 of 3 �: BOWL Exhibit A-14—Scope of Services October 9, 2017 • QA/QC of deliverables. Deliverables: • Final signed title transfer documents. 13.0 CONTINGENCY Due to the nature of property acquisition work, the time required to work with individual property owners varies significantly. The scope of services as detailed in this document includes all the necessary steps to acquire property from private owners, but much of that work relies on good cooperation and timely responses from all parties. The contingency item serves to capture the possible additional costs incurred during the acquisition process due to challenging situations with property owners. COST The cost to complete the scope of services herein described on a time and materials basis with a total cost not to exceed is $43,330.00. The total cost for this task order is detailed below: DIRECT LABOR 1.0 Project Research $750.00 2.0 Initial Pro e Owner Contact $750.00 3.0 Survey $0.00 4.0 R/W Mapping&Exhibits $2,480.00 5.0 1 Title Commitments $375.00 6.0 Appraisals $3,880.00 7.0 Prepare Contracts $7,490.00 8.0 Acquisitions $16,745.00 9.0 R/W And Design Plan Updates $1,900.00 10.0 Relocation Services $0.00 11.0 Closing $2,100.00 12.0 Final Submittal And Closeout $1,340.00 13.0 Contingency $3,320.00 DIRECT NONLABOR Title Commitments $2,100.00 Vehicle Mileage $50.00 Postage $50.00 SUBCONSULTANTS R/W Appraisals $0.00 R/W Review Appraisals $0.00 Property And To o Survey $0.00 Total Estimated Cost(NTE) $43,330.00 ItkDOWL Page 3 of 3 -- FLANDERS MILL ROAD 0Q� ; mcz0 — zm-v ,•, KM Zcn lZ nit I ------ --�, D m ;r Goo I 0 �D MINERAL AVENUE ocn Km m <T —� Zx O Q,Z,®. m Wn mm 0 -i 0 3 a i D z Ammo E o PRELIMINARY R/W ACQUISITION FOR DURSTON RD. eoz z AND N. FERGUSON AVE. ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS "I o o W L o a 2090 Stadlum Onve Bozeman,Montana 59715 m 6 a N CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA 406-586-8834 w .cowi.wm 4vT�N CO.�Q�